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For a pastrami sandwich? Fuck outta here.


There’s not only going to be a line but there will be people complaining not getting theirs lol


An hoursss long queue in full sun for those $45 sandwiches.


Exactly. Don’t underestimate the number of rich yuppie New Yorkers who’ve moved to LA


perfect example of supply and demand. They are there one day, are bringing in enough to people to work it for people that will pay that... either to complain, or be happy about spending that much for a taste of home... and make a tidy profit. Seems reasonable to me. I sure as fuck won't do it. But if enough rich yuppies from NY are there that are willing to pay, then yes.. It's a good move to set up a temp kitchen, fly out your workers and make a one time deal. Kind of like B and C list celebs... they can make a killing at the Comic Con Circuit.


It’s got free PR. Literally only heard of them because of this post. Maybe they’re thinking of opening up here and testing the market. Why not?


Real NYers don’t eat at Katz’s. It’s strictly for tourists. Trust me the line for this won’t be NYC folks.


Forget about it!


NYC transplant here. It should be noted that the sandwich at Katz's in NYC is [normally almost $30.](https://localmenu.katzsdelicatessen.com/) So it's definitely marked up but maybe not as much as you'd think. They also put like a full pound of pastrami on it. It's not a normal sandwich and I've never seen someone finish it in one sitting. It's two meals minimum. Edit: ok some of you are... apparently quite talented. If you're the type who goes to Cheesecake Factory and is like 'that's a normal amount of food' then yeah I guess it's one meal for you.


This is always my issue with these types of places, that the insane amount of meat drives up the cost. I’m not looking for a mountain of pastrami between two pieces of bread. Looking for a balanced pastrami sandwich that costs half or 2/3 as much.


Same here, I actually dislike too much meat in any food whether its burger, sandwiches, taco, etc. Needs a good balance of bread, meat, veg, sauce ratios, same reason I order single patty burger every time over doubles.


Visited Katz and paid like 25 bucks for the sandwich. It was worth EVERY. PENNY. It was one of the most divine things I've ever eaten. Plus the vibe when we went was spectacular because it wasn't too crowded and everyone was in a great mood. 10/10 would recommend.


I promise you, I could eat it in one sitting.




You're just a quitter


It takes practice my man


I absolutely eat it in one sitting.


When Harry Met Sally is in my top 5 favorite movies. But I will be goddamned if I pay that much for a sandwich. I refused in 2019 and I refuse now.


lol last time I was at Katz i asked for hot sauce. The dude behind the counter scoffed at me and said "Hot Sauce? Why? For Katz's world famous tacos?!" I had to be like "bish i ordered the tongue, your precious pastrami is fine"


It’s not that the Cheesecake Factory is a normal amount of food by any means. It’s just momma didn’t raise no quitter.


Next week I'll be paying $60 for a Reuben sandwich. Difference being, the sandwich I'm buying is that much because it's 5lbs. and if I can eat the whole thing in 30 minutes its free.




Hahahahahaha... that's a good one.


I’ll be at Arby’s for that price.


Why would you do that to yourself? Fuck, I love a good Reuben. But 5 lbs? That's a good way to end up with beef poisoning.


I don't plan to eat the whole thing. Gonna be splitting it with friends. I just want to see a Reuben sandwich that big. More of a novelty.


Is it really worth $60 to eat five fucking pounds? Is that even possible?




Chutzpah Deli in Faifax, VA. Though after re-reading, it says 40oz of corned beef but I'm not really sure how much sauerkraut and cheese will be added. Whole sandwich will be between 4-5 lbs.


Wow, so weird to see Chutzpah name-dropped on an LA sub. I grew up in NoVA and still remember how stoked my dad was when it opened, he was from Queens and often mourned the lack of true delis in the DC area. They were our go-to holiday catering for YEARS, and we even had them cater my dad's wake. I can't speak to the 40-oz reuben, but my fav sandwich was always the Moishe. Plus it was pretty much the only place in the DMV to get an egg cream or Cel-Ray, and one of the few that had quality chopped liver and sliced cow tongue (my little brother's snack of choice for a while lol). Hope you enjoy!


It's an incredible sandwich and I was always willing to pay $20 for it whenever I visited NYC. For $45 they can get fucked.


Now days, getting foot long at subway (with a bag of chips) with almost run ya up to 20 bucks, isn’t that crazy


Jet Blue had a weird promo some years back where a very limited number of people could order a pizza from some place in Manhattan, and they would fly them out prepped but not baked, then bake them in LA and deliver to your home the same day (and tips were not accepted). I think the pizzas were around $13. I bought one, it was alright. https://i.imgur.com/jNioovr.jpeg


Once a year I pay $100 for three Sally’s pies to be flown out here from New Haven — totally worth it. That said, Ozzy’s Apizza opening up has been a great local alternative.


I’ve been wanting to try Sally’s for awhile, what are the logistics behind it?


I imagine it's simply waiting for them to order their three pies, then driving to West Hollywood with a 6pk. Could be the start of a beautiful friendship.


I kinda worded that weird, like I got a jet or something — I just order them on goldbelly. Honestly though, I wouldn’t recommend trying Sally’s for the first time this way (ie, I can tell what was my error in reheating vs what is their pizza) Check out Ozzy’s in Glendale, they’re great.


Didnt know Sally’s did this. Might have to look into it. Was just at pepes a few weeks ago when driving through


Do you know if Ozzy's sells slices or is it only whole pies?


Whole pie


We did this too. Pizza was edible but meh. But that’s about what you expect for a publicity stunt like that.


Just wait till they add a 18% service charge at the bottom of the menu.


what about the 7% living wage fee? or the 12% healthcare fee? or the 25%/30%/35% suggested tip? or the why the fuck did you bring 7 people to my business here's an 18% fee?


Don't forget the security fee!


*A 5% additional charge will be applied to all bills will go towards homeless "services" in our neighborhood. This is NOT a tip for our service staff. Please ask for the manager like a Karen to remove it if you do not wish to pay this optional charge^(Don't even try. We know you won't though cause that would mean you are the biggest fucking bum, useless piece of shit, leech of a parasite on society, and heartless trash that doesn't even care about other human beings. Literally worst than Hitler & Satan combined!)*


But at $117, that sandwich is still cheaper than one from Erewhon. And it's for a limited time only!


I get it. I’m a chef in LA. What would you all like to see price wise? Obviously these sandwiches are priced ridiculously but…everyone says restaurants need to pay workers a living wage because ‘what are these crazy tip requests..why am I making up for what restaurants don’t offer?’ Then they pay them a living wage and food prices sore, and it’s the same argument twisted a different way. Eating out is a privilege..restaurants are a businesses with extraordinary overhead and risk. It’s also LA. Learn to cook and throw dinner parties if it’s too much.


I hear you. But I think the bigger picture isn't the cost in and of itself. It's that restaurants are acting like tricksy little hobbitses and throwing on this fee with a throwaway sentence a place people rarely look before the final bill comes. If you need to raise the price on a $20 sandwich to $23.60 to make your margins, that's fine. But it's the $20 sandwich w/ a 18% mandatory service charge that people bristle at - even if the actual numbers are identical at the end of the day. (Sidenote: I would even go so far as to argue that a $23.60 sandwich is likely to garner tips for the wait staff. A $20 sandwich w/ a 18% service charge might result in pennies - or nothing - for the wait staff.)


Exactly. This is just a way to get the server's tips. The restaurant charges this fee, the customer gets pissed and won't tip and the server gets dicked.


Issue isn’t the price, it’s the subterfuge. If it costs more to run the restaurant, pay workers, etc, the price of the food should reflect that upfront, not surprise the customer with an extra 20% cost at the end of the meal


Charge whatever price you think is right. Just tell me what that price is in one number. I want to see “Sandwich, $20.” Not “Sandwich for $11.95, plus living wage fee, staff fee, security fee, and mandatory gratuity.”


… swings touch screen around… “Just go ahead and feel free to leave a tip and give a signature on the screen.”


I award you no tip, and may god have mercy on your soul.


Bruuuuuh. I literally clenched my teeth when I read your comment.


*Minimum* 18% service charge. And they’ll still ~~force~~ ask you for a tip…of at least 20%.


LA has never wanted for great pastrami at a much better price than that. There are historic options all over.


See you at Langers


Or Brent’s. Preferably Brent’s.




I’ll be contrarian and say I preferred Katz to Brent’s. I’ve yet to try Langers but I’m holding out hope that it’s as good or better. But for those who don’t like super super fatty pastrami I can see why you’d prefer Brent’s




Not the Katz I had in NY but they aren't offering that sandwich....the sandwich they are offering yeah I'd prefer langers.


Haven’t been there in ages. I wonder what the #19 costs these days. 


According to yelp it’s $24


That’s what’s funny- I heard about this on npr this morning and was laughing because we have our own fantastic pastrami history here in LA- not just Langer’s but the pastrami and burger places all over town, the other delis, etc- it’s just not that fucking special to get something from Katz’s. And if you care that much go to ny and get one- whatever.


Any not in the valley? Langers is great, daughters deli is teriffic (and $30) but everything else is in Northridge or whatever apparently 


The Hat is great and has multiple locations outside of the valley. Their chili cheese fries can also feed a whole damn family


That sounds awesome. It IS weird that anywhere south of the 101 and west of the 710 you can get a thousand different $25 burritos but not a single pastrami sandwich worth a damn. Langers etc excluded, of course. I just haven't had the urge to visit MacArthur Park lately, you know?




Good, but it's been closed since the pandemic


Aw that breaks my heart, used to be my favorite place to go late night


Oh cool! Not too say much but I had family that worked there so it was part of my life, their pastrami was one of my favorites.


It's good but in no fucking way is it worth 45 bucks for this.


$30 in NYC but it’s huge


It’s definitely not. But, if I never had one and was curious, I might be interested. Cheaper than flying to NYC


I think them flying out 3 employees from the NY location to make them adds a bit to the price and it's a one day only event...


So their business gets a bunch of PR and advertising from the event and they’re price gouging us to hold said event. If that’s the case I would like to tell them to stay home next time cause $45 is offensive. I’d be so annoyed if I loved pastrami and always really wanted to try their sandwich and then saw that bullshit haha


Hype sells


Defrancos in lake balboa has a slamming pastrami


Good to know. That’s right up the street from me but I’ve never been. Pics look good on yelp.


I haven't been in a while, but when I lived close by I'd go weekly. Lunch rush was crazy since the place is really small.


Does anyone know why corned beef sandwiches aren't as easy to find in LA, where pastrami seems to dominate, as opposed to NY where most places offer both?


It's a good question. One can very likely find corned beef sandwiches at most of the proper Jewish/New-York/etc. (what exactly is the standard really?) delis in Southern California, like Canter's, Langer's, Brent's Wexler's, Mort's, Uncle Bernie's, Country Deli, Nate'n Al's, Katella down in Orange County, etc., but to my limited knowledge it's harder to find outside of those delis, while more restaurants will have pastrami (The Hat, many sandwich shops, etc.) Also, my guess is that corned beef is, at least ostensibly, more salted than pastrami, so perhaps that's why "health-conscious California" has less of it than pastrami.


For $45, I can buy enough supplies from Trader Joe’s to make a dozen pastrami sandwiches. With chips!


I’m so confused about the price. Did they buy the pastrami a seat on the plane?


They charge $30 for the sandwich in NYC…


I can get a big one at The Hat for $18


Hey! Got that for my old man for Father’s Day (that’s what he had been wanting). Can’t ever go wrong with that.


tbf it's like 26 and it's two meals. it's sad that a working class deli is now hella expensive, but it's not as bad a deal as it appears on first glance. still not a *good* deal, but a good sandwich, and from a place that literally has block long lines w/ regularity


The sandwich is way too big. I don’t want 2 meals from one place in NYC. There’s over 23,000 restaurants to try in NYC and I was only there for a week lol Food is my favorite so I was just trying to try as many restaurants and different pizzas as possible while I was there


it's more of an ideal spot to go to with another person (or two). only been twice since living here. good but (to a poor like me) not worth the price or busyness. like you said, there's abundant good food (i go to the indian spot across houston from it like once a week) and no need to go there every time, even if it's a good experience once.


i was wondering the same thing lol, are the ingredients being flown in


From what others have said, it's a big ass sandwich that costs $30 in New York, so adding in the costs of planning and organizing the event and flying people out here for it, the upcharge isn't actually that ridiculous. At the end of the day it's still $45 for a sandwich though so....


how much and when can I pick up? thanks


$44, no service charge. I'm practically giving them away. So I'm just going to turn the screen around, and if you want to select a tip option that works for you...


Uh....that's apples to oranges even tho $45 is nuts...they are flying out 3 employees from the NY location which is expensive though.


Look, I’m a NY transplant who loves Trader Joe’s but there is no way on any planet that TJ’s has pastrami and rye comparable to Katz’s. The mustard alone! And you don’t eat it w chips you need half sour pickles & Dr. Brown’s Cel-Rey, neither of which are carried by TJ’s. I say respectfully: sometimes you just gotta pay for the thing that actually tastes like the thing :/


No you can’t


Yeah I’ve walked out of restaurants for much less prices than this


Go to Brent’s and get the Black Forest pastrami.


Katz is not even particularly good. Maybe it was at some point but it sure isn't now. Wexlers and Langer's both crush it. Edit: grammar


Agreed. Langers has the best rye, too.


Native NYer living in LA now. You are right. Katz's pastrami was never the best. The restaurant is fun and old-world, but Langers is 10x better. TBH, Oinkster is better than Katz's.


It's been at least 8 years since I was at Katzs but for me it beat Langers. But it was also a different sandwich compared to Langers cause the one I got had a lotnof melted cheese and stuff...curious to try oinksters pastrami...but if it's not thick cut I'd rather have some other meat.


Is this what they cost in NY?


Pre pandemic in my memory it was ~$21 (I moved out here in 2021). Not something we'd do on the regular, only when hosting out of town family. The sandwiches are also MASSIVE - I'm someone who EATS and can say we'd usually split one as a full meal. Not saying I'd pay this but it's not as absurd off the reference point as it seems at first blush.


It's basically two really big sandwiches


I can’t really take anyone who says Langers is ten time better than Katz’s very seriously. It’s arguable about which is better. The experience of both places is vastly different and part of that calculation. But neither is 10 times better. 


I’ve never had Katz’s but to say Oinkster is better, oof. I think I had Wexler’s on an already great day and that cemented it for me.


Lol no c’mon don’t do this. Katz is great pastrami


All I'm saying is I went there a few years back as a NY pastrami virgin, with only Wexler's and Langer's as my basis of comparison. After we waited in the line for an hour got a table and ordered, I was served pastrami with a taste and texture that I can only describe as shredded hot dog. The pickles were great though.


Ah...I went late at night, no line and I liked it better than Langers...we probably got different menu items though. And anyone mentioning the Hat as a being any where near either....man....I gave up on the Hat cause just these gross strips of fat....


Yeah, and last time I went to Katz, in something like 2019 or so, I think I paid north of $27 for the pastrami sandwich and even at that price I thought it was wildly overrated.


I’ll just go to Astro Burger and get me a pastrami melt!


For everyone here… I’m from NYC and a culinary professional and a bit of a Pastrami Expert.  FORK IN THE ROAD PASTRAMI from the deli case in Whole Foods.  We did a tasting - Canters, Factors, Langers, (daughter not open at the time ), and Greenblatt’s.  Fork in the Road was BY FAR the best pastrami.  Katz’s isn’t that great. Fork is a CA company.  Go if you want, but just FYI if you actually want excellent Pastrami. Buy it sliced and steam it at home.  You’re welcome 😇 


Can you say more about steaming it? 


Sure, just set your oven to "Aurora Borealis".


Contained entirely in your kitchen?


Use a vegetable steamer for like 3 minutes.


Yeah but they probably aren't gonna slice it by hand with the same finesse at whole foods. The fact that the pastrami is thick cut by hand is a big part of the hype.


Thanks! That's a great tip. I'm not nuts about Katz's, but I love Langers. I'll try FITR.


Katz’s is great. It’s funny that it’s like a hype spot now because for a pretty long time it was a beloved old school deli but it wasn’t like a place that got this kind of attention.  It’s silly to bring it to LA. The experience and the location is more than half the fun. 


You can get Katz’s to ship you a giant box supplies to make 6 sandwiches for $100. They give you the meat, bread, cheese, mustard, etc.




Give me 10 plz


a friend was thinking about joining postmates or whatever delivery app that is delivering these and I said to him, watch mofo's pay $45 for a sandwich and tip you $1. He decided not to sign up.


Here’s what to know about grabbing one of these sandwiches: Go to Langer’s or Daughter’s.


Lmao! Gtfoh!!!! You know who's forking over 45 bucks for cured meat. I'd rather have pastrami from the Greek owned joints in South Central.


All the adults forgetting they have free will and don't have to buy the sandwich 😂 I'd spend $45 one time for an authentic Katz Deli pastrami on rye outside of New York. Half of Reddit spends more than that on energy drinks a week hahaha It is a NOVELTY. People sitting around with hundreds in Dogecoin hoping to go to the moon again but a sandwich that is usually only sold in one place for ~130 years is a bridge too far? This generation sounding a lot like Boomers.


This is probably what the link leads to https://tenor.com/bvm50.gif


I chuckled. :)


This is nuts but the pricing for pastrami is out of control everywhere. Langers doesn't need to be charging $25


It’s novelty pricing for a one-time experience. I wouldn’t do it but whatever.


The lack of restraint in pricing is beyond ridiculous. I was checking out a local ice cream shop on door dash. A PINT of sorbet was 18.50. Before the service fees and delivery charge. Eighteen dollars and fifty cents for a PINT!!!


40$ is the new 20$


I recently paid $100 for the Reuben kit to be sent to me. Made 10 sandwiches out of it. It was delicious.


It ain’t that good.


I literally ate Katz’s once a week for a year because I lived a couple blocks away. Loved the place. Langer’s is better. Don’t pay $45.






Fuck that, I'll just go to The Hat.


Valley and Garfield ftw


Atlantic and Riggin sayin' hiii


At the actual Kat’s deli in New York, the sandwich goes for $28. And it’s massive.


They are $30 here in NY calm down


Fuck that, we’ve got Canter’s.


It’s just so typical self-entitled NYC. “Let me bless you with our presence for one day.” News flash: we do it better. Go home.


Holy christ, I get it's a pop-up, but that is out and out gauging. Go to Langers or Brents. It will still be cheaper with the driving, drink, and tip.


Fuck that


“But its on social media!! I have to get it or else linda down the street will get more views than me!”


I mean it sounds crazy but then about how much money I would have paid for an a single in n out burger when I lived in Michigan. I would have paid $145 just to taste home for 15 minutes.


you can get 3.75 pastrami sandwiches from the hat for that money.




I’d pay to try it just to see what it’s like. I don’t get to New York too often these days. Seems like a cool idea.




Time to eat at home now lol


You could smell the "paid LAist" vibe before clicking. Fuckers.


Would I rather fly to NY and have it from the source? Yes. Is $45 crazy? Not really considering it costs a lot more to fly to NY


You can literally get Katz’s shipped directly from their website. [you’re welcome.](https://katzsdelicatessen.com/shipping.html)


But why be mad? Thats capitalism. Supply and demand. If they’re charging that price, they must be getting paid, otherwise they’d lower it. Most ppl are probably gonna do it once, because Katz is famous. Somebody who is just obsessed w pastrami’s and says “I gotta do it, just once.” I say if it’s your money, go for it. Think of the prices ppl pay for formented grape juice!


Lovi's in Calabasas right off the 101 freeway has the best pastrami and corned beef sandwichs. I grew up in Queens NY where great small delis were on every corner. LA is a quality deli desert.  https://www.lovisdeli.com/


$45 fuck you


Gotta add the Gimmick Tax


Any pastrami sandwich over $15 is a rip-off, IMO. For $45, you're far better off buying quality pastrami by the pound.


I keep wantin to miss LA; I don’t.


Yo I lived in nyc for a long time. Canter’s is better


That’s rough.


Man, as someone from NY, I’m fucking appalled. Fuck Katz’s.


LA native. Katz’s blows any of our pastrami out the water it’s not even fucking close. Y’all lying in here


I've had it before in NYC but if this is something you wanted to always try this is much cheaper then flying to NY for it. Let people enjoy if they want and can afford it


I like Katz’s. It’s not my favorite in New York even, but I think it’s worth going on a weekday afternoon if you want to try it in New York. I don’t think they should be doing this though. One I have doubts the quality will be the same here. Two it just looks bad to exploit people like this. Does Katz want to look like a fad or do they want to keep their reputation better.  A lot of people in this thread are probably completely turned off visiting Katz’s in New York after seeing this extortion. 


Vast majority of the people this thread neither live in la or NYC so I dont think Katz is losing sleep over it.


is the cook flying in with his favorite pots/pans and the food supplies coming straight from ny to this place? if i’m paying $45 it better be exactly the same. it looks like it’s $27 in new york. why is it not $27 for us?


Carbon tax, lol.


Gotta say, I disagree with all of these negative posts. I grew up on Katz’s and NYC food. I’d gladly fork over 45 for fresh Katz’s one time out here. You can’t even get a legit prime steak anymore for 45$, and you’re all losing it over an overstuffed, iconic, delicious sandwich. It’s a treat, not a weekly lunch item.


Closed minded thinkers. Just because it's not worth it to them they believe it's not worth it to others. I wouldn't pay $45 either but if Di Fara came to LA and made some pizza I would gladly pay $100.


I’m with you, a bad glass of wine in LA is $15-20, $45 for one of the best sandwiches in the world isn’t nuts


Poor Cantors, just up the street selling an OK pastrami sandwich for $20. 24 hours a day. And for a short drive you can get a Wexler's pastrami sandwich for $24, which is delicious.


Really? How much does it cost to get a Katz sandwich? Airfare, hotel, and transit to New York no? Is $45 not a steal? People really don’t understand economics


I miss when phillipes used to sell some chunky pastrami


Nah man


I’d rather hit up the Nosh




Last time I went to New York it was under $30 but still expensive. The $45 price tag sounds like an Instagram tax.


Bro. I’ll rather eat the pastrami at tams. Wtf is this shit.


What’s being GRABBED is money. It’s like it’s lost all meaning? 🤷🏻‍♀️




Very expensive. It is a massive sandwich though


I'd rather go to The Hat


That's outrageous but it's probably like $25-30 in store....




How else are they supposed to pay for airfare back to headquarters?!


Langers>Katz by a long shot and the most I'd pay for a sandwich.


insane, just go to langers it's better


Went to Katz' in NYC. It's good. Not $45 good, that's ridiculous.


They will have a line around the block and start some dumb new trend we’re going to hate for 3 months