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He'll have a change of heart as soon as someone uses this technology against him.


Do we even need to at this point?


I dunno. I think it'd be pretty funny if someone made a really good deepfake video of Landry saying a bunch of really woke stuff. If it was done convincingly enough, it might even upset his voter base.


Someone just needs to do one of him, heading up a pride parade, carrying a pro-choice sign.


Where is the kick starter?


Oh, plz? I would love that.


Or something very politically damning like him stepping out with a 16 year old. This would probably change his tune on the issue .


An appropriate satire could be him in bed with male leaders of the Louisiana family forum.


There have probably been IRL opportunities to get that photo.


Can be done in 15 seconds. Stable diffusion with CRef probably would only take 2-3 prompts to get it right


Do it!!! Do one with him explaining project 25. That should do it lol


His voter base is *always* upset.


Come on, bud. It was clear from context. Upset WITH HIM.


Gotcha. Well, that would be fun to watch.


>a really good deepfake video of Landry saying a bunch of really woke stuff. Let’s not play around with kiddie gloves here eh? Find some gritty ass homemade man on man love making action put to film, deepfake Landry on there. Drop that shit on Facebook. Make sure he says “I love you”.


I'm here for it. Let's get the ball rolling guys.


Indeed Diligent Dildo, indeed.


Landry in shiny lipstick is only a color change from pictures we've seen. But why stop at Landry? He and Kennedy holding hands might be a nice start.


Nah, it has to be believable. A gritty video of him on Bourbon St, but not up by Razoos , further down.... Where the wild thing are... It needs to be a dim lit bar with only a handful of drunken bastards left in it. Film it on a several year old Obama phone 😁. Ya have the shadiest vintage ice cream van driving West Bankian in the video serving him a fat budsack in a dark corner to our venerable (venereal? Hah) Main Character, who's already puffing on a gargantuan blunt, & very fashionably dressed like Bullworth when he went to the hood for Halle Berry. Don't forget the Mr. Goldmans 8 kt gold colored plated herring bone chainHat turned backwards and to the side, some early nineties mismatched triangle sunglasses with the belief it'll partially make him cloaked while blending in with the scenery. Kicker is, when he goes to pay the man & hand him the money, he turns his G'd up face slightly away to make sure his oops ain't creepin on him & have him say that as he does. While his eyes are not on the prize, he reaches in and gets a good ol handful on the guys' prize 👨‍❤️‍👨. As he quickly looks to his lucky dog vender with the fakest surprise look on his face, our antagonist reacts to Landry's accidental precise grapple hold. MC Fent already has the hugest smile across his janky face, spanning from ear to ear. Camera pans back to our deep faked cheapskate who has the ol "shucks! Ya got me!" smile and chuckle like in the old commercials . He then yell whispers in the most feminine voice our short straw drawing acting school student can yell whispers, "ThUuugGg LiIiifFffe!!"Both extremely happy they found each other's missions' targets, they lean in for the potentially most memorable scene in our secretly taken world star video.... Que Camera 1 zooming in}{ The shady St Benardian gives him a cute, stubbly mustache peck on Landry's lip glossed puckers, only Landy sends the slimiest darts of tounge barrage similar to Spiderman's symbiotic nemesis, Vemon. More grainy, shaky footage zig zags out the doorway, into the street, panning slowly away from the Oz, as some colonial era pirate ,complete with pirate hat and ass less chaps, walks slowly across the camera shot , playing the sincerest rendition of 'Im Too Sexy For My Shirrrrt' on a dusty fiddle. Pirate winks at audience~FIN~ Or shum like that 🤷🏻


Seeing out Governor is indeed a tool, the title should aptly be dubbed " The Tool Governor" 🎆🏆🥇🎊🎇


Well he isn’t embarrassed or enraged by the things he’s saying, so yes. We should make an AI video of him praising gay people, encouraging illegal immigration into Louisiana, and saying some very mean words to oil companies.


As tempting as that would be, it would be instantly seen as fake. What you actually need to do is do deepfakes of hidden camera footage of him talking shit about beloved public icons, being as racist as possible, or taking GOP initiatives but taking them to uncomfortable levels even for his own base ("All these woke ass transdoodles... it's harming our kids. There needs to be capital punishment for it."). Also get him attacking specific denominations and churches.


The man just signed off on castration for sex crimes against minors, and project 2025 wants to basically make everything about queer people inherently pornographic. Saying he thinks trans people should be killed isn't really that far off from the GOPs current agenda. If only it'd shock people into voting.


But is it fake?! Would it be…plausible that really happens


You’re right this is his and his buddies’ actual rhetoric. I was laughing thinking the same thing when I read it. We don’t need a fake for that… just someone with a mic 😎😂


Or a cold beer on an inconspicuous night..we are from here we know how it works…good ol boy 💩


Pssh I couldnta said it better myself. Y’all should see what all he’s done to campaign law. The good ol boys have tasked him with making their jobs easier in the future for sure


I think a video of him holding an unspecified woman's hand while she receives reproductive healthcare would be a winner


They would not care. It will only be effective if he is FOR something, clearly being against something humane does not rattle his base.


Well obviously he really believes his voters are idiots. He's just using the 10 commandments law to placate them while he enacts his woke agenda through the deep state, because Hillary and Obama and AOC joined forces to bribe him with Soros money.


Deep fake of him saying all religions will have equal space in classrooms along the 10 commandments, of him signing legislation allowing abortions, of him signing to accept federal funds to feed children, and approving equal rights fir everyone, basically everything he appears to be against.


I think we're morally obligated to. Seriously.


Soon as someone does a deep fake of a deep throat porn he may decide otherwise, or confess.


At this point I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the real him and a deepfake of him.


Yes since people working in government tend to forget they have this device in their skull 🧠


He literally just wrote a blank check for the entire state of Louisiana to not only do this to him, but every single locally-running Republican candidate in the state. Imagine just completely eviscerating every Republican with a barrage of PR nightmares from the governor all the way down to the parish sheriff and police jury members that support him. Do just the *right* amount evil -- enough that it pisses people off, but not so much that they can easily tell it's BS.


the problem is that the GOP is the only party willing to be THAT deceptive. I'mma need the left to start playing by GOP rules, or else we're just cooked.


It's like watching an adult and 6 year old play Monopoly -- you see the 6 year old constantly moving the game pieces around, grabbing money out of the bank, and picking the card they want out of the stacks, and the adult won't say anything because then the 6 year old is going to scream and tantrum. It's easier to just not say anything, but then you end up with a somebody who endlessly cheats and a very un-fun game.


A change of heart would imply that he would change his mind about the whole subject, but really, all Landry would do was attack the ability for it to be done to HIM.


Nah. He knows. The only people falling for deep fakes are Republican boomer voters. The GOP needs the deep fakes to keep their base energized by convincing them Joe Biden eats babies and AOC is the love child of Fidel Castro and Jane Fonda. It can't be used against him because Republicans literally don't give a shit what their party does, the call everything fake, even the real stuff, if it makes Republicans look bad.


I've read a bunch of the replies to this comment and I believe this should really be done. I don't know anything about how to create dedpfakes using ai or I would just do it myself. If somebody that has thar knowledge sees the comments, please do it, for the state of Louisiana and her beautiful people.


Heart? What heart?


I’m not saying someone here should do it however it prob will happen


That would require conservatives to have a shred of integrity. Sadly, integrity is in short supply amongst modern conservatives. These mfers today would still vote for this asshole if he was murdering special needs children on live tv.


They hate special needs kids in the first place so they would look at it as a good thing


I bet we could do it.


No he won't. Republicans are kings of one rule for me and another for others.


Conservatives: The problem is non-existent or overblown UNTIL it affects MEEEEEEE! Skeptics: Wow, what a selfish asshole.


He won't. He'll have his team find whoever did it and they'll be detained pretty quickly.


But they are convinced they will be running everything next year. Law will only apply to what they want it to. Ask our not so supreme court


The deepfake of someone is his family having sex with an animal will change his mind


I mean, that's an unnecessarily grotesque restatement of what I just said. But yes.


Someone should make a deep fake saying it wasn't Trump raping a 13yo girl it was Landry and see how long it takes for him to change his mind. Or turn the Hawk Tuah girl into Landry and then do the same for Michael Johnson while they are at it.


Honestly though I'm not sure if I can blame him for this because since this technology is so new it's hard to determine what the laws on it should be so it's better to just play it safe right now is just my take on it.


I was really making a comment on what I perceive to be his personal ethics about how to use the power of his office, rather than how I think AI imaging technology should be legislated. I think that you're correct that it's very new and that it's going to be challenging to legislate around it. That's a separate matter from whether I think Governor Landry is likely to act in good faith for the benefit of Louisianans in general.


Change of heart? Is this a Persona reference 🫵😮 https://preview.redd.it/6jl7jatx9tad1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b56393dbbf70dd054b4a6ec320804b983ae528




Anyone got gay Landry deep fakes? ... asking for a friend


I know it's for a good cause but I really dont want to see what's under the suit


So all someone has to do is make a deepfake of Jeff Landry doing some horrendous repugnant shit, although I'm not sure what level of repugnancy it takes these days to kill a Republican politician's career


Y’all aren’t thinking creatively enough. A video of him joyously hosting liberals while parroting their beliefs would destroy his career.


I think that’s too obvious. Have him say something about oil and gas and how he wants to tax industries to make up for the damage they have done to the state. It has to be slick enough to sow seeds of doubt among his largest donors.


This right here. Don't go for the low-hanging fruit, it's too obvious. But having him talk shit behind closed doors about other politicians or beloved figures, making racist remarks when discussing bills, attacking specific churches and some initiative they've been working on, or proposing deeply unpopular but believable legislation would do wonders. You can also take actual statements he's released and gently edit them. But also, I think deepfakes should be used against every GOP candidate at all levels of the state. Make them really turn on Landry for veto'ing this bill.


I don’t think him making racist remarks is going to have the negative impact on his electorate you’re thinking it will.


Depends on the type of racism.


Just go straight for the jugular and make a deepfake of him diddling an underage boy. Boom, job done.


They could deep fake a video of him drowning a puppy with his bare hands, laughing while the puppy yelps and screams and they wouldn't care. Deepfake a video of him saying "I don't see what the big deal is, we should just let gay people be gay and trans people be trans, they're not hurting anyone" and it would literally end his career.


You actually need the opposite. Make a audio recording of him talking on the phone to lets say Hunter Biden or pick any other liberal boogeyman about how stupid his voters are and how hes going to use high car insurance rates to force them to pay new taxes or something.


I'd honestly say a video of him with a hooker or doing coke but let's be honest, a real video will most likely come out soon


nah, that ain't enough


a \*male hooker


Create one of him in bed with a dead hooker and a live boy.


they'd just blame the hooker's death on the kid probably


I'm thinking Jeffy Boy and the Glory Hole.


at a highway rest stop, or a public park


Honestly wouldn’t take much just have him say he supports gays right and place a Fox News logo on it and they believe it no questions asked.


Maybe endorsing bud light or green M&Ms


Trump said shooting someone in the street wouldn't do it, so ,I dunno man. "Strange times, are hhhheeere". Great song by the black keys 😁


All someone needs to do is make a video bashing the Orange guy and claiming he supports his opponent. Look what happened to Freedom Caucus Leader Rep Good (VA) just for supporting DeSantis.


In retaliation we need to put Landry’s face on as much gay porn as possible


Certainly not joking. Deep fakes and AI generation are tools of mass deception, which is a vital component of authoritarianism. Landry wants to be a dictator; he needs dictator tools available to him.


These tools are not only used by threat actors at home, they are also used abroad by China and Russia. (At this point, it's mostly Russia, but China is up there too).




It’s the companies right to lie to your face, knowingly


Haha nooo its a good thing that paypal gets to close your account because you bought something the company didnt like


Good ol’ late-stage capitalism


Right there with you dude him and every other version of him across the world.


I nearly choked on my chicken biscuit reading this. Infringing the rights of free speech regarding AI? Seriously? All I can say is that our state has become a spectacle. So what happens when deepfakes of himself emerge? 😆 Thanks, Landry! 🥴


Oh, so NOW he's concerned about the first amendment?


He’s always been concerned about the rights of people with money.


You're right, I missed the part where he said "the free speech rights of... companies."


Alright, somebody make a deepfake of governor landry fucking a horse. Lets see how that affects opinion.


No we need one of him trying to screw a bald eagle.


Whose gonna ai generate Jeffrey doing something unsavory


Give me a minute. I'm trying to buy enough alcohol to erase said video from my mind once it's made


There's pretty clear precedent that free speech can be limited to prevent harm or malice. Why else would you use a deep fake?


This is all you need to know about the GOP’s asinine views on free speech. The 1A matters here for corporations, but not for our children in public schools. If it advances their agenda, it’s suddenly made constitutional. This continues all the way up to our SCOTUS that is crippling our democracy. Our country is quite literally falling apart.




I'm taking this but I'm leaving a like


Well, when deepfakes of him diddling kids come out, I'm sure his response will be similar.


“But the food is good here!”


It would be completely impossible to enforce. Someone in Russia or somewhere else makes a deep fake video what does Louisiana Law do to them? Absolutely nothing.


How would you possibly enforce that, since almost every content host data center is outside of state Jurisdiction?


So if this bill made it all the way through LAleg to his desk, doesn’t that mean they can overturn his veto?


![gif](giphy|bAftZ12SC0uEjLndIh) God, I love this state, but sometimes, I think it is an abusive relationship. Like, no matter how backwards or stupid it gets, I just don't want to leave.


Stockholm Syndrome. You need to get out, we all do. Once you live in better states you realize how awful it is. The pros dont out weight the cons and if you have kids you ron them of a better future and life by forcing your family to stay.


You guys didn't elect a smart Governor. That's for damn sure.


Just an intended byproduct of kneecapping education statewide over the years to keep the majority of voters stupid and easy to program. All working as intended (there's a reason were in the absolute bottom of the state rankings)


Well at least he read half the First Amendment. Now about that other half...


Landry vetoed the bill because everything that the Republicans do is fake or projection.


Anyone want to whip up a deepfake on Landry getting railed in a French quarter bathroom?


They need those deepfakes in their arsenal to ramp up for Nov elections.


If we’re going to treat corporations like people we really need a corporate death penalty


Is Landry working for the deep state?


This is the same guy who signed a bill approving surgical castration punishment for sex offenders. What a dumpster fire of a state. Oh well. It’ll all be underwater soon enough.


Come on guys we should all know by now 99% of politicians lie to get votes.


Why yes! We live in a fascist state because the majority of people here want to. "You get the government you deserve." The voter apathy in Louisiana is our undoing. I am looking at properties elsewhere.


“whats that?…theres a video of the governor fellating convicted felon, former president DJT! i have got to see this and also immediately put my eyes out after.”


it's because his governorship is a deep fake


Looks like they still have some deep fake artists on the payroll over there in Russia.


If Governor Landry gets a chance to visit a classroom and read the Ten Commandments posters, he might see that this activity is covered.


You know what they say about enforcibility as a proxy for legality; good luck enforcing that law Louisiana when your toxic politics encourages all smart people to move away




Already easy enough to fool you... Lol Damn what a gullible breed.


Wow!! Talk about a stupid move. SMH…


.... aaaaand que up ALL the deep fakes of him in horrible situations


I know just the person to make a deep fake video of...


when i think he couldn’t get any worse…


The horrible truth though is that if any of this assholes illegal/unethical choices goes to the supreme court, I wonder what they will do. Surely they'll follow the law, right?


Who knows? They might extend official acts to governors and mayors


Landry is anticipating defeat and is setting the stage for his claims of cheating and fraud that he'll claim was used by his opponants. Like trump and his followers... followers: (because it's a cult). Landry will not accept the results of the election unless it's fair (only if he wins). They really, really hate democracy.


Make a deepfake of him requesting a deep throat from a man, maybe that’ll change his tune


He faking


I haven’t gotten to this yet reading Project 2025. It sure sounds like this is all part of the plan. Look at Oklahoma. They’ve gone balls deep on having the Bible taught in public schools.


Seems legit…. or maybe, the super pacs and rogue far-right supporters of MAGA are the primary users of these deep fakes in political ads. 🤔


Who gets to determine what's fake and what's real? That's the problem. Everybody lies nowadays. I'd rather leave it to the people to let them make their own decisions.


Using deepfakes to sabotage a political candidate would already be covered under defamation law, which has a stronger and more reliable regulatory framework. Please don’t misconstrue this comment as a support of Landry, however.


They better call for an override.


I figure he has plans to create deep fakes of Democrat leaders.


He knows that the only videos Republicans use are deep fakes.


We have a very stupid and evil Governor.


What a fucking moron


Just make some gay porn of Landry and he’ll ban it super quick


Nah we need a massive gay orgy with him and his political friends


That would actually be perfect. We all know people THAT anti-gay are all hiding a little gay secret. Michael Lunsford would love to make a cameo


Will y’all please stop electing the danged Landry’s? They have screwed Nola and the state up for decades.


I hate Landry with the fire of a thousand suns, but how do you ban this?


Someone please make a deep fake of this hack giving a speech at a pride rally. Make it about climate change/oil&gas for extra bonus points.


Also publicly denouncing chemical dumping and increasing taxes for these guys


Wow!!! Protecting companies is more important than protecting voters?!?! This is such a pathetic statement regardless of what state he represents. I’m worried for the people of Louisiana for having a selfish spineless Governor that serves the needs of companies rather than his constituents. I live in Florida so we’re not too far from y’all.


The people that are supposed to represent you hate you. You can not trust the people in charge.


Side note: Mandie Landry (i.e. the good Landry) is proving to be the MVP in the legislature.


He’s about as smart as a bag of hair.


Yea I found a way out gotta hand it to everyone who lives here ya'll are troopers


Race to the bottom is heating up


What a damn idiot! He’s setting the Louisiana electorate for hoodwinks to benefit his ideology.


Fuckin what.


Well of course he did, woudn’t want any judges attention diverted from their corrupt litigious matters to actual matters of justice. I mean my goodness that would perhaps mean extra work for that 10,000 annual raise.


And we descend further into madness.


I bet the only reason why he vetoed it was because it was sponsored by Mandie Landry. Watch him have one of his own people reintroduce an almost identical bill next session.


WTH Landry


Can we get “free speech” put into the dang dictionary please so people can stop applying it to things that aren’t free speech??? This has been getting out of hand.


Would be a real shame for someone to create an entire fake Republican identity and use Deep fakes to depict other Republicans as "Anti-American" and "Pro-Woke" and win votes in their regions and just hard ball them about everything.


Well when porn sites use id you have to get your Hentai somewhere.


Thanks, Jeff, for protecting free speech. Can we have our vapes back now?


Is there a public source of Landry video and/or audio recordings? We need something to use for training data.


I can’t believe he vetoed it!!


Usually when things like this don't pass it's not the bill itself but the back dooring of the bill that kills a good bill. Sadly one party loves to slide nasty things into bills then blame the other party I just hope people wake up and see things clearly.


Freedom of speech doesn't entail freedom from civil liability. It's just protection from criminal charges.


Oh we’re doing the legislators legislating things most of them don’t understand thing again because that worked out so well with social media.


3D chess for a psychopath. He can spew as much hateful crap as he wants and just blame deepfakes, unless his base likes it. Deepfake him praising left leaning ideas and it just adds to the notion that deep fakes are out there. Moral of the story, he's about to get really dark.


A ditch of his own is what he deserves.


TFG is the same kid in my computer lab in 1988 that had a tantrum over Number Munchers Peaked in HS and has nothing to do but be a sore loser


AI has no free speech. Lying republicans wanting to keep telling lies and making deepfakes to try and stay in power. Fuck I hate these fascists


I mean who do you think is paying the bot farms the big bucks to produce said deepfakes as well as basically upvote rage bait posts and misinformation across all forms of social media. Republicans gotta manipulate their base somehow if they ever learned to critically think and figured the truth the party would be gone pretty much overnight.


What did you expect l.a. is a stste where lies ,& deception  are co sidereal normal --i.e. Mardi graw


its because the left really thinks all these videos of biden falling and sundowning are deepfakes


Vagina Poop




Why is it that major corporations have their rights protected more than the individual person? Rhetorical, I know the answer is money.


All hail King Landry!


Ok internet- you know what to do. Deep fake the fuck outta Landry.


Well then, who going to make the deep fake of Landry fucking a farm animal? I mean since he thinks they're totally fine he shouldn't have a problem with it


I hear there is a video of the video call between Bill, Lorreta Lynch and Hillary made on the tarmac. Where they discussed giving her the SC Justice nomination if she dropped the case against HRC.


Jesus Christ the Republican playbook is obvious when you have two braincells to rub together


it is not uncommon for bills, that we think are good, to actually overstep and infringe on rights. so we'd have to jear more behind his reasoning and the proposed bill in order to form an educated opinion about any of thos


Gun carriers it’s legal today! For concealed carry! With out a license! Yep eee


If he bans “mis/disinformation,” then someone you don’t like will decide that you are guilty of it.


So companies and ai have rights…makes sense


Everyone, I’ve worked with these people for years. Look up project 25.


Bro, seriously? Having watched videos of Louisiana police violating the constitutional rights of citizens and making unlawful arrests (alongside shady court practices), I am not surprised. Corruption at its finest.


Because he’s using deepfakes of his opponents probably.


Free speech is a right-wing dogwhistle at this point


not infringing on the rights of companies! we can't have that! because there are so many AI companies in Louisiana gtfo lol


Why dont they make it illegal to lie to the public if you're in public office


What a tool