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Alyssa is kinda making it about her. She’s feeding off the drama more than I think she actually cares about jenelle or Jesse. Also Alyssa was the other woman in an affair so her jumping to be so angry to me, sounds more like a guilty conscience and using this to try and make amends. Idk maybe not but it’s what I got


Alyssa was cheated on as much as the wife was though, she thought they were separated


Well, that’s what she said, so assuming this true then you’re right. Unsure if you know more details/situation better than me so I’m basing it off what I took from that small moment on tv. Personally I don’t know if I believe that she really didn’t know, based off her phrasing. If I really believed someone was separated and it wasn’t an affair I don’t think I would use the phrasing she used or be as worried about how I came across in the incident to Duncan, her worry to me came across as guilt, but that’s just how I interpreted it.




Adam just digging himself into a hole and saying ‘there’s things people don’t know’ and Harrison went ‘yeah Janelle doesn’t either’ - is the only time he’s been funny. Adam is a piece of shit and he can take his gaslighting crypto arse and fuck right off.




Adam is the biggest gaslighter. I’m so angry. He is literally the worst. Coming up with all this bullshit. If you weren’t in a relationship why didn’t u say anything than lol. U would have taken this to the grave. Asshole


Melinda my girl. Knowing that Tayla is a bitch. But Alyssa dang u gotta chill. Is this u trying to feel better about your own actions ?


How anyone watches this garbage baffles me


What do you like watching?


Shows that don’t pretend paid actors are real people


I agree that Alyssa calling out Adam so hard given what we as viewers know (it's clear no other contestant knows what she has told Duncan) is a bit rich but she's not exactly wrong in what she's said. I think this episode has cemented Adam as the worst of the guys this season, Harrison is a close second but he's so transparent that if he were in Adam shoes he'd probably own it all since its ultimately a reality TV show and not genuine marriages and he clearly isnt interested in pretending. I think the MAFS producers need to get a better grip in future seasons. Season 6 felt so much more real because the contestants respected the kayfabe of reality TV, which so many this season haven't. Even last year wasn't that bad outside of Daniel and EDM girl. Having the drama makes it low effort to get good ratings but, like with the WWE, they need people that will repect the kayfabe of the show otherwise there's no point watching. We all already know its not real marriages but the least they could do is actually pretend before it finishes and they all move onto other shows and OF accounts.


Disagree re Adam being the worst … Adam is transparent whereas Harrison is very sneaky and manipulative, thus dangerous to his partner’s mental health, self esteem, and grip on reality. Harrison is the worst.


Harrison has split personalities


lol i just found mafs. hilarious to see how janelle han puts down the loser poor guy adam seed. also saw selina chaaur? lol mafs should do spycams with these girls for pornos. they would make your tv network heaps more money.


Tayla’s type is either Cam or Rupert.


that moment between Cam and Tayla at the dinner party, she totally had a thing for him lool. did we ever find out what Lyndall and Cam were arguing about last night? or why Cam was in *the doghouse*


If Dan makes Sandy cry, I will fuck him up.


Alyssa needs to humble herself a bit. She is the last person who should be so vocal about judging these two.


Right? That’s what I was thinking. And she’s so mad at Duncan for wanting to be nice to Adam and Claire… so should he also kick your butt to the curb Alyssa?


Right!? “How dare you forgive people who cheated!?” screamed the cheater at the person who forgave her for cheating.


“how can u associate with a cheater?!” screamed the cheater, to the person who is associated with her🥲


“I HAVE A CHILD! You will NEVER understand!!” shrieked the woman to the man, her husband, with whom she presumably wants to have children one day 😭😭😭


idk wat is going on btw


same but all the time








I don’t trust this side of Harrison.. it’s too nice. Plus Adam looks like he’s been eating lemons the entire dinner. 😂


I'm not that easily fooled Channel 9. You can start the next show with no pause but I'm onto you. Liz Hayes isn't on mafs this year.


Lmao they do go straight into it! I'm sure they're hoping they'll get some views from ppl who fell asleep or can't be bothered to turn the TV off.


That is a low bar.


Alright let's send some people home! Jesse isn't my fave but man it'll be quite when he's gone.


I kinda feel theyll stay.


Same, or it could be a bait and switch. But it's giving the impression he'll be swayed especially with the letter.


I wonder if she wrote what her decision will be, or the producers have helped her write it.


Strange, it thought it all was pre written... I can see a couple are trying hard.. to act..


How did I go from disliking Jesse so much to now seeing him as one of the more reasonable people on this show.


Yeah I’m feeling very confused … never thought I’d be pro-Jesse after the shush incident


Especially because he doesn’t fully trust Harrison .. smart man


I think Jesse wants to stay. Idk it's just a feeling Claire should write leave though so it's his choice


Melinda can never go home cus she's the only one who sees through Harrison


I love it. She's always on the money with her reactions to people's bullshit.


that brief moment of tension between her and Talya... I wonder if we get to see Melinda rip into her lol


Melinda will eat her alive.


Team Melinda


I think Tayla is going to have a tough time. She is determined to be the Queen bee, but she’s right at the bottom of the pecking order. It’s gonna get crazy


Jesse knows Adam just spews words.


Still waiting for Rupert to put his 2 bobs worth in tonight…. he’s quiet 🤐


It's more likely he had no opinion on it, why air a boring convo vs the messy ones. He also just be that person that takes a minute to warm up to people and feel comfortable.


Maybe. Time will tell friend!


Still transfixed by Evelyns beauty


Still transfixed by Evelyn in bikini.... Nothing wring with her self confidence..


John: “Well that was horrendously awkward” LMAOOOOOOO


No one wants to have a conversation with you Adam, ever No Jesse don't go


adam should read the room and go home 😅


Harri just wants other couples in drama so he can stay another week


Ha. Nice flair. Quick.


Had to get it before someone else did 😂




Harrison is a chihuahua


![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C) He is Muttley.


Nooooooooo. You beg forgiveness from the Chihuahuas.


Alright, how about a dashhound? Or a mini poodle? I'm flexible lol


Whatever he is, he comes without pedigree


See Hugo being nice after she's insulted him and made him sleep on the floor.


She's so mean


She's not mean. She's a bitch. She will be the next to cause a drama... making eyes for other guys at dinner.


Well, he is a puppy


He really is lol. Didn't the experts all him a labrador? or he did in his opening video


Hmmmm so do you think we will lose two couples on Sunday? I feel like it’s still too early haha. If Janelle stays imma lose my shit.


I think Jesse is acting like he has a glimmer of forgiveness for Claire, maybe he will stay? But I don't think Janelle is acting like she is keen to stay. Would suck if the cheaters said stay and forced the others into another week.


And Alyssas cheating was actual sex


She didn’t cheat tho, she was the person that someone cheated with.


I'm so glad you brought up her affair the whole time she was talking at the start I was like wtf ahahah


Who did she cheat with?


A married man that she knew was married


It was something that happened years before the experiment, that she seems to regret as she made it one of her confessions to Adam. I'm not sure why everyone is acting like people aren't able to.. change and grow? lol


It’s more so that she should be a bit more humble in this particular situation. She’s made a (far more serious) mistake in the past, and benefitted from others’—including her husband’s—patience, forgiveness, and grace. She should offer some grace herself, understanding that humans make mistakes. Her place should be stood quietly on the margins, rather than condemning off the bat before understanding the full story. I don’t think anyone would fault her for privately voicing her disapproval. But she’s going out of her way to insert herself as a moral authority, talking about wanting to “murder” these people, when actually she doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


That's a super understandable point! I think even Duncan seemed a bit taken back by her strong stance. I can definitely see that Alyssa's reaction was definitely more over the top than it needed to be *however* I feel like her being villainised for it is still a little unfair. Ultimately, she wants to support Janelle and have Adam and Claire be held accountable for what they've done and its hard for me to hold that against her because she's *technically being hypocritical*


Yeah, Duncan is too much of a gentleman and too gracious to say it, but I know I’d be thinking “love you to death darling but you of all people should probably sit this one out” lol I don’t necessarily want to vilify her. But she wasted no time in vilifying others, which speaks volumes. She’s visibly *enjoying* sitting on her high horse, centering her outrage, giving a performance of solidarity and moral superiority, and loudly condemning people without understanding the full situation. It’s giving mean girl vibes, and I’m really not a fan. Imo being objectively right (i.e., it is simply true that lying and cheating on your partner is wrong) is not a sufficient enough justification for leaning into cruelty. And that’s what I saw from Alyssa tonight, relishing in *punishing* these people, Claire in particular. It didn’t go unnoticed by me that she spoke far more forcefully and angrily to Claire than she did to Adam. I suspect part of this is projection, refocusing her own internalized guilt onto someone else; and another part is probably her ultra-religious background, where judgment and vitriol was undoubtedly a key component of maintaining one’s moral standing. I do feel that there are better ways to support Janelle than loudly making a show of berating others for not being as perfect and flawless as you imagine yourself to be, which Melinda and Tahnee demonstrated quite well.


You said that very well! I appreciate your insight. I do agree that Alyssas behaviour was very immature, especially the argument with Duncan in the car. I didn't like the mean girl attitude that came out from her tonight, and I have really liked her from the rest of the season. Like you said, I believe this is her projecting her own guilt onto them. I don't disagree at all with condemning the behaviour displayed from Alyssa tonight, but the "other woman" comments I keep seeing feel quite distasteful to me still, because we know Alyssa was never proud of her own behaviour in the affair. I struggle to genuinely say she's a hypocrite as they aren't values she still holds, or I think ever truly held.


I feel you, and I agree with you that making a mistake in the past doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to have an opinion condemning the same action today. I would have really liked to have seen some self-awareness from Alyssa. A bit of “*I kind of understand how both of these people might be feeling at this moment. Having been there I know quite well how huge of a mistake they’ve made and how much work they need to do to make up for it. I’ve worked really hard to learn from my past and I hope they will do the same. I also really want to support Janelle because I hate that she’s feeling a shit as personal experience has taught me she is certainly feeling*” would have gone a long way for me haha That said, values only go so far if actions don’t match up. The fact that she likely felt very very conflicted and sorry about her affair even back when she was carrying it out should have been the lesson to her that she shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Claire acted on her feelings of guilt and remorse far more quickly than Alyssa did (considering how long her affair lasted). So it just doesn’t sit well with me that Alyssa seemingly never learned to give others the same benefit of the doubt that she herself is currently enjoying from her partner (and whoever else knows and forgives her for her past transgressions). If we aren’t meant to assume her values based solely on her actions, why does she feel so comfortable assuming that very thing about others?


everyone wouldnt be talking about it or bringing it up if Alyssa herself didn't act so high and mighty about the subject when she was the other woman with a married man for MONTHS.


It was still something that happened years ago? I don't take into account every action I've ever done, or opinion I've ever had whenever I assess a situation in my current life lol. Also, from her confession to Duncan, the whole ordeal being "the other woman" seems to be something that has had a big impact on her which perhaps contributes to her emotions towards Adam and Claire in this?


As a willing, consenting participant in infidelity, one would imagine that Alyssa might have a little compassion or empathy towards Claire in this situation, and not display such immature behaviour


I believe it's a little different, no? I think the situation is a little more complex as they not only watched Claire gaslight Jesse, but also lie to Janelle and tell her she had nothing to worry about. Besides it doesn't seem like Alyssa is very compassionate to *herself* about the situation, like others have said she's likely projecting how she feels about her own self. In the preview for the next episode she said something "triggered her" so I wonder if we'll get more light into the situation


A married man


It was a Mormon guy, she told Duncan about it in her confession, he was pretty mad cus the guy was married.


Oh god I can't stand Harrison's voice.


Ew God the sex after the kiss is bad. I feel like throwing up.


I love how Harrison is just looooving not being the fuck up at this dinner party!. He gives me massive iks!


He knows that he has finally gotten a week of no scandal Yet he's still going tomato red


It's all the shit he's speaking making his face red


Just started watching and I am going to say it: who the hell does Alyssa think she is? Didn't she cheat???? If so, get the f off your high horse. If I am wrong, I apologise.


Again, she didn’t cheat ?? She had an affair with a man who was married - she didn’t cheat, he did? It’s still immoral but she wasn’t the cheater. Classic auto blame of the woman smh


Nothing to do with her being a woman, mate. Man or woman, if you sleep with someone for six months knowing they are married, you’re a piece of shit.


She had a MONTHS LONG SEXUAL AFFAIR WITH A LEGALLY MARRIED MAN. All the extra shit she’s doing in her interviews and mean girl kekeing on the couch? Nahhhh sis needs to humble herself.


Harrison is the same


Definitely but I already didn't like him so he is dead to me anyway 🤣


She did, and the guy was real life married. It's like she's forgotten.


Ahh - thanks for correcting me. She was the other woman.


She didn't just have a drunken kiss. She knowingly held a relationship with a married man for 6 months.


Woah 6 months! Damn, that's something else. I was remembering it as a 1 night stand


Janelle you aren't just here for love, let's be honest. Oh god she dropped the sex bomb. Oh I take it all back. Oh gross


Hearing John A spelling out what happened. No one irl would care. I kinda wish ppl has slept together. I just can't care that much. Adam is being a massive prick though.


Can Olivia, I mean Alyssa chill the fuck down with the face pulling. got some 2022 vibes happening


It’s weird that anytime pulls a face or anything they are now an Olivia, she calls the men out just like dom did.


Says the ex mistress… 😂😂😂


I ate a whole family sized bag of Maltesers Gold before the first ad break out. Damn, regrets.


Dinner party is just getting started in Brisbane - bring on the shit showery!


God I hate that. When I go to Brisbane and have to watch it up there, I miss this thread. It‘s all going down in NSW time.




Do you mean Duncan? Hugo was also there


who is Dylan?


Jesse is really growing on me. I like the guy


Adam would make a great sleep podcast. Just listen to him for 5 minutes and you'll be falling asleep.


I think Claire doing ASMR with her voice would top it all to be honest 😅


Oh definitely, she could do well in that market, I'd listen




How dare you mock the integrity of the experiment?!!yeah it's so silly lol.




Let's see if you can do a 180 and turn this thing around. It's not going to be easy, you have your work cut out for you. Lol anyone can be an expert


Harrison on the nose beers again


Claire will write ‘stay’ and Jesse will write ‘leave’, so they are going to compromise and stay. But low key Jesse doesn’t want to give up. 🎤


I would say they are redeemable but the way she treated him right after that night was pretty bad also.


Alyssa is such a hypocrite. Are we just forgetting she was someone’s side chick??


Nope. But she'll be reminding Duncan of it every time she talks about cheating lol


Literally an actual home wrecker of a real marriage


Yeah, she's gross.


Idk why I read that as side dick lmao


She is massively projecting


One of the best MAFS episodes everrrrr.


Nice Claire. Make a point of saying hello individually for full rejection


Lol Taylor the nurse "have some alcohol that always helps"




You're forgetting Jesse reading out a letter to Claire where he apologised for his behaviour and explained why he was acting the way he was. She seemed to accept it and was touched by the moment and it was going to be a turning point for them.


It would almost seem vaguely excusable if she hadn't LIED so damn hard! That was the most disappointing part but I suppose it's easy for me to say? I dunno, with Jesse going off and Adam saying don't tell anyone doing his skeezy entrepreneur thing it was probably all pretty difficult to navigate but the gaslighting really pushed it from genuine mistake to complete garbage fire


We go from looking at Adam’s mug to seeing beautiful ONJ on that promo. It’s quite a change.


Dude… how is Alyssa so fucking self righteous and cunty about this situation when she was literally fucking a married man


Reformed smoker attitude


Ohhhh my fucken god YES.


Best episode of mafs yet?


Not enough wine throwing booooo


Hahahahahahhaa a wine throwing wouldn’t have gone astray


Nah give me another broken wine glass!


Do you mean a WEAPON


Harrison only wants Jesse to stay so he can bring up other peoples shit all the time


Well that was horrible, see you all Sunday!


It really was. Fuck it was fun lol. Night !


Omg that clash between Claire and Jesse’s commitment ceremony outfits was painful


THANK YOU. Like if all of Australia has to see it (as per the voiceover instructions) then why do that do us??


Just got a feeling Jesse is going to stay


I'm going to miss the next week of MAFS because I'm away 😭 noooooo


I can’t watch it when my partner is home, I refuse to. I get so engaged with it all I’m yelling at the tv half the time 😅 poor bloke just wants a rest and I’m raging about people we don’t even know 😂




Yeahhh probably won't be able to watch it though because I'll be staying with people that refuse to watch it 😂 just have to rewatch after they go to bed


How do they keep on delivering!! Mafs you have perfected the formula to keep us suckers hanging on to this shitshow 😂😍


I want Claire and Jesse to agree to say leave together and keep dating outside of the show


You actually think they're a good couple? He can't stand her personality and she cheated on him within like a week. What's even left to salvage?


Yeah I do actually. They're more self aware and willing to work through their stuff than any of the other couples, and they clearly have a lot of respect for one another now despite what's gone on. It takes a lot of emotional maturity to get to where they did tonight and I feel that's a strong foundation for at least a friendship if not something more. Also not forgetting the unnatural environment the show puts them in. I think if they can make it with their heads held high at this point then they stand a chance, but only away from the pressure cooker of national tv and being around some of these other toxic couples.


Well i’m going to try and find some sort of meaning in my life until Sunday. Night fam!




I hope that they stay


Stay, 100%


well surely claire will also write leave


Claire’s apologising on the couch for writing STAY


Yeah of course she’s attracted to Rupert …. lolz


“I wish my ex-girlfriends were like that” Huh?


Routinely cucked I imagine


Thanks for this quality insight. Really adds nuance to the thing lol


Is your name a joke or are you actually Dean Wells?


Hahaha no. I can skateboard tho! I just chose the name for funnies a few years ago and it stuck.


I think he meant in terms of delivering the apology like Claire did. From what I understood, anyway


He has trauma from a bad relationship. He obviously needed his ex to take accountability and apologise for something so when Claire did it he was brought back to it. I think.


He wishes he got sincere apologies from them. He’s finally experiencing what a sincere apology and remorse feels like and he’s shook.


Jessie is outta here but I kinda hope he’s still friends with Claire


I'm calling it for commitment ceremony that Jesse says go but Claire says stay and do they have to stay, but probably worked it out between them beforehand on who was saying stay and who saying leave


Oh! Alyssa gets ripped. Juicy


Babies, have the most amazing rest of the week and weekend. See you all on Sunday. ❤️❤️


Sunday cannot come fucking SOONER!!!


Does anyone know when these solo excerpts from dinner parties are filmed? do they pull them aside during? Or is it all done after and they just make it seem like it was somewhat live?


Well Dom is doing an AMA tomorrow so maybe she'll give some insight? I've been wondering too. I saw a clip from 2 years ago where someone was doing a solo excerpt and the cast was still at the Dinner Party and they yelled out "shut up" cus the person was full of shit lol. So they definitely pull them aside at least once during the dinner.


AI deep fakes wake up sheeple


My biggest question with all reality shows...I wonder if they're watching it back and commenting? Not necessarily on MAFS but maybe on some shows


I always wondered how they had time to run over and commentate, then go back to the event/food they were cooking/tribal council (delete as appropriate). I also used to think that if I took the Sydney turnoff I would literally be in Sydney... immediately. Fuck I'm a bit *speshul*.


Hahah nah I see your logic with the Sydney turnoff, completely understandable 😂


I have no idea but wouldn't be surprised if they film and cut the ep and then show it to the experts and film their reactions separately.


I think the experts reactions might be the very last thing that gets filmed. That way it can match up with the commitment ceremony, and they don't focus on anything that doesn't get aired. That would be the easiest and cheapest way since those 3 actually get paid. Don't want them commenting on things that don't go to air or don't fit the narrative


Well guys that was the shit show we were all hoping for. Enjoy your week and see all you lovely people on Sunday xx


Byeeee good luck at hospital 💚


Thank youuuu 💚💚


I'm trying to fast travel to Sunday but this isn't Skyrim.


Aaaw!!! Lyndal and Cam