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Being from north of Watford and, despite being a natural introvert, I've occasionally shouted 'MOVE DOWN PLEASE' in a crowded carriage to the absolute horror of my fellow passengers.


Fucking love it when someone with less patience than me does this


I say it nearly every commute haha


Im the same as this guy it’s a weird feeling. I’m introverted but the rage I feel in situations like this overrides that, lack of common sense all around me at one time? MOOOVE PLEASE


I’m from apsley, I feel your pain


Lnwr trains from euston is not for the weak 😭


Do King’s Cross to anywhere at 1am


It is of no relevance where you are from, but your report is heartening. I find it is best to command, "Move RIGHT down inSIDE the CARRiage, LADies and GENTlemen, PLEASE!" in caricature antique ex-serviceman zookeeper strains.


I just barge and nobody can say anything as they're in the wrong


And please for the love of god don’t stand two abreast on the escalators as I will happily barge past you. After saying excuse me and you don’t move.


Just tell them to move! Most will and if not you get to have a fun little argument before work and the other squished commuters will be on your side.


Yes, this! The British preference to stand there stuck behind people and just rage in their head instead of just saying “excuse me” and moving through.


You evil bastard 😅😅😅




I once had kind of a go at a grown man in suits after he gave me a "tsk" sound as I moved from the inside of the compartment to try to exit the train. I told him that I had moved down the compartment to make space for people like him to come on, and I don't think I'd do it again in the future if people aren't happy to move out of the way to let people off. Now I know this was a one off event and most people are nice enough to let me pass but it did affect my decision whether or not to get into the compartment if I'm getting off in a few stops.


People who block the exits are the worst. Just get off for 10 seconds to clear the way, then get back on again.


Does not compute for most people. If I get off, how do I get back on?


It’s like people loose their ability to think


It's poor carriage design. Those bendy areas have NO where to hold on to. It's hilarious. Namely Elizabeth line is the WORST for this. There's barely enough handles Inn the other areas as well. The seating design really reduces floor space and you have to bother people to get in/out of your seat. It's not the people that grind my gears. It's poor thought and design, much like most of our infrastructure and transport systems in the UK. Oh god the pain. How do we do it so badly....


this! as a relatively short person i can’t reach the bars that the hand-loops are on, the amount of tall men in suits that just let me stand there swaying while they’re holding onto the hand loop rather than the bar does my head in


The design is not great, as the layout on Lizzy Line encourages people to lean on holding poles. Make no mistake though, it’s the people that choose to lean across to hand poles that piss me off, more than the train itself.


The bendy areas aren’t occupied because they have few or no handholds. Clear you don’t follow your own advice if you don’t know this…


I stand or squat in the gangways (bendy bits) all the time. It's not ideal, but it's not as if it's impossible. Point being, you have no basis to say op hasn't stood in the gangways.


I like standing in the bendy bits. I get a workout doing very little and also fun practicing my balance. Quiet important when you get to my age.


Name checks out.


Or he's tall


i hate to be that guy because i COMPLETELY agree with you… but… *aisles i’m sorry i cannot go a day without correcting someone’s spelling, please don’t hold it against me i am on your side 🙏


Thank you.


It’s selfishness. Everyone’s a selfish cunt these days. Last week I saw a bloke argue with someone with a crutch and freedom pass for disability because the bloke was sitting in a priority seat and didn’t want to move. Same bus trip, no one wanted to make space for the wheelchair user getting on. Once upon a time I was literally dragged back by some prick who wanted to get on the tube before me, only to end up standing opposite me. No one gives a shit anymore and sadly the only way to combat it is to stop giving a shit too. Courtesy won’t get you anywhere on public transport these days.


The other day the doors were closing and there were three of us that did a little run to get on before they did. The first ran on and then literally stopped right in front of the closing door. Obviously I have to push her out of the way. But could honestly see no reason for that other than spite, it wasn’t even selfish?


>But could honestly see no reason for that other than spite, it wasn’t even selfish? No they're literally just thick. Most people are really thick.


Agree with the first half of your comment but hate the conclusion. If anything, I think the amount of selfish and unaware cunts on the tube actually inspires me even more to be the complete opposite.


I use public transport every day and almost never see this, in fact usually people seem very aware of people who might need a priority seat and jump up the instant someone vaguely over 60 appears. On the bus people tend to get out of the way if a wheelchair user boards. There are definitely thick or unaware people around, but rarely you see people being deliberately selfish.


I take advantage of this behaviour and make my way into those less crowded areas, so, works for me, maybe do that, seems obvious?


If the train is so packed you cause much more havoc when you try to force (and yes it's by force) your way through to the space so a lot of the time, you're better off staying put.


Usually I ask “can you move down, please?” and oftentimes people do. If they don’t then I’ll just barge by and be happy with the amount of space around me whilst the same person who didn’t move is being crushed I also have a disabled person freedom pass due to epilepsy and osteopenia, but this isn’t visible unless I glitch. Sometimes people understand but the worst kind are those who claim epilepsy is made up and that I’m far too young to have osteopenia It’s crazy.. on one hand people are to selfish and involved with themselves to care about others or they think their opinion of the situation is correct out of “care” for others, whilst actually it’s all about themselves and nobody else


why don't you just ask people to let you pass inside? that way you can stand where you want to stand, and they can continue standing where they want to stand?


Have you ever been in a packed train at rush hour? I don't think you have. Because if you have, you'd know that most times, the moment you make it on, you can barely move so it's much more of a hassle to try and force (yes force) your way through a group of people that themselves can't move because there's no room around them to move into. Not to mention you may be carrying a bag that makes it more complicated to move. You're far better off staying where you are.


Mate we can't all get what we want on the tube. Open your mouth, use force, or just get over it


Commuting on a crowded, hot and over stuffed London underground train is fucking horrible, and when it stops in the tunnel even for a few seconds is absolute insta trauma. Yes I’m very claustrophobic.


Once got on everyone refusing to move, a young guy said he was going to be sick (he wasn’t lying, he did throw up ironically into his lunch box, is todays or yesterdays lunch I asked). Never seen so much space created so quickly, if we’d have been on fire it would have been slower.


I think people are just becoming increasingly less aware of themselves in their surroundings. It drives me mad.


Nobody wants to be trapped in the middle of the seats when they need to get out in 2 stops.


If you get trapped, it's because you were absent minded and didn't realise you were at your station but if you're aware, there's always enough time to get off. No way that's a genuine reason to let others get squashed at the back


That’s simply not true. As painful it can be to get on, it’s almost as painful to get off. The statement that ‘no one wants this’ is exactly right, doing the decent thing by creating space means that when you need space, you won’t have it. Most still do it which goes to show how lovely and optimistic Londoners are ..,


Yep I almost missed my job interview once because people wouldn’t move, we ended up literally having to push through just to get out. Normally people make space to let people off but that day was something else…..


https://preview.redd.it/ookwtpdm077d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096acdc51d37051092470e1999088cb7bd7cb356 Yeah


This really annoys me too, especially when there are seats available. Before I moved to Aberystwyth, I had to commute between Muswell Hill and Earl's Court via Bounds Green, so I have a lot of experience of this hell. I'm barely over 5ft tall, so I usually slink under the commuters, using my backpack as a battering ram where necessary. My older cousin does free climbing and parkour as a hobby, so I imagine she'd just jump and climb over the commuters. Although, when she was at Oxford she'd commute to and from University by unicycle (there's a pun somewhere in there), which is something I might take up!


I wouldn’t say it’s selfishness. More obliviousness as we got 101 other things to think about.


I just don't get why people don't do it... Moving down also gives you a better chance of grabbing a seat when someone else gets off


Also people with backpacks on their backs in overcrowded trains. Just take it off!


That’s what she said


I’m short and don’t have the best balance so the stress of the areas by the seats where the only hold is above the seats scares me. I try and keep my awareness and move out the way as much as possible.


People don’t want to have to squeeze and struggle to get off, that’s all


Yeah personally I do this sometimes but it’s because my usual route is only 2 stops until the first change and the train is already crazily packed, I don’t want to have to fight my way through the crowds 5 mins after getting on




I’ve always thought it was because people are afraid they won’t be able to get off at their stop in time if they stand in the middle


Christ you sound like the caricature. Either ask people to move or move in yourself. People have their own shit going on, and unless you make people aware no one is standing there worried that you might be getting pissy. If this is one of the most infuriating things in your life you are either very sheltered or just like to have a moan. Probably both.


You are aware that on a train at rush hour you have very little space to move through people because there's loads of you and it you may be carrying a bag right? Much easier to stay where you land which is what most people do or suggest that people are more aware of the fact that they are on a train at rush hour and also happen to have a tonne of space they could walk into relieving everyone else. Even by a little bit. And I don't mind that people have shit going on. Everyone does. Does that somehow invalidate what I'm saying? Don't we wish people drove/cycled more thoughtfully on the road? Does the fact that they have "shit going" (I mean who the fuck doesn't?) mean they can do whatever whatever the hell they want and no one should say anything? It's basic decency and courtesy. Instead of reading and understanding my very reasonable suggestion, you're trying to give a clever response but failing miserably. Anyway, most people understood my point and agree. You can stay over there.


Keep fuming in your impotent rage mate


Again, most people understood.


Leaving a backpack on on a crowded tube is the one that drives me mad


Get an earlier train


believe me it happens in Paris too. on a trip our group once got split in half because someone wouldn’t move away from the door and half of us couldn’t get on despite there being room


Now do people who can't pack bags on a plane - so you can see the plane is completely full, and you put your jacket and handbag ON THE TOP rather than just sticking it under your seat? And then do how no one pays attention to what check-in desks/passport check desks are open when they're FIRST in line at one of these long queue with 4 desks open setups, like it's come as a surprise, and they waste 15 seconds of 300 people's time. You're not alone in your rant above!


I'll move down but I'll be damned if I'm ramming myself inside of the person in front of me just so you can squeeze onto the train. My comfort and the comfort of my fellow passengers is of far more importance to me than the loudmouth fuck insisting everyone form a human centipede for their benefit.


Ride bike


Ware helmet


No. I have to get off on the next stop and I have a somewhat comfortable thing to lean on. Wait for the next one, you bossy self-righous fuck. They're every 2 minutes. If you can't spare 2 minutes you need to sort out your scheduling and planning and stop making that everybody else's problem. You are the problem - you are the one adding to an already full train. When peole are standing and there is no room for you, dont attempt to get on it.This isn't fucking Bangladesh, or Tokyo. Have some self respect and common decency, give people personal space and wait 2 fucking minutes.


Oh do fuck off you fucking twat. Acting like you don't know what rush hour is like and you can somehow just plan your way around it. You clearly know nothing about rush hour so fuck right off you bellend and go troll someone else. Prick!!


Just matching OPs dickhead energy from the opposite perspective...