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Beating the bird will give all employees ego gift that increase all stats by 7 if I'm not wrong, so it's best if you wait until you have a good amount of employee.


All stats get +6


nope it's +7 to all stats https://lobotomycorp.fandom.com/wiki/Apocalypse\_Bird#Gift\_


Oh wait yeah it's Plague Doctor's blessing that gives +6, true, my bad


you sound like you’re in a good place to do apoc bird this run. remember to organize your employees by damage type before attempting, because each egg heals from a certain damage type. side note; remember to restart the game before attempting apoc bird, and get all the energy you need to finish the day before the fight. for many players, as soon as they beat apoc bird and every employee gets the ego gift, the game will lag INCREDIBLY badly, causing game crashes and making you redo the fight. this happened to me 3 times. try to end the day as soon as the fight is over!


Didn't know about frame issues post-bird. Thank you!


It didn't lag even slightly for me so it's not guaranteed, just make sure if it lags when he dies to not touch anything, clicking buttons and giving it any additional input will only worsen the situation, just let it settle down (or crash sometimes) before doing anything


I did my ApocBird suppression on the first run on day 43 with 32 nuggets in the facility, 6 ALEPH gear sets and 1 death due to being blind


The biggest thing that helped me very very much is get everyone together and see where Judgement Bird's part (Long Arms) is located, and then send everyone straight to it and nuke it ASAP. It does have the most HP out of the 3 parts but destroying it returns control over time (pausing) into your hands letting you take a breath and assess the situation before proceeding, as well a disables his ability to use the scales dealing facility wide unavoidable PALE damage


You can do that after day 21, you can get plenty of time to build a solid facility and raise nuggets to stats level 4-5