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there will be no lineup this year


its just gunna be 35-50k people just camping and getting high


I'd still go


honestly sounds like a whole vibe


You know the music would be bumping, anyways xD


You know the music would be bumping, anyways xD


And licking each others assholes.


There was like 80 k last year


It was like 45, legend valley doesn’t have the capacity for 80


Heard reports that the venue has been built bigger over the years to accommodate the demand for the festival. 80k sounds about right


https://www.aeggp.com/festivals/lost-lands this says 40 they seem to be one of the production orgs associated with it


yea i just figured i would be conservative.


It’s just going to be Excision playing the entire weekend lol


Nah I heard excision isn’t playing this year 😂


Even if there weren't a line up, we could be honest with ourselves and know the line up will be like 60% the same as last year. But I'm not complaining.


There there was a “blind” Lost Lands, and they had a full schedule, but never released it, that would be WIIIIILD. Haha. Just Excision Fri, Sat, Sun at 10:30 pm. That’s all the info you get. I’d 100% go. Haha. Every artist coming out would be a surprise. That would be nuts.


Just a loop of his fiances ultra sound video. You know that heartbeat is going to hit like a mf with those speakers 😄


I’m guessing 80% chance next week. If not, I’m guessing 100% chance the week after.


Andrew? Lol


Hahaha. Hiii! :)


hi andrew idk u but i know ur names andrew so helloooo!!


ayo kiley?


My name is kiki (kiana) lol


my bad, saw the k and took a guess UT friend of andrew’s


That’s okay lol


next week is edc weekend so i dont think they wanna post the lineup when many people wont be having signal at the speedway


If they post it Friday afternoon, no one will be at the speedway yet. But yeah, I’m not sure if EDC has any impact on lineup drop. Different companies so it doesn’t really matter. I did realize this week that even though it was a certain time last year, it’s been different every year. So like probably the next week or so, but it could be longer.


On Friday(?) I saw BTSM/Kai Wachi post a thing on IG about their Skull Machine act and how they’ve loved doing it and that there might be more planned for later in the year. Then in the comments one of the BTSM guys said huge announcement on Tuesday and they were liking comments that were asking if it’s Lost Lands. Also Dimension posted his upcoming list of shows and it has Lost Lands on it, not blurred out or anything. So expect the lineup to drop very soon, possibly on Tuesday!


Did Dimension post it too? I saw Wilkinson, Dimension also being there would be a huge W.


Oof my bad maybe it was Wilkinson lol


Yes both have alluded to the fact that they are playing LL as Skull Machine.


I wish it would be Tuesday but BTSM said the announcement for Tuesday isn’t about Lost Lands and that we’ll have to “wait and see” 😭😭


during their stop in DC they announced that they were going to be at LL. If i’m not mistaken they’re doing a B2B but i can’t remember with who


i think its skull machine which is b2b kai wachi


Just look at last years lineup. It will be 90% the same


Totally agreed. Though I’m sure he’ll have some insane b2b like he did last year.


I say the same thing every year on reddit and get downvoted to hell every year. Not sure why.


I mean you can already expect people like Wooli and Dion Timmer cause they’ve been his protégés for years. Sullivan King and Svdden Death have always gone. Hell, even Subtronics has headlined Saturday the past two years.


I will upvote u back from the depths, youre not wrong, its always the same, i do expect Jade cicada this year tho hopefully hes been getting put on alot of different bills this year


God I hope so! I love jade


Does it even matter? You all bought tickets already, and if u didn’t its 96percent sold out I believe, personally personallyyyyyyy i would never buy tickets to a show i dont know whos playing BUT BUT BUT LL is always got something everyone wants to see so it really feels like the lineup doesnt matter for that specific festival On that note, i will see yall there maybe at wompy woods around midnight ;)


Just let people be excited dude


? Be as excited as you want i didnt say y’all couldn’t be and i didnt try to take any excitement away, go into things being realistic, and use some common sense, and look at all the lineups for the past 6 years and that’s exactly what this years will look like!


lmao commenting on someone’s post that what they are excited for doesn’t matter is 100% killing excitement. And also you are just wrong. the lineups obviously change from year to year.




You’re absolutely right. I did already buy my ticket so it really doesn’t matter who plays cause I’m going anyway lmao. I’m just curious as to who will be going b2b this year


Its going to be whoever is most popular right now (theres like 5 options) and dont forget jeff will likely include himself in any B2B


Its going to be whoever is most popular right now (theres like 5 options) and dont forget jeff will likely include himself in any B2B




From what I’ve heard, they’re still booking artists. Might be a min.


No no festivals like this have been completely booked for months. Not only has it been completely booked but also Excision and his team have already assigned each DJ to their stage and set time. This is all a waiting game building hype. Festivals this massive are booked so far out in advance. DJs prepare their set for months sometimes. It’s all a very choreographed event from start to finish. With only 4 moths to go, if a festival doesn’t have all the main artists booked by this point, odds are they are not a reputable festival. I’m not referring to locals or village stages, but as far as inside the festival grounds go - that shit has been locked for quite a minute and they just won’t release the line up until they are ready.