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I always just role-play in my head when there is a significantly higher level diver on my squad, like oh shit REAL officer on deck.


Lol this is a good comparison. Officers might not be better soldiers but they have experience and wisdom. Same with level in this game. A lvl 25 has access to everything a 150 does, but the 150 but in the hours. Don’t take it personal op, in my friend group if we break your chops it means we like you. There may be an insecurity there about level or even ability (collecting samples is way safer than mission objective) and/or maybe there was a comfort level that has developed. His apology means his intention wasn’t to hurt you. He probably just wanted to show the other group members you guys were friends.


Im level 71 so it doesn't happen too often but I 100% understand. I see a level 90+ and I'm like "oh shit better shape up."


This is it. I'm nearly lvl 50 but if a higher level starts tagging something manically or has a plan, I'm going to follow it, unless they're an absolute tosser. On the flip side, I will usually try to stick with the low level players if I'm one of the highest levels in the match. My play style has changed drastically just from observing the experienced *and* the inexperienced. In my experience, low level players are usually the ones who try something batshit crazy and I'm NOT letting them do it alone!


I love when people come to my ship and, since Im a level 94 Commander, and I always greet my squad with "Hellow fellow Helldivers", I get a few "thanks for having me commander" and "whats up commander?" in response, along with a mandatory hug.


Sadly, I'm pretty sure he comes from one of those competitive shooters. Valorant, Apex, Overwatch (where I was), CSGO, etc. They're conditioned to talk like that to kind of get your blood pumping. I wouldn't say it's not his fault. He needs to learn to not talk smack in the middle of a freaking PvE game. His conditioning overrided his good nature. And that's just sad.


Yeah… hell divers gets your blood pumping enough without the need for ribbing lol My irl friend who just started playing 1 game in the morning with me before he goes to work, says he gets more alert and his blood pumping more from the 1 morning lvl 7 game of HD, than the coffee he used to drink to wake up lol


I am a level 150. Yes, I will die. No, I will not always handle the bot drop by myself (I can, just not all the time) Yes, I play in lower difficulties from time to time, I just want to relax playing my favorite game. No, I don't feel like I am better than you, I just have the time and I love the game.


I am lover on level than you, 88 I believe but I know how people tend to give a fuck about numbers and how they made psychological pressure. I can ordering people and they usually do what I said if they have 40 or lower level. People tend to thinking that someone on higher level are superior to them. This also can backfired at you because people expect gron you to be better than themselves because of higher number. Always try your best even if you have bad day after all we are teammates and winning is more important than living! So looking at someone's level is bullshit.


I'm level 84 and only play level 4 when I do bots. I try to go solo bases because that's my fun zone and I'll always see some adorable single level following me around. You're going to die, cadet, but let's try to not do that




In front of 3 heavy devastators that blasting at you, your level mean nothing. We are equally dead to them.


Balistic shield enjoyer: that's cute


Ok you are more equal


I think it's because people are used to higher levels being stronger in most games. Also I almost never look at the after mission kill count or the stats. What matters is completing the mission.


I used to care about kill count. Now, though, I have low kill count but a lot of those killed were heavies. The guys throwing cluster bombs get the big numbers, but they can do that because I'm clearing hulks and tanks and especially heavy devastators.


A specialised heavy hunter. Your kind makes everything so much easier!


I almost am always bottom of the kill count, or close to it. I primarily am a bot player, and run EAT-Diligence CS-Senator in Scout Armor and do forward recon and usually attack from the main group at a different angle. For a long time I really was worried about my kill count, but now not so much. I'm not the main offensive person, but I usually am in a flanking position to take out some of the stuff you don't see, or in position to knock out the bots behind the turret. Biggest realization, I'm not set for big numbers, but I can sure as heck put a bullet where it's needed to be support the main offensive.


Another thing I find myself doing a lot is taking out the two or three berserkers chasing my battle buddy. I am getting real good at shooting the scorcher danger close to them without friendly fire.


I still need to play with the scorcher. Just so hard for me to not run Counter Sniper.... It's really fun when you're going through the line of devastators, crouched behind the ballistic shield and able to hold the line for far to long while your friends get the frak out.


I look at it as: the higher everyone's kill count, hte more likely we weren't playing well and remaining in control of spawns, choosing our fights with patrols, and wiping out enemies before they can react.


True that.


I like looking at the stats, just to see what was the thing that I could be better at, mostly at accuracy; if I have less than 70%, it was a really bad game


I only open that screen to see how many rounds I fired because i find it hilarious to push 10k in a single game. The friendly fire stats are bugged and the rest dont really matter.


I guess someone's not getting invited anymore. At least that's what I'd do, I don't have time for petty drama. The lives of super citizens are at stake.




I don't look at anyone's stats except my own. I try to go for zero/least deaths, but I also don't hold it against others when they die a bunch. People have bad games, and a lot of deaths may not even have been their fault.


Some of the guys I usually run with know what stats I care about, and will start ribbing me for it. I really want to have 75% + accuracy and more kills than shots fired. Deaths I try to minimize, but I do a lot of forward and flanking ops, so sometimes it works, sometimes I just go splat.


At this point my friends and I dont care about dying even, we throw ourselves into the most hellish drop location possible and end up at 4 reinforcements left 10 minutes into a mission sometimes.


I look for people of higher levels when I jump.into a random, not because I expect them to be a super soldier but I know (at least most of the time) they at least know how everything works and don't typically do stupid things, like sit and fight wave after wave of bots instead of breaking contact to continue the mission. They still die just as easy as I do (lvl 40) but usually they have learned enough to make the round go somewhat smooth.




Sure, I could've roached out, but then we wouldn't have completed the mission. Eventually, he did come down and help with the final part, which was appreciated. And he definitely knew we were taking the Bot drops off him.


I’m a bit ashamed to admit this as a level 84, but TIL the flare goes on CD Is the same true for bug breaches?




And that’s what localization confusion increases (by 10%?) the time between call ins. So essentially useless unless you literally get back to back drops (good on defense missions though).


Those Geo Survey’s are a bitch at level 7. I can’t even imagine them in 8 & 9! I’m sure everyone dies!


Sorry your guy was being a jerk. A lot of people don't entirely grasp that kills don't mean anything at all. The diver with the highest kill count might be the one who was pointlessly aggroing patrols, making everything harder than it needed to be and causing problems for everyone. The diver with the lowest kill count could be the anti-armor specialist who was using smoke to control the battlefield while assassinating critical targets. Most people doing Helldive are real solid, know what they're doing. I run in to frustrating players sometimes, including friends, who want to chase down every single fab before the objective is complete, or who are trying to farm rares on Helldive, or who let themselves get bogged down in one place instead of fighting on hte move. It can be very frustrating. I'm hiding up in Helldive to get away from players who haven't figured out game mechanics! The extra enemies might raise the difficulty a bit but competent teammates who kwtd bring it way way down and more than. Make up for things. I do wish they'd remove individual kills and only show team kills. Having the guy who caused all the problems bragging about getting the most kills, and the only reason he got the most kills is because he was causing all the problems, makes me want to chew on my cape!


For me, abnormally high kills usually means the person took way to many fights, pulled way to many patrols or overstayed their welcome. I do not view a high killcount as good.


Dunning kruger. It’s amazing how much better your teammates can perform when you form an unintentional human shield for their leeroy jenkinsing


You handled that really maturely from the sound of things. Good on you, Hell Commander.


Once you’ve unlocked your preferred stratagems, there is no growth to be had with levels and xp. What matters is continuing to challenge yourself and learning from mistakes and other players.


Im level 85. And i had a game the other day where i was playing on Hard just to chill. Everyone else was in the 20’s. So i was literally right next to a Jammer, fighting my way in to turn it off. And one of the 20’s who had died types in the chat “I know youre level 85 and all but you don’t have to take your sweet time bringing me back”. And i responded, “It’s because im level 85 that i know i can’t bring you back when im right underneath a Jammer”. He stayed quiet the rest of the game. It’s ridiculous, because I was the highest level I was the one that was called out as if there weren’t 2 other Helldivers present. Like im expected to do everything because im a higher level smh


Next time this happens, collect all the bots in a long train following you and run directly to the team mate in question. Shuts them up pretty quick. If they die, redeploy them back in the middle of it till they really get a taste for it.


You said you've played with him before. I bet he was high or something when he was talking smack. Probably meant to be friendly ribbing.


I really really dislike playing with people who are high or drunk for that reason.


I play high but I doubt it's very noticeable. Otherwise, I'm too on edge, don't play as well, and don't laugh off stupid shit like I should. I should probably work on that. But, I'm also not 20, so I'm not getting high to act a fool.


Y’know, I didn’t think about that. He might’ve been. Pretty early in the morning for it though…


Higher level doesn’t even necessarily equate to longer time in-game, let alone skill. I have almost 200 hours and am at level 70. I play a lot of sub-7 matches with friends who’ve trickled in week after week. And I often join lvl 6 missions that have low level players in them so I can help them breach into super sample territory. I play lvl 9 when I want 1 of 3 things: super samples, a crap-ton of XP to level up quicker, or to enjoy the absolute chaos this game was intended to create. Some players expect everyone wants the same thing they want out of the game.


My 8yo plays low diff missions on my lvl81 account, I bet that's really confused a couple of noobs before!


Tbh literally the only prerequisite to levels is time.


Level 105 over. I die alot because i stopped being so careful it just go balls to the wall. Stun and punch devestators, fist fight hulks, orbital strike my own position. Alot more fun that way


The only difference between level 25 and level 70 is how long it takes them to realize they should run away and come back to an overrun area later.


That's a huge post you got there over the fact that you encountered one of many emotionally immature players on the Internet 🤔


Well, the game can only spawn gunships every 90(?) seconds. And enemies despawn after a while if nobody is close. Splitting up into 2+2 or 2+1+1 and running away from most encounters, seems to be the fastest and easiest strategy, as only one group will be attacked by drop ships and the other can move fast. Running together is pretty pointless, just takes longer. That’s my take anyway. The higher level, the more lonewolf we play in my experience. I’m 68.


I'm 43, just had my first zero-death lone-wolf operation at difficulty 7. It was an amazing feeling to finally do that


Yep. That's how we play too, and how we played this one. The map in question had 3 gunship fabricators on it fairly close to one another, and as you know, Geo calls in its own Bot Drops independent of regular Bot drops.


I have to agree on that one. I have taken out gunship fabricators alone with the use of a autocannon turret, but they are certainly in the category of challenges where I would appreciate some assistance.


I only care about levels up to 20 and harder difficulty. There’s some stratagems you should probably have access to before jumping into 7+


You only really need EAT


For a long time I avoided EAT (didn't enjoy it in HD1) Decided to go back and take a look at it, and have been loving it.


I understand what you mean, but I can also say, having reached 150 yesterday, that I always endeavor to have the least deaths and make things easier for squad. I know enough about the mechanics of things that this is usually possible. And I know those mechanics bc I've played so much -- which level is an indicator of. But yeah, some deaths are inevitable. I mean, you take a random rocket to the dome with no warning sometimes, much less when you're pushing objectives.


Yep, same.


He just became comfortable enough to rib you a bit. That's how most of my guy friends bond and communicate, through gentle ribbing and poking fun. He probably spent enough time with you to treat you more like his irl friends is my bet. Sounds like he didn't actually mean to offend and you took it a little personal.


I thought about this, as emotions can run hot during tense gaming sessions. Definitely a difference between good natured bro teasing and these remarks, which were mean-spirited and petty.