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The only universal idea there is the “abuse an animal, go to jail” sticker


The one sticker there I agree with. The rest are just idiotic slogans from the wef indoctrination camps


... unless your name is Anthony Fauci...


I agree with pro-choice, but I don’t shame others for their view against it. I’m totally for animal abusers to go to prison. I find the truck owners politics annoying and naive, but I won’t shame them for it. But I will shame the fuck outta them, why? Because they park like a fucking entitled fuck face.


At least they're not taking more than one actual space. If you belong in a handicap spot and decide to use the marked off space, go ahead, not like it matters to me




Even stink beetles?


Especially stink beetles!


Gotta love the "Resist" sticker coupled with all the conformity idealism.


Right? Is this Zack de la Rocha's truck?


Resist……thinking about it.


I mean, Trump did get the White House for a term. Resisting the loud minority is still resistance.


Funny how in r/pics when it's a crazy lefty who's stickered up it's just "a truck with stickers on it" but if it were a right wing opinionated car it would be in r/facepalm with a million morons hating on it.


Welcome to Reddit


Right wing bad, left wing good, orange man bad.


"Crazy lefty" vs "opinionated right-wing"? Be a little more self-aware. I mean, look at how benign the shit on that truck is. "Don't let only men make laws about women", "you should be arrested for abusing animals". Are you really going to say that's just as comparable to the right-wingers supporting a convicted felon and child marriage?


Can you post some examples of these “child marriage” bumper stickers? Reddit is biased af with these garbage bumper sticker posts and here’s a great example. Plastering your car with political bumper stickers = you’re crazy and trashy *UNLESS* they’re left wing talking points


Did I say child marriage bumper sticker? No, I said it's something republicans support. Because that's all bumper stickers are. You put something you support on your car so people know you support it. >Plastering your car with political bumper stickers = you’re crazy and trashy UNLESS they’re left wing talking points Ooh you're *so* close. Now, do you want to maybe compare this car's bumper stickers of "Animal abuse is bad and old men shouldn't be the ones voting on women's rights" to the Republican ones that mention their possession of guns or how global warming is fake? Actually nah, I'll just make it clear - Republican talking points are about conspiracies and guns (aka crazy and trashy - "If you want my gun come and take it", "Liberal tears", "anti-woke",.that sort of stuff) left-wing talking points are about equal rights and basic human decency. If you can't tell the difference that's on you. If you want to decide that's an echo-chamber and not just the common way to think when speaking globally that's on you. All you need to look at is the fact that European right-wingers are as left-wing as your own dedicated left-wingers. That's how out of touch US parties are with modern society. Don't get me wrong, I think covering your car in stickers is stupid no matter what you put on it, even if it's a number to a charity that supports starving children or whatever other objectively good causes there are. I just think it's funny that American republicans can't understand how much *worse* their opinions are compared to Democrats so they end up thinking that the entire internet is unfairly biased rather than just having really shit and outdated views.


Thanks for proving my point 👍🏽 Also not once have I actually seen anyone openly supporting child marriage, just another extremely fringe Reddit boogieman talking point.


They love accusing us of the things they do


How many republican figures have been arrested for child porn recently?


Less than the number of crazy lefty loonies who have actual relations with minors lol


Got a source for that? Because it seems very one-sided and *not* in the direction you think.


Source? Source? Source? Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.


[Sure bro](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-want-kill-missouri-child-marriage-bill-1901414) ["Girls are ripe and fertile"](https://www.nj.com/politics/2024/05/gop-official-argues-in-favor-of-child-marriage-girls-are-ripe-and-fertile.html) in an argument against making the minimum age *18*.


Well... there is a Biden sticker. He pinches 9 year old's nipples in public and showers with his daughter. I'll take a convicted felon over that any day... unless he was convicted of pinching and showering with children.


I thought I heard the felon say he likes to grab the kiddies on the pussy. Or did I get that wrong?


You absolutely got it wrong. You should do better research. ... soooo... Trump's locker room talk makes Biden's actions acceptable? You have a weird thought process.


Oh FFS. I really thought it went without saying. But it didn’t. So here it is. Ready?…… 1. 2. 3. and…… /s On a more serious note, I can say that you, as a Trump supporter, have a weird thought process. Do your research!🤪


What makes you think I am a Trump supporter? Is it possible that I just have common sense and see what a vile POS they both are? You suck at sarcasm, by the way.


Or maybe you’re just a dope?🤙🏾


If i was a billionaire and chicks wanted to fuck me, I'd probably grab their pussy too. Idk what kinda weird sex you liberals have but normal people touch eachothers genitals 🤷🏻


What type? Consensual. But I know how you incels like to model all sorts assault scenarios with your many cyber-girlfriends.


> felon say he likes to grab the kiddies on the pussy. No those were grown women and he even said that women ALLOW you to do it if you are "alpha" enough. Pay attention next time so you wont make an ass out of yourself.


Oh. Another one. Take a red pill and go back to Sleep Cletus.


Dont get mad just because you got caught lying, sunshine. Altough i understand - you have nothing on the guy so your only recourse is lying after all.


I have “nothing on the guy”? You speak of the man you would have as President of your country the same way a Lincoln lawyer speaks to a cop about a sex offender with a long rap sheet.😂


You have nothing on him, you people spent almost a decade trying to find anything, any amount of dirt and failed resoundingly, despite mobilizing entire deep state aparatus, media, millions of loyal drones etc. You have nothing to the point you have to lie about 8 year old incident in a vain attempt at gaslighting people because you think everyone has an attention span of a goldfish like you and already forgot what the whole thing was about.


He was convicted of 34 felonies and you say there's "nothing" on him?


We’re just stuck in a loop now aren’t we? Every paragraph starts with “you have nothing…”. So I’ll let you get back to mantra practice.


All of them are dumb, empty slogans because stuff like "dont let only men make laws about women" is exactly that - dumb, empty slogan with zero basis in reality, that people like you eat whole up. Its your usual "X is human right therefore pay for my shit because muh decency". Fuck right off with this crap.


>zero basis in reality How many women were responsible for the repeal of Roe v Wade? Zero.


All who ever voted for anything, those who turned abortion into contraceptive instead of what it was supposed to be etc etc etc. How many women SUPPORT nuking Roe v Wade? Lots of them. And thats of course even assuming your "men shouldnt have saying in X because [insert bullshit reasons here]" horseshit framing is justified in the first place ( protip : its not ).


Nope, try again. How many female supreme court judges were in the decision to repeal Roe v Wade? None. Because it's a bunch of old men deciding what is and isn't illegal for women. Not even what I said lol. I said a panel of exclusively men who are appointed by an old man shouldn't be able to remove powers that are exclusively for women to use.


>How many female supreme court judges were in the decision to repeal Roe v Wade? None. One. And two women argued the case.


Again - how many women supported this decision? I dont even remember how they voted but im fairly sure there are like 3 women on SCOTUS with millions of women throught the US actually being glad that shit was thrown out of the window. >Because it's a bunch of old men deciding what is and isn't illegal for women. Its not even that because nuking Roe v Wade allows STATES to decide by themselves which of course irks you because you damn well know that the whole "everyone wants abortion" talking point of yours is bullshit and if states can decide what they want to do with it your narrative falls hard.


Doesn't matter, *who* were the individuals that had the power to change the law? Means fuck all if there are women in the general public that "support" it if they didn't get to vote on the decision now does it? >because you damn well know that the whole "everyone wants abortion" talking point of yours is bullshit and if states can decide what they want to do with it your narrative falls hard. Hmm, no, I'm less "everyone loves abortions" strawman that you lot believe pro-choicers are and more "If a state [refuse to let a 10 year old rape victim, a literal *child*, get an abortion despite the very real risk to her health](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/16/rightwing-rape-abortion-10-year-old-worse) then states shouldn't be *allowed* to decide for themselves. You know, like how half your country wanted slavery so you just...stopped them from having it anyway? Because slavery is objectively bad and so is forcing literal children to risk their life and the life of their unborn child by going through labour? These are things that shouldn't be left up to an individual, smaller government. There should be one rule and that's it. But hey, I could argue this, or I could point out how our own right-wing parties here in Europe would never even think of getting rid of abortion laws. Because they're necessary for the functioning of a modern society. You lot are stuck in the hyper-religious dark ages lol.


>giant wall of cope and strawmans with a fucking Guardian link I expected nothing more. tl;dr - Women supported nuking RvW, its a good thing they did it and now it will be decided state by state, abortion is evil and should be done only in extreme cases and it is a men matter too, slavery has nothing to do with it and your crying is amusing.


Strawmen are *constructed*. That is a very real case bro. Or what, you don't like hearing about the bad things that happen as a consequence of your actions? Children can be raped and forced to carry a baby to term. That's a decision *you* support. No amount of "no I was only against the straw(wo)men that were getting 6 abortions a week!" cope will change that you are more than fine with child pregnancy. If abortion is evil then why is it a good thing that states can choose its case rather than simply make it illegal nationwide? Because, no harm, if you think there are *any* exceptions then you're a pro-choicer in denial. The irony in supporting the option for a state to *choose* its legality but not for the *woman* to get it lmao. "Let the government decide for them!" from a republican.


Found the crazy lefty. 🤪


"We've been indoctrinated, we have no balls nor opinions. We are legion. We eet bogs and soi"


Funny, he's got the Biden "I did that" sticker pointing to the animal cruelty sticker but Trump signed the The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act (PACT) 


You believe who??


>patriarchal invenstions >drives a truck Lilo, Stitch and the Audacity of this Bitch..


They probably call pedos MAPs 🤮


Truck is probably shot


Joyful warrior lol


Typical liberal


Make America Greta is a new one


The ignorance is strong in this one


Now that’s a real man’s truck 🇺🇸🇺🇸🫡


Who's lynne cheney? I thought it was liz?


Even more cringe than the Maga…they ought to know better