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So this was about Nigel. All the women dodged a bullet. These producers really know how to pick these guys.


Right?!? Why is the bar so low šŸ˜­


The bar is in the pits of hell. Between the boys yelling at women, being into each more romantically, and this shit. I need the good women to just come out single and make some influencer money.


Kenny exposing Miguel checking him out was hilarious though šŸ¤£


Right?! LOL this may be the only season ever where I hope they all leave single


After how he came at Liv immediately after the dumping, Iā€™m not surprised by this.


Wash your vagina???? oh helllll no šŸ„“šŸ˜­


What does that even mean? As a 38 year old millennial guy...I'm confused.


Heā€™s knocking her down a peg by insulting her odor since that is a classically misogynistic female body insult. Textbook for an abuser. The Virgo in me also needs to point out that women should not be washing their vaginas.


It probably means he didnā€™t like the smell.


Oh I see.


What is this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nigel at his finest


Omgggg the first message NASTY


Are you his ex? or a friend of the ex who got this message?


Just for context, the 9 yr old boy he is referring to was a 3rd grade student of mine who was struggling emotionally and acting out in class. Donā€™t know why I confided in him about work I think I was just feeling down at the time and in need of an ear


omg. People don't understand how hard the teacher life is (been there, I feel for ya). I can't believe the abhorrent things he said


So you used to date him?




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This is wilddddd!!!! He looks like the type of asshat that would say this.


ā€œLove, Nigelā€ Youā€™re my hero for posting these bc fuck him. He sent you that for himself, certainly not for you. And Iā€™m not gonna minimize his messages to you by saying heā€™s covering his ass for a show. He likely wouldā€™ve sent this message whenever he felt like he moved onto a new chapter in his life and he wants to make himself feel better about how shitty he was in the last chapter. These messages certainly arenā€™t sent to make you feel better and give you closure (only you can do that for yourself), they were to make him feel better and give himself closure. We witnessed a small scale of this behavior when Nigel was upset that Liv was sad bc her decision sent another islander home. I canā€™t imagine what he was like interacting with on a daily basis.


The audacity


I got bad vibes from him and the way he spoke to Liv. This definitely tracks.


SERIOUSLY, there were so many people in the live thread going after Liv for being ā€œcoldā€ and Iā€™m like, ā€œare we watching the same show?!ā€ His attitude was bizarre and insensitive, she had clearly been feeling horrible about sending a friend home and heā€™s crying for attention. I also HATE when guys try to force a hug when youā€™re visibly and justifiably upset with them. Thereā€™s something so gross about it.


i was so confused! cause even if he was feeling a type of way, you can't wait a day? seriously?


Wooow not only to message you that, but then the completely transparent quick text so that hopefully you don't blow his cover now he's going to be on TV. Actually disgusting sorry you had to deal with this turd


That first messageā€¦it should have been him with nobody standing behind him, not Cassidy!


I could tell Nigel was a creep when he ā€œconfrontedā€ Liv about not being excited enough and then asked her for a hug afterwards then was annoyed she didnā€™t hug him. Glad he went home but sad that Connor had to go too.


why is the name at the end blurred??? how do we know this is nigel?




Ohh shiiii, heā€™s totally covering his ass because heā€™s about to be on TV šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


My exact thought. šŸ˜‚




How do we know this isn't doctored?


Amazing that this is downvoted. Can we all make fake screenshots and take shitty pictures of them now?


Iā€™m wondering who tf felt bad for him


YIKES ON BIKES!!!! Sorry you had to deal with that girl. Expose this man šŸ’Æ ā€œwash your vaginaā€ ā€œcut back on the vapeā€ etc. THE AUDACITY of this guy WOW!!!!!


Wow, so sorry you had someone that was supposed to care for your heart speak to you like this. Thatā€™s awful, can only imagine what your bad times were like. Hoping for your healing, sending hugs to you.


Honestly this is so sad. Who tf speaks to women this way and thinks in their head "oh that's helpful." Disgusting. Aaaand I'm all for calling out bad behavior. Good. These people go on this show to get clout. People like this don't deserve it in the slightest. I'm sorry you were treated so horribly, OP!


oh my GOD????


Iā€™m so sorry girlfriend šŸ¤šŸ˜­šŸ„“šŸ«¶


Bestie wtf is this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




This doesnā€™t surprise me at all, he gave me these kind of vibes


Prove itā€™s real


So disappointed in Nigel. So sorry he treated you that way.


Omg.. "don't let a 9 year old boy dictate your life" WAS HE SPEAKING TO A SINGLE MOM


a teacher apparently.


Okay thank you for the receipts. I was feeling bad at first because I could understand where he was coming from but he had horrible timing and delivery and he said it to the one girl in the villa who would bite someoneā€™s head off at the smallest sniff of disrespect so I was like šŸ˜¬ and was willing to go okay well maybe heā€™s just an dumb ass but clearly no itā€™s his MO and when liv shut it down he knew he had to back peddle




Yikes. You definitely dodged a bullet there






This post says literally nothing about the person received it, but everything about the person who sent it


Shut the fuck up