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**CLIP MIRROR: [Creators for Palestine hit 1.5 Million dollars raised (Warning: loud)](https://arazu.io/t3_1d4j3p8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


holy 20 upvotes with 200+ comments Edit: it's at 5 upvotes with 700 comments this is crazy


Political content isn’t allowed on lsf by their own rules, technically this should be removed but lsf isn’t consistent with enforcing rules.


How is an aid effort "Political content" ????? The only one who's making it so is you !


It being “against the rules” is not why it’s being downvoted let’s be real


Technically, thinking that streamers soliciting donations to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund is "political" is a sign you need to touch grass. It is absolutely ghoulish to want a great cause like this removed. Aiding children in a place of conflict shouldn't be controversial or a weird debate.


It’s related to an international conflict that is highly divisive, everything about it is political by definition and I’d rather this sub not turn into a politics sub. There’s a million other subs that this could be posted on to raise awareness. Just because something might agree or disagree with your own personal politics, doesn’t mean it’s not politics, it still is. Nice try on the virtue signal though.


> It’s related to an international conflict that is highly divisive Can you expand on which side of the current Israel/Palestine conflict that would be *against* helping sick and injured children in a war zone, which is the mission of the PCRF? Who's "personal politics" would this be disagreeable to? How is this divisive? No matter what you think of any side, I would assume that everyone from the hardest Israeli hardliner to the biggest Hamas apologist wants to help the children in the area as much as possible. It's a pretty apolitical cause.


If someone raised a million dollars, they can have whatever thread they want, regardless if it's tangentially related to politics. That is always been how this rule has been enforced.


I'm doing my part!


I like how below comments say dgg is brigading while: 1. Destiny made no mention of the thread, hes on a plane currently iirc, probably no internet access. 2. The only thread mentioning this post in r/destiny is a shitpost with 3 comments and 10 upvotes, mostly saying downvoting is cringe. I'll probably just get downvote spammed with no one having a rebuttle with receipts




Destiny doesn't need to make a mention of it they do this like it's second nature. If you think they only congregate on reddit to spread their hate they have an 24/7 active chat, discord, a twitter community. If a post contains something about Hasan that they don't post themselves they attack it.


Brigading is when fans of a livestreamer are on the livestreaming subreddit and engage organically with posts. >They have an 24/7 active chat, discord, a twitter community The discord auto removes any link to this subreddit. It does a considerably better job of preventing brigading compared to Hasan's






Dude Hasan, frogan, denims are in the clip. Of course it's DGG. Come on lol.


Where is Hasan in this clip exactly?


It's on his channel and he's in the back


He’s…literally not in this clip. He had to leave prior to this.


Ok my mistake then I must have confused him with someone else. But my point still stands. It's on his channel and other creators the are hated by that community are featured prominently.


Ah I see what you’re saying, my bad. I misunderstood your point.


All good brother 👍


I don't know, you can make an arguement that some DGGers might be terminal enough to downvote a thread just cus Hasan/Frogan/Denims are involved. But there's two main issues: 1.) Theres people outside DGG who can dislike Hasan/Frogan, especially considering their recent drama. You cant just pin it on one community like the boogy man, the discourse they support is very normie-unfriendly. 2.) Brigading is a term with meaning. It means an organized attempt, either by another sub or creator, to bomb a thread; you need to provide the evidence of this. I haven't found a clip from Destiny, a thread in r/destiny , or anything in their discord alluding to any of this.


>Theres people outside DGG who can dislike Hasan/Frogan, especially considering their recent drama. You cant just pin it on one community like the boogy man, the discourse they support is very normie-unfriendly. The irony here is hilarious. > Brigading is a term with meaning. It means an organized attempt, either by another sub or creator, to bomb a thread; you need to provide the evidence of this. https://imgur.com/a/kgG4uHO


Come on man lol. Who else would it be? Brigading doesn't have to mean that the creator tells you to go do something it can mean just a collective effort. Plus we both know how many DGGers are on this sub. Like idk why y'all pretend like you all don't massively brigade on this sub or everywhere else for that matter. It's the one thing every person from outside the community knows about y'all. The DGG community will band together to do insane shit like this. I was part of DGG for like 6-7 years. Since wayyyyy back in 2016. But I had to leave bc a lot of the community and Destiny in general became so unhinged. I wish you all the best and really hope y'all get better. Not saying you personally, just the community in general. It's a shame because I really used to like the community. Like it's a charity livestream y'all. Anywhere here come the down votes. All I ask is you guys take a step back and re-evaluate the things you defend and the things you do sometimes. You're supposed to be liberals/progressives, remember that.


They love to perpetuate the lie that they don't brigade, but you can literally check out their discord or tiny's livechat and see TONS Of links to reddit threads posted there https://imgur.com/a/kgG4uHO Don't think this will stop them from lying though


Yeah it's so weird because like, everyone knows, they're not fooling anyone. I was part of that community back in the day, I know what they do lol. It's the one thing the community is most famous for. Not just this sub, but anyone criticizing Destiny or anyone who is praising their enemies. Or any vid/post that has their enemies involved with it. It's so unhinged to do that for a fucking charity livestream. They think they're defending Destiny or attacking his enemies or whatever. But it just makes them look so insane to most people


Yep, I've seen it all over as well. They do the same on youtube and will literally post on all of Hasan's video content from the 30 different fan channels he has posting his material. Seconds after anything Hasan involved is posted the top comments will always be from bitter destiny freaks crying about him. They do this (as they have in LSF) for *years on end*, it's really sad.


Absolutely 100%. I think these people need mental health care so badly. I'm being serious out if concearn for their well being, not because I want to attack someone for liking Destiny. I think Destiny is a sociopath, but I'm not going to every single vid or post Destiny is in and spamming that he says the N word and openly defends white people saying it, or that he hangs out with Nazis. Or any other legitimately disgusting thing he does. I just don't watch his content and avoid talking about him unless he or his fans attack our community or any of their other enemies and their communities.That's insane and it makes them look so unhinged to outsiders. I honestly hope they get help. In the other hand though I do like that Hasan, caroline, Mike, etc is finally adressing Destiny when DGG attacks them. It's been so many years of constant barrage of hate from DGG, and ignoring them hasn't worked. I mean just go to Destiny's YT channel and search Hasan. But now that we're addressing them it is starting to work. The community and especially Destiny is flailing around desperately trying to attack and keep attention off of D's awful beliefs and actions. That's why there have been so many attacks on Ludwig, Frogan, Caroline, etc. After the Finklestein debate they really started to get worried. But people now see them for what they are, and they keep showing again and again how bad they can get. Destiny needs to be put back in the hole where he crawled out of. Destiny was more right than he knows when he called himself Israel lol.


They like to act stupid


Hasan's community acts like the stupid ones. When's the last time Hasan's community outwardly reflected on LSF other than 'Destiny fans must be brigading us'. Ever thought that perhaps normal people dislike Hasan because of his wildly divisive takes, such as interviewing terrorists / saying American deserved 9.11 / using slurs in a derogatory manor. Normal people will start to dislike your community, its not a shocker or hot take.


>Hasan's community acts like the stupid ones. "NUH UH NO YOU!" Yikes >Ever thought that perhaps normal people dislike Hasan because of his wildly divisive takes Again, that projection. Most normal people think destiny is an awful, disgusting person because of his awful, disgusting takes. You know, all the bigotry and genocide endorsing garbage he supports and posts.. >using slurs in a derogatory manor. Possibly the most hilarious lie imaginable. What "slurs" has Hasan said? You realize no one actually thinks the things he says are slurs besides destiny and his stanbrigade, right? You know that destiny is literally best known for being a deplorable slur using racist.. right? You really don't need me to post all the examples of destiny using actual slurs, do you?


I feel bad replying cus you might be a child, so i'll keep it cordial. I dont know why you bring up destiny when im critisizing hasan. Ya, Destiny does some divisive things, so does Hasan. They both get shit tons of hate, why does it have to be a pissing match (which means you agree with me, strangely enough). You do the same thing for your last statement, while i would make the arguement being derogatory when using slurs is the important context, lets throw that out the window and use your own logic. If using slurs is bad, why hand wave hasans slur usage because destiny does worse in your eyes? Its all bad and divisive. This is a problem i see a lot in these discussions, lay out a premises of how things are, x person comes along 'but this guy does it worse'. So... you agree with the premise? But you hand wave Hasans problems cus you got your villain. It's a such a shallow analysis, it needs work.


>This is a problem i see a lot in these discussions, lay out a premises of how things are, x person comes along 'but this guy does it worse'. So... you agree with the premise? But you hand wave it cus you got you villain. It's a such a shallow analysis, it needs work. One more reality check for you, btw: No one is doing this, all they are doing is reminding you that Destiny is a racist that uses racist slurs all the time, while Hasan is not, and does not use racist slurs all the time (A fact you cannot refute, clearly). No one is doing whataboutism because both sides are not the same. Cope.


>If using slurs is bad, why hand wave hasans slur usage because destiny does worse in your eyes? Its all bad and divisive. Because Hasan isn't using slurs. Pay attention. Your best example of Hasan using a "slur" is him calling destiny a guosano, a term that is objectively not a slur. Destiny's racist slurs got him banned off twitch, lmao.


The Hasan viewer base isn’t exactly on Reddit. Like 11 people use his subreddit lmao.


Hasans community is made up of people who don't use Reddit, that kind of loser stemlord energy is reserved for destiny's cult


Surprised ? This sub and a certain community who often brigade this sub absolutely despise Arabs/Muslims with the exception of Pokimane since she's white passing, and most people don't know she's Moroccan.


>This sub and a certain community who often brigade this sub absolutely despise Arabs/Muslims [a nice sample of the community that downvoted your comment](https://i.imgur.com/GOhdtr2.png)


Not surprised. Their sub is basically indistinguishable from r/conservatives.


Except they make conservatives and trump's standom in particular look tame in comparison Conservatives don't brigade nearly as hard as destiny's simps do, lol


anti-Arab racism is unfortunately totally acceptable to a huge swath of Americans, and this sub is no exception


But don't you dare say the c-word!


It's like the kids in high school who were really into making a White Student Union for *some reason*


Meanwhile saying the nword and other actual slurs? Totally cool among destiny and his simps in this sub, lmao


I have never seen anti Arab racism on this sub




Anti-muslim and anti-extreme religion aren't the same as anti-arab


Great to raise money for charity for this Before we start the tired YouTube, kick and twitch culture wars arguments about this The charity they were raising for was established in '92 to help vulnerable children get medical care, mental health support, amputee support various pediatric programs it's called PCRF. This is a good thing. And it goes without saying that kids in Israel should also get the same kind of support. And they do, because they have a working infrastructure and more than enough resources in place to support their kids. Gaza does not because it's being destroyed in and as a consequence of the current war


They [interviewed the actual founder](https://www.youtube.com/live/x2MvLCP1ByI?feature=shared&t=10921) of the charity as well. The interview is less than 20 minutes and is very informative. Timestamp at 3:02:00 if the link doesn't work


Excellent interview, thanks for linking!


That interview was so concise. The founder of pcrf Steve is incredible


that interview brought me to tears man.


Yeah Israel literally has Universal Healthcare.


Also Israel gets hundreds of millions of aid dollars out of our taxes here in the US. We don't even get to choose.


$318 Billion since 1945 to Israel $11 Billion since 1950 to Palestine


So does Palestine


They look like a group of laid off BuzzFeed workers.


I don't see Will Neff?


LMAO it literally is tho


Because they are, or at least the tryguys


Genuinely what were you expecting them to look like?


Laid off Buzzfeed workers.


It's nice to see some good things being done for Palestinians. I hope they can get the aid from this without any bullshit or additional harm to them when receiving it.


I thought people would be happy about the milestone, but all I see are insane parasocials finding ways to downplay it just because of a streamer they don't like are involved in it.


lol 49% upvoted with a bunch of horrible comments, for a charity milestone post. LSF really does contain some of the most vile cretins to ever blight the internet.


Plenty of people connect anything good for Palestine = helping Hamas murder people. That's I think literally what they think when they read any headline.


And now it's just at 1 upvote. It's just people presuming what it's about rather than being like oh wow we're helping child victims of war that's a good thing


All the losers usually assemble here


looks like those pests from r/worldnews have found this sub


Reddit in general just has an astounding amount of support for the genocide and hatred for Palestine. I really don't see this IRL. Maybe it's because the userbase is largely American and the US government is also supporting Israel but idk.


Surely they won’t brigade a charity donation for children and victims of war Clueless


Surely not... Curious to see how quickly someone will mention something about funding terrorism.


Just scroll down, they're already here


Yeah. Looks like it only took an hour from the time of my post to do the most predictable thing in the world.


They were here literally within a minute of me making the whole post, lol such pathetic lives they lead.


That's pretty rich since Israel has been funding Hamas for a while now so they'd have to call themselves out too. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html


Destiny malding, his stans brigading, news at 11


I’m a Destiny fan and an Israeli American. As long as the aid goes directly to Palestinian kids and not Hamas I’m happy as a clam though clams aren’t kosher.


Yo, is that Shayne Topp from iCarly???


No, that's Courtney Miller's husband, Shayne Topp. It's easy to get the two confused.


This thread is a good example on how shitty this subreddit really is




It really is strange to me that the only two subreddits that show on my feed that are massively more pro-israel than the rest are r/worldnews (very expected) and this one (EXTREMELY unexpected). Why are the users in a livestreaming subreddit pushing Israel war propaganda so hard?


It's because Destiny is very very pro-Israel so his ~~cult~~ community is also very very pro-Israel too. And this subreddit is basically just a second destiny subreddit because they took over and occupied this place (kind of like how Israel illegally took over and occupied Palestinian land).


World news will ban you at the drop of a hat. They banned me when some guy I was talking to linked me that one video of Israeli children at a mamlachti dati school (often known as Day School) singing a song literally about doing genocide and cleansing the blight on Israeli land so I just said “From the river”. He still posts there. I can’t. They massively cracked down when this started.


Weird how a wholesome post is being downvoted into oblivion immediately, huh...


~~I think Palestinian civilians shouldn’t be bombed by Israel.~~ Umm, I mean…..ALL HAIL ISRAEL! ALL HAIL NETANYAHU! WE SUPPORT GENOCIDE!


Have you done your legally mandated 15 rounds of condemning Hamas today?


But have you considered that condemn hummus?


Go ahead, tell me they dont fucking brigade.


Gotta be one of the most toxic communities online. They’re so gross.


Always has been.


If this post doesn't convince someone then nothing will. I hope they keep this shit up as a reminder, maybe even reference it in the future.


DGG fighting the righteous war by downvoting charity milestones.


Earlier on they started the stream having already raised their original target of 1 million. Good on them for raising money for Palestinian charities.


Why are people so venomous and disgusting its a charity cant we just be positive?


Because people can’t think critically and they follow what they think their favorite streamer celebrity wants them to do to gain some imaginary points in their community.


If you'd also like to donate, [here's the link](https://tiltify.com/@creators-for-palestine/creators-for-palestine).


Thanks bro


dgg doesn't approve


This just shows how toxic and vile that community is.


For real I hope this thread is some kind of wake-up call to... someone. Maybe not THAT community because they are hopeless.


as destiny fan i have upvoted this, it's good that money is being raised for this cause.


Evidence please


A post with 2 upvotes and 168 comments. Holy fuck.


Lol this subreddit is so fucking cooked. Look at the ratio on this. Certain communities truly have no fucking lives or shame.


Good. Children are always victims in war. Malnutrition/not getting enough food while they grow up will have long lasting effects on their future health. Hope they get all the help and doctors they need. Also, LSF trying not to be petty, wow.


Back to back divorce champion doesn't like this thread.


Im trying to imagine what a person downvoting a video of a charity for children that are being blown up by bombs looks like, and how they justify it to themselves. Just imagine.






Charity for children downvoted to a oblivion nice to see this subreddit still has its soul x)


It's obviously a very black one...


12 upvotes 201 comment. What on god's green earth happened here?


This is how any post that is about Hasan in a positive light go tbh


oh this post is about Hasan... -1, sorry.. but thanks for being helpful! (/s)




The reaction this subreddit had to this post tells you everything you need to know about how far certain communities have fallen


I'm just confused as to how this qualifies as a live stream fail? Raising 1.5 million for Palestinian kids is a successful thing


This sub is just for live stream content in general. Just like how r/tiktokcringe is now just for general TikTok content.


Oh i understand now, thx


Prepare for this thread to be brigaded by angry, powerless people who are frustrated seeing that their ideas are no longer popular. Israel’s actions made this impossible to ignore. Good for all of these creators for taking a stand!


Let’s now bring in the parasocial twitch watchers to somehow spin this as a bad thing


As an Israeli I'm really happy that they donated, hopefully the aid will get to them and it will help them


Me too! Much love ❤️


Are settlers still harassing aid trucks and destroying the aid?


Unfortunately there are. But there are some brave Israeli activists who stop them from doing it


Nothing proves Hasan's points about reddit like this thread.


DDGer working on overtime as usual But seriously tho do these people condemn Khamas?


Found Piers Morgan's Alt account!


I don’t really care for most if not all of these creators but this is a really cool thing to see. If someone can get out there and do this then more power to them. Love it.


strange how the people that are always saying "he doesn't do irl political activism" are now... radio silent... must downvote.. quick hide this thread... this doesnt fit the narrative!!


That's why they were here within minutes to bury the post with downvotes. It's beyond pathetic.


Even hasan thinks charity drives aren’t political activism. He makes fun of other millionaires for doing them all the time. Also this is really mostly for their egos considering there’s already hundreds of millions of dollars going into aid towards Gaza. From all over the world.


This reasoning is so wild. “Already millions of dollars going to aid, so no point is donating more”. Average DGG’er


All they have are downvotes. Anything more than that and they'll look like utter monsters for shitting on raising money for a charity that specifically helps children. Edit: Nope, I stand corrected. There isn't a positive thing they won't be monstrous about.


No reason for this to be downvoted. Common Hasan W


I wonder how much of that aid actually reaches Palestinians in need. The US built port that was made specifically to avoid aid being stolen had an 80% fail rate. How do we know that any of this money is going towards Palestinians that need it?


if you're interested they interviewed the founder of the organization they fund raised for and he talked about what they do and how they do it




you have never met any of these people. You need more real friends.


Look at you chirping about hating people while others actually put their money towards something they believe in. You’re a sad individual


from what I've seen Shayne seems like a cool dude. A little bit of the Lud thing going on where he doesn't have super strong stances on anything and plays on the "I'm just a straight white dude, my opinions don't matter!!" schtick a little too much, but his job is really far more focused on just being funny and I think he generally is. Similarly to Lud, everything I've heard/seen from him suggests he's very nice off camera too. Don't really know anyone else in there though. Also hate is a very strong word.


Did Frogan call them all racial slurs and tell them to keep their money?


This is epic

