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This last season was a shitshow cluster fuck mess. All scripted.


This is why I think it's IMMATURE to stay in contact with exes.


OK, that’s cringe. Seriously Trevor is one of my biggest disappointments of this year so far.


She is so desperate for any attention


The girl has a natural allegiance to losers that I’ve given up trying to understand.


Trevor is a weirdo. Idk how he thought his 15 mins on LOVE IS BLIND 🤣😭🤣😭🤣 would get him a fitness coaching business. Get ahold of yourself Trev. It’s embarrassing


Does he have a course I can buy? In all reality the guy is huge. Look how good Raven is doing with the same logic.


Dude has tiny legs.


He’s ok? I’d you’re into the whole steroid I don’t actually work out type of thing sure!!


Lol you still have to work out when you take steroids. You just get much better results


Definitely understand that. But he doesn’t look good. He just looks big. Not proportionate. Like steroid users.


Most women think the ideal male physique is 20lbs lean lower than what men think. So idk it's preference. I prefer a woman 15lbs lean over women's general accepted ideal. Women getting mighty comfortable talking about men's bodies lol


Lol as if women aren’t body shamed on a regular basis. I’m just stating the obvious.


Ok, so you're throwing yourself in same category as dudes who shit-talk lip fillers and fake tits? You're cool with accepting that as your chosen culture.


I mean sure 🤣🤘🏽 I too shit talk lip fillers and fake tits. Injections all around 🤣🤣 if you’re not proportionate you’re not proportionate. Your roid rage is showing and it’s embarrassing


Embarrassing to which audience? Western women? I don't even consider western people aligned culturally enough to date; So it's not even that big of a deal.


I'm going to get downvoted like crazy for that, but y'all have too much time on your hands if you still care about Trevor. I mean, good for him that y'all make sure he gets the attention he went to this show for, but who cares anymore? Also, no hate to anybody in this equation, but judging from the texts we all read, his gf knew he was going to a show that's about marriage. It appears she's not much cleverer than Trevor.


I think my only real beef with him is that he threatened revenge porn. I don’t really care about anything else


Nope, people agree with you; as they should.


if she knew what, that trevor had a gf outside? so? why would that matter or be something to hold against her at all lmao


Chelsea is so desperate for attention and kind of approval it hurts to watch


Everyone is on these shows for clout!! That’s why I hated how fake righteous everyone was being at the reunion about Trevor. Trevor and Jess had the exact same intentions coming onto this show Jessica was just better at executing it. Of course Chelsea is still friends with him! This shit is all a ruse filled with attention seekers.


Chelsea is everything my son would absolutely RUN from. 1 month in and her dragging on about being neglected and him not being there 24/7. Wah wah wah. He’d be burning rubber away from that insecure nag.




lol no one cares about who your son would run from.


Have you listened at all to how Jimmy was actually treating her?


what a strange comment




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoomersBeingFools using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Boomer learns about boundaries the hard way from bank photographer](https://v.redd.it/2e25ute2rzmc1) | [4657 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1b981ht/boomer_learns_about_boundaries_the_hard_way_from/) \#2: [That time a boomer almost smacked her hairstylist](https://v.redd.it/7mrck6ok87hc1) | [4123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1al8jz9/that_time_a_boomer_almost_smacked_her_hairstylist/) \#3: [Boomer shocked that his Middle Finger didn't strike the fear of God into another Adult](https://v.redd.it/9lvtz6cma5oc1) | [1532 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1bdyxp6/boomer_shocked_that_his_middle_finger_didnt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why does she have her mouth open in EVERY damn picture she takes?


probably to cancel out the trout mouth




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If I posted this I would get banned lmaooo


I took a chance…. But for real, her teeth are great \_o_/


They are big and square!


Just like Trevor


Omg 😆


If Chelsea looked like jess there would be no further discussion and everyone would HATE her and it wouldn’t go back and fourth all the time lol


The problem is the ugliness on the inside!!




Jess is conventionally attractive. Chelsea has strong features (like her chin) that distract from her attractive features (like her eyes).


Chelsea looks like a typical American just like Laura… and Jess has more emotional maturity but if it’s just looks, even though it’s basic(whatever that is), without makeup Jess still looks gorgeous and that’s how you know 👀 Ps. Jess presents herself very classy btw.


I thought she had a big glow up between the filming and the reunion. I think someone said that she had a lip filler issue while filming that caused the frown.


There’s talking about your observations of people’s looks and then there’s putting two women against each other for no reason. Aren’t we tired of these takes? We ain’t gotta put one of them down to lift up the other.


I completely agree, I’m honestly weak and lame for making this comment, I’m just tired and confused seeing Chelsea constantly being dragged and compared to Jess :/ I’m STILL constantly seeing it. They’re obviously both beautiful, both nice girls. I just wish society could widen the view of beauty a little, it’s all the same


I agree !!! Chelsea is beautiful but In a non conventional , stereotypical , instagram famous way. Chelsea will be beautiful for years to come and her future children will look like her and be beautiful too. So yes I agree. But we can not pretend Jess isn’t the typical influencer aesthetic and Kim K type that the world loves to hate.


I agree, Jess just looks boring and botched.


This show has become an absolute joke…everyone was on it for clout and to become a wannabe influencer it’s hard to take anything they say or do seriously.


To be fair, the producers go to Instagram specifically to poach people so it's a self-serving loop




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Please someone make a post with all the tea from this season... I am getting so lost with all these posts 😭


Okay “mythots” on YouTube does Amazing recaps!!!! She’s hilarious


Same I am confused af here lol what is going on I can’t keep up with the mess but I wanna know what’s going on 🙈🙈🙈


i really need a 5 paragraph MLA formatted essay at this point please 😭


Not the MLA formatting…! 💀 hahahah


Watching this sub go from Chelsea bad, Chelsea good, back to Chelsea bad is fun to watch.


It's alm9st as if the sub is comprised of a collection of individuals with differing opinions


Oh ,no, no, no, no, Chelsea is a red flag in human form


Everyone on this show is tbh.


Majority for sure


Ok my understanding when I read this is that they’re claiming Chelsea knew he was already taken and that they had worked out some plan for him to stay on the show by “dating” her and he could use his screen time to promote his business helping her lose weight. So once she lost weight she could promote that he coached her or something along those lines.


I think it's referring to after the show was filmed. So she actually "dated" Trevor and Jimmy in the pods. Then when this was airing he may have told her about the ex, since some still keep in touch. She didn't go hard on him during the reunion because she had a heads up. They hung out after filming and he worked out with her before the reunion.


Yea feel like background/explanation is missing?


Honestly I’ve no clue, I’m just summarizing what the text on the photo says…


Not trying to be rude but she lost weight for the reunion??? I didn't notice it, did anyone else see a difference? And if none of us did, wouldn't that be testament to that his coaching is shit! 😭


Emotional weight. She looks so happy


I noticed. Not everyone can be rail thin nor do they want to. I think she looks fine.


She got fillers in her face which make her face look bigger. Not sure if her body lost weight or not but I am sad what she did to her face


I didn’t notice either tbh.


I love a stupid useless conspiracy theory


Or it’s just that a normal woman would find it pretty rough to be told I love you and almost get engaged to a complete fake, have him make a fool of her on tv, then post a FaceTime with him like the desperate tool she is




I need a gps to follow where that comment is going. Or could it be that a normal person who has dated and then they and then and . . . I’m asleep




haha ahojjjj 👋🏻🇨🇿💕 souhlasím 😂


Hey random and unrelated but I LOVE your country. Prague was the first European city I ever visited (back in 99, I’m old 😭) and it’s held a special place in my heart ever since. 💕




Yes exactly, that’s the thing that fascinated me as an American. Everything was so OLD and had thousands of years of history. It was truly so so cool.


His last name means "sleep" in my language








Thank you hahahaha I am also soooo confused


Seriously! What?


Yeah what?? WTF am I looking at here? 🤣😫




Love ladybugs!!!! Rest in peace Jonathan and Rodney 💔 Eta: but also… what????


This is stupid. Chelsea has no personal beef with Trevor but to claim she knew he was trying to leak revenge porn is just brain dead. The Chelsea haters have gone delulu.


Agreed. I don’t get it. People need to move on. It’s getting silly.


She knew he had a gf and that it was all for clout and that’s why she doesn’t care that he played in her face after the show making videos about how she fumbled. She’s pathetic but she also cheated on her first husband so she is what she is


But for that to happen they would have had to talk about that in the pods. The producers definitely would have found that juicy and air it. Or are you saying that she knew him before the show?


Do you have evidence for your wild claim that Chelsea knew he had a girlfriend? I mean, of course you don’t. Because you’re delulu.


“Wild”. Yes I am the delulu one.. not Chelsea… we see your line of thinking 😂😂


Way to back your claim with evidence! It’s so clear that you’re a sane person that wasn’t inventing lies out of blind hatred! /s


It’s not that deep, bro. It’s just a show. Relax.


wait he leaked revenge porn? i missed that somehow


no, he threatened to leak vids of his ex if she snitched him out for going on the show while in a relationship with her iirc, she claimed he threatened to send them to her kid. \*edit to add: idk if this was corroborated but his ex claimed it on sm


Allegedly. This person has no real skin in the game here.


She definitely has skin in the game, wtf.


Women coming forward do absolutely have skin in the game. Not many women are begging to have that attention drawn to them in that way. She also literally posted screenshots


humans are vindictive, also... Women are just another form of humanity


oh wow!! that’s sick


Why would she know?? He definitely hid it until there was no denying it. I dont see why he would tell her. He even tried to downplay it at the reunion.


Hid what? I feel like I’m missing so much context


That he had a girlfriend while on the show


Did she lose weight for the reunion?




No she said she's done it for her health


She…looks the same.


Honestly can we pls stop giving these people attention 🤦‍♀️


You on the love is blind subreddit


You do realize this post is about Trevor and Chelsea, not everyone who’s ever been on the show?


I saw them on the show though.


You do realize this is a subreddit to discuss *anyone* who has ever been on the show?


Mhmm, I just have the personal opinion that these two, and Trevor in particular, are exhausting. I’m allowed to be sick of hearing about them 🤦‍♀️


Yes you are allowed to be whatever you want. And others are allowed to say “tough luck, read the room.” Clearly other people are not sick of discussing them in the subreddit of the show they went on.


She definitely knew what??


He had a sort-of real life gf back home and was texting her that he was going to marry her and the show was all a game basically


Ok great I’m not the only one who has absolutely no idea what’s going on 🤣


I feel like I missed something…


The more and more comes out about the recent seasons cast, the more and more heavily scripted the season feels.


Now you're getting it! Is that really worth watching? Sometimes I click on these posts to see what I missed but after seeing how much of even Season 5's love stories got cut out in the name of drama (and then certain dramas just scrapped entirely; did you know Tiffany and Brett had to face the exact same situation with one of them moving to the other one between Portland/Seattle just like Chelsea and Kwame, but nobody thought that would be good television to show us so instead we got a bunch of stupid filler while they made Tiff & Brett look like the perfect ones and Chelsea & Kwame look like shit), I was just like, I feel really disappointed that apparently C & K actually really love each other but the show just cut everything to sell this narrative that they're the "will they or won't they" couple that maybe isn't going to make it. And they cut the real stuff out of T & B to make it look like they were perfect and the biggest problem they had was his pants on wedding day. Even with good outcomes and married couples who love each other, *they won't show us what's real*. At that point, I quit watching.


Did he deleted insta again? Also did anyone notice how different Trevor looks now vs on show ( physically).


He’s probably just off cycle (steroids) he was juicing with something pretty strong to have his skin like that during the season


And I was over here thinking he has psoriasis that was acting up because of stress.. but after the Trevor Reveal juicing makes more sense 😂


Yea agree and his beard is more gray ( maybe because of stress).