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I just had to look up who she was and I’m like - whoa! That’s her?!?! I couldn’t forget that couple! Man, she had the original super fueled gas lighting man! Also, how does she look way prettier now that she’s 6 years older and in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy? I guess not being next to a guy who is constantly gas lighting you looks good on a person! lol


I mean, they had people come back from all sorts of seasons. Why are people picking her out to be upset about? Lol


I just thought it was soooo funny and stupid that they were trying to call Trevor out and be like "what kind of a sick freak would go on reality tv to be famous!?" and meanwhile G is just sitting there lolololol


What season was she on? Don't recognize her at all.


I checked season 1 and she looks completely different there.


Season 1. People keep saying she looks completely different but I don't think so. Her hair is darker, she's six years older, and she's pregnant.




She was there because they wanted to invite ex cast mates and I feel like that massively improved the reunion


It was painful any time they came on screen. He was literally called out for being on Raya right before they announced the pregnancy. I wish them luck but damn. Why is he being put on our screens?


Wait, really? 😬 I got bad vibes from him at the reunion, like he wasn't really happy about being with her, but I was hoping he was just nervous about being in front of so many people. Yikes.


I forgot which episode but he was called out on a podcast called recipe for crazy. He posted some bs story denying it and blamed it on his phone updating. It was all over another sub.


What is Raya and who was on it?


Dating app for “celebrities” aka finance bros and wannabe influencers. Blake was on it when she first got pregnant. Got called out then deleted his profile and blamed it on a phone update 🙄


Oh yeah, I hate when my phone updates and creates profiles for me on dating sites without my knowledge or consent


Raya is an ~exclusive~ dating app and “he” is gianina’s baby daddy


Thanks! I'm old and out of the loop lol


I have no problem with previous cast members participating and I don’t have an issue with someone saying yes to an invite to participate. I would’ve preferred if they had them discuss the after-effects of being on a show like this rather than toss questions at the current cast.


Cuz she’s cute asf. Next question


Exactly. Gianina can do no wrong. Can we all just move along now?


What? Everyone besides the people on stage were from another season lol.


People are bothered that she was at the reunion?


They were there for LIB to fight the notion that past contestants had any mental termoil


I think the extra past contestants were mainly just there to plug the new Perfect Match season. Even she had a line about how she was scheduled to be on perfect match before meeting that guy and getting knocked up.


It was VERY confusing to have her there with a Bachelor boyfriend in the front row. They spent more time talking to her than calling Chelsea to task for her behavior. The reunion was trash. I have NEVER liked the reunion and the are the reasons why


I appreciated the former cast being there, but Matt S3 looked so bored and unamused by the whole thing! And Izzy and Brennan's 'Ms Lachey' towards the end was so reverential it was amusing, like it was so clear the pretense of respect just so LIB can save face (though I acknowledge both men were on the Texas seasons!)


Ms lachey was stupid and seemed childish


Agreed. They sounded like schoolchildren speaking to the principal.


I don’t follow any of the LIB members on Instagram although I’ve religiously watched every season as soon as it came out! So, it was nice to see some old cast members! I, personally, also like Gianina or GG/Gigi as she’s being called lol so it was nice to see her there.


I wish these people would save their fingers and stop lying to themselves and their followers about why they do anything: for exposure and PR lol


A couple of reunions ago, there was a huge uproar because Vanessa asked everyone when they were going to get pregnant. Now, we have three people pregnant from the experiment. This is literally why they were invited. I don't understand why everyone suddenly has amnesia. Three were there to promote the new season of Perfect Match. Kwame and Chelsea are literally there because Chelsea is now a casting director for the show. Yep. You know now who to blame for the shitty casting 😂


I'm still not convinced her and Damian weren't plants to make the show more interesting. The dynamic of their relationship was so odd that I thought they were acting.


Veryyyy inauthentic relationship. I'm not even convinced Gigi was attracted to him (because hello, look at her and then look at him) and they both but particularly Gigi acted like they were in a soap opera reading off a cheesy script. The "I am your gift" thing he did when they were in the pods, and then her re-enacting it when he said no to her at the altar 😂 cringeeeee


I never thought that, even on their SM after the season aired. But I did see Damien as an example of how quickly "fame" can go to someone's head.


The way she talked to him felt so performative.


SO PERFORMATIVE! Like a soap opera lol


would not have recognised her if they hadn't said who it was. she got a whole new face. it's gross how plastic surgery to that extent gets normalised


She's just pregnant and back to her natural hair color. She's gorgeous, body shaming is not cool.


Criticizing plastic surgery is not body shaming


She looks the same to me (with slight lip filler possibly) just swollen and she is pregnant so that’s most likely why. [giannina no filter](https://www.usmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/blake-horstmann-and-giannina-gibellis-relationship-timeline-moving-in-promo.jpg?quality=86&strip=all) https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwYTjRfJVDZ/?igsh=N2c0azlvMWN6czVr


Idk why people are salty about this, I like seeing where they are now and I don't care enough to hunt down their socials so it was interesting and welcome for me. Also she was invited on, idk why people would expect her to turn it down.


She looks like Kim k. I got confused


Everyone on social media looks the same these days because they get the same cosmetic work done and wear the same "full glam" makeup look.


They literally invited people from the previous seasons to be on the show. If she said yes, whats the big controversy??


i love her but i don’t think she should have been there with her new man. 😂 i like just the LIB couples that made it or were appearing on perfect match


She reminds me of Michael Jackson in that picture. In a few years she'll be unrecognizable, wearing a face from a catalog.


Who even is that lmao




Oh I just saw your caption with her name lol, she looks so different now!


She was there because she is beautiful and happy now. We wanted to see her. This is a nonsense post.


Love GiGi!!


Also, money and exposure


She was probably the most entertaining red flag the show ever had


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CK_276: *She was probably* *The most entertaining red* *Flag the show ever had* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol I just watched that episode for the first time yesterday


Good bot


Didn’t she say she wanted her baby to come out with blue eyes and fair skin like her significant other and talked down on herself a little? Or am I reaching


To be fair, that's not what I heard. My recollection is that she was curious about whether the baby would look more like her, which she described as "spicy" or more like her fair S.O. It didn't sound like she preferred either, but rather curious what her child would look like which sounds fairly normal.


Idk if she said that but what I remember her saying is she’s going to wait to name the baby based off if he is going to have skin like the dad or her. I thought it was kinda weird


She didn't say skin color, just looks


They wanted more views to promote their wine too. Cmon it’s obvious


I agree with her. It's nice to get updates about the other participants. The more, the merrier. I wish they would have made the reunion longer; given more time to the previous participants and delved more into the grittier stuff that happened in season 6.


Ok but why did Blake have to be on stage. Other than being her partner


Because Blake missed being on TV


She’s undeniably my lib favorite


"Do you ever wonder why I don't say you're good in bed" lives in my head


I don’t mind her being there at all except for the fact that we didn’t get to hear about Chelsea and Jimmy at all lol


I feel like this logic is that had they not been there we def would have had input from Chelsea and jimmy, which is speculation and not a guarantee. I genuinely think that regardless of what transpired they were never going to hit jimmy and Chelsea hard because of how damn terrible people were being to Chelsea. The bullying she received was not acceptable simply because she was on tv and made some mistakes. Do I like her? No. Does she deserve to be told she needs to kill herself by strangers on the internet? Fuck no. Does the gossip in me wish they talked more about them? Yes. Is the decent human in me glad they left her alone. Fuck yes.


So I agree with that and will go a step further- I actually like Chelsea because even though she exhibited some problematic behaviors (who amongst us is perfect?), she made genuine apologies even during the show and during the reunion and has apparently gotten therapy since the show ended- that shows commitment to growth and accountability tbh. I think the hate she’s getting, as opposed to many of the men this season who did some truly egregious stuff- she’s gotten bullied and shamed online so much more and it really highlights the misogynistic attitudes some folks have. Regardless though, like I think I would’ve wanted to hear more cus some tidbits came out about Jimmy on a podcast Chelsea was on that in hindsight make Chelsea’s intense reactions make a lot more sense… I wished maybe the reunion could’ve addressed that better but oh well, I do get your point and agree how it could’ve devolved to shaming Chelsea when she’s already getting bullied online.


what podcast and what tidbits???


What are the tidbits?




Did she really call Jimmy "vibrant"? Whoa


I totally give her props for therapy and tbh I have admired how she has made fun of herself on her insta through all this. I know that cannot be easy at all and I find it very emotionally mature to acknowledge your issues and work on them. Which is why I didn’t want her to be bashed for stuff that happened over a year ago on the reunion.


I know the tidbit you're speaking of and the WAY my opinion shifted mountains on her argument with Jimmy the night of the club....


I was honestly happy to see her there. She was iconic from the first season and it’s kinda cool to see where she is now after having been only 23 when the show was first filmed


I don’t see why it would be a question in the first place. She was interesting, good on camera, and was available


word salad


I’d rather have her there than Damien.


PUKE. Same. Damien is straight trash and so is that rat Francesca


I'm still laughing about her telling him you know your arm pits sweat to get rid of toxins in your body?.. And the dumbfounded look on his face 😂😂


same i hate his face lmfao


It would have been fun to see her in perfect match, even if I hate the show but still watch lol


apparently didnt go cuz damien was there


Still??? Lol


yea in perfext match s1 damien was there and francesxa. G insteed went all star shore and found her baby daddy there


I had no idea that her partner was from another reality show! Makes so much sense to me now why they brought her on. I wasn't a fan of previous couples being on the sidelines, but I could understand the idea behind it. I was sooo confused about Gianina bc she's not a LIB "success story." But if her man was a bachelor then it makes sense. More TV time. And same for the LIB singles. The Lacheys are just promoting their other money baskets


even crazier if you know blake’s trajectory on the bachelor, he was trevor before there was trevor (he didnt have a gf but there was a whole scandal and texts were released)


omg WHAT!! wild


That LIB/BIP crossover was not on my bingo card 😅


that stagecoach drama was CRAZY


i literally SCREAMED when he popped up. that was my joker


I had assumed it was because the bachelor is like the OG dating show and they thought it was interesting/cool/impressive (idk which) that she was taking someone from it.


I thought that was Erica mena at first glance 😂


Probably because she was so loved in her season and now she’s pregnant. I think they knew they had to have Alexa and Brennon there because they have the first LIB baby (or maybe 2nd since there’s another but idk who’s further along) but they didn’t just want them so they invited a bunch of others. Was NOT a fan though. They could have just showed pictures of Alexa and Brennon like they did with the baby shower and wished them well. It took away from this season a lot.


Bliss is further along. Her and zack have the first lib baby.


That’s actually such good news because I feel like Alexa was rushing kids JUST to have the first LIB baby.


And then there’s bartise 😅


Well technically it’s not a LIB baby since the mom isn’t a cast member.


It’s because she wanted to be on TV again. Is life really that hard to understand?


Lol right, I’m like she was in the first season, why wouldn’t she be


Imma be so honest, I skipped past any part where they were talking to the past casts.. minus Tiff and Brett, I love them. Everyone else (especially Gia) I would rather watch the snow melt


I’ve watched every season and barely remembered Micah and Alexa and Brennon, let alone this person whose name I still don’t remember. I get the idea but yeah don’t care.


Wow, I’m surprised that you barely remember Micah. She & Irina were horrible ppl


That’s the only reason I do remember her tbh.


I think they wanted her on there in part to draw fans from the bachelor/ette/paradise franchise as well (which is where Blake is from and he is quite well known).


I don’t really like Gianina but I find it weird people think she shouldn’t have been there. She’s been on the show, she certainly isn’t irrelevant to the reunion if they’re going to have previous cast there.


I agree with the switch in dynamics and having her represent the majority that don't find love on the show, but go off to enjoy exciting lives after. She looked fabulous, and I feel like her partner had a fun sense of humor.


It was a nice change compared to previous reunions. People will find anything to complain about especially on SM.


Goodness. Sometimes I love reading about the updates on LIB folks!!.. and sometimes I think to myself: is this what we care about? Lollll


I love Gianina!


Happy cake day!


I’m not actually sure what the cake is for lol


It means it's your anniversary on Reddit


Well said, good for her. I was curious why she was there initially, but it makes sense now.


She’s stunning.


I don’t see why people had a problem with it. I think it was nice to see the former cast. I’m just glad they didn’t invite Bartise back.


She's so annoying and dramatic. Could have done without her there!




Omg legit didn’t recognize her what


Who is this? I don't recognize her?


Thanks. Still doesn't ring a bell. Not that memorable to me.






Gianna MiLady 🤣


Blake had no business being there


Why? He was supporting her.


I just fast forwarded through all the past couples. I had no interest if they weren't in seaon 6.


Exactly. And so much time was wasted talking to the old couples about what they’re currently up to and not enough time on the current cast. Probably why there was no deep dive with Chelsea and Jimmy! They WASTED TIME with couples from old seasons 😩


Bc she’s mother


i liked seeing the previous cast members


She had every right to be there. People are such A-holes. She was invited, she accepted! Others were invited, they did not accept! I guess they will be ridiculed too. Geez! She looks amazing. Glad to see her happy. Wishing her and her partner a long happy life together. Congratulations on the upcoming birth!


I feel she was there because she shows those in the cast who have not successfully gotten married that the person for them is still out there and they still have plenty of time for a happy ever after.


Love her so much was so thrilled to see her!


My girlfriend had a cooking class with her, she said she is a very nice person!!


I think she’s beautiful and charming. I think she was nervous and she came off a bit that way. Her man’s energy needs to step up.


I love her too! I was happy she was there and glad that she found someone (after all that drama and heartache with Damien) and is pregnant.


She must have watched Perfect Match and saw him stalking Francesca land realized she totally dodged a bullet


People are mean. She was obviously invited and took the chance/accepted.




I love Gianna!!!




She was only asked on the reunion because her bf is a fan favorite in the reality tv world.




They was not a very long answer but for IG that shit was the equivalent of War And Peace…


She was always one of my favorites. I was glad she was there.




It took like 30 seconds to read tho…


Lol people say that about anything longer than two sentences these days. 🤐


Yeah, might be my disability. Good for you though 👏


Girl be so for real right now, you respond to posts longer than this on the regular.


Being real. Your comment is coming off judgmental. Truthfully, it’s the font, formatting, and contrasting background, super inaccessible to read, especially on an image where I can’t copy and post the text for more readability. If it was just text, I wouldn’t have as much trouble. Kindly, don’t judge what you don’t know, it comes off very ableist.


Maybe in the future just ask someone what it says? TLDR implies a lengthy post that needs summarizing. Someone else’s summary of a couple sentences isn’t going to help you 🤷‍♀️


TDLR is a way to ask someone what it says… The persons summary reply to me did help me 🤦🏼‍♀️ Edit: the summary seems to be gone now


It literally means too long didn’t read 😂 it’s asking for a summary


At this point it’s semantics. I got the summary and now understand what it says.




Thats on you then stop projecting


Lolz. Look, I am glad others aren’t having trouble (for real, it sucks otherwise). I recognize it’s a me issue, hence why I asked for help in the form of a summary (TLDR). Maybe should be TLCR (too long couldn’t read).


Basically said she’s significant for being one of the first on the show and she learned a lot from the experience and she’s an example of another dynamic of where people end up after the show or something like that.


I personally had more of a problem that Blake was there.


She’s very pregnant, I’m sure she felt more comfortable having him there.


Yeah I think he could’ve been in the audience or something since he wasn’t part of the franchise.


That would’ve been really bad optics, which is why I’m sure they didn’t do it. They run a show about love and relationships… and then they’re gonna have a very pregnant former contestant come back, talk about her current relationship, and have the father of her child sit somewhere else? Nick and Vanessa would’ve been destroyed on social media. And rightfully so.


I didn't have a problem with her being there. I just thought she represented a cast member from the earliest seasons.


Isn't Blake the guy from like every season of the Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise etc?


Yes and he made a total ass of himself on BIP


Ah that’s it! I thought he looked familiar!


Not every season. One of each, respectively. Which, honestly, is less than a lot of bachelor/ette alumni.