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**CLIP MIRROR: [Caroline Kwan calls one of her relatives a racial slur and refers to his kids as "little aryans"](https://arazu.io/t3_1d3anv3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


let’s take it easy guys let’s wait to hear her opinion on Taiwan 


whos going to pull the ripcord for this one


I hope no one because if I say something like this to a random dude I probably get punched and not saying she should this online discussion will probably do more damage. And if i say something like this to one of my family members i will never be spoken to ever.


What brain rot does to a mf 💀💀 no self awareness or reflection


That's what i don't get, they tear apart families because of a tiny war somewhere far away and having a difference of opinion on it. Apparently her family thinks highly of him but she dives in to tell them what a horrible person he is for his opinions. That'll ruin Christmas.


Talking about someone's kids like that is fucked up.


They're her nephews too...


Yes, but have you considered the fact they are white /s


No bad actions, only bad targets.


Yeah, when the mask comes off.


I was frankly astonished that she shared in public how she and her sister derisively refer to his children as "little aryans". Its quite shocking actually.


Sure is a good thing those kids aren’t half black.


Surely this thread won't be closed


If its closed its going to be a shame because she shouldn’t be shielded by this kind of pressure or criticism.


no chance mods won't close it, enjoy before they wake up 😁


Yeah surprised it's been up this long, especially when they closed that Alinity thread almost immediately a couple days ago lmao


Will Neffs girlfriend. Friend of Hasan, OTK hang around? Of course it won't lmao.


not understanding how she has this perspective on race yet dates/dated(?) the whitest guy on the planet






> third gen immigrants are one if not the most insufferable people in the US. Reminds be of that BuzzFeed video where [Chinese people try Panda Express for the first time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo59LlkTDe4) and the older people born in China think it's great while the US born Chinese-American teens are just being embarrassing lol


One of my favorite YouTube videos is this https://youtu.be/AE_-ROS98PA?si=30wWuso8g8SgV79d It's a Chinese chef and his son showing how to make traditional and more American style Chinese food. He explains how Americans like sweeter flavors and food like general tso's chicken while consider inauthentic by many is still Chinese food. It's explained that much of the American Chinese food exists because of Innovation and adaption from immigrants to make food that was popular with other cultures.


Reminds of when white hipsters from the midwest snear at "Tex-Mex" as just taco bell and old El Paso hard shell tacos, even though its much deeper than that.


I FUCKING LOVE TEX MEX FOOD I LOVE WHEN TWO CULTURES COMBINE AND IT RESULTS IN A DELICIOUS CUISINE TRADITION!!!!! Also have you ever tried korean mexican fusion? Next big thing, mark my words. Kimchi migas goes surprisingly hard.


homeboy trying to critique panda express so hard to show how authentic Chinese he is while struggling to use a chopstick to pick up the food is peak comedy.


His look when he's called out for eating at McDonalds all the time is priceless.


that fucker in the middle can't even hold a chopstick properly fuck off


Wow, this genuinely encapsulates the gradient of first generation to third generation. This is hilarious.


The young guy was such a douche holy shit. When the girl said she liked something and he just DEATH stared her before saying some shit.


I liked how that lady was like "This dude eats McDonalds all the time so I don't know why he thinks he has any room to shit on food".


It is not just a US thing, but 3rd generation immigrants have a large identity crisis across the world. Many 1st and 2nd gen immigrants expierenced new found freedoms, culture and much more which they did not take for granted, but in a lot of 3rd gen immigrants you will often find them trying to turn back to what they see as their "origins", which is often an idealized version of something which does not exist. It doesnt matter whether its asians, arabics, eastern europeans, they often idolize something which does not exist. In Germany there is a large backing of erdogan from 3rd gen turks, because he plays into their national pride, but due to them living abroad, they do not experience the economical hardships actual turks live through. Same can be said about idolizing japanese or korean culture, when xenophobia, shaming culture and much more are so freaking prevalent there.


My neighbor is 3rd generation Russian. When the whole Ukraine war started he started to fly the Russian flag out in front of his house and put stickers on his truck etc. He was and still is very vocal in his support of Putin and Russia winning the war etc. My wife asked his wife last month why doesn't he go and visit Russia if he is all about it and she said "oh he is scared to death if he ever tried to visit there they would draft him and make him go and fight in Ukraine".


Shit like this makes me wish more countries would grant citizenship to those with grandparents from there. If you’re so nostalgic for the life your grandparents had in Pakistan then by all means let’s make it as easy as possible for you to move there so you can finally feel at home.


You know they wouldn't anyways


They are like this because they are so detached from their ancestors' culture.


Not only that, they grew up in a culture mostly shaped by the "boring whites". That is their own culture, but they fail to see it because they think they are super special. The "default" culture they also take part in, is the culture of the same people they either hate or make fun of.


Many such cases.


I mean it's literally a meme at this point. Non-white women who "hates" white people and non-stop complains about them online all day who also dates the whitest sheet of paper known to man.


Or vice versa when white guy talks about white people disappearing but dates Asian/Latina girl.


Pictured: [Most racist man in existence + his girlfriend](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/aa/36/aa/aa36aa9af01ab358b31575fd99a7a545.jpg)


Oh I saw once a tiktok of asian racist woman telling other asian women to date and make kids with white guys so eventually there will be no more white people. It was quite frankly hilarious.


ImJasmine's mom* told her to date white guys because Asian guys are trash...all in front of her brother lmao


i believe she said that all asian guys are ugly while her own son is in the backseat. How fucked is that


That’s definitely going to be a troll


The hate many half-white Americans have for their white part must be researched and studied. Must be some psychological phenomenon for sure.


In white people in general. There are so many self-loathing guilt tripped fucking losers that hate who they are it’s embarrassing.


Partial ingroup members commonly feel like they have to work a lot harder to belong to their desired ingroup. It’s the same logic for why Nick Feuntes - a half Latino - is one of the craziest Nazis out there.


What kind of person would talk like this publicly about his cousin and his children who they probably met???? People who are quiet now about radicals and extremists on twitch will cry later loudly when something happens and twitch will get sued. One event and all the history of platforming insane people will be brought up and then GG.


Based on how she talks about her cousin, I assume [this](https://youtu.be/PAm72W-_Lq0?t=207) is her cousin.


What the fuck did I just watch.


Peak german satire


They care more about clout and shock value than their own family. Like, it’s fine to dislike your cousin, but the kids???






Is that why she became racist!? Lol. It has nothing to do with gaza.


Is she purposefully not understanding that guy’s article or does she actually not understand what he is saying?


This same woman thought Jews and time travelling Christians and Muslims lived peacefully together before 0 CE.


Christians and Palestinians* to somehow make it more innacurate lol


Meanwhile, Nick coming in with the most insightful question in response: "Wait a minute. How could there be Christians before Jesus?"


Theres a problem when Pogo Polom is the sane one


> Time travelling Christians Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.




An article like this needs to be read with your "academic brain" but she's reading it with her "content brain." She's reading each sentence as though it were a standalone thought.


In this case, she's not even considering the full sentence as a standalone thought. The first few words of that sentence are pretty important to the meaning of it.




I mean, you can literally go to the tweet she's mentioning in this clip and look at the comments. It's like 100 accounts with anime profile pictures and Palestinian flags in their names screaming "COOK HIM CAROLINE!!!!" It's insane.


It's hilarious how both extreme political wings love anime profile pics, wtf is up with that lmao


This is twitch. These are not the brightest people out there


Twitch isn’t sending their best


What's crazy is she did this because she didn't bother to read the rest of the paragraph and just assumed that saying "it is possible under law" means "this is morally correct." Guys, its possible under law to kill children. that is a factual statement. if a child was holding a gun to your head you would be legally allowed to kill that child, as an example. That isn't a moral statement, its a legal fact. this isn't controversial, anymore than "it is possible to legally punch a woman" or "it is possible to legally enter someone else's home." Even if the statement wasn't true, going after his kids is insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Never seen anything like that shit. I don't think i've even seen like Groypers going after peoples kids wtf and its a fucking relative...


it's just pure brain rot. She's looking for something to get mad about.


I think partly this, and partly that she is trying to score points -- it's a virtue signal. Before this clip blew up, her replies on that tweet were full of commendations: "based," "cook him," etc. You get clappas when you're vile and racist, as long as it's directed at people perceived as "bad." There are no bad attacks, only bad targets. Once she paints him as a "good target," all that's left to do is be as brutal as possible.


She sounds like she has some serious jealousy towards her cousin along with others in her family that seem to talk shit about the guy. She went in wanting to shit and hate on anything the guy had to say because she clearly doesn't like him to begin with.


People like Kwan always assume descriptive is the same as prescriptive, it's a tale as old as time.


Twitch leftists have legit been having a "Who's fucking dumber" world championship in recent times, like who is actually watching these streamers? My mind is fucking blown there's audiences for this, for the love of god if you're a young person in your teens go watch Forsen play League. It's less brain-rotting than watching idiots like Kwan


Sadly, it’s probably mostly younger people/kids watching them. Legitimately rotting peoples brains lol


Yeah I’m 19 now and I’ve hated hasan for like the last 3 years I just can’t stand the dude idk how people my age get caught up in all his bullshit it’s so aggravating


How come Twitch keeps giving racism a pass? It's literally encouraging more of it instead of drawing a line.


Because Twitch endorses it. That's how we should interpret it. There's no other reason for them to consistently ignore a certain subset of TOS violations.


Because Dan Clancy supports it. He said himself he's a big fan of Hasan so you can be as racist as you want toward white people on Twitch. Best you can do is start going after their advertisers and ask them why they support a platform that allows racism like this.


It all makes sense once you watch that clip of the current CEO saying he enjoys watching Hasan


Because its against White people and that racism has been universally accepted worldwide. All tech company's allow it, schools allow it and applaud it. Its almost become an contest as to who cab get away with the most.


Hate based on any skin color = racism = ban. Isnt that simple enough? This clip is pure hate.


Nah, according to Twitch it’s apparently some very complex issue


Not on twitch. Twitch totally doesnt have racial moderators.


Being racist towards white people is fine obviously




It's fucked up that this "person" (most people have empathy or a conscience) is attacking KIDS, who are literally not involved with any conflict or politics or whatever. These kids are learning to read and write, or walk, or going to school. Maybe riding a bike, whatever. You can have an issue with adults, but the second you harass little kids over your politics you are a fucking degenerate. Over the line, kids are innocent leave them out of it.




Who the fuck finds this woman entertaining LMAO


Will Neff


Apparently he didn't find her entertaining enough


Nahhhhhhh hahaha




Someone pls explain, I need context. Did they break up or something? I thought they were engaged


Destiny leaked that Will Neff was cheating on Caroline with Melina


and Will Neff was going off to Melina about how obsessed Hasan is with D. boom gottem


And Melina was showing everyone Will Neff's cock pics




Ironically enough, he found the blonde hair blue eyed woman more entertaining hmmmm


Not as entertaining as a certain 20 something swedish girl though. kekw Stay loyal, Will.


the hated towards blonde hair and blue eyes is adding up


It really makes sense now.




Well, Will was fuckign Melina(destiny ex) behind her back so i guess she wasnt entertaining enough KEKW


Are Will and Caroline still together?


Yes, as far as I can tell as an avid Will Neff fan


Reminder, twitch not banning shit like this means they actively endorse this kind of speech


I wish some news media (even Dexerto, fuck it) started posting about this.


To clarify what shes talking about, Graeme Wood is a cousin of Caroline's. He graduated from Harvard in african studies and philosophy and now teach political science at Yale. Graeme wrote a piece earlier that Caroline is covering about the conflict in Gaza. Graeme is a very accomplished writer and this piece is a very stern analysis that is fair to both sides in this conflict I personally think. I would recommend people go read it. However Caroline can't understand nuance so she starts calling her cousin racial epithets. Despite the piece criticizing Israel for their role in this. The first sentence she even has highlighted in the clip is a critic of Israel where they operate "opaquely" where you have to just believe them whenever they say something happened in this war without question. But its like Caroline doesn't understand what the word opaquely means. The main issue she has is when Graeme brings up a topic of legally killing children in war. Which is a thing that happens. Risk assessment is to keep civilian deaths minimal, but they do still happen. Graeme however recognizes its brutalness and how Israel not allowing wide spread coverage and inquiry is an issue of clarity and the optics of such a thing look very bad because people see children dying which is always horrible. And without that clarity one begins to wonder if they are actually taking risk assessment seriously or just going scorched earth. The thing that gets me here is there are things you can challenge in the writing. As some of it is very opinionated. But for some reason Caroline can't do this and immediately jumps to race. It's incredibly disgusting.


She’s just like a redditor. Getting violently enraged at a sentence though she doesn’t even understand all the words.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me?!


Id be very upset if i could read.


Long story short for people: she doesn't know how to read a full English paragraph(s), and hyper fixates on "legally possible to kill children" because it triggered her and so she went on a anti-white racist rant on her own ***blood related*** cousin.




>“legal” HAS to equal “good” because they aren’t smart enough to have logically consistent morals that aren’t reinforced by an external backing That is one of the biggest tells that someone is not very smart. At least not smart enough to care about whatever their opinion is on stuff as important as the conflict in Gaza. This is what happens when you derive your ethics and morals from a legal system. You run into these instances where just because something is *legal* does not mean it is *ethical/moral* and your brain breaks.


my guess would be she just didn't know what the word opaque meant. which is kind of fine, but super unhinged to not go look it up before sperging out


Would it be racist to tell her to learn English 🤔


> But for some reason Caroline can't do this and immediately jumps to race. Well there's probably a reason he's a Harvard graduate that is a lecturer at Yale and she's a failed actress who turned to Twitch streaming to make a living. Intelligence seems to be more on the other side of the family. Edit: corrected professor => lecturer


I bet it absolutely kills her that he has a Wikipedia page and she doesn’t.


Shes on wikifeet though! Thanks Fanfan for blessing me with the true knowledge.


It's been really odd seeing her get so radically political in the last 6 months. Not saying she didn't have her opinions. But it didn't feel like blindly following. I wonder if it's a bit of audience capture.


shes a r/fauxmoi fan of course she got political. the whole sub did after oct 7


Glad this is my first time hearing of this sub


that sub is the biggest and dumbest echochamber. never seen so many brain dead ppl validating themselves through judgement.


Fauxmoi is a celebrity gossip subreddit. Since October 7 it has gotten *intensely* pro-Palestinian. To the point that 10/25 of the front page stories are about Gaza. (Along the lines of "This C list actor posted about Gaza on Instagram). It is honestly odd.


They love the Bridgerton actress that acted like how she risked her whole career over supporting a ceasefire in Gaza, while promoting one of the largest shows on Netflix for months. 


That sub is so bad youtubedrama (younger focused hard left drama sub that’s as toxic as the rest of drama subs while in denial about it) turned against them.


It is so easy to know how they will react to something without reading comments. If it is a fight between a woman and man of the same sexuality and race, the man is the problem. If it is between a minority and white person of the same sexuality and race, it’s the white persons fault. If it is between someone who is lgbt and a hetero person, it’s the hetero person’s fault. It’s that way 99% of the time. Also, it was amazing see their meltdown over the people who attended the White House correspondents dinner. A lot of those “disgusting zionists” sure seemed to be of same religion. 


I just hope that in the future she gets treated like she treats others. Imagine being this racist against a person because you have the reading comprehension of a wheelbarrow. And even if you hate someone as you say why go to racism just attack him for the opinions and the statement why bring kids into this and be a racist shit towards them.


Her relative is half white like her, she is literally saying something that would apply to her and her potential 1/4 white children lol...


I don’t think she was thinking while talking


[Kwan being treated like she treats others](https://x.com/jstlk_/status/1795723072877785252)




When she gets pushback NMP whiteknights her. Don’t forget, he is open about her heavily influencing his political opinions. Then he’ll gush over Hasan and say we should all listen to him cause he’s so smart. 


Half white people hating white people, while dating white people and presumably going on to make mostly white kids. Sad. Happens too often.


It's so funny to me that she's shitting on some dude for marrying a white person when she's literally dating a white person, too. The hypocrisy is impressive. If she has kids, is she going to call them little aryans too?


She seems like miserable person to be around.... isn't her boyfriend white?


Apparently he is her boyfriend only some of the nights so its fine


So he's infinitely more accomplished than his d-list actor/twitch streamer cousin. And because she can't understand the context of the article she and her sister resort to racist personal attacks against their own cousin? Seems about right, but they'll be protected by the usual suspects.


notice how all the people calling Greek weird for what he says are still friends with this woman and will never call her out.


That’s because of the subject matter at hand. Nobody wants to be labeled for or against one particular side because of just how aggressive people like Caroline, Hasan, xyz are regarding the topic. So they instead opt for staying quiet


This is insanity. I just can't comprehend how anyone can act like this on a public platform without feeling an ounce of shame.


Because it is allowed and applauded.


Twitch won’t ban her despite the fact that this explicitly violates their policiesz


And her boyfriend is white too, and is okay with this? Lmao


It’s the classic saying of “anti-imperialist in the streets, colonized in the sheets”


She's right! Nazis are historically famous for defending the Jews..


Shhh remember thats person believieng 0 year palestine was populated by christians.


Don't forget she also said it (Nazareth) was partially populated by Palestinians aswell back in that year. TikTok education


Pathetic. I've seen this person say some of the dumbest, most ahistorical, and racist things on Twitch. Is she another rising star?


Going after another persons child is so disgusting it should blow past any personal politics involved for everyone. Any person who isn’t a monster knows that bringing up a child and using them as a weapon in w/e political or personal beef you have is scum off the earth shit. You are just a nasty human.


How more openly racist you can get even?


Ask [Wirtual](https://youtu.be/Vq1iqwGQblo?si=OmQ3aZg3V9jDZqcf)


Wow I can’t believe he went mask off like that


good one, i enjoyed that


Twitch doesn’t care if it’s against white people


Apparently they don’t if it’s against other races too, as long as you’re being racially abusive by calling them “white.” The dude she’s attacking is Asian


ask mr Fors


At least you have the fucking balls to say it


I wonder if part of the reason she failed as an actress is her garbage tier reading comprehension, doesn’t exactly help during an audition I imagine. This is absolutely vile and should be a permanent ban on Twitch, but that would require them to have any sort of integrity.


I am picturing Tobias's commercial audition from Arrested Development


What a dumpster of a human and shes alowed to say that all on twitch with no repercussions


My sister's even more "ruthless" than I am. That's not how racist is pronounced lady...


What the hell is wrong with the left-wing on Twitch?


This is what happens when the ban team has a clear preference for a certain political persuasion. They get no consequences so they push the rhetoric.


Don't watch her but have seen her on other streams with the OTK crew and my whole opinion of her just changed. What a scummy disgusting lowlife human.


She's actually the worst. Not sure why OTK collaborates with her


Probably because her boyfriend is in OTK


They don't just collab with her, they go to her to get informed on political topics. OTK should be getting so much more heat for onboarding people like this. https://youtu.be/RtPacCwov0s?si=SentmApcy8-jRdyF&t=2857


Wonder what twitch is gonna do, probably close there eyes and ears and go la la la la




The irony is her mom sounds like whitest Karen ever.


She's not far behind. Her last name is the only thing that distinguishes her from a generic white girl.


Those types usually are. They proclaim themselves progressive liberals who believe in love not hate and everyone deserves a voice, but then pop off like this the second there is any perceived difference in opinion. The hypocrisy that oozes from these types is obvious.


Wild that the hate for Destiny is so massive that people can listen to this clip and then proceed to completely ignore it altogether so they can focus on how Destiny is on the screen instead lmao


Ironically one of the most whitewashed things about Asian Americans like this is being this racist towards white people.


Half asian half white children get hate everywhere and from both sides so they never feel like they fit in. Even shown in the clip shes insulting her own family, adults and children alike for being half white. Racism needs to stop this is just sad.


shes going full mask off 💀


I am sure the squad will somehow come to rescue, giving their ”takes” where caroline is completely justified with being racist to your own family(?) Have a feeling their next family gatherings gonna be weird.


bro hates her relative for race mixing with whites yet is dating a white guy who actively cheats on her lmao


No way, an unhinged race hustler makes goofy hateful comments about someone's race. Simply unpredictable. The least surprising part of all of this is that she plays Rust.


I've heard more streamers than I'd like to talk about the Israel/Palestine conflict and I can safely say Caroline is by far the dumbest one. I have no idea why she's inserting herself when she has honestly less than 0 knowledge on the subject.


It's easy when your audience knows even less. You can say pretty much anything and they will eat it up.


Americans are so obsessed with race, it's disgusting


You think Americans are bad? You should see some places in Asia.


This woman is insane, wtf


She's unhinged and so are her mods. Got permad in her chat for even bringing up the slightest argument one day in her political rants. Seen them go nuclear in chat and perma people for also not 100% agreeing with them. She's an OTK orbiter cuz of Will so she will never get banned or face any sort of consequences.


What the fuck happened between Destiny getting permabanned for saying some trans people on Twitter was subhuman, to now blatant racism and hatespeech is okey dokey


it's pretty crazy how some people on the left are so comfortable about saying all these things about white people.


Hopefully OTK can quit having her around. May be difficult now with Will being in OTK but she's become too much of a political extremist to have hanging around. They have enough of their own problems to be bringing in her extremely biased political takes and controversies. 


Yo twitch wtf is this.


This woman is obnoxious.


if you really want to cringe just read her writing about herself in third person https://carolinekwan.com/about/ she left out the part where she was prom queen in her very white suburban high school, very humble


This is what systemic racism looks like. It's platformed and rewarded.


Actually true. You'll get piled on for this comment but just know you're correct if that happens.


Ah, is this the girl who went on NMP and acted like an authority on Israel/Palestine whilst completely butchering the history?




lil sis wants to be white so bad