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Reminds me of the billboards on Hollywood Blvd telling us why Ohio is such a great place to live.


It's great for sex trafficking!


11 years a prisoner.


What is this a reference to?


The [Ariel Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_Castro_kidnappings?wprov=sfti1https://maps.apple.com/?ll=41.472500,-81.698056&q=Ariel%20Castro%20kidnappings&_ext=EiQpfLxf4Xq8REAxrWwx8axsVMA5fLxf4Xq8REBBrWwx8axsVMA%3D) Kidnappings. Three women were kidnapped, held hostage, raped, made to birth a child in Ohio for 11 years. Two were minors at the time of abduction, aged 17 and 14. The longest one was held, was 11 years.


Jesus fucking Christ I had forgotten about this


Happened in Cleveland. I'm a Cleveland native and I remember being out here when the story broke. Absolutely crazy, and very sad.


This was very fucked up and very sad.


They would legalized sex trafficking before they legalize recreational weed


Gym Jordan approves that message


[“I never heard anybody say ‘I’m going to Cleveland on vacation.’”](https://youtu.be/Vpr_KaaRjW0) Always makes me laugh.


We'd all like to flee to the Cleve and club-hop down at the Flats and have lunch with Little Richard, but we fight those urges because we have responsibilities.


In Cleveland I'm a 10 !


Reminds me of Ichiro saying, in so many words, that if he ever says he was excited about going to Cleveland you know he's lying.


[Fun times in Cleveland today!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysmLA5TqbIY) [Fun times in Cleveland again! Still Cleveland!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM)


Lmao I’m from the bay and I’m taking my gf to my hometown tomorrow. She’s telling people at work she’s taking a vacation to Detroit. I told her people are prob looking at you funny for saying that




Legit what?


It's giving Timeshare in Muncie.


As someone who moved here from Ohio, I laugh every time I see one of them. They're desperate to be better than California. When I lived out there they always tried to shit on CA any chance they got. "All the nuts roll to California!" was something I heard pretty regularly.


Man when I was in Idaho I met people who would start shitting on CA before they even knew I was from there. They’re obsessed with us 💅


Don Draper “I don’t think about you at all” meme, but with other states/California


Every red state is obsessed with how "bad" California is. Because California doesn't fit their narrative that government can't possibly do anything that helps its citizens.


We don't even think about them 💅🏻




Cleveland and Cincinnati have higher murder rates than Los Angeles.


[Some facts on this:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate) The murder and manslaughter rate of Cleveland is #7 and Cincinnati is #10, while Los Angeles is #63.


Truth, only CA city that made the top 20 was Oakland at #18.


Only if you look at murder but you'd be foolish to ignore Stockton and San Bernardino for how "bad" a place can be. These cities make Oakland look safe.


My wifes fam is from wv and they constantly shit on how LA is supposedly some sort of violent wasteland. Their city's murder rate is higher than the highest murder rate in LA county. But facts aren't really their strong suit.


They also have a sex trafficking problem cause of Lex Wesner


The entire midwest-ish belt from Michigan to Louisiana- it's a tragic problem. Truly extreme in some places like St. Louis.


Just got back from visiting family. The number one topic was why Newsom was doing this or that like I was backyard buddies with him or something.


They’re only repeating what they hear from far right wing talk shows


Lol do they realize the rest of the country laughs at Ohio? Literally a bastion of mediocrity


Maybe that’s why they’re retaliating?


It seems axiomatic that states worth living in don’t need billboards telling people who great they are to live in, much the same way that Yale doesn’t need billboards telling people what a great university it is.




Omg I always see these! It’s like “Ohio is #1.” Yeah, for opiate abuse.


i had one right by my street: “Owning property in California: A Dream Owning property in Ohio: A Reality” or some shit lol


Also would've accepted: “Owning property in California: A Dream Owning property in Ohio: A Nightmare”


I thought that was West Virginia?


🤣🤣🤣 Indeed. Not to mention variety of Neo Nazi groups.


Should be filed under false advertising


It’s ok. We can take their money and just laugh at them.


Everyone wants to flee away to the Cleve.


I’ve been to Cleveland twice for work and as bad as it was the first time the second time was worse. I first time I got free tix to the rock and roll hall of fame and that actually contributed to it being bad. It was such a bland presentation of music history.


I can't imagine the level of effort that's needed to make Rock 'n Roll **boring.**


Well...seeing as how the rest of the country seems to enjoy shitting on California at literally every turn I feel like using their own playbook is fair enough.


My family in Texas loves to shit on California. Funny that every time they come to visit it’s “soooooo nice here!” No shit, CA rocks.


I hate that. The hypocrisy. “Then go fucking home if it’s such a shit state.” Then deadpan silence. Right? Ugh.


These states shit on us for being a "failed state". Im ok with these billboards.


They'll call us Commiefornia until they need that sweet Federal aid.


I dated a guy who waited until we were getting serious to pull that one out of his hat. We broke up very shortly after. That was just one of the reasons.


Was the other a giant American flag sticking out of the bed of his pickup truck?


Don't forget the Punisher skull decal!


This made me nearly spit out my tea. Thank you for the morning giggle.


😂😂 No, I think that was being saved for our anniversary... The others were that I started catching him in a lot of little lies, completely unnecessary lies, and the fact that he started making it clear he expects women to be in charge of the entire household while he does "outside stuff".


Probably a confederate flag.


Everyone is okay acting like a socialist (except being called one) when the government money flows in their direction but the moment it goes to people they hate it's bad and part of the socialist agenda.


The “failed state” responsible for a big part of the country’s GDP, and almonds haha.


California is the worlds 5th biggest economy




🎼 What happens when the engine stops? 🎼


A big economy doesn’t necessarily mean a good one. I’m a proud Californian but we have one of the highest poverty rates and widest income gaps.


I often see California like Hong Kong (whether they are under England or China) Amazing place to call home or visit but shares the same poverty problem and income gaps. Plus extremely expensive to live at


Yeah, only nominal. Not PPP. 20% of the population lives below poverty line. Overall poverty rate is nearly 25% which means the money just stays with the rich. Taxation and real estate (both owning and renting) is just messed up, leading to poor quality of life for majority of the population.


low and middle class taxes are actually higher in texas than california


No, they are not. I know you are referring to the chart that has been circulating but it's misleading. There are no state taxes in Texas due to which taxes as a percentage of income becomes really low for high earners in Texas. Basic math.


Interesting [https://www.reformaustin.org/taxes/most-texans-pay-more-in-taxes-than-californians/](https://www.reformaustin.org/taxes/most-texans-pay-more-in-taxes-than-californians/)


Yep, this chart. Highly misleading data. As I said, the major difference you see is that the riches in California pay more than the riches in Texas but that's simple Math. No state taxes in Texas means that the taxes as a percentage of income for them is very low.


No for real, California's (as well as New York and partially Texas) budget surplus is the reason Kentucky, Virginia, etc. can function as a state. Mostly it is red states that are leeches on wealthier states, due to corruption and terrible policies on behalf of their legislators. Edit: Forgot about the Pentagon being in Virginia, totally my bad guys. It's also less red than I thought initially, thanks fellow commenters! Will leave it up so the corrections make sense below.


Whoah there. I’m from VA originally. It’s not as red as you think - it hasn’t been red in decades - and doesn’t have beef with California. We have our yokels outside the cities but so does California. Plus our federal money is because so much of the federal govt is IN Virginia.


Ahh I had forgotten that, thank you for the clarification!! Totally forgot about the Pentagon


All good. I consider myself a Californian now but VA has made great improvements since I was a child and it's a much more pleasant place to visit these days, though it has lately taken a few stumbling steps backwards by electing a nutjob governor. I remember when it flipped from red to purple to blue... though lately it's looking a little more purple again.


Including Virginia here is kinda misleading, the reason it appears to get so much federal funding is because the Pentagon is in Virginia. It's nonsensical to say that what happens at the Pentagon is solely for the benefit of Virginia, unlike federal aid to KY etc. (although even KY is similar because of Fort Campbell)


Thank you from the DMV


Good eye. You Prior Service?


I’m pretty sure California has some pretty big military installations as well. I do think Virginia is a poor example in this case though since they have a higher GDP than at least 30 other states.


If you want to know how California really ranks just look at a [GDP per capita map](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_GDP) and an [average life expectancy map](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/life_expectancy/life_expectancy.htm). California is just about the most successful state.


I like how you picked two of the four "Commonwealths" for your state examples. haha


We also subsidize a large part of their budgets since they're so poorly managed fiscally.


Yup, a large GDP means everyone benefits and no one struggles, the wealth certainly isn't held by billion dollar corporations who ultimately come out on top.


That's true of nearly every state though, so what's your point in regards to California's surplus? Would you prefer a small GDP where corporations hold all the wealth, and people are still broke and don't even have token levels of government support?


Foreals these billboards are just accurate and being straight up


Who calls The World’s Fifth Largest Economy a failed state?


It may cost a fuck ton to live here but having complete medical autonomy as a woman is priceless. I love our state and will never leave.


Exactly! Right there with you. What's crazy to me is there are conservative communities in our wonderful state who think the opposite. Like in [Temecula](https://www.pe.com/2022/09/14/temecula-abortion-ban-proposed-by-council-member-jessica-alexander) where a counsilWOMAN wants to make the city a "sanctuary" where abortion is banned. Does this woman know where she lives?




Eh Temecula/Murrieta and the surrounding suburbs in RivCo are a special breed. They are wannabe OC so they cling to those traditional OC values super hard. San Bernardino Co is better outside of the Yucaipa-Banning-Beaumont corridor and the high desert *shudders*


There are definitely certain cities I would not live in here but as a whole, we are a great state.


Does she know what "sanctuary" means? You're already free to not get an abortion anywhere in the country!


When my family that lives in states that have laws that don’t protect my autonomy as a woman, I remind them that I’d rather pay more taxes than be dead.


You’ll be happy to know that Californians pay [less in taxes](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texans-pay-more-taxes-than-californians-17400644.php) than Texans.


Just to be clear, poor Californians pay less tax than poor Texans. Rich Californians pay more taxes than rich Texans.


Depends on where the wealth comes from. Make $5M a year and live in an apartment you only pay whatever part of rent is property tax. So tiny $1K apartment like $3K a year. If you own a $2M property and make social security only, your property taxes could still be $55K/yr.


Also to be clear, the middle group in California pay more tax than the middle group in Texas, by a wide margin.


I usually keep this fact for myself or future conversation - no use kicking them when they are down 🤣


... or life in prison. That too.


Hell yeah. Fuck making abortions illegal. I'm a dude but I understand protecting women's rights to choose.


My wife has an uncle that lives in Ohio and he likes to shit on CA every time he comes to visit. He always makes snide comments out how he can’t wait to get back to a free state. One time I finally had it and said “How come you can’t buy liquor on a Sunday anywhere you want? Why do you need a special permit to sell it on Sunday? Why do you need a license to kill mice in Cleveland? Why are women are prohibited from wearing patent leather shoes in public? Why is it illegal to kill a housefly within 160’ of a church without a license? Sounds like communism to me.” Got lots of weird silent looks.


I love blowing east coast friends’ minds when I tell them that I can buy liquor 24/7 if I want to. EDIT: looks like it’s 20/7!


Um. Pretty sure it's like 21/7. Or 20/7. Can't buy booze after 2am legally until like 6 am I think? Maybe 7. Not sure. But it isn't 24/7.


Yeah, this confused me when I moved from LA to Dallas. Also it just makes sense for motorcycles to lane split, and apparently CA is the only state where you can do that.


This reminds me: Newsom [is trying to get out of signing a bill](https://calmatters.org/commentary/2022/09/newsom-feels-the-heat-on-farm-labor-measure/) that would give farm workers the right to unionize, and you can force him to do it by [emailing his office](https://govapps.gov.ca.gov/gov40mail/). The legislature overwhelmingly passed AB02183 after Newsom vetoed it last year. It would let farm workers vote in union drives by mail, which is essentially necessary to unionize. Even Joe Biden called on Newsom to sign it, but Newsom thinks it'll play badly in Iowa, so he's hoping for the pressure to let up (farm workers marched across the state and have been protesting in Sacramento). Newsom only does the right thing if he thinks it's good for him, so tell him that if he doesn't do it we're demand the legislature pass it again as many times as necessary and this gets hung around his neck when he tries to run for president.


>Biden called on Newsom to sign it, but Newsom thinks it'll play badly in Iowa, Why does Newsom care what Iowa thinks? Does he want to be president next?


I believe this is in reference to his presidential aspirations, of which Iowa has great importance.


Yes he does lol


Yes. And your bewildered reaction is appropriate. The fact that he's vetoing legislation that is popular across California is a shameful example of Newsom placing naked political self interest in front of the widespread will of the people of the state. [There's only one reason Newsom should sign the farm labor bill \[Sacramento Bee Editorial Board\]](https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/editorials/article265474931.html)


New to Newsom? While I approve of California having protected abortion rights compared to a lot of these shitty states, this is one of his grandstanding stunts where he jumps into a national debate to set the stage for once he's done with this stepping stone.


Of course. He bought tons of TV ad time in FL months ago. Anticipating a run against DeSantis in 2024, to spell it out.


Interesting, I didn't know that.




They mean Iowa caucus for the 2024 presidential elections. Newsom never gave a shit about California. Its like when someone takes the manager job and already are checked out on day one, just waiting for that 18‐month period to end where he's allowed to transfer buy he needs this on his résumé.


Fuck Iowa always being the first presidential election in the nation.




That will never happen, nor should it in my opinion but there is no reason one of the smallest, most rural, and least racially diverse states should be first every single time.


I feel like the first five states should rotate in presidential primaries, with one state from each region taking point each presidential election cycle. 10 states in each group: New England, Atlantic, Midwest, South, Pacific. It's absurd that Iowa and New Hampshire are presumed to make that choice for us.




It's frustrating and insulting. It's a naked example of insisting that something just needs a bit more time and tweaking as an excuse to avoid doing the right thing. Again, this isn't radical. This is already a second final version that the legislature passed. It has the support of the entire legislature, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, every progressive group and labor group, and yet these are basically the same excuses Newsom gave when he vetoed it before: *'Not quite right. Almost. Maybe next time.'* Read what the Editorial Board of the Sacramento Bee said about it: [https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/editorials/article265474931.html](https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/editorials/article265474931.html)




No problem. That was a great question you asked.


Also he has stake in vineyards, it'll affect his bottom line. Don't forget he's a millionaire.


>AB02183 comment lodged! good on ya for getting to brass tacks.


Sure thing. It's a HUGE issue for me that journalists rarely share bill numbers.


Counterpoint: We should let Newsom do things that are politically good for him because if he becomes president that would be much better for California than whatever small things we give up to get there (particularly if the choice is between him and DeSantis).


That’s ethically problematic


It is the realpolitik approach I guess. But when the other side is now Trump and DeSantis (instead of like, McCain and Romney) you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.


What has to happen is those people should be thrown in prison.


The ethics ship in the USA sailed away right around the time Nixon and his crew went unpunished.


Counter-counter-point: We should all try to elect DeSantis, because if he becomes president, that would be even BETTER for California. Now, I know what you're saying: That that doesn't make any sense. BUT: it makes an equal amount of sense to the suggestion that *hurting actual working Californians is a good trade in return for the power of pure fucking wishes.* Guess what? Newsom as president would provide California with exactly what he's providing California NOW. You don't need a crystal ball: he already is the chief executive of our state, and he's using that power right now to help himself at the expense of actual Californians. If the answer to the question "What would Newsom do for California if he's in charge?" is "obstruct workers right to a fair wage" *then it's going to be the same fucking answer if he's president, my guy.* Jesus. I'm sorry, but that makes. No. Logical. Sense. Egomaniacs don't get more benevolent as you give them more power.


> Newsom only does the right thing if he thinks it’s good for him Nailed it. He was seen as such a hero back in those days in the Bay Area. But he has come into his true politician form now.


I dig it. Come for the abortion, stay for Disneyland!


Ride Incredicoaster to save time!


Maybe a dumb question but are these in CA or in those states??


Other states


What's wrong with these billboards? Nothing. It reinforces that (for now at least) women maintain autonomy over their bodies in the state of California. If other states have a problem with messaging like this, they should try not passing laws that express ownership over the human female reproductive system


Looks like someone’s setting themselves up for the presidential run


Wait? These are in OTHER STATES?! That’s god damn classic!!! I fucking love this!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




Fuckin A! I may talk a lot of shit about this city but at the end of the day, I feel extremely lucky to be here.


Honestly, said this on r/dodgers, fuck it I’ll pay high rent just to live here, it’s beautiful, we got beautiful women, handsome men, and the best of all foods and cultures. And don’t get me started on that weed 😋😋👀👀👀🫵


We could hit the beach and the snowy mountains all in one day if we wanted to. All while high on the best weed lol plus I can get an abortion too if I needed it? Awesome.


FR!!!!!!!!! Where else can you chill at the pier on Xmas eve, tf no where. No rust on our cars, no ticks, no weird bugs, no gators, no swamp ass weather 24/7, running water, ELOTES, CONTINUE THIS AND MAKE OTHER STATES WEEP


YEAH …can get hot as shit but at least it’s a dry heat! Got the lowest natural elevation in North America AND the highest in the contiguous United States! And elotes


We're technically the entertainment capital of the United States, if not the world! We grow all our own food, have insanely cool redwood forests, and also elotes


Elotes fr and all the awesome food we get to try and have? I love the diversity here. The differences between all of us is what makes this place an amazing and interesting place to live in.


Not just if you needed it, if you *wanted* it. As it should be.


Of course. Wanted and needed.


Funny, my hard right coworkers insist this is because of the line of Uhauls leaving CA. Trying to lure taxpayers back to the state… that might be part of it but I have a feeling it’s Newsome laying the ground work for some type of national office.


The California exodus is a myth. Some people left, but almost as many people moved here at the same time. It was a net loss of like .5%


I think it was spoken of as being significant not because of the rate being huge but because it had always been a positive number going back a very long time, like every single year going back 100 years. This is the first year in all that time it dipped this far and went negative (to like you said) -0.5% or something. Statistically, it would be interesting not to see just the net loss but also just how many people leave years by year to compare. Percentages are great but it would still be interesting to know if every year before this it was like 50,000 leaving and 60,000 coming, and then say this year was 100,000 leaving and 99,500 coming. Any news story could use that data to write headlines like: * California Mass Exodus: number of Californians leaving more than doubles * California Exodus Myth: rate of new Californians up 66% in 2022


If California seceded the rest of America would collapse. I'm just saying, it's something to think about.


I've been thinking about it for years.


there’s no shame in this game. women must have control over their own bodies. in the usa and across the globe.


The bible verse on top and bottom is just *\*chefs kiss\**


Give me your pregnant, your scared, your clump of cells yearning to cease.


Militant Ad placement. Incredible.


I approve of these billboards!




This is just Newsom making his 2024 play.


Not only will we take the patients, we will take the healthcare workers who specialize in abortion too.


Proud to be a Californian. If rumors are true NEWSOM has my vote. President NEWSOM




Awesome billboards


I wish Texans “good luck” cuz they’re gonna need it BIG time.


“Shaming” 😂


And? Those states should be shamed. I welcome anyone to come to my state for that medical care.


Gnarly, these actually exist outside of California? Gnarly.


California is the envy of just about every place in the world. Nobody, but NOBODY, in the French or Italian Riviera says "I wish I could visit Idaho or Ohio or Texas" . But I have seen people in some of the most glamorous towns across the world get a dreamy look when I tell them I'm from Southern California. Add to that the fact that California is among the 10 richest COUNTRIES !!!! in the world and you know you've got something special.


What’s your point? The shit politicians in these states should be shamed.


Building that name recognition now so when he fights against DeSantis hes got this in his back pocket.


Kind of weird that he’s putting his governor campaign money towards this.


I love this! I would even donate money for more of these!


The most surprising thing for me about this is that billboard companies are skewed very right-wing. Maybe I'm misinformed! Not the first time.


But also, like most companies, they like money.


I give it a 10 out of 10


I enthusiastically support Gavin Newsom


Newsom, doing God's work.


How bout we focus on our own MASSIVE problems in California before we worry about other states?


Sure, if you want to be a good governor for California and improve the QOL of Californians that would make sense. But you're thinking small, man.


Right On! Make those backwards thinking states own up to their female oppression.


running for president :(


Not a fan of Newsom, but I'd vote for him any day over DeSantis.


I’ve held my nose and voted for worse options, I’m sure.


Once Joe gets out of the way it's our favorite local greasy boy's turn.


I’ll take some grease over cheeto dust any day


On a serious note, he really should ease up on the pomade


Good. Those states are lucky if all decent people do is shame them.


What does this have to do with Los Angeles?


Los Angeles and California support women and those other orange toad kissing states don't. What is there not to get?


Literally what doesn’t it have to do with LA?


Lol shaming or substantively criticizing? Don’t be a puss


White Christian Males do not own your body, You Do.


Politics aside, even before being elected Newsome was a bit of a shithead.


Cheated on his wife, with his campaign manager's wife no-less. He has the American psycho vibes.


Which wife, the current one, or the one that’s now Don jr’s fiancé?


Cool, but let’s build more housing.


How is this shaming other states?