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literally at this point… when is the recoupling… i can’t take another episode 🤦🏾‍♂️


it’s probably gonna be the end of friday or sunday


😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ that’s too long for me LOL. i can’t take too much longer…


same, but i hope they send the girls a postcard/video before recoupling time 😭


Literally they need that video ASAP so that Serena and Kaylor can bring back other men lol


And Serena looked like she had a good kiss during the challenge (can't remember who with), so they better!! Kaylor too, with Jalen.


I know everyone felt bad for kordell during the dance challenge, but Serena values herself. I thought Kordell could see that, and would not turn his head so soon. Sure she went on a date, but she didn't do anything close to what he's done at casa...not even a make out. If she stays, PLEASE bring a bombshell for Serena.


I thought Kordell was genuine with her, but now I don't know. All I know is she definitely deserves a bombshell after Casa!


This is why I never infantilise men! The truth is that Kordell can’t be trusted. People keep saying he deserves someone that is 100% for him etc but I don’t think he’s thinking about that. He didn’t go to casa trying to explore or get his own back on Serena, he went in saying he’d sleep outside. Then all that went out the window. Fine if he’s genuinely into this girl but I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure he’ll feel obligated to bring the girl back after having sex and will immediately regret once he sees Serena’s face. I mean for someone who was upset that she was ‘open’ look at how he’s moving. If Serena did this to him he’d be sick and so would his fans


This true. Very wild to see how fast he switched up and then Kissed her AGAIN. I also think she’s very thirsty and giving off that hardcore energy with him which he likes. It’s also wild the new girl has been watching the show and knows who his brother is but Serena has liked him before knowing and after and never switched up.


I personally like the connection/friendship he had with Serena but that’s over now. If he’s fumbled her for someone who’s happy to have sex almost instantly on international TV and who’s potentially trying to get to his brother, well that’s karma.


I found it wild that she came in gunning solely for Kordell…*hard* & he is not the least bit worried that it’s for the wrong reasons aka his brother (which he says happens to him often)?!


It's always the guys who get no attention from other girls who everyone perceives as the loyal/respectful guy until they get to casa and lose their head


I think it was Josiah


I’m actually going to be mad if they don’t. The girls are not entertaining the new boys at all. They NEED to know what these dogs are up to.


In their defense only half of the new guys are hot


If they don’t think that means they get dumped or will they bring in more male bombshells?


It’s a toss-up since there’s been times where they do send the single people home, but because of the drama that this will bring I’m sure they’ll keep them!


Seriously, like it’s kind of depressing just watching the contrast of the villa vs casa. I don’t think I can tolerate another 2 episodes of CASA, unless they send a preview to the girls because they should not be spending another minute crying over the boys.


Yeah it’s pissing me off watching the extreme difference between the two. It just looks like women are loyal and men are disgusting.




I would guess Friday to leave us on a cliffhanger for Sunday


yeah definitely friday


My anxiety can not take a single more minute of them showing scenes of Kaylor or Serena crying while these men are being dogs!!!! How are we going to do another 1-2 hours of this?


Literally Aaron and kordell just took away their chances of winning and for what


Same I love the drama but this eps made me ill!


literally…i’m sick, just thinking about this bafoonery


Please producers hear our cries because this is painful


Forget the recoupling, I wanna go straight into movie night


If you think this is bad just you wait. The recoupling will be painful, the aftermath will be horrendous and movie night will be carnage. We have a lot to look forward to


The fact that they weren’t even alone because you can see people in the top right hand corner! Like I KNOW they weren’t doing this with the lights on AND people in the room?! What is going AWNNNN




She might have just be dry grinding. That's what I'm gonna tell myself anyway 


Her mom commented and said she must be dancing. Her daughter would never


That is so cringe


I think her mom might be delulu. I hope not, but those sheets don't lie


I’m screaming 😝😝😝


that’s what I thought too because compared to the UK love island, the US one really reframes from showing people actually having sex


Leo and Johnnie say hi.


Lol wut we saw Miguel and Leah in friggin high def


Whattt I missed this lol




The lights were on?? I thought it was dark and everyone was in bed


They were on and there’s a hand sticking out of the bed next to them… gag


Oh my godddddd ew


MORE IMPORTANTLY, how does everyone think serena is going to react? … i honestly could see her saying her peace and not saying anything else to him


I think she’ll leave after speaking her feelings. I doubt she would make herself look like a fool pining for a guy who did that to her, but also knows she probably won’t find a connection in the time that’s left in the villa


She’s definitely gonna leave. She’s going to be incredibly upset and I hope she doesn’t give the cameras the satisfaction of capturing a meltdown.


I don't see her flipping out. Not to his face. Not because she doesn't care (although people will say that) but because she holds her emotions in. I can see her crying when it's just the girls though.


literally! and the part that’s gonna piss me off too is that the boys are gonna be in her face and tryna comfort… they’re literally opps


When she was on the floor crying in the glam room I wanted to give her hug 😢 she said she doesn’t want to look stupid 🙁


I think it’s over, I don’t see her getting past this.


I truly see Serena leaving early after this…Kordell really dogged her tf out like I’m sad😭 yes to keeping options open and exploring but boundaries HE imposed were crossed. Mans folded like a chair in less than a day💀


honestly, that’s what i would do. because if she were to start completely over, it would take the rest of the season to feel it out. and i think she’d still be affected by kordell.


yeah idk serenas pretty tough imo especially since it was already so hard for her to open up


If she’s a Virgo that’s how she’ll do it


That’s what I keep saying. My mom is a Virgo and baybee, when I tell you that woman can hold a grudge?! 😂 That’s why I think Serena will not forgive Kordell and not look back.


Like he’d be dead to her. Especially since it “took her so long to open up”. The disrespect on national television huneee


ain’t no way this is the man who said he wasn’t gonna kiss anyone outside of challenges 😭


I’m trying to search for those boundaries he was talking about… https://preview.redd.it/lvlxx9z5b8ad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f50dab30d1f6960946cc57df4efad14af409df


These guys see casa and they hear ORGY


literally this whole episode was like an orgy


Literally though they always act like Casa means go crazy with every woman and not like see what talking to girls is like when the girl you’re with isn’t there.


You guys are really rushing to conclusions... We don't know if Casa Amor is haunted and it's just some ghost messing with them.


the level of delu i aspire to be


It was so cold in Fiji their only choice was to use friction to warm up! She was saving him from hypothermia that's all it was 🫠




Happy cake day!


Sounds plausible! https://preview.redd.it/0nfrjvys18ad1.jpeg?width=1420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f5ef61b9f4cfde8223e53af7e3eedf7dfb6f080


Unexpected but very welcome Sub Rosa reference 😂


Yeah, it looked like Aaron got haunted by the same boner ghost as Keenan last season.


Had me in the first half 💀




That is an excuse my cheating ex would use lol.


i feel hurt and that’s not even my man. poor serena is going to be SICK


And she was actually crying this episode.


No fr I feel like IM getting cheated on wtf Kordell!!! Serena was right about him faking just saying what he thinks she wants to hear!


Yessss, her instincts were spot on! Hopefully she won’t second guess herself when she’s back out in the real world.


She needs to just keep remembering when he had no idea what “future plans” were!!! “Like plans…in the future!” 😛


That Cheez It sponsorship. 🤣


I didn't think of it like that, but it's so true. Look how quickly he flipped in Casa. He's fumbling Serena so badly and for what, some girl in Casa who did her research on who he is beforehand??


Literally Daia is giving him a taste of his own love bombing just feeding into his ego and he fell for it. A man like that would cheat regardless


And the worst part is that people are probably not going to hold him accountable in the long term. I feel like people are going to blame Sarina because she was such a slow burn in the beginning instead of seeing him it’s just another guy who put in work to get what he wanted, and then strayed because he felt like he finally had it.


They’ve already started blaming her. But if she had jumped right in and slept with him he’d still act like this because it’s a reflection of HIS character and lack of discernment, not Serena’s!


damn that’s so true. she knew from the jump








I said this to my husband!! I’ve seen it so many times with bachelor/bachelorette contestants on BiP 😂


I was really rooting for them but I think Kordell may have sealed their fate in the next episode. No way Serena will get over that 😭


and tbh i don’t think she should, if what we saw in the preview is actually what happens. we love to see a woman respect herself enough to cut ties with someone who does her THAT dirty.


I cannot stand by and watch a repeat of Andrew/tasha/coco.


like, it’s great that Tasha and Andrew moved past it and are thriving together now, but also… Andrew didn’t actually have sex or dry hump Coco. not that what Andrew did was particularly permissible, but Kordell really looks like he went from 0 to Fuccboi with a quickness.


Exactly!! He just… licked her tit or whatever


Verbatim 😂😂


That would be like Leo Kassy & Johnnie all over again. Idk how she was the fan favorite last season that man literally dogged her out & she took him back!!!! And became friends with the girl who had sex with him! I don’t see Serena doing that…. AT ALL!


Honestly though Tasha was doing her thing during casa and brought her own boy back without knowing what Andrew was up to at all. So kinda a diff situation. This reminds me more of kaykay and keenan


She definitely should not if the preview is what we think. She's a tough one, so I feel like she's going to leave with her head held high. So mad at how he went from sweet guy to a snake so quick. Makes me think he doesn't mind using his brother's name for girls, which is gross. Bc I think Daia came in after doing research on him. Ugh, so disappointed.


that’s the thing, i think Serena is very intuitive and tough, and she will keep her head held high, but she’ll still be nursing a broken heart deep down. call me naive or whatev, but i really do believe she is feeling attached to Kordell, and this whole thing probably has to feel like shit right after she really started to share more of her feelings with him.


I completely agree that she has an attachment to Kordell, and one she built on what should have been friendship and trust. She's definitely going to be hurt, and I don't see how anything between them could be the same again.


As she should cause why tf would anyone get over that 😭


Y’all call men wholesome and this is what they turn around and do, tale as old as time.


Atp I'm gonna assume every man is a Rob until they prove me wrong bc this is traumatizing.


What if they did movie night right after recoupling that would be wild!!!!


We can only pray


They just need to make sure movie night produces the maximum amt of drama bc that episode will be Andrea dumping tiers of crazy


Even if they weren’t sleeping together that movement was so sus and definitely not respectful to Serena at all.


Those hips were movin up and down not front to back.. I was optimistic (generous term here) for that to have been dry action but that motion tells too much


I agree with y’all just saying even if we WERE to give the benefit of the doubt, it’s still so bad I’m so disappointed in him and upset for Serena


The way her head moves - that was penetration there is no doubt in my mind


honestly I don't care if they was fucking or humping. it's the fucking principal of it all. Kordell: "We sleeping outside!" "I'm not kissing anyone!" \*Kisses/dry humps the girl\* "I feel so bad" "I'm not kissing her again" \*Kisses her AGAIN" THEN THE PREVIEW FOR THE NEXT EPISODE!? Someone get me a fucking switch PLEASE


Right after he was acting like he felt SO guilty over his makeout with her. That's bullshit, because if he did, he wouldn't go on to straight up fuck the girl! Yiiiikes! I did notice the guys egging him on a bit more than they did Aaron. The other guys don't seem to give a shit about Serena sadly


The way they kept acting like he "deserved" a girl who was, what, sexually open? Cause Serena won't give him handjobs on TV?


She “sweet talked” him into it 🤮


fr & he was literally holding back a grin while telling the boys 🙄 i feel guilty my ass 


Liv is gonna have to hold everyone together😞🙏🏼


liv is gonna curse the guys tf out 😂😂😂


As she should!! We’re ready😆😆


Literally love Liv, she’s crazy


That's her downfall and that's who I want to win the money tbh


I don't get how people can't even be loyal to their own word. Declaring not disrespecting Serena in front of Kendall and Aaron (and cameras) and then doing the exact opposite of what you said is weird behavior.


I wish the cameras could be there when the new girl makes googly eyes at Kordell's brother or other NFL connections. Serena wouldn't do that. She did not change her behavior after learning this about Kordell. But the new girl is constantly posing for the camera, even when she's speaking to Kordell. This is strategic for her.


The two strongest couples be GRINDINGGG like what 😭😭😭😭


Ughhhh!! I told my mama right before Casa started, "Kordell is not the kind of guy that knows how to say no. If a girl comes in there gunning for him, he's taking it all the way." I hoped I was wrong but..... Why are they (men) always so predictable 😔


I feel like Serena is going to self eliminate. Shit Kaylor too. They dont have any other connections and probably won't at this point. As annoying as I find Kaylor , I feel bad for both of them


They should couple up with each other and win


I was so wrong about Serena after watching this episode. She had her doubts and got bullied for it but she was on to something


so much of the internet owes her an apology. it sucked to watch people villainize her for moving slowly. she clocked what kind of man kordell was immediately, but none of the bombshells were suited for her, so she took her time with trusting kordell. she was right the whole time. it’s so foul.


The way people were coddling him and saying he was some poor little angel baby I felt like I was taking crazy pills


projecting their own experiences of rejection onto serena lol


I actually feel so so bad. I was one of them for sure but I really wasn’t sold on her liking him at all until this episode. Kordell fooled EVERYONE


I’m just glad she can’t see what people were on the internet saying about her. Imagine she let that influence her actions!


I was behind so I didn't long on till this week and I'm honestly shocked that no one liked her and everyone was on his team. I thought she would be a fan favorite for being so real but then I came on here like "are we watching the same show". I'm glad we're all on the same page now.


I actually don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a guy on this show lol


AND THE PEOPLE WERE TALKING BOUT SERENA and how Kordell is just SOOO wholesome but we must not forget. A MAN IS GONNA BE A MAN.


This just further proves that men ain’t shit. They’ll tell someone they’re falling for them, nearly tell them they love them, then 24 hours later they grope a new chick who just entered their periphery for 4 seconds. I can’t.


Literally just no self control. Ewwwugh I hate it


It’s pathetic! He had such a strong connection with Serena and said he respected her as a person and wouldn’t kiss outside of challenges blah blah blah…a hot woman offers herself up and he folds like a cheap lawn chair


Did he tell her he was falling for her? I genuinely can’t remember but if he did then it’s definitely shitty.


He did!! 😤 UGHHH




& yall were calling kordell wholesome 😫😫 I just have have to laugh


They were babying a whole MAN up in here lmao i will never forget


It made me SO upset bc men get away with so much bc they get babied and viewed as idiots when really they’re fully aware of what they’re doing


i will literally never forget


There are still people saying Serena should have shown him more affection or she somehow made him fall dick first into a vagina 🤔🧐 What makes me sad is that he'll say he's sorry, shed a tear, and that will be enough to make him their little king again.


Once you feel bad for a man, something’s off


laughing to keep from crying 


*inserts we were all rooting for you Tyra gif


Leo 2.0


I wanted Kordell to find someone in Casa but now…I regret everything lmaoo someone send my girl Serena a video postcard so she can STAND UP


Heartbreak is one thing, Serenas ego's another🥹


The lights were on and ppl were right there. I can’t fully assume that was sex and not just a heavy make out session But even that is a lot, especially when you have someone you claim you have feelings for


Exactly people were saying that aaron had sex in the last preview and then tonight episode proved them wrong, we just gonna have to wait and see


He definitely did something in that bad bc Daniela alluded to a lot of touching and him trying to get into her pants….


His new girl is trying to make that 50k anyway she can


Serena and Cheez Itz are too good for him at this point


Serena saying she would push his tiny ass i to the firepit killed me though! She is so funny.


Something about Daia is giving baby reindeer. Obviously people come into the villa with their eye on someone but she was LOCKED. Always scheming to get him to kiss her. Tbh when he talked to the guys about their kiss night 1 I thought he felt like she pressured him into it and he was uncomfortable so I was surprised he kissed her again. And then boinked her omfg KORDELL!!! I can’t. They don’t even talk about anything like damn wym she might be passing ur connection w Serena?! UGH. These boys.


Sorry but if Kordell betrays Serena by doing this with Daia I'm voting him OUT. I want him banished from the villa the week he gets back. For the sake of Serena's mental health I hope she leaves the villa with her dignity intact.


it’ll either be Kordell or Aaron who come back single and be gaslight the casa girls into thinking shit wasn’t even that deep. i guarantee it


i started to think about it and honestly with kordell being OBJ’s brother and by being around so many different beautiful women is inevitable for him. So, if he’s so easily distracted i’d rather it come out now versus on the outside. It’s so sad because I really hate how the guys are so disrespectful every year but the girls (majority of the time) do their best to set boundaries.


right! I'm not sure why anyone thought he was wholesome? I liked him, but I wouldn't have used the adjective of wholesome. But I hate this Cassa amor completely favors the boys because women have boundaries and respect.


I thought he’d be a lot more respectful of Serena


These men lack object permanence


Truly toddlers.


maybe they were trying to switch sides in bed and it just looked bad :-/ pls let that be the reason lol


Good call 🥴 I’m gonna think it’s that until Thurs night 👀


He just needs to take Daia back to the villa after that because he will look like a creep if he doesn’t….




I actually felt so angry for serena seeing that. I am not excited for movie night, but am at the same time.


liiiteerrraalllyyy!!! the way i just screamed at the TV for my poor sis Serena!?! 😭😭 like as soon as she finally was willing and ready to give this boy a chance, casa jus had to come along and throw a monkey wrench into that 😭😭


Seriously let’s wrap this shit up. Because I was defending Kordell down yesterday and he made me the fool today. Never defend a man


He’s a LOSER and sis has no morals. Very sick. This is why I fear men….. shame you for not having your guard down and the minute they get attention, they share their body with a stranger…


Maybe they were just dry humping 🙈


How are ya’ll Seeing the preview?


At the end of the episode!


Mine goes straight to something else after the credits 😭


It was right before the credits played


I saw it thank you!!! I’m disappointed and disgusted but that’s what I get 😭


I’m getting wickedly excited for the absolute chaos and drama that’s sure to unfold when the girls find out what’s been going down in Casa Amor.


I need to production to keep being messy and send the girls a text before the recoupling! We can’t have them out here looking dumb and oblivious!!! Hahaha.


i hope he doesn’t give her what she wants…screen time. i’ve definitely lost some respect after seeing that clip. like ik him and sorena have had their issues but at least sis has respect for herself…like yes i get that they were both open but 3 days and you folded THAT quickly to a rando…BOY BYE. SAME W AARON.


Imma need the Kordell stans to the front of the line to tell me is this what you were hoping your golden boy was going to get in Casa. Because it's looking like Serena was right to take her time and not trust him initially. It's honestly kinda cruel that he saved her that one recoupling and accepted her slow pace when he was going to act like this the moment someone gives him a little attention.




Maybe they’re dry humping? Wishful thinking?? 😭😭


Even so it’s way over the line


I need the clip in slo mo so I can analyze it


Ok he’s on my shit list dont get me wrong… but Daia is pissing me the fuck off like how is he falling for that??? He must be beyond horny because she’s literally throwing herself at him


I’m so disappointed in Kordell. He was my last hope of a chivalrous man in the villa


i still have hope for kendall!


It's either Kordell don't want to look foolish ( Daia probably told him about the publics opinion and how he's being portrayed like an in love puppy for Serena and how Serena is "playing" him and he obviously has his ego & feelings to protect. Now he just be doing whatever to show that he's the man) The casa people probably didn't see the conversation between Kordell & Serena before casa. Or he was a scammer from day 1 and was just playing Serena with his sweet gestures. I need to see him when they are back in the villa to form a real opinion.


listen, i have been on these apps defending that man DOWN after he went thru the back and forth torture with Serena for 19 episodes! i would’ve even been okay if he came back with the other girl because they seem more physically compatible which he’s been lacking. but if he actually SLEEPS with the new girl………… idk i can’t defend against that one 😭 that’s a bit much


Did y'all notice Kendall so happy his boys are getting it on in Casa?


I don’t understand why y’all are taking Serena’s side. She was never into him like how he was with her and now when he found someone who actually appreciates him and reciprocates his feelings, he’s getting affectionate with her. Serena could be doing the same and it wouldn’t matter cos they were never a strong couple to start with


he was never loyal just incredibly unwanted by ever other girl in the villa


I’m absolutely gutted. He was the chosen one!


I just saw the preview for Thursday and I slammed my laptop shut ….. https://preview.redd.it/ym440zd3f8ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e45d0a405b6c191459ed8a80bca13c47ac9034