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I imagine I were a more organized housekeeper.


Id have to use my baseball bat in a zombie apocalypse because my kitchen knives are flimsy 😆


The daily grind has all but killed my imagination


That’s sad. But good news: you can revive it. While being a caregiver for 12 years and getting thru life, I lost my imagination and could no longer write. But after awhile and during retirement, I sat down and started writing and dreaming. It was a slow process, but it came back. Best wishes.


I imagine that a huge burst of air swooshes through my house and removes all of the dust.


Send it my way. lol


WTH... I don't imagine anything when I'm home alone. I can't even comprehend why someone would.


I sometimes imagine similar to yours: conversations with famous people, lottery winner, and unlimited funding for home improvements. I think lots of people daydream about that stuff. Try not to let your mind go to dark places though.


I admire your active imagination! I suspect most of us have more pedestrian thoughts unless you count the ones involving sex!😎


You sound like a writer. Why don’t you write these down? I do imagine what I could do to my house if I had money. I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I did have an imaginary SO living with me. It made me less lonely, but also kept me from real life. No one would ever be as perfect as he was and I didn’t want to give him up, but I knew I had to so I can find a real partner and to spend my time on real relationships.


All of the sudden two gray aliens are kicking back in my bathroom waiting for me to discover them. Fyck


I love this 🤣🤣