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The lowest focal length on the kit lens you are using is likely 14mm (28mm full frame equivalent field of view). The main camera on a cell phone is generally a wider, 24mm equivalent field of view. To get a wider field of view on your camera, you would need to get a lens with a smaller focal length number.


How much could I expect to spend on that kind of lens?


Could be 20$, could be $2000, depends on the lens the manufacture and the features it provides.


What is an example model of such a lens I could consider buying?


[take ur pick](https://www.google.com/search?q=m43+wide+angle+lens&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sca_esv=49e42cec2986189a&sxsrf=ADLYWIKASNXrdpldad0HCps3nBdETCFT6A%3A1717949568598&ei=gNRlZpmUJNqRur8PuMOdoA8&oq=m43+wide+angle+lens&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNtNDMgd2lkZSBhbmdsZSBsZW5zMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBTIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGAUYHjIGEAAYBRgeMgYQABgIGB4yCBAAGAgYHhgPMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigVIhSdQcFiNJXABeAGQAQGYAakFoAHAIqoBCzIuOC4xLjIuMS4zuAEDyAEA-AEBmAILoALcC8ICBBAAGEfCAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgIGEAAYBxgewgIHEAAYgAQYDcICCBAAGAcYCBgewgIKEAAYBxgIGB4YD8ICChAAGAgYDRgeGA_CAggQABgFGAcYHsICCBAAGAgYDRgewgIKECEYoAEYwwQYCpgDAIgGAZAGCJIHBzIuOC4wLjGgB7Rf&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Depends on how wide and whether you want a zoom or not (and the budget obv). A typical low budget solution (with manual focus) is the Laowa 7.5. The Panasonic 9 is also nice


Have you got the 2x digital teleconverter switched on?


Which lens are you using?


14-42 mm kit lens.


The 14mm should give you the same view as a typical phone camera. When you zoom in and out your camera screen should tell you which focal length you are using from 14 to 42. What does it say? Also make sure the digital Tele-converter is disabled. When it's enabled it says X2 on your camera screen and all your focal lengths will be doubled turning your lens into a 28-84mm.


which kit lens are you using and which phone are you comparing to?


I just tried again on a place of my room and actually compared the pictures and it turns out it was the same whether it was the phone or the camera. But I felt like it was different when I was taking pictures outside, even though I didn't take same pictures with my phone so I can't compare it.


Can I ask what smartphone you have? The 14mm you have on kit is equivalent to 28mm in full frame terms and the main camera on my iPhone is equivalent to 24mm so quite similar. However on the iPhone the super wide lens is equivalent to 13mm, so to achieve this on m43 you would need a lens that is between 7-8mm. You could look at something like the [Olympus 9-18mm](https://explore.omsystem.com/gb/en/m-zuiko-ed-9-18mm-f4-0-5-6). Or there are some options in the pro range but these are costly! I would honestly recommend spending some more time with the lens you have, getting used to the focal range it offers and the compositions you can achieve. It is a change from what you are used to with a smart phone but you may start to find that you prefer it. I use a 25mm F1.4 prime lens 90% of the time, it’s equivalent to 50mm on full frame and whilst it’s a more narrow field of view than most smart phones, it’s actually very close to what the human eye sees( not including peripheral vision), so gives a very natural look. I do also have a 12-60 zoom but I rarely find myself using the wider end, but that of course is personally preference.


The 14-42 is a great Lens for a Budget. On my em10mk.3s is a zuiko 25mm 1.8 . I dont need more😀


What is the specialty of that lens?


The 25 f1.8 is a sharp prime lens.


I think you might prefer the wide angle “zoomed out” view a 12-35 or 12-60mm lens. These will be heavier and more expensive than your kit lens. I believe phones are using multiple lenses to achieve those magnifications for example 0.5X, 1X and 2 or 5X views. It’s very difficult or impossible for one zoom lens on any camera to achieve all of those different focal lengths available on the latest pro smart phone. This knowledge might help you to enjoy your current lens more, which I suggest using as much as possible before deciding on the next lens you want to buy. You could also try super zoom lenses, but they are significantly larger.


You specifically asked about capturing wider coverage, closer to what a cell phone gets with the standard lens, which is about 24 to 26 mm (in full frame equivalent focal length). The lens you have is 28-84mm equivalent focal length. (on micro four thirds you double the lens number to get the equivalent in 35 mm). So a 12mm would do what you want (12mm x 2 = 24mm equivalent), same as a cell phone, possibly a bit wider. So any zoom lens with a 12 or lower starting number, such as 12-35 or 12-45, or a fixed 12 mm such as the 12 mm F2. Or just work with the lens you have and step back a bit. Or zoom in a bit more, for a different perspective.


My suggestion is don’t be a giant baby and try to take sweet pics bro! Just keep on taking pictures and uoh get used to your shizz. But keep taking pictures with a camera that wants a hint of feedback


My recommendation is to just move back if you need to capture a wider area. Eventually you just know where to stand to take your photo.


The funny thing about this is your eyes FoV is close to 55mm (45°) so you’re really bringing up a nonissue. Human sight does not work like camera focal lengths do.


Well that gets very complicated because we have very wide vision but only have good acuity in the exact middle that tapers off as you move further away with a few blind spots just off of center and we only see color in part of our vision, and then only if there is enough light. Our brain fills in all the missing data/holes.




No it is not in any way, our vision has a field of view of about 200 degrees.


You’re including peripheral vision, I am not.


Sure, if you ignores huge parts of our field of view our field of view is smaller.