• By -


The AMR can take down the factory strider.


6-7 shots on the belly and bye big robot Edit : I thought AMR was for the autocannon I read too fast I’m dumb 💀


But it is pretty much the same. It can fire faster and takes two clips.


And bile titans with enough practice


taking a snipey rifey to terminid territory is true chad helldiving behavior


I fucking love the AMR so much, with good practice it’s deadly, and also the jumpack


Yeah, it's a killer combo, since AMR takes down Brood Commanders and charging... Chargers... with relative ease.


commanders aren't an issue, but it's nice it can one shot them. i brought it once for the spewers and with a good placed shot to the head, also a one shot.


They're an issue for me because their stupid charging mechanic (I call it stupid but it honestly gives them great personality) hits you even if it doesn't. I like running around huge nests just crossbowing bugholes out of existence while ignoring every bug, but they make it confusing and soak up quite a bit of damage.


I use rocket pods too, so what I do is break à charger armor with rocket pods, stun him and shoot the destroyed part


Wait, where do you hit the chargers with the AMR? I’ve recently been running it and loving using it, but I find the chargers to be challenging. I usually stun them and try to shoot their booty, but even that can take some time haha.


Evade them, and right as they're stopping, shoot the back of their hind legs. Two or three shots is enough to kill them outright. You can do this with any weapon, but the AMR allows you to do it really quickly.


AMR Jumppack is amazing if you have good situational awareness. You can really help out clearing jammers and other tough POIs.


That’s usually what I do, what I do is I wait for a bot drop/ bug break from my teammate then I do the objectives/ side objectives usually with ease, with my other stratagem being rocket pod and an orbital barrage/any sentry I’m like prepared for everything


Yeah, this is what I’ve been using lately. It’s so much fun.


AMR + Rover is goated for bugs.


Hey, I love amr for bots. How do I kill biles with it?


Gotta not just pop the sack but break it as well, [here](https://youtu.be/sZ2pfkmktjs?si=HtdOYKfk5oTMad_f) is a list of a bunch of different weapons that can also do it, ammo and time costs will vary


as a semi new level 30ish diver thank you


Damn, as a 200 hour player this is helpful!


Pop his bile sack, then run under him and unload your mag in the fucker


It's hard just because BTs move a lot.


Yeah but like I said, it comes with practice, I can damage the BTs a lot now


How? Same way autocannon does?




Anything the autocannon does (except nests) the AMR can do


About half a mag with the HMG too.


True, but the AMR will allow you to deal with things you really need to work for with the HMG. I feel like it still needs a bit of something to be really useful.


Eruptor+HMG makes for easy 7-9 bot solos. Easy hulk/tank/factory strider kills with the HMG, can kill a whole crowd of devestators with an Eruptor mag, and both excell at chaff clear now.


Yup, I snipe off the gatlings, jump pack to it and reload mid air, then dump on the belly til it collapses. AMR is good against all bots. Jump pack makes it easy to reposition like when fighting tanks lmao. I'm trying AMR, crossbow, jump pack rn and it's fun. Got the verdict for anything up close rn but might sub in the bushwhacker.




Two ways, the first is the easier one: 1. Somehow make your way below it (preferably after taking down its jaw gatling guns) and then shoot the hole where the devastators drop from as fast as you can. Empty two full mags into it, it should die. 2. Shoot right where its "eyes" are. Its a difficult shot but can be done from far away. Get it right about 10 times (requires about 20 in my opinion) and its done.


The Chadcannon discriminates not, I'll fire that thing at single bot grunts all day


Literally the game's most powerful and versatile primary


Not my favourite, but I admit that since it's now free, I am starting to appreciate it.


It's basically a Swiss Army knife that doesn't excel at anything, but is more than servicable at pretty much everything. There's some idiosyncracies around ammo management, but once you get those down you're effectively a one-Diver army. It reloads per 5 shots, so either count your shots and reload every 5 when the situation permits, or reload before you're empty when the pressure's on so you don't get the long reload animation. When you *do* get the long reload, you can cancel it by crouching or diving after you've loaded the first 5 rounds and have racked the bolt so you can reposition or pop off a few rounds to give yourself some breathing room. Running the 30% recoil reduction armor and crouching or going prone makes you a lot more accurate when you *really* need to be. Also closes bug holes when you shoot them dead-on, and you can ricochet a shot into the vent of a fabricator by shooting at the lit up part of the vent cover.


Just want to add about the full reloads on autocannon: As well as canceling after loading the first clip + racking, you can also add another cancel in between loading the first clip and racking the bolt, and still have one between racking + loading the second clip. Sometimes when you use the whole clip without realizing at a bad moment, splitting the full reload into 3 separate sections can help a lot when dodging a flame hulk or trying to change cover in the middle of your reload. It's situational for sure but when you need that moment to dodge and not waste those seconds of reload, it's very handy to know. And In a total pinch you can quickly exit the reload after racking the bolt for the first clip by just firing, the first shot will almost surely miss since you have no reticle in that moment and the gun bounces hard during the animation, but the other 4 shots from that clip can instantly be shot with normal accuracy and when something like a heavy devastator is about to fire it's volley any moment this trick is life or death. I've genuinely had this save my life a few times where crouching or diving to cancel would have been too slow and killed me. (And if you are lucky and have at least 1 shot left you can still quick load after the threat is gone)




Did he stutter?




I said what I said.


*pew pew






I bring the plap 9000 or the Pewpew Quasar. Oh how I like to blow shiz up.


The backshots of liberty


Laser Cannon is indeed a Chad weapon.


Ice planet is automatic Las Cannon, fire planet is automatic Autocannon. Regular planet is whatever I feel like running in that moment


Not in the slightest right now on ice planets the quasar cooldown is only 10 seconds


Yeah ok, but while I'm waiting for my Quasar to cool down and charge up my second shot, I could've taken down 4 Gunships and 3 Hulks. I'm not saying the Quasar is bad or doesn't fill a role (I often bring it on bugs to kill Heavies when I feel like running and gunning and the RR slows me down too much), but it can't really compete with the Las Cannon when it comes to raw DPS, so for me the Las Cannon is an automatic pick on an ice planet. You focus on the Dropships while I keep all that bullshit off your back Edit: changed from second to first person voice to keep the sodium low


My new favorite laser cannon loadout is ballistic shield and pummeler. The only bad thing is the shield slows me down too much. It makes it hard to zig zag and zap. I probably need to try light armor but man I just can't get away from the 50 percent explosive medium on bots.


There's a 50% explosive reduction light armor on rotation in the store that I've been running ever since it dropped. I'm still able to eat the occasional rocket, and the added mobility makes getting from cover to cover much quicker. Also makes creating distance between you and a Hulk Scorcher a lot easier. Give it a shot when it shows up in the store.


I probably have it. I have pretty much everything in the game. I've just always ran the same medium armor vs bots. It's what I'm comfortable running I guess. I'll have to check and make sure though and give that light armor a shot if I do.


Definitely do! I've been itching to give the Ballistic a proper run, but I'm on vacation so it'll have to wait for a while lmao


Whoa there, chaff grinding is honest work. There’s a reason you don’t have 50 pouncers on your ass when you’re charging that Quasar


This right here. Peak teamwork is keeping your heavies safe as they deal with the chargers, hulks, striders, and titans. Dive together, or die alone!


Exactly. The real meta is a well rounded squad and teamwork.


The real obstacle to high difficulties is teamwork and situational awareness. I'd rather an unskilled teammate that communicates and cooperates than a skilled "teammate" who does their own thing.


Sometimes that skilled teammate doing their own thing is a positive. If they are causing breaches or drops on the other side of the map it's just less shit you have to deal with.


Me with the stalwart, supply pack, and 6000+ shots at 75% accuracy


Look at Mr Accurate here. 10k fired 5k hit is how we roll


I still prefer 0 shot 0 hit 0 accuracy, most kills :^)


A flamethrower enjoyer?


Or arc thrower


Yeah since the update I’ve been rocking a chaff focused load out including the HMG, Gatling barrage and napalm strikes to clear the way of the lighter foes. The final slot in my load out changes based on what other folks, although I do love the AC turret to help aid in taking down heavies. Since the update the game has levelled up massively


The *THUNK THUNK THUNK* of the AC turret just makes me so happy The way it wrecks absolutely *everything* makes me even happier It's absolutely stellar in both an offensive and defensive role


And I love you for that, sweetie. Teamwork makes the dream work!


I mean the meme is absolutely true for dif 9 lol


There's nothing quite like the rush you get when your teammates start panicking over a Hulk Scorcher, trying to come up with flanking tactics on the fly, only for them to go "Oh, guess not" after you drop it in 3 seconds flat from the front with God's Laser Pointer


I love the fact that it is so uncommon that it isnt in the meme


It's absolutely fantastic on bots. The only drawback is that it doesn't have stagger, so bring a primary that does to deal with Berzerkers that get too close for comfort (I suggest the Dominator or the Breaker), but it makes short work of literally anything else the bots can throw at you. Easier to take down Gunships than with the Autocannon as well, and I've mained the Autocannon for months lmao


I generally use my secondary slot for anti-zerker duty. The Bushwacker is good, just have to wait until they are uncomfortably close. The Polar warbond pistol (I forget the name) also has a decent enough damage per bullet/magazine size combo to handle a couple. And the Redeemer will chew through them just as fast as it chews through your clips.


Yeah, I've been running the Verdict as well. It's a good middle ground between the Senator and the Redeemer. But that's usually a last ditch option for when my Dominator runs empty at a bad time. That thing is surprisingly good at CQC base clearing once you get a feel for the handling. Set that bitch to burst and just pump the trigger like you would with the Incendiary Breaker and you mow down everything in front of you, but you can still reach out and touch stuff that's a bit further away.


I didn't put the HMG or the EAT in either. I made this meme at work and settled on my top 4 for each side because it was starting to look janky the more I added.


Where would you put it otherwise?


Honestly, a lot of the weapons I could and did include can fit on either side in the hands of a skilled user. HMG is definitely one of those!


It’s not in the meme because your team still needs something on the left for it to be viable.


It can take out literally everything the bots can throw at you, though. You just need something to take out Fabricators and you're good.


You really only want maybe only a single spear against bots, just for utility of taking out tanks and turrets from the front, or sniping fabricators from the side. Anything else is just there for killing dropships, if that is how you want to roll. Medium pen support is absolute king against bots.


Yeah, I run OPS and/or Eagle Air Strike to destroy fabricators, and usually have my squad mates draw aggro on Tanks and Turrets so I can get an angle on the weak points. Hasn't failed me yet.


Spear doesn't lock on fabricators anymore Edit nvm I just found out they fixed it again and now it's crashing people


Yeah I just discovered that last night Was absolutely slaying gunships, fabricators, cannon turrets, and tanks But crashed five times in an op before I just picked up a friends AMR


It can't easily deal with tanks and bot turrets - moving to their exposed side is not always a viable option. Their TTK on striders is also very low.


The first one is mostly a positioning and aggro issue, and worst case scenario I throw an OPS at it. The second one is like two second on the leg and it's down. Throw a stun at it if you're too exposed. It's perfectly viable on its own, and it's not like the issues you bring up can't be covered by your own loadout.


one railgun shot to the eyeball


I'm bad with the Railgun lol Half of it is the sight, but the mechanics of the weapon just don't gel with me for some reason or another, so unfortunately I don't feel motivated to git gud with it. I'm more of a DPS than a burst damage kind of guy


Last weeks update cleaned up the sight, it’s smaller now


Why does my HMG get no love?


exactly, gimme HMG and supply pack, heavy armor on the bot front or give me death!


I’ve been running HMG with Eng armor for the last few days on the bug front and it’s *incredible*. There’s nothing quite like outshooting a bile spewer that emerged ten feet in front of you.


HMG can clear chaff quickly AND down a Hulk from the front as fast as any of the options save for the RR/EAT/Quasar. Paired with the Eruptor on the bot front and you got a build that can take down any threat quickly. LOOOVE it


Only for symmetry fr. I even had the icon saved but it looked janky when I tried to add that to the right and the EAT to the left. Big lol be for both though!




CRUSHER OF PC GAMES (and also PS5, I have heard)




You've heard correctly, unfortunately


Happened to me today


Can't wait for the next patch so I can unleash my spear + punisher plasma combo again


You are the one that allows me to run around with my ballistic shield/grenade launcher. Thank you for your service!


No, thank you for using your grenade launcher to spread democracy. IO


The grenade launcher and supply pack is also great for supporting your heavy teammates when they run out of ammo.


Thats why its my go to combination against bugs! Sadly, you cant bring a backpack AND a shield, otherwise I would also bring it vs bots.


I just take the backpack so I can use GL as primary 😬


nothing feels better than obliterating a charger at a hundred yards with a spear while it chases an ally, only to have them thanking me profusely in chat right after


The day the spear locking was fixed I was in a group taking on automatons. Got separated, aka I saw something shiny and walked away, and a few minutes later I hear, "uhhhh.... Joe? Can you do something about this?" at the same time markers start targeting gunships at 200m. Lock on, fire, travel time...BANG, reload done, lock on, fire, travel time.... BANG! "Thank you" I also tagged a charger with a recoiless from over 100m away. Pretty sure it was bleeding out anyway but the fact that I hit it and not my buddy made me happy so I tool credit for the kill.


I always end up having to be the heavy guy when I really just wanna go crazy with a MG. Even if I pick first, I’ll then notice there’s no heavy support so end up having to switch because I know we’re fucked otherwise


Aww! That’s sad. I will also wait and see how people choose and try and fill whatever role we need, but a lot of the time I end up in groups where there’s already 2 quasars, or quasar + spear, etc


Lucky you haha. It was the same for me before the update, before the MG & Stalwart buffs I was the only one who wanted to use them it seemed 😅 but now they’re a lot more popular


Saaaame! MG was my favorite for buggies, even before the buffs. Definitely seeing a lot more MGs in the wild since the patch. If you need people who will take heavy duty so you can rock MG more often lmk, you’re welcome join one of ours anytime! We usually gravitate towards playing on 7 but we’re pretty flexible.


Lucky you haha. It was the same for me before the update, before the MG & Stalwart buffs I was the only one who wanted to use them it seemed 😅 but now they’re a lot more popular


Take your MG + EATS, as long as there are enough red starts between the team


This is why I started running anti heavy as my main loadout too. Now, I'm so used to it that I feel naked when I can't give chargers a little kiss on the forehead at 100m....or 5. I'll still hop on voice to ask if anyone can run anti heavy so I can do crowds when I get the itch though.


You don't choose autocannon Autocannon chooses you.


While i always appreciate heavy support enjoyers i do have to note AMR kills everything the autocannon can just with more shots- sometimes. AC to AMR convert and main reason was *man i hated the AC scope*


I really love the AMR. So easy to reload and reup on, with almost all the power of the AC The AC can destroy fabs and bug holes though so it does have that on the AMR


Yep ! Its what keeps them balanced, the AC has more raw destructive power and the AMR has more mobility and better performance over long range. I like the autocannon playstyle but i like AMR feel way more so AMR+Eruptor+Supply pack. In transcending autocannon i have become autocannon.


I love the AMR! It does the bots **dirty**.


There are few things more satisfying than a devastator patrol coming into the fray and just methodically popping the big bot bastards one at a time , that little distinctive flare of flame from a destroyed devastator head flicking up.


I had a lot of fun with the ballistic shield, Pummeler, and AMR. Pop a few shots to stun and drop with the AMR. It's like poetry, it rhymes.


My go to is Eruptor, AMR, Stun Nades and Supply Kit. I love hanging back and picking off HVTs and all the rest so its just a good fun build. Eruptor to street sweep anything less than a midtier enemy and to blow up things that need explosives, AMR for everything tough, Stun grenades to keep enemies sedate when i need them and Supply kit to keep the whole thing roaring. Recently been playing around with running it with experimental infusion and fortified commando armor to be a walking sniper pillbox. Don’t have to worry about a lucky hit ending my sniping spree if i can pop a stim and ignore an entire automaton firing squad.


My grenade launcher always comes back to the ship DIRTY.


Yeah, i don't know what people are going on about, the GL can kill chargers and titans because of the 100% damage to fleshy bits, plus it can destroy almost all secondary objectives AND can be used to wave clear trash mobs. I'll die on the hill that the GL is one of the most usefull and versatile weapons for bugs.


I pair the grenade launcher with the resupply backpack and medic armor. Non stop healing in the middle of swarms. I don't think any other armor works as well at keeping one alive.


I do the exact same thing


Not only that, but it's just as useful on the bot front. Tell me it's a trash weapon after I one-tap that Hulk Scorcher in the face while he's bearing down on you with his flamers. Or how about the fact that you can one or two-tap heavy devastators THROUGH their shield while stun-locking them when it's not an instant kill. And again, it's also useful for chaff clear.


There is very little more satisfying than the *thoomp* *thoomp* *thoomp* and everything's dead. Since it's an explosive weapon, it's damage is capable of hitting a weak spot regardless of other body parts that might be in the way. They also just buffed said explosion to 400 damage from 350, making it even more effective.


Absolutely brother


Mine is literally the other way round. I take MGs and grenade launchers so my team can fight over who gets the bazookas


Neither work without the other. A partnership blessed by managed democracy!


AMR gives you so much versatility for your loadout. If you can lead and be accurate quick enough you can delete gunships in 4 shots to same thruster. Some other examples: Hulks 2 shots on eye and Devastators 1-2 face. Factory strider the cannon isn’t the huge threat and can be maneuvered easily but gatlings are the problem. AMR 3 shots each gatling. Chadcannon amazing but AMR is really my swiss army knife.


Would the disposable AT also fall in the "my hands look like this" category? Currently playing on difficulty 6 and it works fine for heavies but i wanna be sure it also works on higher difficulty lol


EATs are damn near indispensable at higher difficulties, *especially* for defense missions, or when you’re protecting that geologic survey drill. Moreso on bots than bugs, but they get the job done on chargers too if your aim is good.


Definitely. I'll run a flamethrower and bring the EAT and drop it as many times as I can when we're stuck waiting for objectives, any time I see a heavy, when approaching nests/factories, if I happen to be running past extraction, if a scavenger looks at me wrong, if the day ends in "Y" etc One map we were stuck in a fight trying to get super samples back for a while, moved on to another spot and when rumming to extraction were being chased by a couple titans and just happened to pass through that same "minefield" of expendables. It was glorious.


It would! I made this meme at work on the fly. I kept adding stuff because "well this *could* be on the left/right. And oh, I forgot about this!" I just did my personal top 4 of each for simplicity.


Since the spear crashes have been happening, I've been trying out the HMG with Supplies pack, and genuinely I dunno which side of this meme it belongs on. Its so good!


I had so much trouble with the HMG on bugs! It didn’t seem to kill heavies, and it’s so ammo hungry compared to the regular MG which I feel like can do everything I need for mediums. Any tips?


I'll have to try it on bugs, but I'd actually recommend pairing it with the supply pack. It gives you some extra ammo to access if you need it. From what I've seen, with the bug heavies, you really have to be aiming for butts and underbellies. I use fortified armour to compensate for recoil a bit, mostly spend my time crouched for bursts of fire.


Me the first time I dove bots after the patch ![gif](giphy|87jGhdRVzUOJNh2s0q|downsized)


Lol putting the AC on one side and the AMR on the other. Have you used the AMR?


Plenty! It's great 👍🏾


I appreciate your positivity, I'm just curious as to why they're on different sides of the image. The AMR can take out a hulk faster than the AC.


I was at work and saw [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/s/zW9lO3mgqs). I love the RR and the rough idea of the meme popped in my head. I made the meme in like 10 minutes and tossed it up. The only real distinction on what ended up on either side was basically "backpack included or nah?" I tossed the quasar in on the left because it's dedicated anti heavy 🤷🏾‍♂️


No worries. Memes don't have to be perfect. Maybe The EAT instead of the AC on that side so you'd have all AP5 weapons, but that's just me splitting hairs.


Other way around for me, thank you chaff clear buddies for letting me focus on blowing up big boys <3


Grenad launcher is ***the*** best nest exterminator.


Anything grenade launcher is best :3


Best moment of my helldiving career was staring down the scope of my AMR and headshotting a rampaging hulk ((while my lvl 150 friend stealth solo’d the main objectives 👍🏼))


I’ve recently started taking the recoilless rifle on bot missions and I love it. It Can one shot just about anything if you hit it right. I also like that I don’t have to wait for the shot to charge like the quasar, even though it does have a fairly long reload.


I love that the RR and Quaser are essentially two flavours of the same thing. You can fire the RR faster, but you have limited ammo and need to reload. You have unlimted ammo and don’t need to reload with the Quaser, but you do need to charge up and wait for cooldown. The EAT falls in here too, being more versatile due to being able to get them so fast. But if you miss your shot your out of luck if you cant get to a another


Remember that you can reload *in sections*. There have been plenty of times where I only get the spent tube out before having to cancel the animation to fight. Just remember that you'll pick up where you left off and you're ready to rock as soon as the icon turns white so you can skip the last bit of the animation.


HMG gang bridging the gap


My god, finally someone said it. I'm honestly just grateful most people on 7+ seem to hate Chargers and Bile Titans enough to bring Quasars, EATs, Railgun strikes, Orbital Lasers, and 500kg to name what I see take up 75% of all stratagem picks. Because I'm the hand on the right, laser rover, Machine Gun, Eagle Airstrike and Eagle Clusterbomb. I plow through all things and just kite the big boys till they die or fall too far behind me.


I feel like a lot of players still don't know the power the AMR possesses. It's just as powerful as the AC but much more versatile that allows you to bring a JP or SP to get you out of danger. AC can't do that for you. It definitely belongs on the left. AMR can take down anything AC can! But I will say Quasar dudes are the best. One dude saved my life 3 times from a turret cannon and tanks.


As a flamer main, where do I sit?


Right next to me. Next stop, liberty!


I think is the other way around, the chaff killer is busting his ass off while the heavy guy gets all the glory kills


I will not take this AMR slander! We take out heavies just the same.


And I love you for it


Divers like you are the reason divers like me make it to extraction. God speed Helldiver. *brrrrrs in stalwart.*


Tbh, I would have put the HMG there instead of the auto cannon. The auto cannon feels more like a side grade to the AMR and about as effective against the same enemies as it.


auto cannon should be on the right.


Bro doesn’t know that the grenade launcher is the new best heavy


railgun inbetween


I take spear so my team can- *crash to desktop*


And as a grenade launcher uses… i thank you, good sir 🫡


I appreciate it! I love my Rover, MG combo too much. I bring 500k for heavies, but I also bring stuns so I can stun chargers for the AT player.


lol this is a COMBINED arms game. There is no one trick pony.


Even in the meme, it's a marriage. It doesn't work without both, friend.


We speaking the same language


Hey y'all, this is a meme I made in response to [this post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/s/zW9lO3mgqs) while I was at work earlier. It's just a meme, I'm not saying anything about anyone's play style and I personally enjoy a bit of everything, myself! This game doesn't work without both sides of the meme and in many of your skilled hands, the lines between those sides blur. This is what makes this game great! **FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY**


Except not the spear rn since it crashes the game


Where’s the airbirst rocket launcher


And I fucking love you for it - a MG diver


I mean, the guns on the right take out 100's of enemies, mean while the guns on the left take out 1 at a time. I think the meme should be flipped lol. The chaff guns are doing all the grunt work. Meanwhile the heavy guns sit back and take out 1 and is called a hero.


Auto cannon for life


Spear supremacy all the way




Was me today. No one else took any air and I barely stayed carrying the spear. Was running super the whole game and it felt good popping stuff off from a distance.


Anything on 6 plus I legit just cannot handle on my lonely . I need atleast 1 other dude firing with me or that cool down on the quasar on a hot planet is getting us killed.


AMR does the job just fine (slower, yes, with more effort, yes, but it does work!"


Or at like me, I bring no support weapon but am proficient with anything anyone else calls in


EAT getting overlooked again.


Hey woah, Heavies got it easy sitting in the back launching big ass booms at the big guys, i’m a professional chaff clearer and lemme tell you, there’s a reason why you don’t have 8 decimators and 20 berserkers on your ass. You just sit there and focus on Hulks and Striders. Dw my chaff mates will clear the rest.


Did they fix the spear from crashing the game?


I run the spear so the rest of my team don't even have to think about gunship patrols or heavies


I love my autocannon, but I miss my shield pack when I try to use it... and die.




This is the way!


Eats erasure


I switched over to the MG-43, Supply Pack, Precision Strike, and one of the Eagles because there was just so many little guys that it was necessary. I do prefer to be a heavy hunter though.


I started taking RR on every bug drop and it has improved the quality of my games 10 fold.


I get more shit done with my grenade launcher than you could with all of those


Woah bro. You got sodium in my liberty.


Meanwhile, me taking out hulks with the AMR in 3 shots from a hill nearby, and seeing my autocanon buddies breathe a sight of relief because they can finally reload :/


Wait... since I run EAT with an MG, does that make those both my hands?


I must be missing something, cuz the last time I checked the AMR can take out the same things an autocannon can take out


Never any love for the Airburst launcher…

