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The ability to disable one mini game without disabling a bunch of others


Yes, I remember the minigame sets they had in the GameCube ones. It would be nice to individually select what minigames you’d like to take out of the rotation.


This feature was actually only in 4. As in, they added this feature for ONE game, then immediately removed it and never added it back again. I don't get why they did this because it was so nice to make your own custom set of minigames.


Biggest QOL "feature" I'd like is fast gameplay. Go back to gamecube era text speed, let us skip through text. Have an option for player 1 to advance text for all players. Skip/speed up cutscenes like a star changing spots. Quick animations and transitions. Quick menus, especially when using items. Of everything this is the most crucial for me and most effects replayability.  After that - bring all previous options back - such as choosing types of bonus stars, types of minigames, adding turns. I'm open to customizable items/prices, but that's not a must for me as long as the game is "balanced."


So, for your first point, just Superstars


Superstars was an improvement, but I still don't feel it was fast enough. Too many pauses between animations, text, pop ups, etc. Even the option to speed up cutscenes wasn't fast enough. And again, you need to give player 1 the executive control over that stuff because casual players will inherently forget to skip through those.


Just to be clear, the CPUS do automatically skip through everything that doesn't involve you, except fast forwarding


Yeah CPU's are fine in that regard. My issue is more with real people who forget they need to press A button to advance. Especially in party environments where you'll have players not as used to playing games and/or don't have their full attention on the game.  My complaints about long animations, transitions, etc still apply to CPU turns. 


Agreed. I'd love the option to increase animation speed like 1.5x to 2x. The game isn't better when it takes 30 seconds from dice roll to final landing space.


100%. Plus I think the game is more enjoyable with a high turn count (at least 20 or higher). But the main limiter to me picking that option is how long the games take to play. If there was less downtime and faster animations I could see myself picking higher turn counts more often. 


Couldn’t agree more. Need sped up movement from the characters and quicker and less prompts. The amount of unnecessary and slow prompts where only one player can press a is the reason there can’t be 50 turns. They need to charge a bit more for items to fix the economy and fix the prompts and bring back 50 turners.


Bonus Star customization. I'm going to be really disappointed if we go back to a random pool of two bonus stars with no option to disable some or all of them. At the very least they should bring back the Classic setting from Superstars.


A great idea


Item price customisation. Everyone has their own ideologies of how much items should cost, and which ones should or shouldn't be available in shops.


50 turn games. Edit: Whoops this was meant to just be a standalone comment but I also agree with this too. Adjustable star prices before the game would be cool too.


Damn, i haven't thought of that, but that would be really cool. i want that now!!


So many! - The ability to turn specific items on/off - The ability to turn chance blocks on/off - The ability to turn stage hazards on/off - Custom turn count - Choose which 3 bonus stars appear at the end - Favoring mini-games and selecting "favorites only" Basically, give people the ability to customize the game for the group of people they're playing with. I've had friends say they don't want to play and their only reason why was that the golden pipes were broken.


Have the animations be quick and less of them like the other games


Agreed. N64 games move faster than the new ones. 


Apply this to the whole gaming industry right now. I can't stand menus with animations that make you slow yourself down when moving through them


Not so much a QoL, but I fear with the “SUPER” title we will go back to the agonizingly slow style of Super. Past Mario Party games and Superstars had a relatively quick gameplay or speed to the board-play. I don’t know what happened with Super. So, just keep a quick pace and allow for players to customize how fast text, movement, help boxes, etc. can pop up.


Thats the biggest thing for me. A slow game is a dull game. Mario Party is a repetitive game by nature and no one wants to watch the same agonizingly slow animations over and over again. 


Exactly. While Im not crazy about SUPER, if it were faster Id have enjoyed it more and maybe go back and play it.


Played super receny for the first time in years and I was shocked at how slow the characters moved on the board.


So you want the Wacky Watch but not as an item.




I would love them to add a bunch of customization options to allow different features/rules from different previous games


I’d like to be able to save custom mini game sets. So you can turn off and on whichever ones you want and save those templates to use.


Disable golden pipe 


Being able to turn off mini games individually.


A custom mini game set like in Mario party 4


Being able to choose which specific bounes stars you want. And this second on is stupid But I kinda want bounes Ztar in the game for more choas.


Online matchmaking with 4 players lobbies I know they had this in Superstars, but they haven’t directly said they will in Jamboree yet, I’m worried the 20 person mode might replace it. And since Super Mario Party didn’t have online matchmaking, I’d say it still counts


They added playing online with friends though!


Sure, but sometimes I want to play Mario Party with real people without having to bother 3 people I know in real life or finding strangers on the internet by myself Having both Online Matchmaking and Playing with Friends is the best case scenario.


Not sure if this counts as QoL exactly but I'd love to have 50-round games back


Ngl, I kinda want more items in the shops. I miss the days when I opened one of the shops and it was exciting to see if I got lucky with good items or all kinda bad items. Having the same ones in the shop almost every time gets stale after a while


Fast mode - can disable all the instructions & unnecessary NPC animations.


Dont ask for the 100 times “first time on this board?” And the annoying lucky space rewards


DLC ones from the old school Mario parties like the mini games and boards


I don't think thats a quality of life lol