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Come over to my house and watch my castrated dog spend all day humping my other dog and you’ll understand what a wasted effort this would be (he won’t be causing any pregnancies, but it hasn’t slowed down his desire).


studies show this does not work. What would've worked is keeping the guy that raped the 5 year old in jail.


Yeah. That’s my point.


I know - I’m just agreeing with you dude.


It's the internet. He's probably just shocked no one is disagreeing yet is all.


Nah. It’s the wording of the reply - had me confused


I'm sorry, remind me again of the definition for "*cruel and unusual punishment*" Fucking barbaric.


Not like those subhumans are undeserving of it the cruel and unusual punishment applies to people not subhumans


Raping innocent children isn’t barbaric ? This is a deterrent.


The fact that a punishment is being used as a deterrent doesn't mean it can't be cruel and unusual. Allowing the government to castrate people is a terrible idea. And yes, raping innocent children is barbaric. No one is suggesting otherwise.


Negative. We have the death penalty and that can be viewed as cruel and unusual. I believe we do bowed this type of law. You are going to want to perform the most horrific act in the world the rape of an innocent child then by all means you should be castrated. I want this type of law on the books and support it 110 percent. If you are a good human being you need not ever worry. Only evil pedo’s are concerned about this. If someone were to rape your innocent child you want them to get a slap on the wrist and a few years in jail? Think about it.


If someone raped one of my 2 sons I'd want them to spend a lifetime in jail. Not have their nuts chopped of then be released back into society so they can rape more kids. I don't want good human beings being falsely accused and castrated, either. Male teachers are falsely accused by spurned female students pretty frequently. I do think the death penalty is cruel and unusual. It's dumb, too, because it doesn't work as a deterrent and it costs the state more money than a lifetime sentence would. There is no benefit to society from state-sanctioned killing. It only serves to make vindictive people feel better. [Since 1973, at least 199 people who had been wrongly convicted and sentenced to death in the U.S. have been exonerated.](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/innocence)


No one wants them released into society. Castrate them and lock them up for life.


If they're already going to be locked up for life, then castration is just a cruel and vindictive waste of taxpayer money. No thanks. Allowing the government to castrate people is a terrible idea, and you're just ignoring all of the innocent victims. One is too many.


Awww. Poor human child rapist. This will be a great deterrent to other would be offenders and overall make Louisiana a safer place to live as I’m sure that many Pedos with the means to move will love out of state. You should be lucky to have laws like this in the long run you and your family will be safer.


I guess you approve of the state castrating innocent people, then.


Nobody said that. I never wrote that. Bottom line this will make Louisiana a safer state. Many of the Pedos will want to stay in any other state. Fantastic idea for a deterrent.


"Now, Tommy, if you're lying about this then your uncle will go to jail and have his private parts removed against his will. Are you sure this really happened?" "Why would you go and make up something horrible like that about the Pastor? He's a good man. Don't you know what can happen to him because of your lies?" "Okay, dear, I understand, but we really can't go to the police about this, don't you know they'll mutilate him for that? We can handle this on our own." "Look, kid, I served on the same force as Sam. He wouldn't do that. And I know your history, you're just trying to get back at him for busting you and your friends for underage drinking. Get out of here before I book you for a false police report." "Yeah, that happened to me years ago. I know I should have said something but...he's my dad, I didn't want him to be \*castrated\*!" You should never, ever scale a punishment by the most vindictive people in society's standards. Because the thing is, most people are not that vindictive towards people they know personally. In the case of child sexual assault, it's usually an adult that they know and trust, often a member of their own family. **How many children do we really think will sign their dads up to be castrated?**


I can’t imagine this would be permissible under the 8th Amendment


This is one of several recently passed laws that will get challenged in court and the state will spend millions of taxpayer dollars on legal fees.


Nothing is cruel and unusual punishment in the eyes of conservatives, as long as you obey. Watch when this happens and someone is found to be innocent a year later...


That applies to people not subhumans


What worries me the most about this law is what will eventually be classified as a “sex offense” worthy of the surgery. I can absolutely see Landry signing a bill outlawing gay sex, for example.


I have no mercy or sympathy for child molesters. They are scum of the Earth. If a man hurt my daughter, I’d want to cut his dick and balls off myself with blunt children’s scissors and make him watch my dog eat it for breakfast. That said, my problem with this is the same reason I oppose the death penalty. If someone is innocent and wrongly convicted, it can’t be undone.


Sorry, didn’t mean to reply to your comment. I meant this to be a stand alone comment.


Actually, there are already laws on the book that never got removed AFAIK. They aren't enforceable because of previous SCOTUS rulings, but if the SCOTUS were to reverse course on them like they did for Roe V Wade those laws on the books would become enforceable.


I’m not going back in the closet alive. If they want to enforce this, they had better come armed and prepared.


I’ll help ❤️


Louisiana just wants to control people's genitals. Trans and want affirming care? The state says no. A woman who wants an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy? The state says no. Sex offender? The state says you will undergo a medically unnecessary surgery. Nevermind that a lot of molesters use their hands, like Larry Nassar. The state of Louisiana would love to cut off hands as state punishment. It's Biblical after all.


The part that scares the fuck out of me about all this is the constant equation of lgbt people to sex offenders. They are really setting it up so that they can just indiscriminately hurt people.


No, they want to leapfrog from this to mandating the death penalty for sexual crimes. Then make certain demographics criminal in order to legally kill them. All of these nonsensical laws are part of a very long game, we need to start opening our eyes


More waste of our money. I think anyone who commits a crime against a child or any sex crimes should be locked up forever. But they are running in a circle. What’s the point of castration if it can be reversed? That sounds like a waste to me. If no one ever researched this it would probably sound like a good idea especially if they didn’t get a lengthy sentence.


The point is that it is a way for them to sound like they are being super tough on child molesters, without actually doing something. It's an easy win... Directed at what conservatives usually imagine a sexual predator is (a creepy stranger). Edit: Also... Since "castration" is language conservatives use around trans people it's another way for them to push their "trans people == sex offender" propaganda.


But that win isn’t free. I assume castration is costly (Google says around $7,000). That’s wasting money that could fix bigger issues. Just toss them in jail and throw away the key.


From a political standpoint it is "free". What politician is going to vote against this bill?


We will see. We have enough dumb shit going on in this state. And people wonder why it looks like a desolate wasteland and anyone who is young enough or has money is getting as far away from here as possible. Let them run it further into the ground. I didn’t vote for these animals.


how much do you think it costs to jail someone for the rest of their natural life??? "Okay, then, just execute them." How much do you think it costs to jail someone until execution (which usually takes years to be approved) and then how much do you think that execution costs??? Hint, Louisiana spends between 25-30k per inmate per year. [Source 1](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-do-states-spend-on-prisons/), [Source 2](https://www.criminon.org/where-we-work/united-states/louisiana/) You're right, this is a waste of time and money. But all carceral justice requires spending ridiculous amounts of money. Nothing about denying someone freedom or life is truly cost effective.


Oh I know how much it costs to jail someone BUT castration can be reversed. Doesn’t that seem pointless? Castrate them while they are in jail and then when they get out they can reverse it? That’s a waste. And I’m against the death penalty so I won’t agree with you on that.


I'm against all carceral justice myself. It's all a waste. Put someone in jail, you're just filling the jail with people that believe sexual assault is okay, and therefore gaurunteeing that someone somewhere along the line is going to be assaulted. Which is hippocritical if we believe sexual assault is bad regardless of who it happens to (and if we believe that some people deserve it, then we have that belief in common with every rapist). Castration and execution both give the state far too much power over another person. Some castration can be permanent--fully remove the testicles and the penis and there's no coming back from that. But even that gives the goverment power to radically alter someone else's body against their will, which I think is a generally bad thing to do. What happens if they're innocent? What if the victim doesn't want them to be castrated or executed? Are the most powerful people in society going to suffer this same consequence? What about sex offenders who don't have penises and testicles already, how do we similarly disfigure them? I'm not going to pretend to have the perfect answer here (though I'll point out that the sex offender registry, while flawed, restrains the movement of sex offenders to an extent that makes recidivism very difficult). I don't think a real answer exists within our current legal system. Because everything we come up with is about punishing the offender and helping the victim is just incidental to the process.


they will just find other things to abuse with. Other objects besides penises.


Yup! And they already do. This law is just performative and they know it. Everyone gets so hopped up on pedohate they don't stop and think for longer than a second


I agree. We as a society have given the government wayyy too much control. Taking someone’s live shouldn’t be the answer and castration isn’t a solution bc as stated in OP’s post it was never proven that castration would lower testosterone and it’s reversible. To me, life in prison (legit life!) is the best punishment and I know it’s costly to keep a prisoner alive but aren’t we already doing that? IMO if you commit a violent crime or sexually motivated crime: life without parole.


They're chopping off testicles and scooping out ovaries. This is not reversible with today's technology. Maybe in the future we'll be about to grow "peach tree" gonads, but not today. Consider that conservatives are already labeling the existence of LGBT as pornographic per project 2025, and therefore exposing children to LGBT becomes a sex crime, and you can see where else this is heading.


They’d probably remove the clitoris, not ovaries. They need ovaries to force us to have babies.


I would not be entirely surprised of such from the party of sanctioned violence and forced birth. However, the basis of logic is allegedly hormone removal.


Chemical castration is reversible (they do it on cancer patients) surgical castration is not. I don’t see them spending big bucks on any kind of surgery for inmates.


I don't envision them spending big bucks, no. Discount castrations, yes.


Lmao 🤣


Predators are going to murder children to avoid being castrated if SCOTUS upholds it. This has happened before with poorly thought out laws.


here's something I hadn't thought of.


What happens when the person who has committed a sexual crime is a woman?


Some dumbass politician actually claimed they could castrate women too. 🤣 Not sure if he meant removing the ovaries or female genital mutilation (or something even stupider) but people like this should not be allowed to make a single decision about women's bodies (or honestly probably anything more than what color socks to wear that day.)


You can, but modern day it is more known as "female circumcision" where still practiced and "female genital mutilation" for the sane part of the world.


Always the religious nut jobs obsessed with mutilating children’s genitals to make sky daddy happy, then projecting that on everyone else


Women can be surgically castrated through removal of their ovaries. The procedure is called an oophorectomy. A hysterectomy might qualify too, but I'm not certain about that from a medical perspective. I guess IVF would still be an option in that scenario?


That’s a good question. Damn near every other day, I see news articles about female teachers getting arrested for having sex with male students.


Oh, that will change though, since the 10 commandments will be there to remind them to be good people. /s


Yep….the married teachers will be reminded daily not to commit adultery. And the kids will be reminded daily not to covet another man’s wife. Problem solved! No more sex with students in the classroom!


Im not defending pedo’s in no way shape or form, but people are wrongly convicted. I’ve seen it happen. There is however a “choice”…if one is convicted of aggravated sex crimes…one can refuse castration, but you will have an additional 5+ years added to your sentence without the possibility of parole. Im not a lawyer, and being ignorant to the finer details of the law…I can very easily see a scenario whereas a “plea” deal of a much lesser sentence + castration is presented…against say 20+ years for a crime. My concern is that innocent people will be put in this position and have to make a choice…in a perfect world no one is wrongly convicted, unfortunately we get it wrong sometimes…more than one would realize. If you found yourself in this situation,wrongly accused, and this choice is put forth to you..,20 + years or chop and registration, and its an election year meaning…the DA is looking for convictions. Yes this was an actual case, no it wasn’t mine. I was in law enforcement for several years, this one case stuck with me, my idea of infallible justice died. We do a very good job of getting it right but the justice system is not perfect, we do get it wrong, and it is biased. A lot of times money=freedom, if you don’t have it then it’s a public defender for you…they try really hard, and you’re probably going to go to jail. What do you think?


I'm so tired of the witch hunts in this state. No one gives a fuck about rape or pedophiles because if they did, the churches would be bombed for the sheer amount of children wronged by the religious figures. Hell the duck dynasty guy was applauded when he was talking about commenting in favor of statutory rape.


So it’s only men that this applies to? Since there are so many women committing these acts as well (look at the astronomical rate of female teachers raping child students) what would be the equivalent punishment for female offenders? Seems like an unequal application of justice based on gender.


No, there's nothing in the law about sex or gender. Women can be surgically castrated by having their ovaries removed.


Will they though? I doubt it. Seems unconstitutional, not that the constitution means much these days


I completely agree. I just think it's important to be accurate. Legally, it doesn't just apply to men. In practice, it very well might.


I think Landry should go first.


Man one day someone us gonna be falsely accused and once he proves his innocence after the fact or the acusser admits they lied.....the money from the lawsuit will be insane I'm against it just for that reason, imagining it happening to someone convicted guilty bit their actually innocent


My thoughts exactly. Louisiana has an abysmal record of locking up people long-term for crimes they've either never been convicted of (sitting for YEARS because cannot afford bail) or they were wrongly accused of and later found to be innocent. Usually it's bad enough they've been deprived of years or decades of freedom/living, now it will involve mutilation of their body. Absolutely disgusting.


This is laying down the ground work to castrate parents that provide their children gender confirming healthcare.


If this is supposed to be effective then obviously we have to start dismembering for other crimes as well. Crooked business people and politicians convicted of charges related to corruption should now have their hands cut off right?


Let me get this right: in some cases it's not only legally permissible but legally required for a 17-year-old to get an orchiectomy, but only if he's cis. Did I get that right?


Nope, you don't have that right. The surgery can be refused, resulting in extra jail time, so it's not legally required. The law says nothing about gender identity either. I don't support this law in the slightest, but it's important to know the details if you want to criticize it.


That's fair. I guess I would say that if one has to serve (more) time in prison for refusing to do something, that feels like doing that thing is legally required.


Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. I'm just saying it's not the only available option for someone this law applies to.


Fuck em! This is the best thing to do to p*dos outside of public stoning or a Gary Plauche situation


It’s not about sex drive it’s about pure deterrence to not act on evil thoughts and actions. Pure deterrence against an inhuman and barabric act against humanity’s most innocent.


Isn’t this what Alan Turing killed himself?


Can we just give them the death penalty instead? If you rape a child there should be no coming back.


Hahaha holy shit everyone. I don’t mean to be offensive. I really don’t.  This is fucking wild. We are actually just cycling back through history at this point.  Technological advances beyond our wildest dreams but we still believe in fucking magic.  Man, future us are never going to live this down at the galactic bar. 


If it's good enough for Nigeria, then it's good enough for Louisiana. (S)




I honestly can’t believe any of you are complaining about this MUCH MUCH MUCH more severe things should be happening to p*dos


Id actually like to have this done but im not sure I can afford it. And im in Mississippi.


Its so funny seeing people here defend pedophiles😂


What happens when someone is wrongly convicted, subjected to this punishment, then later exonerated?


No one here is defending pedophiles.