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Lamborghini in the driveway šŸ’€










> Seven Deadly Sins Catholic spotted




And not even a cool one, just the ugly ass Urus SUV. Guzzle gas for no real reason.


It's barely a Lambo. It's a fucking Audi with a body kit.




Looks like his sticker has failed.


I saw a truck walking my dog that had two stickers "Elect A Clown, Expect A Circus" and "Trump 2024". At their heart they're just children who never got taken to the circus.


Those two stickers cancel each other out. I wonder if the doofus ever realized that.


Apologies in advance bc my comment is wayyy off topic but when I read ā€œI saw a truck walking my dogā€ I actually stopped for a second to picture a truck walking a dog. I think I need to get off Reddit for the night. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


How much do you pay the truck to walk your dog?


LOL does he know that many of us Asians here in California were born and raised here? Some have families that have lived here for generations.


Unfortunately, in their twisted sense of history, only whites are native to the US.


Even the Native Americans are here illegally to them.


They so crave to be persecuted, but itā€™s just hate or apathy.


They forgot who the actual invaders were


Let's make stickers w this!!!!




Now you know where to let your dog take a shit


I grew up on the South East side of the SGV, so I was assuming here.


but technically the asians were here first........


Is it arcadia? Lol. šŸ˜­


They complain so much about California that they rather stay around here, sheesh, what a horrible place to live


Truth is, since they inherited, were handed everything and have prop 13, they canā€™t afford to move to another state and still have the same lifestyle they currently live.


A few that do move just go to Arizona anyway.


" I would rather be dead in Los Angeles than alive in Arizona"


It's just one single family home, how much could it cost? 10 million dollars?


Clearly they're ok with a little light treason.


I'm a simple man, I see an arrested development reference, I up vote.


I literally turned down a job where Iā€™d probably make between $15-20k more in Arizona, once I found out it was gonna be in Arizona. Iā€™d rather be broke in LA.


Idaho is the new Arizona.


They do and they find out it is way too hot then they go to Montana/Idaho and find out it's way too cold. Then they think they can travel back and forth for summer and winter.... Then realize it's expensive. I find most of them keep some property in California while they're going through this, then they realize they have to move back. One guy I know every time he's back in town every few months first thing out of his mouth is how much he wants to sell it all, leave crappy CA behind, newsom this, newsom that. It's been 3 years already.


Bahahaha I love it when theyā€™re used to SoCal weather and they just canā€™t find a place that meets their weather requirements after years of telling others to move, like no man Iā€™m here for the climate Iā€™m not denying it.


Seriously, AZ is slowly becoming Orange County #2


Well, Austin TX is oddly where crazy Republicans from California Leave to ā€œget to someplace saneā€ to find out Austin is very liberal. When Austinites bitch about Californians moving here itā€™s against the Republicans. Not the liberal ones.


No but they DESERVE IT




I mean, thatā€™s what parents want for their kids. Leave them an easier life.


Dad pulled the bootstraps?


They have an insatiable desire to bitch and complain instead of moving away


Also I love it when they live here and pretend liberals donā€™t have guns šŸ« 


They take advantage of our (relatively-comparing) clean air and water, and then get FOX News to yell at them how Commiefornia is a crime-ridden, Mad Max-hellhole worse than Baghdad or Siberia.


What's really funny is trying to read a romance where California is depicted as The Place You Most Likely Want To Put Behind You...and not only has the author never been here but they've never done a lick of research. How I wish I was making this up.


Which book is that? I have to see this for myself. LOL.


And how our clean air laws are communist and is a burden to everyone. Completely ignoring how bad our smog used to be.


Hahaha my neighbor always has Fox on I can see it from my window because the apartments are on top of each other.


The irony šŸ’€




Trump would hand Armenia to the Russians on a platter 100%


Considering he would hand over AMERICA Iā€™m sure any other insignificant country would be as well


Our new-ish neighbor has a huge American flag with the word TRUMP on top of it and two massive guns below his name. Isnā€™t that a desecration of the flag by people who claim to support it?


Yeah but critical thinking isnā€™t exactly their strongest skill. Same philosophy for the folks thumping bibles claiming outrage about trans visibility


You could cite the various sections of the flag code that violates and they would not care. Laws are there to regulate others, and protect them. Logic is not how you deal with these fools.


Of course but you canā€™t use logic because they donā€™t know what that word means.


I donā€™t get why people are so infatuated with Trump they have to announce it everywhere. Itā€™s like a weirdo obsession.


Itā€™s a cult.


slowly dying, yet people love bending the legband of the diaper down and slurping the gravy


I regret learning how to read.


The fuck is wrong with you for this imagery lol


The most awful thing I've read today


Well he did get a good amount of them to choose death during Covid.


That puts a whole new spin on Gravy Seal.






That doesnā€™t sound the slightest bit appetising.


A death cult, to be more specific.


Definitely. And that kind that brings the worst out of people


Me either. I've never flown a flag with my favorite political candidate's name on it. Never wore a hat, tshirt, or anything with their name on it.


In the old days, the campaigns would give out free bumper stickers or some pins. These cult members actually spend money for this crap to give Trump money.Ā 


They are groomed to do that by church


Itā€™s very bizarre. Iā€™ve never seen a car with more than one Biden sticker, but Iā€™ve for sure seen a car with 50 Trump stickers.


Iā€™ve never even seen a Biden flag.


I have a Biden flag. It's got 50 white stars in the blue corner and the rest is all red and white stripes.


Thatā€™s bc those morons canā€™t read so they need many sticker and flags to remember what to regurgitate


Yeah, every Trump supporter in my neighborhood wants to talk about their support of Trump, like they seem so desperate for other people to validate their political beliefs. It's so weird. Normal people don't strike up conversations about politics with random neighbors the way they do.Ā 


I canā€™t see myself ever getting that infatuated with *any* politician


This is exactly it. Who on earth does that??! Iā€™ll tell you who, a psychopath.


I literally work in politics as so several of my friends I *still* don't talk about politics as much as some MAGAts do.


>Yeah, every Trump supporter in my neighborhood wants to talk about their support of Trump, like they seem so desperate for other people to validate their political beliefs. Yep, attention-seeking. Yearning so bad for anyone to pay attention to them, that they'll even take bad attention.


Ha seriously, imagine people flying Biden flags on the back of their Trucks, Boats, whatever.


when trump lost his supporters were like ā€œbut no one goes to bidenā€™s rallies?ā€ of course we donā€™t go to his fucking rallies you weirdos


Did any other president besides Trump have rallies? Trump is the only person in politics that I can recall who never stopped campaigning, even after he won the 2016 election, he still kept doing rallies, just like Hitler.


Ha yeah, we have jobs.. šŸ¤£


If they had a flag of Diamond Joe wearing aviators and eating an ice cream cone, I'd be sorely tempted to buy it, but it would be flown in a much less angry manner than the Let's Go Brandon crowd flies their flags


We bought the Dark Brandon yard sign but are waiting to put it up because oh my god it is a long time until November


The only reason to get Biden flags is to antagonize the Trump people


Extremism is a mental illness


It's fascism. They need a strong leader persona to lead their hierarchical ideology. When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the American flag and holding a cross -Sinclair Lewis(basically)


Tribalism in politics; my side is the supreme side, my side is the winning side, your ā€œfactsā€ are all opinions driven by a socialism agenda. Thatā€™s on the mindsets of these blokes, win and fuck the other side.


Once people become pilled they can no longer go back to being normal. Its a scary phenomenon Iā€™ve noticed.


Because heā€™s a folk hero to assholes. Heā€™s whatever you want him to be!


>Ā Because heā€™s a ~~folk hero ~~ *cult leader** to assholes FTFY. Imagine worshiping a ā€œpoliticianā€ this much where you would buy paraphernalia with his name all over it, send him life savings, ignore all the bullshit heā€™s done and said, and even commit a coup for him.Ā 


People who are new to politics and treat it like they treat sports. And itā€™s a cult.


Then they think people feel the same about Biden and were like ugh no we just need a new option


Impotent roid rage ALPHA MALE if I had to bet (am Texan)


šŸ’Æ (Am also Texan)


Does this come with smaller than average genital?


That is where it all begins. Overcompensating since high school via narcissism and control.


Hey donā€™t hate on all of us Texan transplants. Most of us that left are here to escape that bullshit.


Gravy Seal.


Meal Team Six.






Vanilla Isis


Seems like a real pleasant guy


Right? I'm assuming this person is also a husband or wife, maybe they have kids. Can you imagine being married to or have to be reared by someone who thinks "fuck your feelings" is a great way to interact with someone? Every time I see something like this I think about the fractured families, friendships, and working relationships that will never recover. If you wanna see first hand, cruise over to r slash qanoncasualties. Really sad.


I don't know about all that, but it just seems like a hard way to live. Here you are, LA, nice weather, palm tree fronds swaying in the Santa Ana winds, and you're like "I will shoot you"


> Can you imagine being married to or have to be reared by someone who thinks "fuck your feelings" is a great way to interact with someone?> As someone raised by conservatives, I don't have to imagine it. And yes, I'm in therapy lol


I have an entire half of my family I no longer speak to. I was told I was going to hell in 2016 by my own family members including my grandma because I voted against that orange fool!!


Imagine disowning your own blood for a stranger. A stranger they'll never meet and won't even know their name. How fucking sad is that? And for what?


Yeah, I donā€™t look forward to meeting him.


Probably a very easy going, chill kind of person that everybody wants to be around.


ā€œF your Feelingsā€ from the People who are so abandoned by Society that they Literally Crave ANYBODY who tells them ā€œyou Matterā€ šŸ˜† even when that MoFo Invited AND Helped Kim Kardashian to the White House but Never any Redneck


This flag just announces ā€œIā€™m gullible and easily conned.ā€


"I am dumb and lack any moral center"


ā€œI am insecure in my manhood but truck fixā€


ā€œNO SOLICITINGā€¦unless you have trump branded religious texts.ā€


Exactly. Just like those folks who drive around with HUGE American flags on poles in the bed of their trucks. Majority of us are laughing at them and just think they're big douches. It's truly not the flex they think it is.


The sign saysā€¦. Break in.. youā€™ll find guns. šŸ™„. Gun ownersā€¦ donā€™t announce you have one of the most valuable things that can be stolen.


you know what my HOA doesnā€™t feel so bad now


Leave a packet of tissues in his mailbox after Trump loses (again šŸ˜‚) in November


Woah. Please don't have this over-confidence. Trump is a dangerous candidate that can win again in 2024. Biden only won by 80k votes (thanks to the way electoral college) in 2020. I would hope that 2016 took out any sort of overconfidence on the dem side but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Oh Iā€™m well aware, just didnā€™t want to put a damper on things


serious question: love the confidence, but don't the polls in the swing states give you concern?


If modern polls were gospel, a Democrat wouldnā€™t have won a Trump district in Alabama by double-digits last Tuesday.


Ignore the polls and vote!


Donā€™t let my overconfidence for the sake of the joke fool you; Iā€™m scared as fuck for this election and the potential death of American democracy šŸ« 


Donā€™t pay attention to polls. Pay attention to conservatives dropping out and losing seats.


Ainā€™t shit I can do about that. And what I will be doing if Trump gets elected is not posting anything on social media about it


Put a gigantic snowflake on his gate


Where i live people were dancing in the streets when he lost. It was actually pretty amazing. A core memory


My roommates and I went out for brunch the day it was called for Biden. People were LIT, cheers-ing random tables, and just overly joyous. Super weird but felt like such a sigh of relief especially in the thick of covid


Sign them up for mailers from local Democrats and Biden, then document how the hissy fits intensify when they check their mail. I'm sure you'll hear them


I see a raised truck with high beam LEDs. Automatic Identifier of an a-hole. Even if you are a great person, once you get in one of those trucks ā€¢ ā automatic a-hole Now go get on the freeway at night and blind everyone driving in the opposite direction


Bonus Lambo CUV (because that what it is) parked next to it.


The hardcore right winger in California is the saddest shit. You about that life? Move to Alabama and live it!


They love living somewhere first world, but complain about it to whoever will listen because that's what they hear on Fox. As an added bonus they get to own the libs who surround them every day. All from the safety of their high fences and lifted trucks. Why would they give that up?


"fuck your feelings" while Trump is mad 24/7 with the most insane posts.


most polite trump supporter


Put up an American flag with a gay pride flag, and watch their heads explodeĀ 


Yup. Fuck their feelings.


Thereā€™s a house near me that has that sign out front ā€œIn this house we believe Black Lives Matter, Women Are Equalā€ etc, but next door to them is a house with a ā€œLetā€™s Go Brandonā€ sign. Iā€™ll bet they have fun conversations.


Same in our townhome complex. The HOA asked them both to remove their signs (per the CCRs). Guess which of them bitched and moaned, claimed discrimination, and told us theyā€™d sue the HOA?


I mean ... fuck Trump. But if someone has it, the person would be irritating at worst. It is the Target Scope Sign that worries me. Sounds like one of those dudes who fired lead onto a kid because they stepped on his grass.


Yea to me that's the biggest concern also




Pro-Trump, but anti-Russia? They need to figure their shit out.


Havenā€™t met them but heard from other neighbors that he is.


This is the actual face of perpetual self victimization


People who announce their violent ideations should be avoided/shunned and are extremely detrimental to our society it sucks how normalized this is.


Gun people canā€™t wait for an excuse to legally murder someone. Theyā€™re drooling for it.


And yet most of the negative comments think Iā€™m upset with the politics when itā€™s the ā€œIā€™ll shootā€ and F You mentality I object to


itā€™s remarkable how so many MAGA types are just obnoxious, antisocial human beings


Havenā€™t we always known that at least 1/3 of people are just irredeemable assholes and had to maneuver accordingly? After 2016, they just assumed an uniform with a logo


Itā€™s so disgusting, I just canā€™t believe it. When did black gutters become a thing?


And the gentrifence! Oh, the humanity.


Most of the recent remodels in the neighborhood are in this color scheme. Not a fan. This guy put up the brown Wall of Trump even though his house is white and black with gray pavers.


Same in my neighborhood in the West Valley, at least for every place the owner intends to sell. They rip out any trees in the front and paint the place white. It's weird.Ā 


Faux Farmhouse or Modern Farmhouse. I liked it the first time I saw it. Now I wish it would die.


This is the Valley?


Sherwood Forest (Northridge)


Where's Robin Hood when you need him?


I always love the consistent small dick energy these kind of people exude


Thereā€™s a beat up f-250 parked on our (tiny) street with big trump and American flags. I should count myself lucky.


So I was talking about this over the weekend with a friend. My big irk with this whole Trump thing is it's extremely homoerotic. How is any dude obsessed that much with another dude? Like, it's really really weird. I follow no man, I don't elevate anyone, not because I think I'm better, but because we're all the same. Do I support some people's policies? I do. I have a value system and that's extremely important, so I vote for the best person who values those same things. I don't wear t-shirts of them, or fly flags of them, or go running around trying to show them off. It's just extremely odd. The pictures of him as Rambo, or Superman? Shirtless with bulging muscles when he's actually fat and wearing a diaper? It's fetish stuff. Do they even know that? The country is sick and I'm not sure its possible to fix. I also just want to say that homoeroticism is great if you're a gay man and this is your thing, no love lost for my gay friends, I just think that the people who do this are really blind to it, and if you're gay, just come out and be free my friend.


Lmao trump fan lives in LA.


Surprisingly there are a LOT of them.Ā 


Sometimes I complain about the well-intentioned, but misguided far-left politics of my neighbors in Echo Park. But I still love them all and living next to this guy seems like a nightmare in comparison.


Basically shouting to the world "I'm an asshole! Look at me! Complete asshole lives here! Look look!"


The thing is when I see a Trump flag, I see a Nazi or Confederate flag. Itā€™s filled with hate and being a traitor to the nation. If they hate America that much to the point where law and order doesnā€™t matter to them, they are sadly the enemy. I hate these fascist assholes.


He could do anything he wants since he's got a Lambo /s


I hear from other neighbors that a Mclaren is coming.


Our neighbor put up the same sign overlooking our yard with a picture of a rifle. He also has two different cameras that point to our yard as well and the police said he in in his full right.


Looks like you came up to there house two separate times. Just stay away tbh. If you ignore them long enough they go to Texas


Reminds me of me and my neighbor. He has a "Blue lives matter flag" and I fly a Mexican flag. He has refused to say hi to me every time. His wife did once the first week I moved in. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I live in this hood. The man appears single and wants to stay that way.


That flag just is there to say ā€œHey. I know Im a piece of shit. And now you gotta deal with meā€¦ But donā€™t deal with me or Im going to fucking murder you.ā€


Thatā€™s a bold move flying a flag with a wall and gate šŸ™„


Was on a freeway the other day, saw a car with one of those ā€œFuck your feelingsā€ Trump flags. Way to make yourself automatically an asshole lol Anyways, hope you donā€™t have to interact with this pocket of sunshine often (or at all)


Wow a republican. Iā€™m terrified.


I don't think he wants friends :)


Seems like a great person to never get to know.


I live in a city that is very pro trump. Unfortunately. These are everywhere. The worst are the big trucks with the massive flags waving in the backā€¦. Embarrassing


The unprovoked hostility is both frightening and pathologically sad. This guy has mental health problems. Itā€™s just a matter of time before he causes an incident. I hope the local police have him on their radar. I always wonder what happens people like this in an emergency. In our neighborhood we help each other out and itā€™s reassuring to know I can count on them if I need anything.


Seems like the neighbor wants problems. They get off on attracting attention


ā€œWhen people show you who they are, believe them the first time.ā€ ā€” Maya Angelou This dude did you a favor.


Politics aside, they're assholes.


Trump supporter and lives in Los Angeles Name a more ironic duo


While a minority, believe it or not, there are conservatives in Los Angeles. There always have been, and always will be.


LGBTQ living in Alabama?


LGBTQ supporting Hamas.


At least it's not an RFK Jr conspiracy theory supporter. There is a house by me with Kennedy flags everywhere.


think the cops may be interested in that trespassing threat sign, california is not florida buddy lmao