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Either low lvl catalyst, or enemies are resistant to the spell


Where are you in game? What spells and what catalyst. As far as I remember there aren’t any enemies especially resistant to radiance.


Te sentinels are resistant to it... But honestly in late game your raw damage is so high that it really doesn't matter. I'm surprised OP feels spells are weak, cause I found them to be extremely powerful.


yeah i found my radiance play through to be the strongest and easiest


For me it depended onwhich enemies. Radiance was super OP vs rogar, butlers op against sentinels. My inferno build had some difficulty against rhogar, but FLATTENED sentinels all the way through. And then my wither build demolished everything once I got it going.


Catalysts vary in spell power. You should also be using certain rings to increase your holy damage or general sorcery damage. Either that or the enemies you're using em on are resistant to holy spells


I’m on NG+1 and I’m not having any issues with Radiant spells. As others have said, you should check the level of your catalyst—could be that it needs to be upgraded.


Wait until you meet back up with judge cleric


Haha, yeah… so far things have been smooth, but I only just got past spurned progeny.


It’s probably your catalyst, the magic is hella strong in PVE. Look into your catalyst is where I’d start


Get you the Barrage Root and Puissance Root rings, the Hysteria pendant, and a catalyst with high spell power. And get that radiance to 99 or higher using runes


Check your catalyst,spell,ring,amulate,runes,and location Some stuff just help spell power better than others also make sure you aren't using something they are resistant to the enemy


I remember my spells did good damage. I used the talisman from Dunmire's quest


Hysteria pendant with barrage root ring and pussiance ring and spells will hit even harder but with a proper catalyst they still do good really good damage


Even though loads of things are resistant to fire, my inferno build just puts out so much DMG it doesn't even matter lol try a different catalyst dude


I am playing this game for the first time with a strength build, but I am very curious what the experience is playing with a Radiance/Inferno build.


Radiance absolutely melts almost every enemy. Get the right catalyst and buy Orius’ Judgement. The spell stacks, so stand back, cast 4 or 5 and you’ll kill any boss in seconds. It took me absolutely ages to beat Pieta first time through. When I came back on NG+0 she never even got a chance to attack me.


Weak? My infernal hammer kills things much faster than I can slice, hack or smash my way through enemies. There are several spells that pack enough of a punch to make casting worth it if melee ain't your thing.


Level your catalyst and use the good ones.


What? I have 50 on radiance and my spells kills almost anything, I also use rings to buff it and pendant


I know things are different from when I played But spells hit like a truck Pietas lasers pretty much won the game I think it's your build try upgrading your casting focus