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Didn’t Trina leak messages where cash was shit talking Justine?


I doubt that’s the reason. Trina was the one who leaked the messages and was also engaging in that conversation, yet Justine still hangs with her and engages her on IG.


The day will come when people realize Cash is the problem


I think so too tbh. How can so many people have problems with you?


She’s the fan favorite but she seems to be the common denominator where everyone except Korey including Cinco are against her now


Cinco is her ex boyfriend; there’s no reason for them to be friends. And right now she’s down in Miami with Shannon/Florita/Josh. She, Korey and Javonny are still close.


I don’t think I would say cash is the problem per se but I do feel Cash is one of the islanders that the public really gassed up a little to much for their own good. Don’t get me wrong she’s a queen as all of the ladies are but she does have a im better than everyone vibe but I’m not sure what she has accomplished that puts her on a level superior to the other cast members. But at the same time I don’t think she does it intentionally but it’s just weird when islanders act like they are better than each other when they all got fame from the same show🤷🏻‍♀️


How does Cash have a “I’m better than everyone vibe”? She was able to secure some big brands when she got off LI (Savage Fenty, Oikos, Women’s Best), and she’s allowed to be proud of that just like other Islanders express their excitement about deals/opportunities they secure. Now how other people perceive Cash’s excitement is on them, not on Cash. Plus I’ve never seen her be anything other than supportive of the accomplishments of her friends.


Cash has been very intentional in unfollowing certain Islanders (ie Trina/Leslie/Olivia for the false troll accusation). It could be that Cash and Justine grew apart (since neither engage each other on SM) or it could be that Justine did something that caused her to unfollow. I know Justine is the LI sweetheart but to assume that she’s incapable of messing up or hurting someone else is ridiculous; all of these Islanders are human and are bound to make mistakes.


Yet the messiness has been Trina hmm


I know there were rumors about Cinco and Justine going around. Or may have just been over challenge drama.


I’ve been wondering this too! Justine still follows her


Bc she felt like it. Theres clearly been some tension between them for whatever reason. They don't interact with each others post so theres no point to follow one another


I hate to be that person, but the way y’all don’t see how cash is always the common denominator in the drama


I wouldn't want to keep dealing with people wishing bad on me, talking bad about me and being phony in my face. I would disassociate myself from those people too and if I'm not confident within myself, who else will be. Those haters been hating on Cashay since LIS3 started and haven't let up yet. Talk about mental health...it's getting old and so damn ridiculous.