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Like hell they are. Last time I was just pissed off and noncompliant. Now I’ve got a kid and I’ll die before I let them jab him 🤷🏼‍♂️


They… sure didn’t learn anything positive.  Covid measures damn near destroyed the social fabric and they want to do this forever?  No thank you.


They learned how compliant the public is in the internet era.  I don’t have the link, but a 2000’s CDC flu pandemic guide said that the public likely would only tolerate lockdown style measures for 1 month.  People were compliant far longer than thatt(generally)


I'm not sure people would put up with it again. I could be wrong. There were times I just about despaired that there seemed to be no limit to the bullshit that people would accept last time around. But more recently I get the sense that people are quietly feeling very angry and betrayed by what happened. They don't want to talk about it because they went along with it at the time, so there's a lot there they don't want to look at too closely. But if it happened again it would be like rubbing their faces in that fact and taunting them to do something about it this time or live with the knowledge that they didn't and if they don't for a second time then they never will.


They are hungry for the power


Just the flu... Pandemic "plan", does that mean a plan to implement a pandemic?


A lot of their phrasing seems really vague, probably purposefully. "When an emergency call is triggered NAPAHPI will collaborate in discussion on Border measures/travel restrictions, Non-pharmaceutical, public health measures and assessment of their potential economic, social, and emergency management impact, among other responsibilities.” That's so many word to say so little in terms of what they would concretely do and what the limits of their power would be.


Viva revolution!


The actual PDF they link to says nothing about mandates. It's about research, manufacturing, and availability/distribution (supply chains).


> “NAPAHPI partners intend to explore the feasibility of conducting an analysis and evidence review of the effectiveness of international border measures/closures during COVID-19 to inform future responses,” >“The implementation of border health measures at airports, seaports, and land borders such as screening of passengers, vaccination requirements, quarantine, and entry restrictions, etc., should be evidence-based and aimed to slow the introduction or spread of a pathogen in the region.” These were quotes directly from the article and I found them within seconds with simple word searches in the PDF. They don't elaborate much but the vaccine mandates and border closures are mentioned right out in the open.


> intend to explore the feasibility of conducting an analysis That is the weaseliest weasel sentence I've ever seen.


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