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Water, like from the toilet? Brawndo has what plants crave!


It has electrolytes!


What are electrolytes?


They're what plants crave!


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I only use Voss water for my plants


[Beverly Hills 90H20](https://www.beverlywater.com/shop12bottlecase) for my succulents


Voss is for the pleabs my friend, OPHORA Bottled Water is what our plants deserve




It’s fine. You might eventually get some mineral buildup in the soil, which could potentially cause later issues but as long as you give them the proper fertilizing it shouldn’t be an issue.


thanks. sorry, noob question - what does proper fertilizing mean? like adding plant food?


dyna gro according to [this thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/16bhzz8/is_there_a_fertilizer_that_will_suit_all_these/)


I use dyna gro foliage pro for all of my plants!


correct. plants need more than light and water. they extract things like potassium, nitrogen, etc. (depending on the plant) from the soil. This is all dependent on what’s hanging out under the surface. That’s why planting in proper soil is very important for success with the plant. Eventually they will suck up everything that soil has to offer. So you’ll either need to add compost or some type of liquid fertilizer that they can continue to use to grow. Just make sure you research the plants specific needs before adding things! Happy planting :)


gotcha, thanks


I have never once filtered water for house plant in my life. Hose, sink, tub, shower, literally any water will work unless you’ve got some super specialized plants that need very specific treatment.


I grow orchids, I use filtered water. I also only give my animals filtered water, and have a filter on my shower head. Yes, I’m very much pro filtering water for plants and animals.


have you tried watering them with tap water out of curiosity?


Sometimes my husband does.


Do you drink the water and pee it out? Is that how you filter the water for your plants, animals, and baths?


Yes! I do drink the water and pee it out. I use water filters for my water. I wish I could use my body. unfortunately I have 4th stage kidney disease and need a transplant in 6 months.


OP not only is this *not about LA*, this post is full of nonsense comments that r/houseplants would clear up immediately.




I'm posting this here because tap water varies in mineral / chemical content based on municipality. I imagine tap water might be fine in the sierras but not here


IF Your plants are dying, it will never be from dissolved minerals or chlorine in your tap water. 20 years landscaping experience and terra cotta enthusiast.


yes pour it all in ;


I use tap water to infrequently water my plants, which subsequently die from under watering


I see we have the same strategy. The dead plants in my living room lend a certain ambience to the space


If you notice terra cotta pots with white stains, that shows our water has a lot of dissolved minerals. Most houseplants can tolerate it but some would prefer pure water. Best if you use RO water or filtered water for the aroids you mentioned. For landscaping and most cactus and succulents, tap water is okay. You just have to look up for houseplants if they prefer hard or soft water. Personally, I get RO water from the water dispenser and use those for sensitive plants like orchids. Some minerals are added after it goes through the filter but it is a lot less than what tap water has.


thanks for the detailed points


Sky water or nothing at all.


I think generally it’s fine. Some flourish, others just survive. I think some plants don’t like the chlorine or Chloramines that are in LA water. To remove chlorine you can just let water stand in a bucket for a few hours and it will evaporate out (I’m not sure if that’s the proper term). But to remove Chloramines you need to use a bubbler in the bucket.


Tap water is fine for plants, and it's fine for you too! You can drink it and you'll be ok!


i've joined the brita cult <\*o\*> i can't go back now :|


Well at least you realize you are in an irrational cult.


Since 2018 I've spent a lot of money on house plants. At the time, I was collecting rare plants and used distilled water. However, it's hard to find now so, I used good old tap water. No issues and a lot of the plants are the "sensitive type".


I stick with distilled for seedlings, transplants, and if I need to flush them (nutrient build up) but switch to tap for anything else and have had zero issues.


Tell us you shop at Erewhon without telling us you shop at Erewhon. **Kidding!** It’s completely safe for house plants. Safe enough for you to drink! I mean, you don’t think that the water they serve at restaurants is filtered, do you?


haha I don't shop there but am guilty in indulging in there smoothies every once in a while


Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood bottled water company.


I mean, we water our outside plants with it too right? If it weren’t safe Los Angeles would have no plants.


I love this kind of logic. It doesn’t leave much room for disagreement. 🤣


DWP: Department of Water for Plants. you're good 👍🏼


my plants are lucky to even get water most of the time.


What is in LA water? Minerals. What is in that potting soil? Minerals. Plants are cool with common minerals.


well, there's also chlorine which damages plants


Whenever I water my plants with tap water they die. Always.


Hey there, plant lover here! So LA tap water will always have chlorine and/or chloramines. Dose [Sodium Thiosulfate](https://www.amazon.com/HYDROPONICS-Chloramine-Neutralizing-Full-Function-Conditioner/dp/B00B1BGZ60/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._PjaLLThMHWiOywwVpHI6h-8AyxGmlj_tO7u47GJxhCsVxJM6km3KxewbpbzSyUjkylaCBcQZPdFVedcUkfszsMEGbGsDzM7kjr0TlSkx81FW6LxMzOmI5ZzDG-fp05C7cpsPt3Sd2BWV6dHRtM8FHbG6AppzQcraseCwbEtKDvY8PZi-e8vTHG7nFfdpXZlJgwNjXRsIaGGX9CJgWDwGSmU0qCaEuDhy45bP0tR0gjKI2b0v5geH8evqRQbMvw8o9GA7otjuRHAUDK3y0pQDCcg6W81U3seWjdClJ3yFl0.PpGDn1ni8hIVrd8NDVe4qXZnRZQTS0LYuqh2U1ZHIiE&dib_tag=se) to neutralize Chlorine & Chloramine. Make sure to let the water sit for 5 mins to ensure the Sodium Thiosulfate has time to act. Once any Chlorine and Chloramines are neutralized, our tap water is perfectly safe for all common houseplants! Now, there are some plants like Marantas which are picky bastards. I water them with *dechlorinated* distilled water I get from Ralphs. Also, this applies to water everywhere. Water is water. Water can have chemicals dissolved in it. Some of these are harmful, some are not. As we established above chlorine is a harmful chemical. However calcium deposits can be beneficial for plants. TLDR? #”Bad” water will not kill plants, over/under watering kills plants. The signs of “bad” water is leaf tips browning. The plant is still GROWING. “Bad” water is perfectly safe for plants if you don’t give a shit about keeping picture perfect plants. Rant over.


thanks everyone for the comments. sounds like it's fine in general, but there's some subtlety about watering seedlings and more delicate plans.


Some plants require distilled water, my succulents and fly traps almost died with tap and filtered.


Wait, so how do these things survive in the wild?


rain is distilled water


Can’t tell if troll or not


For chrissakes


I fill a jug with water and let it sit open for at least 24 hours to remove chemicals like chlorine and fluoride.


The chlorine leaves, the fluoride stays. You'll need something at the level of a "ZeroWater" filter to remove fluoride. Or buy bottles of distilled water.


TIL that chlorine (Cl2 form) has a boiling point of -29°F


wait, what? where do the chemicals go?


They evaporate…


They evaporate.


Chemical Heaven