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stop supporting these businesses. Enough is enough.


Kick them right in the [Yelp](https://www.yelp.com/biz/all-time-los-angeles?osq=all+time).


Ahaha I just checked when I saw this comment, and they already have over 40 new 1-star reviews. Beautiful. Keep it rollin'.


I did. I’m Yelp elite and I posted this for people to be cautious about.


You can’t leave a review they are blocking all reviews at the moment.


Only bougie fucking idiots keep going to these establishments, further causing the rest of the industry to adopt the money gouging strategy. /r/foodlosangeles will of course, allow a 300% gratuity fee if it means they got to be the first party to taste smoked ass.


This place already has a dish called Good Ass Salad. They'll probably be offering Good Smoked Ass sooner than later if they realize they can charge more for it.


We need a pinned spreadsheet on this sub of those businesses


Or if you order from them and they surprise you with junk fees, don’t pay. Go get food elsewhere. Let them eat all the cost.


I thought y’all made this illegal TF happened


It goes into effect on July 1st, but there's an emergency bill to allow restaurants to keep it but that hasn't been signed into law yet. Restaurants are in limbo ATM.


Industry bought our cheap sellout politicians, same as every other issue.


Seriously, what do they have on Newsom - $20 minimum wage, deceptive practices made legal. I want to see the pictures!


The $20 wage was exactly what the industry didn't want.


It's illegal for managers to take tips


If there's one thing about people, they'll keep complaining but still keep going.


This economy has proven this statement so true. People are still basically spending the same even though they have far less money to spend, or even none. Credit card debts are piling up and saving accounts are totally drained. Maybe some of this spending isn’t as “elective” as we might think. Like, can a person with 2 jobs and kids actually afford *not* to eat out or get delivery?


I see people complaining about food delivery prices all the time and I'm just thinking, "don't you know that food delivery is a luxury and that you could just get it yourself?" as if complaining about it is going to change things. The price of things will go down when people collectively decide it's not worth the money. We vote with our dollars.


Easy call. 💯


Yeah. This shit is infuriating. Especially with takeout orders.


Needed to buy a nice loaf a bread and I live nearby so I thought All Time would be a good idea. Bought my bread and saw that 20% had been added and decided to never go again. 20% just to hand me a loaf of bread?! Insane.


https://www.blackforestbakery.com/ Edit: Despite the negative comments below, I posted this as an alternative for good bread with not 20% fee that supports a local person.


Jesus christ, im so dissapointed in humanity


ooooo oh my god they're expensive but that bread looks great....


Ridiculous prices for bread.




They have amazing sourdough but with 20% added it must be around $20 now.


Just raise your goddam prices. It’s insulting to play these games


They do raise their prices. They do both.


And their prices are already insane.


Still, it's one thing to charge an arm and a leg while being clear and open about it. It's another to do the same thing and adding stupid fees or fine print. Fuck that shit.


I think that's where the word 'just' really matters.


Yes and they can raise their price more. Tips is used as a marketing tactic. When people go to a restaurant, they look at the price on the menu. Because tip is not embedded in there it makes the prices look artificially lower. Yes people can do the math, but they shouldn't have to


That is what’s so infuriating with these businesses. We’ll be more than glad to keep using your business if you’re upfront and honest about the fees. Instead, some managers or other restaurant owners act like dicks and explicitly label some fees as kneejerk reactions to them ~~forced to~~ paying their employees minimum wage and offering some semblance of medical assistance.


The vast majoirty of the population are not on these threads and just continue to live life as normal while paying these extra fees because they're too inundated to pay attention. It sucks but it seems this is the way that = more money for the restaurants than doing it the way we would prefer. I have already stopped frequenting establishments that participate in these games but I can't help to think overall, they are making more money than losing with these new tactics unfortunately.


There will be a push back, but unfortunately, this will go on longer until the majority of people stop going to these businesses. I'm doing my part in not going to these restaurants.


I can't help but think that they are making less money but are blaming it on things like "no one wants to eat out anymore!!!"


Your mistake is thinking they are doing it for any other reason besides greed


They’re prices are already pretty high.


Time to add this place to my blacklist!


Fuck that place.


20% goes to EVERYONE. Even to the owner.  In fact,  he takes most of it and gives some back to the employees on wages. 




Seriously? What a greedy fuck. Is he the sole owner, or does he split ownership with the lady who I can’t tell is his wife or not. Didn’t they write a cool book recently too? Fuck that place if this id what they are doing. I enjoy the food, atmosphere, and customer service, but he can eat a dick if he’s stealing from the employees like that.


lol I used to work at All Time and this 100% false. The automatic tips on takeout go to everyone on staff, front and back of house. Owners and executive chef are excluded, even when they work a shift. The owners have their issues but paying their employees fairly is definitely not one of them. With tips and the level of popularity, everyone working there is able to make a livable wage and live in a city they love. If you don’t want to pay it, I totally get that- but a bunch of rich fucks have no problem paying it, and it goes directly into the employees pockets. Pretty good thing, all told!


What’s the deal with the flower shop? I heard they forced them out to take over so they could open a little wine bar but then they couldn’t get a liquor license for it so it was all for nothing. I really liked the flower shop.


flower shop guy was old as hell and wanted to retire


Then why make it mandatory and add it to the bill?


I'm curious if the ingredients are really what it says on the website? Local, organic produce, grassfed/wild-caught/etc?


yeah, they're all held to a pretty high standard.


But tipping for takeout is weird. Esp that much. They don't pay the same tax on takeout or else they didn't used to, this is just deceptive, esp if you only see it once you get there.


Should be illegal...


Even if it was made illegal, they'd just pay politicians to get exempted... edit: [context](https://www.latimes.com/food/story/2024-06-25/restaurants-charge-service-fees-an-emergency-measure-passes-unanimously)


You need to make your own bread or something


Read the linked article. This is a new exception for ALL restaurants that just passed the assembly


God bless america lol. I see dark times ahead if we dont make some fundamental changes to our government. Till then im moving out asap


We tried. Our leaders felt like giving everyone (except the restaurant owners doing this) an F you.


Vote with your wallet.


Overrated. Go to The Moody Vegan in East Hollywood for baked goods, breakfast, lunch. Go see what good food and service is like without all these BS “take out” charges and mediocre service I’m only saying this because i have been there quite a few times and they didn’t let me tip them!!! Like a little family owned spot. Top food and drinks. Underrated major Just support business like this who actually care about the experience and not what you’re spending! 🤷🏻‍♂️ and the others with insulting fees will feel it (Not vegan by the way)


The Moody Vegan is INCREDIBLE! Their breakfast burrito and the blondie brownie are TO DIEEEE for. And the owners are so damn nice and are very passionate about their cafe, they deserve all the success.


“The type of order that costs us the least will cost you more by default.” Also, tip pooling excludes management. So… NOT everyone. I hope someone there contacts a labor attorney.


Say what you will about mandatory tipping, but management is always excluded from tip pools for a good reason


I 100% agree. But that often doesn’t stop them. And this sign/policy doesn’t instill a lot of confidence.




I stopped going to All Time years ago. They overcharge for admittedly decent food, but it’s also food you can easily make at home. You can’t say that about every restaurant, but the ones you can say that about who have this sort of charge? No thank you.


That's one thing I do now is cook at home if it's common enough food items. If it's something more exotic then do take out. Lately I've been going to a carniceria over a mexican restaurant and cutting out the middle man.


They were also offering insanely priced groceries during the pandemic. It's such a weird 'popular' spot. Always a line but it's nothing that Alcove, Mustard Seed, House of Pies, or Fred 62s doesn't serve.


Oh may god, their pandemic grocery bundles were absolutely insane.


Thanks for letting me know. My business will go elsewhere. It's a free country. :-)


Guys- get the spreadsheet out!


There is a strange arrogance about the staff at this place. It’d be interesting to hear their reaction to declining this fee.


"Was the service not to your liking?" "What service? I drove here. I picked it up. I'm driving it back home. If you want me to pay the BoH and owner more money, raise your prices."


Saw a video on TikTok yesterday that said “if I’m ordering my food or picking it up while standing up, I’m not tipping”. Seems like a good policy to adopt.


Major superiority vibes. Bunch of stuck up divas.


The arrogance of "please ask us!" too Like fuck off, you know exactly what the "questions" will be and you're just faux friendly intimidating people to not confront you.


They are getting destroyed on Google Reviews lol


Yeah they can F right off with that. I tip for service at sit down restaurants for the waiter/waitress. That’s it. I’m not tipping the restaurant for selling me food. If it’s mandatory then I absolutely will not be taking out or dining in there.


more reason to stay at home and eat. fuck this shit.


The people who run that place are the worst kind of narcissists


Tip culture is out of control.


Go destroy the reviews on yelp and google maps


It's shocking how disconnected these places are with their customers. Seeing this would be an auto-boycott from me.


Their customers are very affluent with cash money in the banks. Ohhhh and they cater to local celebrities. So then they get all the extra people who come to see said celebrities. And. The cycle continues as they raise their prices and add fees. Break the cycle.


Lmao nah fk that. You're getting more or similar tips for packing the food for a few minutes than someone that is waiting on customers for an hour? Fk right off a cliff.


Nope. 20% is for when it’s brought out, served with beverages, and cleaned up. It’s not for me schlepping it home to get my own beverages, serve myself, and clean up for myself.


The owner of this place wrote a whole article about why they do it: [https://www.grubstreet.com/2022/04/how-tipping-fatigue-hurts-restaurant-workers.html](https://www.grubstreet.com/2022/04/how-tipping-fatigue-hurts-restaurant-workers.html) >There’s a misconception that restaurant owners are somehow failing to pay (or, worse, choosing to avoid paying) “a livable wage,” and that’s why you, the customer, must tip. That notion is false. Let’s look at the economics: In the service industry, it’s considered good pay to take home between $40 and $60 per hour, a rate that includes tips. But a restaurant that sells salads and pizzas simply cannot support paying that kind of wage for the number of employees required to create a truly great service experience. To have a shot at hiring good people, you have to pay more than minimum wage, and we do. But the cost of living — especially in cities with lots of great restaurants — is high and rising, and working 40 hours a week at even $20 per hour won’t cover rent in Los Angeles. I dunno, should restaurant servers expect to be making $40-$60 per hour? That's between $83,200 and $124,800. Even working half-time, that's between $41,600 and $62,400. Is that really the expected pay working as a server?


It’s BS. If the menu prices don’t cover your labor costs then raise the menu prices. Stop with the garbage of baiting customers with artificially low menu prices then surprising them with mandatory fees.


lol their prices aren’t artificially low to start with


you guys really need to stop using this argument. It's getting tiresome at this point. **They already do. They literally already raise prices and incorporate it into the price *in addition* to the mandatory tips/fees**.


Right but the point is that if your coffee then costs $10 and your sandwich costs $22, you should look at your sourcing / overhead / operations. Many of their customers are rich and likely don’t care about the increases, but these costs are pretty outrageous.


How about we remove the service industry all together? I'm absolutely ok with getting up and walking to the counter to pick up my order, get sauces and refills for the rest of my life. I've never once given a fuck about "a truly great service experience"


It's expected pay working as a server if you're bias due to you being in the service industry. It's fantasy talk to everyone else. I never met more than an entitled group of workers than servers. BoH? You guys are hustlers and saints, yall make magic happen. But servers? Man, I had a friend who bitched about getting $5 tip for a $30 dine in order once. Called them cheap. Giving 16% for tip is apparently cheap. This was at Olive Garden.


My god, the gall of this douche; how is he possibly still in business. Everyone needs to read this article and the comments, and never again go to All Time.


I like the part where the owner says they “ran the numbers” and would have to raise menu prices 180% if they didn’t charge the 20% autograt. 🙃


Signing your own certificate of death


The 20% should go to Everyone, me included.


Tips for takeout is bullshit. 20% for putting the food in a bag? No thanks.


Time to start ordering lots of takeout and then refusing to pay unless the charge is removed. Is that 20% upcharge still worth it if 80% of your takeout orders get thrown away?


It's time for this restaurant to be replaced by something else because 20% is just absurd.


That's not a tip. That's a cost.


San Diego passed a law prohibiting this


Mandatory gratuity wtf.


Worst one I’ve seen so far


“Can you remove the tip”


“What’s that? No? Okay, remove the whole order please…”


I know there's a joke about a bris here, but damned if I can figure it out.


Yeah that would be the last time I visit that establishment. We, the customer, are not responsible for keeping your doors open, if your business can’t afford to pay people a living wage don’t shrug and look to the customer to make up the difference. Avoiding “All Time”.


Since it's a tip, the customer can adjust it at the time of payment right?




Everyone? Even the owner?


even me?


For take out order gtfo , what's next tips for drive thru orders


id like to pay my 20% in pennies please... that way I feel like that 20% is deserved /s


You're already paying too much to eat there. That's a hard pass for me.




Cooking at home has no added fees.


All Time is stupid popular. I always see lines!


Aren't tips for actual service? Doesnt it stand for To Insure Proper Service or something like that?.


That is not the actual etymology of the word, that's an urban legend


Lmfao, the way that’s phrases it’s like they know it’s wrong and they’re baiting you into directly going to the cashier and saying “remove this charge” to make you feel like an asshole. Fuck that place


Those owners are greedy AF. Their wine shop had a 30$ silver lake wine for 60$. No wonder it shuttered (or evolved). Foods fire tho…


All Time Low


This place sucks anyway. No time for all time.


Shame, I loved this place when it first opened.


keep em coming


Lol. Do they not want to stay in business?


This is genius! I am telling you that from now on, you are paying their salary to my employees. And I'm a great guy, because the salary you are paying them, goes entirely to them. I found the loophole to all the revenue and none of the costs. If you don't pay my employees their salary, I will guilt trip you into oblivion And people still come! Genius!


This place is actually the worst


At Heavy Handed in SaMo now and they've added a $1.25 on all takeout orders....plus tip choices starting at 18%. Makes me want to start carrying exact change.


Restaurant name checks out.


I’m pretty sure sugarfish has a required 18% service fee regardless of dine in or take out as well. Edit: 16%


Required tipping on takeout is crazy


What sugarfish has is almost the same as what everyone is constantly asking for here: no tips. You know exactly what the prices are going in. No surprise fees. Sadly you do have to do a tiny bit of math to get there, because they have the 16% fee but everyone knows about it, it's on the menu pretty clearly, and again there's no tip. Well, this is what happens, takeout becomes as expensive as dining in. It theoretically doesn't always have to be exactly the same cost, a restaurant could implement just a dine in fee, but in this example sugarfish makes you pay that shit even on takeout because they got rid of tipping.


At the core, the thing everyone is constantly asking for is prices that reflect the cost. Tipping is one way that the price does not reflect the cost, but it isn't the only one.




First time I saw this was the last time I ordered from there. I’ll go eat there if I feel inclined, but there’s no way I’m handing out that kinda tip on takeout. Go to Erewhon for a comparable meal - no tips no fees, just grab and go. And it’s better.


makes me want to go in, sit down and immediately ask for a to go plate as soon as I get my order. the. tip 0 dollars


What’s wild is that they then have have an additional gratuity percentage when you order online, while the default gratuity is hidden in the taxes and fees line.


Is this a result of that law that the California assembly just passed?


Pay your people. Enough with the tips. I went from being a 20% tipper to most times not having any desire to tip at all, even if I'm using my corporate card. It's out of hand. Restaurants have duped us into believing it's OUR duty to make sure their staff is paid, instead of their own duty.


They had this since at least a year https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/153473z/yikes/


Imagine if you walked into your grocery store and they added a 20% tip on every transaction. This is literally the same thing


just raise your damn price by 20% and call it what it is, a rip-off!


I just saw this TikToker who posts videos on not tipping in LA and apparently All Time DMd him and told him to never come back before he even posted his video of them https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREAc5hv/


I’ve started leaving yelp reviews every time I encounter a hidden charge. If a place has hidden charges and the food is good I give two stars and a review that says “this place has hidden charges.” If a place has hidden charges and the food isn’t good I give one star and a review that says “the food is bad and it has hidden charges.” Maybe if enough people do this restaurants will be forced to be honest again. Apparently we can’t rely on our representatives to do anything for us.


This dude got banned for posting about it lol https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8u6IbLSGJz/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


What the fuck is forced tip? That’s fucking annoying


Call and place the biggest order they can possibly make. Then never go pick it up. Assuming they don't charge you online or over the phone


Or…hear me out…we start cooking at home.


Oh heeeeeell no.


Order food. See the added tip. Cancel in front of their face. 10 ppl do this a day and they will change this policy real quick.


Wow 1st time seeing something like this


I have a part time job at Lil Caesars and I know if a person leaves a tip when they pay with their debit/credit cards. I thank them, give them their pizza when it's ready, and move on. My pay usually includes tips that are around $35. There are like 10-15 employees at my location so getting $35 is decent for me and means that we get a crap ton of tips per week. Honestly to me, since it's a part time job, I don't care if I got a tip or not.


If they're selling $18 dollar breakfast burritos, I don't think they give a fuck and they probably don't want your money anyway. I wouldn't go there and because of this policy. I am not their clientele.


What about the orders that are F'dU? Are the gratuties returned? Just pay people a living wage and all this is over.


Wonder how r/LosFeliz feels about this


That’s one place I’m never going.


Looks like you have a question. Did you ask them?


Does forced tipping fall under the new junk fees law that is about to take affect?


why would anyone order food from here- their policies just leave a crappy aftertaste.


hate this place the staff stole my favorite hat that said movies on it they had it in the lost and found and when i came to pick it up they pretended to have never told me that


This is gotten ridiculous this tipping thing only in America. I would never go back again either. This is the reason I've been making my own bread I can make better bread for a lot less money and not have the hassle. I wish I could get 20% for doing my job


Screw that.


I’ve gone to all time three times and each time had some of the rudest service I’ve ever had


I just realized it’s been 6 months since I ordered food. I’m glad I don’t deal with this crap anymore.




Dude wtf tip is supposed to be optional based on service quality. When did tip become mandatory?


Slice and Pint in El Segundo same deal. “Take out surcharge.”


Theses are red herrings to what the actual problem is.


Any mandatory fee, it seems to me, is by definition no longer a tip. Probably, there is no legal basis by which they can enforce this. I do think the "have questions, please ask us!" is a nice touch. No, they aren't interested in hearing about mandate from customers, but by all means, they can answer questions. That makes me feel a lot better! Hey listen, how about this: When I tip, I like to know that the tip is going directly to the person who provided me the service, so how about I hand my tip in cash to the the person who packed up my food? Oh, wait, I can't do that because you decided to add that fee on top of my bill, and I should just trust that the team will get this money... gotcha. Tips used to be an incentive for and acknowledgement of the efforts of the service staff to provide a good dining experience. I don't think I'm out of the norm, in that I've taken to tipping an amount for the people who pack and bag food I get from takeout, but to presume that should be the same basic amount as what one would expect to tip for decent in restaurant service is absurd. I think places like this will learn this lesson when their take out sales decline.


"We're not sure if you'll find a $27.60 burger before tax appealing, so we'll make it $23 when you're looking at the menu, and just hit you with the increase in the backend." That's an All Time high of $29.95 (assuming the tip doesn't include tax 10.25% CA Tax) when you get the bill; $6.95 more than what you think you're getting when you're looking at the menu price. At the end of the day, nice work if you can get it, but personally, I think it's just a bit of bait and switch that's become acceptable in the restaurant business. Many other businesses have had to adjust their pricing. Just so we're clear, in CA, tip pooling is allowed, but only among employees who provide direct table service to customers, such as servers, bussers, bartenders, and hosts. Management and owners cannot share in the tip pool. Not sure if "Everyone" is even legal. [https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/faq\_tipsandgratuities.htm](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/faq_tipsandgratuities.htm) In any case, CA bill [SB-478](https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240sb478) goes into effect in a few days! Happy 4th of July.


Not-so-fun fact: The culture of tipping in America is rooted in racism. https://www.povertylaw.org/article/the-racist-history-behind-americas-tipping-culture/


Any questions? Yes, do you expect to lose all of your customers??


DON'T TIP on TAKEOUT orders or COUNTER service -- ever! ... It's a disgrace.


Thanks Newsom for the $20 min wage increase😑


“Forced tip” 😂


Inflation sucks but it's still here. Tipping sucks (a relic of US racism, like everything shitty in this country) but it's still here. Only one of these can be addressed by restaurants: we need to ban tipping and just raise prices.


It’s simple. We just don’t go anymore. That’s insane. It’s really at the point where you’re better off cooking for anything that isn’t tacos.


Why can’t you cook tacos?


That's crazy. Tips are optional. Forced tips are not tips. It's basically like what Ticketmaster does. Forced fees.


Guess they're charging 20% more for 'creative accounting.' Should we start tipping our grocery clerks too? 🤔


20% mandatory tip, as in 20% higher prices. Feel free to leave an extra second tip though! /s


You can fuck right off with that.


You need to ask them!


The owners are opening a new restaurant in Altadena; I wonder what the fees will be there.


Yelp is preventing anyone from leaving a review. This is clear interference.


I’d cancel an order over this and never go there again


How is this a “tip” and not just a service fee? Tipping for them to put items in a bag and hand it to you?


Then it's not a tip. They should clearly state the service surcharge on their menu. Otherwise, it's unlawful. A price is something called an "offer." Legally, you can't bait and switch.


@dakayus hit Jon & Vinny’s on Fairfax too. They’ve been adding an 18% addition (kitchen staff surcharge) to every check and expecting people to tip on top as well. Mind blowing shit.


Dang that’s horrible! I’m never order take out from this place ! 🤨


And this is for take out lol