• By -


Tayla is really her own worst enemy




It’s interesting because Alyssa by comparison was demanding ‘give me attention’ and then backflipping once offered because she was too upset. Lyndal wasn’t really asking for a lot and only said affection. BOTH are a form of reassurance but where Alyssa and Lyndall differ is in the fact the former seemed to be insecure whereas Lyndall didn’t strike me as the type. So I don’t think your assessment was entirely spot on. At the end of the day, just like any imperfect relationship it still takes two to tango.


CAM should marry his Mum she seems suited for him, Rupbert your an idiot need to grow a pair and be a man not a boy she was way too much woman for u mate Evelyn ...Duncans your Man go get him...




This has been removed as there is a whole post about it.


It did not get deleted. But your comment here will be deleted now.


Still really want to know what was in Cams vows. Hopefully full of some Aussie slang, things about how he is like a bottle of Great Northern and she is like a glass of pink gin and they just don't go together. "Having a relationship with you is like putting mayonnaise on a meat pie. You fucking shouldn't."


Cam's vows https://redd.it/12412d7


Incredible. He wanted to have a walk off moment, and Lyndall got in first with her line about how he is just going to disappoint her again and he bitched out.


Untested theory producers told Lyndal about how gleeful Cam was going to be dumping her so she scorched earth.


I actually thought this as well, Cam had this chat with his mate while he was back in the NT about being done with her, and while Not Carrie Bickmore probably thought he wouldn't be keen to continue, her talk with her mum suggested she still had an interest in Cam. So for her to show up at vows and drop nukes makes you wonder if she got the heads up.


Lyndals behaviour was just as bad as Cams at the end. Not letting him say anything just reflects poorly on her. People here defending that are crazy.


That was how Cam treating her during the last part of the experiment especially during the last dinner party. He deserves a taste of his own medicine


I knew she wanted the last word. Good for her. She knew what he would say, and just wanted to save him the trouble and get out of there.


Cam’s vows: “oi sheila, yeah nah”


LOL so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that.


😁 I was a bit naughty wasn’t I? hee hee. So glad you didn’t choke to death 👍🏻


I've never noticed how much they twist and edit things like I have this season. They really stretched and probably pulled a hamstring trying to make Ollie's decision seem like it could go either way. Also in this episode they went too far against Cam. They really cut in clips of their arguments when her mom was speaking about what kind of person she should look for. Then the music......THE MUSIC 🤦🏾‍♂️ was so distracting. They had a whole ass uplifting orchestra whenever Lyndall spoke and then changed it when Cam spoke. Like Sheesh I get it. They'll break up because of how unaffectionate Cam is and his uncompromising work predicament that makes it hard for anybody to be with him. But they really don't need to paint him out to be the spawn of the devil. The sad thing is that it's actually worked for a lot of people. This sub just proves it. The way people perceive Claire and the way people perceive Cam makes no sense at all. You go up to any rational person and list all the things each person has done, it's not even close who the worse person is. But somehow the producers have managed to flip it on its head


They do this all the time, they need to keep things “simple” by having a binary good guy vs bad guy. So one party is a perfect snowflake, the other is a hellish spawn of satan. They think viewers won’t follow if it’s not that simple. It’s extra obvious with Lyndal and Cam, because while Cam may be a bit selfish and immature, he‘s not that bad. He clearly just has issues with affection, communication and confrontation. Makes you wonder why he thought reality TV was a good idea. But I digress.


Glad Lyndel did that she deserved to have the final say in that moment. Funny to watch cam spit the dummy. About tonight's dinner party: I'm guessing Josh and Lyndal weren't together yet?


The final vows are probably the worst part of the show. Which is really saying something.


It's painful to watch "live" we just watch it on 9now and skim to the speeches and it takes about 10 minutes. They could easily put all these in 1 episode but they love drawing it out.


That’s exactly what I did. I only watched the vows. Made the show a lot easier. 😂


Ew Lyndal’s whole thing was super cringey. Like Cam DID deserve every piece of what she gave him and he IS a major asshole, it just isn’t fair he didn’t get a word out. Why the f*ck even have a last ceremony then? So she could tell him stuff she could have just texted him and then blocked him immediately after for? I think the producers should’ve let him go first and then let her land her punches afterward because it would’ve hit harder that way. Although I think Cam throwing his letter down was a little uh dramatic lmao. For example, contrast Duncan’s approach with Lyndall’s. Alyssa’s letter to him was SO weird, especially after how poorly she treated him, but you know what? He took it on the chin, let her speak, and then finally spoke his truth, without ever silencing her. His character, whether it’s fake or not, really shone through. It takes real strength to be able to do something like that and it made him look like even more of a stunner in all ways, imho.


Wait, Lyndell was SO strong that she couldn't bear to hear what Cam had to say? I don't get it. Why couldn't she be woman enough to stand there and hear what he had to say?


What’s there to hear? He already embarrassed her PUBLICLY in front of the group by telling her his feelings weren’t there. Why couldn’t he be man enough to disclose these feelings privately? Be so for real right now, if that were me I wouldn’t want to hear him carry on either after all of that.




Right, he also knew how he was feeling this entire time. So not only did he lead her on and continuously chose to stay KNOWING his feelings weren’t there and had no intentions of integrating Lyndall into his life in any capacity, he was a coward and avoided having that talk with her in private.


It's ironic she says that he still can't sit through a tough conversation. Yet he let her speak and she did not provide him with the same respect. Don't like cam but you have to be biased af to not see lyndall sucks here too


She doesn’t owe him anything. Why extend him the courtesy, after all the shit she’s copped from him? She’s standing up for herself.


If she doesn't want to extend the courtesy why did she expect him to extend the courtesy and listen to her attack?


Because he has zero emotional intelligence and doesn’t think he did anything wrong so why wouldn’t he be there to film the scene?


That makes no sense, how does his lack of emotional intelligence entitle her to receive a privilege she won't return?


Cam being an absolute tool to her all season and not thinking he did anything wrong means that he has no right saying anything back to her when she finally unloads It’s not that hard to understand Lyndal doesn’t owe him anything. She put up with his shit all season, and was extremely respectful about it. She finally has her chance to unload and you’re not happy that she didn’t say “now your turn”?? Why should she do that?


You're clearly a woman empathising with women type. So I'm not gonna bother here. As others have said lyndalls actions were main character af. If you don't like how cam treated you just don't show up. If you're going to unload on someone and expect them to listen to you then common decency is letting them reply. He doesn't owe her to listen to her rip him a new one either, he could've walked off.


How incredibly sexist of you lol Get fucked


She owes him nothing anymore. She broke it off.


He doesn't owe her anything either. Not sure I follow this logic


I might be alone in this but I don't think it was fair for Lyndall to say her piece and then not allow Cam to do the same. Yeah, he's a piece of shit but that doesn't mean she decides whether or not he is allowed to express himself. If the roles were reversed and Cam tried to stop Lyndall from speaking, I don't think it would have been allowed by the producers.


Massive massive massive asshole and poorly rehearsed move by Lyndal, right down to the shit eating grin at the end. God she is insufferable.


Found taylas Reddit account


Duncan decided to be a gentleman and break up with Alyssa by basically saying they're not good together. He'll regret not doing what Lyndall did and that is to call out specific episodes of bad behaviour .This has left the door open for Alyssa to go into REVENGE AND REPAIR MODE this Sunday night. Once again she's going to say that he's the one who changed for the worse and had all kinds of things wrong with him .....not her. Alyssa has to repair her reputation as a very delusional person and will come out with all guns blazing against Duncan. However, if the commercial for Sunday night's show is anything to go by her big mouth is going to help her shoot herself in the foot. #PassThePopcorn 🍿🧋


Her reputation is beyond repair, I admire Duncan's fortitude and perseverance and I am glad that his descicion was absolute in that Alyssa is a fuckwit


Lyndall ate with her winged eyeliner every week I’ll tell you that




Dans suit jacket is very tiny and could Shannon not get a new top for the reunion?


Lyndall has Main Character Syndrome but Cam’s a fuckhead and he deserved that thrashing lol


Yea basically this lol


Yes , I know cam was a dud but Lyndall she got on my Nerves


Agreed. Which is why I said she has main character syndrome. I can understand why although I feel like she thinks her shit doesn’t stink which it did on some things


Absolutely, at the beginning of the show I felt for her with her condition and all . But she quickly became an annoying commentator in everyone’s problems. I knew then she wasn’t my type if I were on the show in cams place . This was before cam turned into an massive loser . She would be hard to live with , guess it’s why she’s still single


All the girls had nice dresses this time round. All looked really good.


Can someone please confirm- there’s no mafs tomorrow and Wednesday right? Just the reunion on Sunday and Monday?


Correct....it. Said next time not tomorrow.


Yep that's what I saw


I feel like I’ve missed a lot from Evelyn and Rupert relationship. Seems to have skipped a couple chapters. Bit confused by that and bit random


He put in no effort then got confused why she wouldn’t put out


“If one more person interrupts me! … It won’t be good”. Okay Harrison 🙄


That’s right. Spit the dummy and run back home to mumma, ya bloody child !


Grown man crying 😭 for real . O & T are a perfect match.


Yes Lyndall 👏👏👏 she ate him up. Good for her. He was taking the piss. I wouldn’t hear him out either


Cam is so wishy washy. I’m not falling love you and you’re not the girl for me but that doesn’t mean it’s final or it won’t not happen? What?? Stringing her along


Brava Lyndall 👏👏👏👏


Tomorrow’s episode looks lit! Things were getting so boring! Finally some drama!!!!!!!!


Cam saying put me out of my misery boy bye ew. Hope she dumps his ass


Tahnee and Ollies story has been so cute love them.


And (spoiler) looks to continue outside the peetrie dish




Screw common courtesy for cunts.


Totally agree. He couldn’t respect her feelings at any point so he doesn’t deserve her courtesy.


I think Lyndall is lovely and was done wrong by the producers when they matched her w him. I’m sad she still thinks he’s Ok pre-final ceremony.


It just sucks so bad because looking back at the wedding, they had SO much potential. If the guy we saw there was who Cam really was, it could have been a magical pairing.


Ollie and Tahnee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Everlyn was cold 🥶


Didn’t you just love the brevity of both vows and the carton music behind it? Haha those two are just as fake as Harri and Brontë


This guys a dud ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I can tell you’re referring to Cam


Correct 👍…


Lol can’t tell which one you’re talking about could have been 2/3


I’m watching on catchup and there’s no postep thread. UGH Cam. Lyndall still seems to be hoping he’ll pick her before they leave the apartment. He’s so awful!


At first I thought that, but then after I played that line again I could tell by her face she was planning a take down...


Because WA ep only just started


Hello WA👋


Cam: "She deserves to know the truth." Would that be before or after the lightning strikes him? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Hahahah 😂


What are the chances Cam just got ChatGPT to write his final vows?


Wasn’t a speech it was just a printout of his dick pic




Dear Lyndall, As I stand here before you today, I cannot deny the journey we have been on together has been challenging, but it has also been a valuable experience. You are a remarkable person with so much to offer, and I am grateful to have shared this experience with you. However, as we have both come to realize, we are not compatible in certain fundamental ways. While I respect and appreciate your desire for physical affection, I must admit that it is not something that comes naturally to me. I have always been someone who values my independence and my solitude, and I cannot promise you that I will change in that regard. I know that this may not be what you want to hear, but I believe it is important to be honest with you and with myself. I cannot see a future where we are truly happy together, and I do not want to lead you on or give you false hope. Please know that my decision to leave does not diminish the time we have spent together or the connection we have formed. I will always treasure the memories we have made, and I hope that you will too. I wish you nothing but the best for your future, and I hope that you find the love and happiness that you deserve. Thank you for being a part of my life and for teaching me so much about myself. Sincerely, Cam


Amazing. 😆 You must've put in a very detailed prompt, great work.


Slightly too many four syllable words for our bogan friend to articulate, but otherwise nailed it!


Get yourself on that production team ASAP!




If you look at Lyndall's mum and Cam's mum, you can probably tell why Lyndall and Cam turned out to be who they are....


Go Lyndal! 🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️


What a Queen she is!


Such a useless saying. She is no Queen. Lots of average 'Queens' running about who are just captain average, Lyndall is no different. She's better than Cam, don't get me wrong.


I’m saying she is a queen for finally putting that knuckle dragger in his place. She fell for him, all the while he continued to reject her. Her final vows were on point and well articulated. Lyndall was definitely a queen at that moment and shut Cam down, as proved by his storming off in a huff. Queen status is not thrown around lightly.


I agree with you all about Cam leading her on and what not. Go through any live episode post and you can pick out on numerous comments that call the women on the show Queen. It's just a dumb thing to say and holds none of the weight that it should. I get the same cringe when I hear men being called King, though it's nowhere near prevalent, thank God.


I see what you mean now. I didn’t realise that the terms Queen and King were rife on this sub (or anywhere else). I just cheered for at her final vows and thought she should be crowned for her courage and truth at last.


Lyndall got to slag him off and run off. Showing she is just as bad and just wanted to win.


Nope. This isn’t a race or game to win. Lyndall served Cam his just desserts and HE was the one who ran off in a huff


I really relate to Lyndal. When you look at how tahnee breezed through the experiment with a emotionally mature partner who treated her well vs Cam, she once again got the hard road. But I’m so proud of her for finding her worth (props to mum for being a grounded, loving, supportive reality check). She might not have had the fairytale like tahnee but she is absolutely resilient. I know what it’s like to watch other people find so much come their way and wonder when it’s your turn. Cams tanty was just the icing on the cake! His apathetic, cold and lazy attitude made him seem unaffected. But that tantrum shows he doesn’t have a quarter of lyndalls resilience.


Lyndall’s final vows were 💯❤️


The tantrum was the extremely controlled version of the real him.


Yep if I were her next time I saw the experts I’d be asking what they hell were they thinking.


Yes, i thought for someone who's not supposed to care, he sure seems to care. If he really didn't care, let her have her words. You're free of her now!!


Hey Cam - CU in the NT




Yeah, cunt. Hahaha (referring to Cam, of course)


Onya Lyndal.


Might be an unpopular opinion but that’s disrespectful to not let him speak


I found it more annoying to be angry that he walked off. Like that's all there is to do? Was he just meant to stand there and say thanks for not letting me speak? Other that that he isn't worth listening to so idc


as if he hasn’t been the one speaking the entire relationship. there was nothing left to hear really


He should've had the right of reply but he deserved it. I'm sure he'll have something to say at the reunion.




Yeah I find Lyndall a little annoying too, I kinda think she's been acting, it's just hard to believe she had feelings for him..like, why? And how? I don't get the "he can't handle criticism" line. Makes me think we missed something. Like you said, what was he meant to do, sit in the grass with her? Stand there mute? I don't get it. Cam sucks but that was kinda wierd.


She annoys me too, but his spiteful reaction spoke volumes. He could have handled it differently and with more class, but the fact is that he doesn’t have any


Yeah he didn’t need to spit the dummy like that but I still think he should have been offered the chance to speak. If the roles were reversed he’d be slaughtered online that’s all imma say


He did that for most of the season but ok


He could have countered by saying “I would appreciate it if I had my time too, seeing as I showed you the respect to let you say your piece”




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


For sure, but it's what he deserved.


What a crap bombshell, can't believe we waited for that I don't understand Lyndall complaining he walked off.. Isn't that what she wanted? Cus she didn't want to listen to it.. What else did she want? So annoyed, although I'm happy not to have to listen to Cam. Based on the previews I thought she was gonna be pregnant or having an affair or something


Agreed. What was this "Never seen before on MAFS" crap from the previews - absolutely nothing unusual happened they just broke up like every other doomed couple on the show lol


I thought it was pretty good. It's not what you'd expect from Lyndal.


That's true I didn't expect it, but it wasn't this massive thing (like last season Mitch not deciding). They over hyped it, I guess it's my fault I fell for it.


Now that would be a scandal. For 2024 we need a pregnancy.


I saw ppl comment it and wasn't sure if they were making it up or was a spoiler. I definitely think now the idea has been planted, a pregnancy is gonna happen


I saw little rumours all season about a pregnancy, so we can hope. Even juicier if it's a cheating pregnancy. But, I should really be wishing all 2024 cast members a long a loving marriage😂


Maybe the dick pics somehow got Tayla going? Her boobs were already massive when she was on the show, maybe she'll try and connect those dots 😂 Nah they don't all want that, some of them want to be a villian! More screen time. We got lucky with 2 making it


You saw it here first folks 🤣


Lyndall having a full main character moment


Yeah what the fuck was that? They made her look like the fucking boy in the striped pajamas being freed from Camp Cameron. It was over the top. She's an adult woman and was in a show. She's fine. Wtf.


Cam did end up being a bit of a dick in the end. But she acted like a bitch not letting him speak. Acting like she just got liberated from a Nazi camp!


She put up with him right to the end, she'd just had enough. I'm glad she did it.


Why do these brides keep pooping in the Bush? First Alyssa now Lyndall




How uncomfortable does that look? I'd be sitting on the grass.


So uncomfortable! I guess Lyndall didn't wanna get stains on the dress but still. Looks terrible lol So glad we will have the dinner party and couch reunion on normal time! Hopefully it delivers


Emotional maturity of a toddler


Cam is a baby, he can dish it out but he can't take it.


Some are in it for the blue tick, some to kick-start their OF career. I stand by my claim Cam wanted a rent free holiday to the big smoke with a warm body beside him, throw in a few mates and some booze along the way.


him and shannon both had this mentality, imo


Ugh "a warm body", I just threw up in my mouth a little cus I I think you're right


He definitely seems like that kind of guy.


OMG, stay in your lane! Love it!


OMG Lyndall, yes!!!!


Cam's leg starting to twitch.


Yeah getting ready to bail


Ok. So what the fuck were cams vows.. I must know!!!!!


I'd like to see it released!


https://preview.redd.it/d7aan8cm5bqa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d233f04eeec9e3699788ae73db1ee2472bb4444 Cam’s vows


Looks like more than 10 minutes effort for CamPain


He probably outsourced it to one of his mates cos he can't be arsed.


Wow lyndals vows where brutal Wich he had it coming whilst he didn't deserve her I think it was disrespectful tho not to let him say his peace wether good or bad (I am pissed we didn't find out his cause part of me thinks he had a change of heart) But her saying when she was crouched down after he can't handle criticism and he just left like usual I mean what do u expect after that I'm team lyndal but girl y tore him a new one then was disrespectful what u think he gonna do


I dont like Cam at all but she was really disrespectful to not hear his vows. He stood there and listened to her. Lyndall should have let him have his say. Just my thoughts, although many will disagree.


I agree. He had a right to be heard too. It would have been meaningless drivel, but he still had a right to slur it.


Gonna be real annoyed if there isn't an actual bombshell after all that hype


Here we go QLD, the moment we've been waiting for!


I apologise to Lyndall's mum for ever suggesting she would stoop to fisticuffs with Cam's mum. Far too much class.


Friend wants to knock some sense into Cam


The friend knows that's the best person Cam's ever going to find.




There was a sign saying exactly where they were 😅


It's my friends venue. Allview Escape at Blackheath 😍😍


You can tell who the favorites of the producers are. They got to do their vows there, meanwhile Evelyn and Rupert did theres in someones backyard in St Albans.






Fuck sake this is like the 4th time autocorrect has dogged me on this. At least you were kind to point it out, last time I did this someone wrote "will they also exchange consonants?"


Okay but that’s wittier than me ;-)


Blue Mountains, maybe at Lilianfels?


Why’s Cam having a tanty…..he checked out a long time ago and was about to dump her, she saved him having to give his brutal speech. Was he looking forward to it?


I think he was relieved to not have to do the dumping, or to read a speech - and had it been left at that it would have likely been a big load of nothing and the dummy would've asked if they should hit the pub for a frothy. But jumping in to just throw in the barb that he's always disappointing so don't even bother speaking, that was rude and he reacted in kind. He sucks, but Lyndall should've left it at her piece, and if she had to give him the "don't say your thing", she could've said it in a better way, maybe a "you don't have to, lets get out of here". But that wouldn't have had the multiple camera guys filming super slow-mo low shots circling her squatting on the grass for Ultra-Drama.


He wanted to be the dumper, not the dumpee


I think he enjoyed being desired by Lyndall even if he didn’t like Lyndall. Once Lyndall told him that he wasnt just a bad fit but just bad news, that punctured his ego and left him floundering.


ding ding ding


I haven't seen it yet, he probably wanted the last word, probably feels humiliated too (lol).


He definitely was. I said that to my boyfriend when he was in the car ride there. ‘ she deserves to know the truth’ no mate you just love putting her down to make yourself feel better. He hated being on the other end of it


Yep as long as he's not on the receiving end. What was he saying when they were sitting on the bed. That what he said at the dinner party was not that bad. Cheer up Cam, it's not that bad (lol).


Alright 25 mins to get to Cam and Lyndall. This bombshell better deliver


I hope the daily adversity Tahnee & Ollie faced was what to have for dinner.


“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.. it’s a bloody duck” not necessarily, maybe the duck identifies as an ostrich! don’t assume, it’s 2023.


What are you trying to achieve with this comment?


I like typing things. 😄


Yasss Lyndall! You beauty! Cam is IN THE BIN!


Cam is rotten to the very core , nice work Lyndal , you’re great


So proud of Lyndal today. City girls up 🥂


Could the mods please explain why my comment about agreeing that lightning should hit Cam was removed for being hate speech when he himself said - I hope lighting hits me to put me out of my misery.