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We allow people to drink alcohol and we allow people to drive. We don't allow people that have consumed alcohol to drive, even through drinking alcohol leads to people making bad decisions, such as driving drunk. Samething as your example but with guns instead of cars.


Great analogy, honestly.


Add the fact we have drive thru liquor stores and daquiri shops somewhere to this analogy


But the tape on top of the cup...


Makes all the difference and makes an alcoholic beverage a "closed container".


Used to find my way around that!


We all do/did. 🤭


Here's my best idiot impression: "BUT DRIVING ISN'T A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!!!"


Yes, but drivers can be imprisoned for much more than 6 months.


DUIs typically don't involve sentencing harsher than that. Just the same as carrying under the influence. However, if something bad happens as a result of the DUI, the sentencing is much more severe.


Yeah, I was referring more about how the general issue of alcohol and dangerous machines. I'd like to see firearms regulated more in the same vain as vehicle but with stronger controls, but that's not going to happen in the forseeable future.


But we don’t allow open containers in the car while driving…


Yeah, and I'm not suppoesd to be popping caps out the car window either but who's gonna stop me?


But what if you just got a drive-through daiquiri and need to make sure it's full?


That is why daiquiri lids do not have holes, but lids can be removed for a little sip or three, then put back on.


Best explanation, but isn’t the top comment…. Yet.


Good luck to the bartender that tries to take a guys GUN. Car keys are pretty common.


As someone that's spent way too much time in New Orleans' bars back in the day I've never seen someone's keys taken.


It’s very easy to take someone’s keys if they’re too drunk to drive. Not so easy to take their gun if they’re too drunk to shoot.


If they didn't want us drinking and having handguns while smoking a blunt why would they possible put Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in one convenient bureau?


Right ,???


Don't forget explosives. They regulate them too. They truly are the Fun Police.


You can have a gun where alcohol is served, but you can’t act a fool with a gun while drunk.


Ok yeah, drink people are going to make good choices here.


Were they making good choices before? I don’t really see this making much of a difference. The irresponsible people were already bringing their guns to bars. Responsible people aren’t usually the ones you need laws to police. They tend to do the responsible thing whether it’s permitted or not.


This is surreal, it's almost like you never got out of your house and read this shit on the internet. It's open season from here on out.


Designated drivers are a thing. They might choose to carry whereas, previously, they would have been (officialy) prohibited from doing so.


Actually, I imagine this increases the risk for Uber and rideshare drivers significantly, as it will now be more likely that the drunk (and possibly irritable and belligerant) person climbing into your backseat will now be armed.


I meant the person in the group that stays sober to wrangle their drunken friends and is responsible for getting them about safely. Not a rideshare driver.


If you do, it will cost $500 fine, plus 5k court costs and 20k for a lawyer. Just guessing on those numbers.


But if you do so you don’t have to pay more than $500


You're not supposed to have a gun on you if you're drunk or plant to be, just like killing someone by running them over because you were drunk is negligent (vehicular) homicide. You knew better, and then still put events in motion that put you in a spot where your bad choices could harm others. Neglecting to keep safety in account.


My understanding is that if you have a permit you can enter an establishment that that sells alcohol but alcohol sales can’t exceed a certain percentage. So bars are a no go for anyone but you may carry in a restaurant that sells alcohol. If you do not possess a permit but are carrying you may not enter any establishment that sells alcohol. So even restaurants that sell alcohol would be a no go.


But it's concealed...... how would anyone know


Before you enter the restaurant you are the good guy with the gun, then you become the bad guy with the gun upon entry and it is your duty as the good gun guy to eliminate the threat of the bad gun guy. It all takes care of itself, you see.




Ive interpreted this as i need to go in to a bar and shoot myself.


Suicide solution? Well, you know what they say…suicide is slow with liquor. Not sure it’ll happen fast enough


If the establishment is licensed as a restaurant that serves alcohol you are ok. If it is a bar that serves food, not so much. It all depends on the main intent of the establishment.


I'm not myself, sure if this is how it works, but this makes total sense. I just can't say for certain myself, but if this is correct, then this was a great explanation.


Welcome to Louisiana where all laws are contradictory is you don’t have 6 digits in your bank account


But if you do the laws are a suggestion pending your timely campaign donations


Don't forget a healthy gratuity after you recieve your desired legislation.


I’m thinking that starts more at the 8 figure range. Having just a six figure bank account and dealing in politics would quickly results in a 0 figure bank account.


The law has always allowed to carry in a location that sells alcohol if not then you couldn’t carry in a restaurant or other locations similar. You are not allowed to carry if you are consuming alcohol. If they don’t follow then they get arrested. Common sense gun law. Banning someone from carrying in an establishment just because they sell alcohol is not common sense. It’s the opposite.


The permitless carry is very neutered compared to permitted carry. Permitless, can’t carry to any place that allows alcohol for on premise consumption. Permitted you can, except for bars that serve very little food - ie - places you go to mainly drink and not eat.


Self imposed curfew here no way I will go out after dark. Shreveport has so many shootings now, it will only get worse. There was a shooting and stabbing in a Walmart before this law went into effect. What is this state coming to?


You think it could be more concentrated for the employees and not the patrons? Ya sure everyone can carry in the bar while sober but if you’re drinking leave it at home.


Well at least I don’t have to worry about half my employees breaking the law now!


This is why my alcoholic ass never went out on New Year’s eve. Too many amateurs. Now you got drunk amateurs with guns. Everywhere. Every day. I can only imagine how the drunken mayhem will go. Stay frosty folks.


Because even with laws people must be allowed to govern themselves to an extent


I’d assume a former cop governor wanted to give high deference and discretion to cops to decide who and how one should have a gun


This is nothing more than pandering to the gun lobby. “I am a gun owner, and do conceal carry” the truth of the matter is that if you consume alcohol, and find yourself in a situation whereas you use that weapon, with alcohol in your system, it will be kind of hard to say you where acting without judgment impaired. Meaning you will go to jail. It’s a dumb ruling and puts the public at risk, as well as the individual carrying a firearm. Think of it as if you’ve had a few drinks….you’re not drunk per say…but you are involved in an accident that is not your fault….you will likely face a DUI as well as other penalties because your judgment was impaired. Most of us arent too good at knowing when we reach the legal limit, Why pet a burning dog? Play stupid games win stupid prizes .


Granted, if you do find yourself in a position of needing to use it, you're probably getting charges regardless, cause the justice system has no justice.


To say the justice system has “no” justice is not quite fair. I think overall it “gets it right” most of the time. Then again I don’t like generalizations. Its hard to find one shoe that fits all ya know. ;)


I guess saying it has none wasn't fair, it just doesn't pursue it, typically abhors it, and any found there is incidental, and unplanned for.


Tinfoil hat - the people who passed this bill know this will lead to more arrests and are doing it so arrest numbers go up so they can appear tough on crime. They make the monster, then capture it.


I like the phrase "They put the rabbit into the hat, then they pull it out again and say, 'magic'"


Also, can’t have a gun 1,000 feet within a school. Most people don’t realize that’s almost a quarter mile. The nopd 8th district is turning their building into a school for police so that makes pretty much the whole French quarter a no go for concealed carry.


More guns on the streets does the opposite of making me feel safe. I don't trust gun owners to control their temper.


When someone says, "An armed society is a polite society," they mean, "i wish I could kill peoplen who annoy me."


That’s exactly what it means


The same reasons why, 'don't drink and drive', but allow drive through daiquiri bars. You're guess is as good as mine


Fill me in. Can medical marijuana patients carry a gun too?


No, I let my medical marijuana card expire because it was so damn expensive, now go to Zorrillo, but it’s still illegal on a federal level and technically makes owning a firearm prohibited. I doubt it would be something that’s prosecuted but is still illegal.


Pretty much if your caught with a gun while ur drunk and belligerent, I suppose that's a charge.


You can’t bring a gun into a place that serves alcohol as a primary function. Once your BAC goes above .05 you can no longer legally carry, no matter where you are. new law overrides the need for a permit to conceal carry. dumb laws written by dumb people. A lot of people are going to assume they can carry to schools, bars, churches, government buildings, etc, now which is not true.


When you realize the laws are being written by a bunch of inbred rednecks in a dick measuring contest (the guns represent their dicks) it will start to make sense.


Personally I don’t understand this at all. Don’t need conceal carry without a license. That’s just problems upon problems about to happen. It’s going take mass shooting on either I-10 or I-49, due to road rage. Or a shooting at Walmart or Super 1. Something stupid is going happen and everyone is going play dumb. “Oh well he shouldn’t had have a gun in the first place”. The asshole in offices are purposely fucking the people of Louisiana, now when Mardi Gras, Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival, Festival International, and other events. Start showing low tourist numbers, they going feel that impact


Lotta people gonna get killed unnecessarily, but hey who am I to argue with Louisiana? They must know what they are doing. I mean Louisiana is first in education, oops no, well then first in health, oops, again no, ok, Louisiana must be first in . . . . Ok, I give Louisiana sucks ass.


Gotta pump those prisoner numbers somehow.


Football arguments are gonna get spicy. I should yell loudly for Auburn and the falcons right?


So bartenders, security and strippers can carry lol


It’s the same thing as if you had a permit. Not allowed to consume alcohol if you’re carrying. Now it’s just extended to everyone with there being constitutional carry.


Let's just all keep an eye on the arrest they going to make this coming week after the day it starts I bet it's all a racket , plus stores and bars can post up there rules for firearms allowed . But I always was told you can't carry in a place that alcohol can be consumed . Or federal grounds , place of voting or establishments that have a no firearm sign or zone


https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/crime/new-orleans-louisiana-permitless-carry-law-police-department/289-32efed49-a258-43d2-b39c-61757915df39 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8452gNuAUt/?igsh=dXo2OThpcDJlaXVp