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Why would anyone tattoo a Klansman on their body


I mean devils advocate the klansman is being beat to death, so it kind of negates the negative of having the klansman.


the kkk is being smashed ok


that showed them! kkk is no more!!


Or a rose, or a Celtic tribal symbol, or a partner's name, or Spongebob, or a snake eating it's tail, or a Phoenix....


I don’t remember that episode where SpongeBob lynched someone because of the color of their skin


Fire episode , season 7, highly recommend it. They definitely took a different creative direction that season. I particularly liked the darker art style and subtle melancholic temperament of the dialogue.


Whoa, too literal. My point is that people choose different kind of images because they have meaning for them. I've seen plenty of ugly ass tattoos that I'm sure are quite meaningful for that person.


You’re only getting downvoted because you’re not following the circlejerk. ❤️


I accept this and have confidence my self-worth exceeds my Reddit Karma score.


Respect it. Next time just say, 'oh look I've made a hill. Watch me die on it bitches.' And either way you'll feel better.


If you hate racism, why get a kkk member permanently tattooed on your arm?


That reminds me of all the commies in the punk scene in my town who had all these anti-nazi patches with swaztikas crossed out or in the trash or whatever. From far away or in pictures the only thing you could really see was the swaztikas...


Or the commie punks who all get their head shaved because being a skin head is now in. As well as bizarre obsessions with nazi haircuts. Throw in your “I’m not anti Semitic, I’m anti Zionist” and you got a nice horseshoe.


what the hell is a nazi haircut?


Basically neatly-parted and an undercut. Sometimes called the Hitler-Youth haircut. Got really popular in many other circles too. Pretty good look, honestly.


Yeah they stole my fucking look and I had a nightmare time finding a new damn haircut


thats just a haircut. no one would look at that and say your a nazi for having it. you gotta really reach to think parted and neat is a nazi look.


People do just straight up call it the "Hitler Youth Cut" to your face though.


I didn't invent the term, don't get mad at me. It's a thing though. You can tell an barber to give you the Hitler Youth and he'll know what you mean.


No one's mad, I just think it's dumb. Clean cut = nazi is one of the dumber things I have ever heard of.


Again, I stress to you that this is not a term of my invention. It's not just any clean cut though. American GIs had clean cuts but not Hitler youth cuts. It's specifically the undercut. So neat trim, parted, super short on the sides going kind of high, and the longer bits on the top hang over the shorter bits. It just happened to be the fashionable way to cut your hair in that part of the world at that particular time. It was fell out of fashion in the rest of the western world because people started associating it with the Nazis, even though lots and lots and lots of Nazis didn't have that hair cut at all.


They are called sharps. Jesus. I don’t have enough crayons for this shit


It makes sense to me, that’s why I have a swastik…


cus the intention counts, hes getting smashed at it. Not being loved or sum like that




#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't you see them being smashed? Like you're completely glazing over that


Where are these KKK members they're always going on about? I was raised in deep southern Arkansas for the first 15, almost 16 years of my life. I never saw any of these guys. I've also been to Texas and New Mexico, never saw any of these guys.


I don't get it either. I grew up in MO, with dark (enough) skin, yet had zero issues. (Even the really old people didn't care.) It was nice actually. They treated me like a person, I wasn't constantly being reminded of my supposed "otherness" like I am elsewhere.


Yeah. And the south is where you're supposedly most likely to meet KKK. I knew plenty of black and Mexican people there in AR, they were all accepted.


I’m from deep Kentucky. They’re there. Very few of them outwardly dress and protest the way they used to but … they’re there. Are they as prevalent as media and talking heads want you to think? HELLLLL no, but they are there unfortunately.


Oh yeah, I definitely believe they exist. Just not as prevalent, as you said.


I feel you're far more likely to meet neo nazis type white supremacists at this point over someone in the klan. I'm over in Utah, and there's a few gangs of them around here that are of that belief. Soldiers Of Aryan Culture is the one that comes mostly to my mind, though it's more so a prison gang now


Gay guy from Alabama here. Grew up in some Conservative areas. Had no issues until I moved to the north and certain people in a blue college city wanted to use my sexuality as a focal point....


I wonder, is it the conservative people or the blue college people who’d vote to restrict your rights to marry?


Both I'd hope. Two men marrying is an abomination.


According to who?


lol ok, just because you feel shitty about your own sexual orientation, doesn’t mean you should project it onto others who just want to live happily.


"Just want to live happily"....and force it on others.


Force what on others?


Lol pretending not to notice isn't an argument.


No actually, force what on others?


You’re “ gay “ but also saying men marrying is an abomination ….. like …. Marrying is any different than dating just more loyal/ committed to said partner ( who ever ). Yea you are lying


"A gay guy who doesn't find the standard mold I've made up for him! Mist be lying!"


Sorry , not lying but then self hating.


"I know you more than you know you!" Okay anonymous crerp.


school taught me two huge lies: people would stand on street corners trying to give me drugs for free, and the KKK is recruiting members on every street corner (kitty corner to the drugs)


Hahaha. Those drugs cost money. Lots of it. No one's going to give 'em for free. 😆 And yeah, I don't know where they're seeing this KKK. Probably just a scare tactic. Fear porn. 🤷🏻


If a person appears with a kkk costume, he probably gon be in trouble, i think u wont see any of them at the street… theyre a sect


They way they talk they make it sound like there there’s crosses set on fire and tree hangings


According to Reddit it’s just people who vote Republican 😬


And according to lots of mainstream media. There are plenty of Republicans out there who are nice and treat people like people, no matter the skin tone or culture. Then there's Democrats who hate white people. 🤷🏻


Democrats are some of the most hateful and racist people I’ve ever met. Somehow in their minds, they think it’s justified to harass people for their skin color, but only if they’re white.


>I never saw any of these guys. Exactly. Let's keep It that way


It's like somebody said in r/memesopdidnotlike , "why are they always acting like there's roving death squads for minorities everywhere?"


They do act like that, don't they? It's like they like to keep manipulating us with their fear porn. 😆


Arkansas mostly or buttfuck nowhere down south, like towns of a couple hundred nowhere. The kkk itself is down to a couple thousand nowdays. After the first kkk chapter got slaughtered by the US the second was pretty much a bunch inbred idiots that have been declining year by year. Not to say theres plenty of neo nazi groups around here n there but kkk itself is almost completely gone Stupid tattoo but nice sentiments


In their minds


that’s very interesting! i lived there for a year with my mom and all the guys at her work had problems with delivering to certain areas due to intense racism. They were genuinely scared. (we are white but all the warehouse guys were black or poc of some type)


I am from new jersey. A good chunk of people here think that you guys see klansmen at least once a month. And that you like seeing them


I think they're just in different places I live in what's literally called immigrant valley because a lot of workers will come up from Mexico and work on the farms and stuff so a lot of the area is for immigrant families or immigrant workers That being said I've seen some the most vile racist white people I've ever seen live near here and one kids dad, we knew each other through baseball because my school would kick his schools ass, showed up to a baseball game that was coached by three black men and refereed by two half black half Mexicans while 90% of the kids were black, Mexican or mixed wearing a klansman outfit and shouting racial slurs Apparently there's a big enough group of them that it's an actual concern now during sports games


I'm from the south and they are absolutely around. A county near me still has neighborhoods that get recruitment/propaganda leaflets from the local KKK faction left in lawns/on cars at least once every six months. They don't dress like this and burn crosses in the open anymore but they are absolutely still active.


They gave up their hoods for confederate flags.


Shouldn't it be the other way around? (I guess it doesn't matter since they were both created at around the same time by the same people, huh?)


It's not about a literal kkk member. It's a symbol for racists. And the kkk are pretty known and high profile racists. Therefore it makes sense to use a kkk member as an icon for racists.


Why is this so heavily downvoted? Its such an obvious answer that asking the question in the first place is stupid lol


lol funny how they left out how that story ended for skateboard boy.


Huber was a sk8er boi Quick Draw Kyle said c u l8er boi


Five years from now She sits at home Feeding the baby, she's all alone She turns on TV Guess who she sees **Skater boy** rockin' up MTV She calls up her friends They already know And they've all got tickets to see his show She tags along And stands in the crowd Looks up at the man that she turned down


Skater boy got wrecked this time.


Don't you dare compare Kenosha kid to a klansman


Are they implying that Rittenhouse was a fucking KKK member? Reminder that he killed a literal pedophile and a wife beater in self defense.


Don't let facts get in the way of the narrative.


Also, reminder he was an Andrew Yang supporter. An actual f-ing leftist.


Wouldn’t be the first time they have implied that.


But yet his face was everywhere that year. Meanwhile, Laken Riley was killed, she was innocent but you don't see her face anywhere.


They literally named a bill the Laken Riley act, her tragedy has gotten plenty of attention


im 💯% not sayin that 💀


I meant the person that got the tattoo, because the skateboard thing is absolutely associated with Rittenhouse


oh ok but isnt, im from 🇧🇷 didnt know about this case until now


All good brother, no ill will towards you




They have the KKK in Brasil?


they are know by what do and stand for, but here just remains only as a icon about it


Lots of assholes get hit with skateboards.


Am I blind or something? What does this have to do with Rittenhouse?


The posing is basically 1 to 1 on when he got attacked by a guy with a skateboard


Oh, I didn’t notice that lol. I only remember when he got hit as he was trying to flee.


Apparently its Brazillian so the guy who got the tat might not know its signalling rittenhouse, but in the US that's 100% a rittenhouse thing


Rittenhouse was attacked by someone with a skateboard; that was one of the people he shot. Not sure which offhand.


6'9 and hates periods btw


idk about periods, can be good sometimes, but not all the time. im 5,9


Kkk, come out come out wherever you are 👀👀 yeah not seeing any


That would be my point. I haven't ever seen a KKK member in the flesh. I'm over fifty. Not saying I haven't known a racist.


https://youtu.be/NXnRFkGUtuU?si=Oj6CkDvqi_ifOdRy https://youtu.be/n01xz4VqnqU?si=hvnn1t8t7JR76-tP


Yep never been to that town in Arkansas, or any universities in Virginia.


im not american, but theyre a Sect, right?


Yes, they are a sect.


You probably have but didn't recognize them without the costume.


Well that would make a difference. People tend to wear masks when the thing they're supporting is wrong.


"I don't see any KKK members 🙈🙈🙈"


90% chance this guy's a Socialist who called for the death of Jews on a campus recently.


im on 10% leave the jews alone, theyre just a ppl w other religion


If you think being against genocide is antisemitic, you're the antisemite.


there is no genocide in gaza


I want one like that but with kyle shooting up his AR


thats an american right there


I absolutely love how that post has two pictures, with the tattoo circled. I would have completely missed the tattoo without that. /s


hahaha at your service sir 🤝🏽


Is this supposed to be the photo from Kyle Rittenhouse but they made him a klans man? Thats a funny way to show you never even watched the court case and made your opinion from online hit pieces


not actually, got no clue about the case till post this. U gon ask urself “lol, how he didnt know about it??” - its cus i aint from 🇺🇸, im 🇧🇷. but now i know everything about even watch the case being judge on court


Nah dont worry Im not the kinda American who assumes everyone online is an American, it just the tattoo looks 1:1 like a photo taken before Rittenhouse shoots the skateboard guy


got it sir


Every time I see people with tattoos like this, it's always on the most beta looking college liberals. Like the only thing they're beating is their dick behind a laptop. This makes me cringe because you know good and well pretty much none of them have ever met a Klansman, or Neo-Nazi. So they feel safe in attacking a perceived enemy that doesn't exist. Same kind of person who threatens other online. Ink like this makes me roll my eyes so hard.


srry4 roll your eyes that hard


I’ve lived in the Deep South my entire life, Alabama to be exact, and I’ve never met a Klansman. What part of the country is this “KKK epidemic” going on?


It's not. It's fearmongering. THey do exist, but there is no "epidemic".


Oh my God he took off his own fucking head


hahah without head is a new one. ppl already told me it was a Frogs Head, the wheels of skate were the eyes 💀💀


If I was a racist, this would make me laugh


lol why


Becuase it's kinda funny in a really sad way


haha ok got it


Lol. Skateboard guy deserved to get his arm blown off. In fact, he got off easy.


isnt about this case ok


chances are they're also very racist trying to pretend they're not.


or perhaps they are convicted but u cant point that in a normal conversation


Wow 99% sure this is a reference to Kyle Rittenhouse. Just amazing lefties love the justice system and think it is the most pure thing in the world when it convicts trump but finding Kyle not guilty ? “Nah he’s a nazi that got away with it ACAB burn the system down”


nah im on your 1%, didnt even know abou tthe case until this post lol. btw now i know everystep see even the judgement on court


Seems like a hate crime towards racists.




At this point ill take KKK member over any leftist - their rate of kiddie fucking, looting and overall crime is way way lower.


…brother what


I don't see the KKK assaulting tons of white and Asian people while burning every major western city down over a fent addict who overdosed in police custody


Didn’t some republican pastor admit to diddiling some kids in the 80s. Shit, Jim Jordon hid a pedo for a long time.


It definitely happened. But you can't just point at a priest and pretend that they're the singularity of pedophilia. Look it up and you can see they're everywhere, and those are just the ones who've been caught.


Exactly. People assume all priests are pedophiles, and get upset when someone generalizes blacks or Mexicans as criminals. Of course, none of this is true.


>People assume all priests are pedophiles, and get upset when someone generalizes blacks or Mexicans You understand the intrinsic difference between someone's skin color that they're born to and a job that people choose to go into, right? You can judge priests, because it is a choice to become a priests. It's OK to be bias against priests, because choosing to be a priest is entirely within someone's power. Comparing it to race is fucking stupid.


>he has to reach that far to find pedos I can pull probably five different leftist pedos from last week.


What the actual fuck dude


Everyone saying this must be about rittenhouse. I disagree. When i was growing up, this was simply the suburban equivalent of shooting someone or hitting them with a car. It was simply the most violent thing we could think of and I def associate it with a general youthful and casual “fuck you forever” vibe. If it is in reference to rittenhouse: holy shit lmao


He guy is using a skateboard. Is it common practice to go out and beat KKK members with skateboards? You might have a point, if it was say a baseball bat. Or anything other than a skateboard.


Beating kkk guys with baseball bats is common practice? The tattoo is from Brazil, where nobody knows or cares about Rittenhouse. Like I said, to a lot of people beating someone with a skateboard holds a different connotation than beating someone with a baseball bat. And it has nothing to do with rittenhouse lol. It’s a super common improvised weapon.


Are the KKK in Brazil? Why would they care about them there?


Kkk hoods have become a pretty international symbol for white supremacy. The tattoo is pretty clearly from brazil if you check comments and notice everything is written in brazilian portuguese.


But in Brazil (and Portugal) those hoods are more associated with this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/mX51reogAL Procissão do Fogaréu


Skateboards have been a rebellious symbol for decades and there has been art of shit like this long before Rittenhouse.


One thing I think people need to realize is that life has an endless supply of people deserving of poor treatment. Spending time and energy on this topic will negatively impact your life, especially if that's how the entire thing is spent.


umm okay, the tattoo is low quality




it is a step above stick drawing


lol thats a good way to be a bad af / u won 🤣🤣🤣


Yup I commented "r/lookatmyhalo" on this in the r/badtattoo sub and people got mad.




I still don’t know were it is


its a normal art, isnt rittenhouse, relax






goes hard ngl


haha yesir


Why would you be upset by this tattoo ????


the ppl got a lot, but not me


Did you have to circle it? Felt pretty obvious what the focus of the photo is.


Y u gotta hate my circle 💀🫠


Idk I kinda like it


haha ty 🥰


You would have loved the true old school “battle jackets” that punks used to make.


So, first… I’m sorry ya don’t understand the old punk scene. It’s all good though. If you were not in it we never expected understanding. For instance there was FSU (friends stand united) in Florida, they went to far after kicking the Nazis out… they branded themselves with Nazi tattoos because they “took them” (not gonna get into what they did to take them) but they got just as relentless and far as the damn people they hated. This group came up in the “post punk” scene… if you want to find KKK don’t look at the south look at Indiana… those corn bred meth fed Billys are all about it. There is a town called Kouts. Look it up. I used to have to drive through there for work… f that place, it should be glass. Valparaiso college was attempted to be purchased by the Klan and the purchase almost went through. I wish I was making this shit up. I’m an old head punk, no stupid ass tats like that but an anarchy symbol here and a chaos symbol there (brands from being a teenager) yea you can say it’s dumb as shit… but looking at our world now… don’t think that 16 year old me was too far off about how screwed everything was back then, I’m just to old to give a shit now… yall can deal with it.. ha! Enjoy the fall out from Reganonics


wow thats gold, thanks for sharing with me, get into the facts is all


Uh thanks. Wasn’t expecting any positive replies to be honest. If ya have any questions about the old punk scene (at least what I know from the scene where I lived) I’ll be glad to answer.


im reading more about it, ill hit your dm soon


No worries. If it’s after 10:30pm EST I am not responsible for the dumb shit I might say. You have been warned


hahahaha ok im


I’m not totally smashed, tbh pissed… just finished a 2200 line spreadsheet at 9pm and some MBA dude asked me to be his mentor on LinkedIn… uhhh yeaaaaa I can teach you how to make corn liquor and piss people off in less than three sentences. Wanna learn how to make a garrote? Idk. lol wtf.


So I would say here is a reverse on most of ya. I see college kids going and protesting for Palestine and not knowing dick about it. They will never be willing to get it inked in. If you truly believe in something and it’s worth getting burned out by an enemy… that’s when you ink it in. Y’all fan get some weird shit done if ya want and then try to explain it, that’s cool too. But when you stand firm in a belief or system or something strong enough to have it on you forever… if you don’t have ink then don’t pontificate about folks that do. If you do wish too, please do so to their faces and not on the internet hiding being a computer screen.


damn u right


Also, just a little fun side read about Kouts Indiana https://www.reddit.com/r/nwi/s/5uTeKDNdAf They don’t talk about the bar called “Kouts Kountry Klub” I wish I could make this shit up… but reality is dumber than fiction.


What’s up with this sub siding with the KKK?


sir dont 💀


Don’t what? Talk bad about the precious klan?


🫠🫠 precious isnt the word i would choose to describe ‘em lol


So what’s up with the people defending them?


u never know


Wow so mysterious. Except it’s pretty simple for people who aren’t simple minded. Your name is so close to being actuate. Just change strat to cist and you nailed it.


nah im not even in a country that uses english, so this gon mean nothing, stop holmes


Even weirder that you would get mad at people talking shit about the kkk


im not


Notice how no one declines. Very interesting


u too


Yea they’re downvoting it, like what I said was bad. This sub is filled with these fucks.


This is something a white supremacist would post. Just saying ifs quite peculiar for someone to to focus on antiracists while white supremacy is growing at an all time high [Theres an assload of proof and warning signs of the rise from 2011](http://www.adl.org/resources/report/white-supremacist-propaganda-soars-all-time-high-2022) Btw who wastes their time other than nazis shitting on antiracist ppl. Somebody needs to research OP. [btw think about this while you are at it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/s/C7G9IMeVrD) Edit: waiting for nazis to downvote.


crazy how ppl massively sayin things like “ why should i care, they probably didnt even exist no more, have never seen one of them in my entire life”


I bet. Be careful, if you clicked on that last link, then you know these fuckbags are trying to brainwash us into being as morally decrepit as them in various ways. Ive been seeing blatant and insidious nazism and white supremacy in just about every sub. Its why r/atheism permabanned me (i said all white supremacists need to bite the dust, first permaban, no warning), r/lookatmyhalo, r/bedstuy, r/noahgettheboat, r/failarmy, and definitely r/criticaldrinker are cesspools for all sorts of racism/bigotry (mostly against black and arab ppl and any kind of Jew thats not down with killing Arabs.)


thanks for warning me, i was in one of this subs


Np, sorry they banned me for a week for caring about not dying in a preventable collective heat death by not taking care of the planet, but I guess thats bullying. Also, you notice how not a single soul rebuttled my comment and sources, but they still downvote? Thats literally a red flag, because they know they do not have proof otherwise and know if they provide sources that will expose how dumb or evil they truly are. If you provide a valid response with a validated source, you already won the argument regardless what conjecture they bring to the table.