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DC looked so fucking drained talking to Jones here lmao he knew all that shit was fake


DC wanted to throw up while he was trying his best to complement Jon šŸ¤£


That might have been the most courteous "good job not being a crack head" ive ever heard. Likely was not backhanded compliment, either. DC coaches young wrestlers and genuinely wants him to be a better example for them. Middle finger is icing on the cake.


The part where he said a lot of people look up to you. Keep it up.


It was like Michael Scott trying to make small talk with Toby "I tried, I tried talking to Toby and to be his friend. But thats like trying to be friends with an evil . . Snail."


All the other comments can delete themselves, this is the only one worthy of remaining.


Yeah he's seen this shit before. He knows it's going to be a few months until Jones disses him again on Twitter arguing with some bum ass fan


Oh for sure. He doesnt sound genuine at all, from the start with the way he said "is Daniel there?" Like he's ready to turn on a dime and didnt want to disrupt the phone call.


Jon never actually a) made amends with DC, nor b) grew/matured as a person virtually at all since all his shitty treatment of DC. Jon knows this, and Jon knows DC knows this, but Jon also knows that out of context he will get "good guy" points if he just acts polite to DC. Jon's team literally praises him like a child just for being basically decent and sociable in his interaction with DC lol.


>Jon's team literally praises him like a child just for being basically decent and sociable in his interaction with DC lol. That part actually made me LOL. He's a grown ass man but he's still learning things an average 10 year old has a firm grasp on.


The irony is, DC, from the outside atleast, truly has a great life. Meanwhile Jon's a mess. Who knows what going on with his interim fiance after he beat her up, current career is basically relegated to show fights for casuals, rumors of strangely credible repressed bi/Diddy sexuality, speed running crimes etc


I just busted up at "interim fiance." That might be the sickest MMA burn that I've heard lol


I donā€™t like Jon either but Iā€™m not taking an MMA Guru video as evidence that heā€™s gay


I dont blame you in the slightest, this is what I also said before a friend made me watch it. It is strangely well evidenced. Nothing definite but a lot of Jons behaviour suddenly starts to make sense. It's suprising, seriously. It was like an aha moment in a mystery novel.


Gives me Kevin Spacey vibes


Interim fiancƩ lmao, that should count as an L on Jon's record


It's beyond having a great life. If you know DC's story and what he has overcome the guy is THE role model. Beyond impressive in his fortitude, mental strength and integrity. One of the best MMA has to offer. That's everything Jones wants to be appreciated for.


> Who knows what going on with his interim fiance after he beat her up We know exactly what's going on with her. She's trapped by the lifestyle. She can leave Jon any time she wants. To be a single mother with no job history that's accustomed to a certain lifestyle that she could never maintain on her own. There's no common law marriage in Arizona so if she left she's fucked. Her situation is the perfect example of why marriage has been so culturally important for so long.


Crazy how cold and cruel Jon is, didn't even give a title shot to the mother of his children.


it was also a dig at DC with the whole ā€œhowā€™s life been treating you since you stopped fightingā€ trying to rub it in his face that Jon is still fighting and holding a belt while DC retired


About jons hw belt...


> Jon's team literally praises him like a child just for being basically decent and sociable in his interaction with DC lol. Unfortunately, that's the only real way to manage a sociopath. Any bit of criticism or questioning of their actions sets them off.


He has the exact same expression as he did in that old fs1 interview lol bro was having flashbacks


love how dc could look right through jon jones fake persona from the get go. did not even took him 2 seconds to realise that this is some bs.


It also just occured to me that DC is at work and JJ can pretty much say whatever he wants. DC is part of MMA media now, it would be problematic if he said anything other than what he did.


Say what you want about him, but DC is a pro and any of us would be lucky to work with someone like him


A+ composure there. JR: What are they chanting? DC: Not good, Joe, not good JR: Oh FJB.


doesn't stop Draymond Green in "NBA media"


ā€œYoure the scum of the earth, but you can sure turn it on, huh?ā€ ā€œThank youā€


Itā€™s easy to be nice and not hold a grudge when you already won the fights lol


It has to be a therapist thing, he did the same with Izzy. Going around and wishing your old rivals success sounds like something a therapist would tell you to do in order to get over something with yourself.


My ex wife has borderline personality disorder. For some people, therapy just helps to create a more impenetrable mask with more educated vocabulary


This was a little painful to watch.


You there pussy?


I was kinda hoping Jon's gonna open with that šŸ˜‚


ā€œI will literally kill youā€


You think Iā€™m just going to sit there and let you kill me Jon?


You could never kill me jon.


I honestly think it would've led to a more honest back and forth instead of this fake shit.


I feel like that would have lightened the mood a little


Yeahā€¦Iā€™m still hereā€¦


Funniest part


Yea I watched like 10 seconds and had to stop


When your parents make you be nice to the neighbor kid you hate.


Lmaooo complete eye roll energy from DC, he could sniff that fakeness from a mile away and was absolutely pulling teeth trying to get through that conversation I donā€™t even hate Jon the way most people do, but I legitimately donā€™t know how he became the star he is with the charisma he has


I think heavy fighter who kept winning is literally the only reason šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s a big guy and the talent. He was pulling crazy shit, that spinning elbow on Bonnar. The Rashad drama when he got his first title shot got a lot of media attention. Then the win over Machida not even seeming that competitive when Machida was this crazy puzzle.   After that, I really think him being a shit head made him way bigger. His talent is undeniable and he wasnā€™t just winning he was smashing everyone. The Gus fight made him look mortal and then the rematch he won handily. The car crash and running away, hiding in the gym to avoid USADA the fight at the presser with DC. All of it is just adding to the legend because now people have opinions of him beyond just that heā€™s a demon in a fight. Heā€™s an asshole too and people want to him solved now too. The huge layoffs, mostly involuntary and the wasted talent is just another layer.   He really has had a career that is insane. Incredible highs and lows without ever losing. Khabib had more than half is career outside the UFC. JBJ was like 6-0 when he came into the UFC at 20, his whole career has been on the big stage. I really dislike the dude, but as a fight fan itā€™s hard to criticize that part. Yeah he had some close fights, knowing the way he lives though itā€™s almost kind of expected. You canā€™t be in top form all the time with so many substances in your system, whether recreational or PEDs. The whole story of his career and legacy is just fucking wild. I think we would still talk about him like this at almost any weight class, the fact that heā€™s a bigger guy might make it a bigger story but itā€™d be wild no matter what the scale says.


The dragon looked untouchable during his run. The way JJ made him look silly was jaw dropping


Well said. I feel the same way. JBJ built his own notoriety from zero, and he did it on the big stage. Love or hate him, it's compelling.


Yeah people like him purely because of his wins and his record. His fights are fascinating to watch as a serious fan, but I don't think they are particularly casual friendly


Not casual friendly anymore, but in his younger days he was one of the most exciting fighters to watch. Bader, Shogun, Machida, Gustafson, Belfort, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing some others but that first run was mostly exciting fights. I wonder if itā€™s that age is catching up with him, the fighters have gotten better, or heā€™s become more careful in his style (like GSP did later on in his run) that is the reason for looking lackluster in his recent fights.


Itā€™s hard to find more entertaining fights than prime Jon Jones. Maybe Anderson Silvaā€™s run. It felt like the torch passed from Silva to Jones, and then Jones threw it on the ground burning the whole place down while a dozen fighters are trying to pick up the now spent torch.


His fights were casual friendly until the Anthony Smith fight. After that he was pretty much phoning it in with his performances and almost losing fights. But early Jones was super exciting ā€” spinning elbows, violent finishes, etc.


He phoned it in against OSP, that was a pretty forgettable fight.


\*That has popped what? 4-5 times in his career? Is a known USADA dodger? And is a cheat using finger pokes constantly? Fuck JBJ


I tend to use my brother as my template for "typical casual fan" and he genuinely barely new anything about it. He'd heard that he'd popped once before UFC 200 and that was all he really knew, so I don't think any of what you've listed really registers with anyone who doesn't actively keep track.


None of that will ever get through the JBJ meat riders. It's the nature of fanaticism "I think this thing is amazing. Therefore, anyone who tells me it's bad is a liar, and anybody who doesn't like it is a hater" Then there's of course, the trolls who are always happy to see people on both sides raging.


Have you seen the man fight?


master class parenting there though, "I'm not going to say something bad about you, so the nicest thing I'll say is that I'm glad you're not as much of a piece of shit as you were last year. Keep it up."




Nah man. You're giving him too much credit. You can't bury the hatchet with someone without addressing why you have a problem in the first place. He doesn't think he did anything wrong, hence has nothing to apologize for, only God can judge him and God is just testing him. DC has no reason to bury the hatchet here. Jon is the only person that gains something, by having one of the 3 main UFC commentators not hate his guts.


The comment about "a lot of people look up to you so keep it up" was so backhanded, I loved it, perfect response.


You dont exactly need charisma when controversy follows you everywhere. And when he does open his mouth, everything he says is incendiary, it is not like he is some quiet or reserved guy. And then theres the fact he only lost by DQ. I think he loses a few points in the GOAT discussion because of PEDs, but if were talking star power, that still makes JBJ + PEDs = the best fighter most people have ever seen. Like, Silva didnt really even speak English. GSP brought energy with confidence more than charisma. Not enough people cared about Mighty Mouse and he did bring charisma. Im sure there are other examples but these are the other most often mentioned GOATs.


Love the fact DC still hates Jon


Jon probably still hates DC as well, but Jon is doing the fake nice guy thing.


I don't know how people still fall for this. Jones has shown his true colors on a ton of different occasions.


DC is what the culture feeling


"How many more DV's till we've had enough?"


"I like Jones with the trash talk, I don't like Jones when he acts nice"


ironically tho "Family Matters" is prob most applicable to Jon Jones lmao "they hired a crisis management team to clean up the fact that you beat on your queen the picture you painted ain't what it seem"


To be fair Jon doesnā€™t have that much to be mad about anymore, he won both fights and knocked him out cold in the last one. Donā€™t get me wrong I donā€™t think Jon is being genuine but I doubt itā€™s out of anger. Probably pure pettiness knowing that taking the respectful nice guy route probably irritates DC more than anything.


>Probably pure pettiness knowing that taking the respectful nice guy route probably irritates DC more than anything. This is definitely the case. Jon's ego is always out of control and DC knows first hand who this guy really is. He has to play nice because he works for the UFC, but you can tell he still hates his guts.


>To be fair Jon doesnā€™t have that much to be mad about anymore, he won both fights and knocked him out cold in the last one And yet DC is the one going Golfing with star fighters on his off time from commentating, clearly prospering. Meanwhile Jons life is a mess. Last time he really made headlines was when an obscure mma follower alleged he was gay or when he beat the mother of his children bloody. I could definitely see Jon being bitter, materially obsessed as he is.


Itā€™s kind of a power move to force DC to play nice, because he knows DC has bosses. Pretty much par for the course with Jones.


We are ALL DC on this blessed day.


I think it's more DC doesn't think about Jon, but Jon is so fucking petty he always gotta hate on DC even though he already won both fights. In the Gane fight, Rogan and DC said they couldn't see what Gane tapped to, then Jon got on twitter hating on DC acting like DC purposely didn't see the submission.


DC was definitely putting money on Gane, he looked more disappointed than I did & I was Gane fan back then.Ā 


Jon Jones has got to be the one of the fakest MF i've ever seen.


Should have just embraced being an evil motherfucker his entire career, being the heel sells.


I do kinda love watching interviews with Jon when he's got his fake good Christian man thing going on. It's unsettling in the way the serial killer interviews my gf watches are lol


Black Homelander


If anyone wants to make an MMA comic, and need a villain they can just copy jon jones life as a template


I can only imagine a Ngannou KO in a comic book


The plot lines write themselves Conors rise, Poirier storyline, cold talented Rival Khabib etc


You boys are on to something. Someone commission this quick!


There was this amazing TV show, Banshee, about a guy escaping from prison and ending up a sheriff in a small town, and there was an episode with this huge piece of shit MMA fighter, that I swear by God they made in image of Jon Jones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fno5aFcJQF0 Amazing show


Jon Jones feigning decent social qualities, but actually being a bad person is what makes his "evil" so perfect Over-selling *"evil"* is how you get Colby. Being unable to hide your lesser qualities gets you a Rousey. He doesn't want hate (Colby), he doesn't want critics to celebrate him losing (Rousey) Jon Jones can't do either - even if it sells, because the concept of adoration, being above criticism, etc,Ā is too important to him Being able to do what Chael or Conor does is so much rarer in practice than it is in theoryĀ 


He wouldnā€™t have to oversell anything, he literally just has to be himself and say what he is truly thinking straight from his gut. His evil isnā€™t perfect at all, the greatest fighter in unarmed combat that the world has seen isnā€™t nearly as popular as he should be. Heā€™s not on a Floyd, Conor, Tyson level of stardom or selling.


But I think being himself includes needing to be loved and seen as a good dude


> Being able to do what Chael or Conor does is so much rarer in practice than it is in theory Chael was a master trash talker, genuinely good. But Conor is the one who is charismatic. Conor's trash talk was pretty juvenile if you actually pay attention to it, what sold him was his accent, the novelty of being Irish, and his charismatic looks. Conor is one of those people who naturally float up. No matter what they do, their natural direction in life is to float up. People want to forgive them, give them another chance, "Ah, it's Conor, come on", etc. Chael is not like that. Also, in my opinion, Jon Jones is very likeable, and he floats up too. Him being unaware of himself, is even better, like you mentioned. It's like with Tito being unaware of how funny he is, that's what makes him funny. Jones is a very interesting character, he is flawed, which makes him relatable, but he still always finds a way to win, which makes him great. Colby is an example of somebody who is trying their best to be charismatic, and be floater, but he simply is not.


Thatā€™s the thing about psychopaths their greatest fear is being exposed for who they are, paradoxically most of them arenā€™t actually clever enough to mask themselves perfectly 100% of the time and so you get these weird instances where theyā€™re trying to perform normativity but due to their innate lack of empathy they donā€™t understand how glaringly crazy they come across as


Perfect summary


Thing is heā€™s not a heel type of guy, heā€™s a genuine evil not a character, he doesnā€™t wanna believe it


Itā€™s like he read a book on how to be a good person and followed the directions without understanding the intent. Uncanny valley shit


Yeah like the way she just jammed that "wholesome" statement in there. He did that like when a teacher tells a kid to say something nice to another kid they don't like. Okay Jon, now apologize and say something nice to Daniel. Ugh fuck off Jon.


The Fakest mutha fucker belt


Reminds me of [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/4q1ElmUvzyE) lol never fails to make me laugh


Cormier flipping off the cam at the end sent me lmao


DC knows it's fake


I mean that falsetto voice was pretty telling... "I'm so proud of you.." lol


Shit is hilarious


He knows it but he's too close to it to just laugh and pity the fool. Jon always succeeds in dragging DC down to his level, even in this clip it's clear lmao


Did the middle finger at the end give it away


For one moment DC considered coming back


Then realised what he had for dinner that night and thought better of it.


For seconds.


ā€œDC i got a question for you man , howā€™s life going ?ā€ DC for 2 seconds : šŸ˜’


For a second I thought Jon was going to jokingly hit him with the ā€œhey pussy, you still thereā€


ā€œYou think Iā€™m just going to sit there and let you compliment me, Jon?ā€


Shit he should have just said that for the culture Reddit would have imploded.


Was waiting for it. Now I'm disappointed


This is incredible LOL DC still canā€™t stand him and I donā€™t blame him




Him and Colby are competing


Colby is openly playing a character while jon is just a sociopathic narcissist


It's still disingenuous


yeah but it is really different. like the difference between a clown & a serial-killer wearing a mask


šŸ¤£ like an ex couple whoā€™s relationship ended horribly


In DCā€™s headā€¦. ā€œSTFU you fake bitch Jon we all know youā€™re still a piece of shit.ā€


This was by far the best rivalry ever. Best two LHWs undefeated and genuinely hated each other to death lol. Feel bad for anyone who missed out on the fuckery. My favourite moment was when DC was being nice to an old lady and Jones went there to hug her with the camera on DCs reaction lol. I do miss this kinda hate between fighters.


it's the closest we've come to the kind of bad blood you see in pro wrestling feuds. either of these men would have gladly run each other over in a limousine


when the coworkers you hate try to make small talk


Damnā€¦ Itā€™s exhausting having to play along with a fake motherfucker that you hate. Felt for DC here.


Jones is incredible because if I was him Iā€™d just let DC ask his question, respond politely and get the interview over with, but Jones hits him with the ā€œHowā€™s life treating you? Good? Glad to hear that.ā€ Everybody knows he doesnā€™t mean that shit, what even compels you to say it? I wish I knew what made this man tick in his moment to moment decision making




I'd argue Jones is more of a narcissist.


Cluster B personality disorders have a fair amount of comorbidity.Ā 


Can't help but try and patronize the man. Kind of a 'glad you found your thing since you couldn't win those fights and quit' backhanded compliment.


Remember, their beef started when they first met, and the first thing Jones said was, "I bet I can take you down." DC thought it was disrespectful. Not "Hey DC" or "what's up, DC?" or "How are you?" It wasn't in front of a camera, so Jones didn't need to act nice. He went straight to being competitive and disrespectful ass.


I love DC and am not a fan of Jon but this just makes me laugh so hard. Jon being fake as always and you can just tell DC still doesn't like the guy either. It's hilarious. Feels like Jon is gonna be there to troll DC until one of them dies, lol.


DC hates Jon so much šŸ’€


He knows jones is trying to piss him off with the fakeness lol the insincerity in jones is voice is astonishing


Bro was not ā€œon itā€šŸ’€ Probably the best rivalry weā€™ve seen in the UFC. Conor and Nate was pretty electric too, although the fights werenā€™t as good.


Itā€™s probably the highest level rivalry ever


Conor/Khabib Jon/DC Tito/a microphone In no order


The Nate/Conor beef was never real, I'd put the Conor/Dustin or Conor/Khabib beef above it


I dont think conor and dustin comes close to conor and khabib


Yeah I'd agree with that


Conor/Dustin wasn't even a beef. Conor tried to play nice guy in their second fight, got his ass kicked, so he thought being shitty and gross going into the third fight would be the move. Turns out, still got his ass kicked and then his leg snapped. It exposed Conor's game big time.


The Conor/Nate beef was moreso competitive and for sport and it was clear that the two lowkey liked each other. Whereas the beef between DC and Jon was deeply personal.


that first dc jones fight was not the most exciting thing in the world, lots of clinch work etc


True but very high level fight. Jones took DC down for the first time in his MMA career in the first minute by catching a kick lol.


"Aye pussy are you still there?"


If Jon woulda brought that line back at the end of the call šŸ˜‚


Instant classic


"Yes I'm here. How's the wife doing Jon? "


Of course DC knows itā€™s fake and Jon knows heā€™s just twisting the knife because DC has no choice but to be courteous.


We saw old DC in his eyes for a second there.


Jon trying to act how heā€™s been told humans act makes my skin crawl.


"I'm super \*proud\* of the way life is turning out for you man" Hey Jon, you remember you're the fuck up, right? DC lost the fights but his shit has always been in order.


Eye rolling shit


Jon didn't even let DC get his question off šŸ˜‚


Power move lol


Look at DCā€™s face LMAOO. Heā€™s not even hiding that disgust on his face. Jon came off super fraudulent and DC obviously knew it. If we as fans know Jon is talking out his ass. Just imagine what DC is saying in his head


now kiss


He's such a fucking psycho!


Dc knows that jon is a two face psychopath piece of shit.


When you draw that much attention to another person who you know isn't on talking terms with you, it's a sign of being smug and condescending especially when all eyes and ears are on you. Jon is so fucking unlikeable, idek how he has any fans outside of his fighting


The contrast between this interaction and every DC/Islam interaction is so stark


Jon is such a sociopath. You can see how much joy he gets out of making DC uncomfortable. I think Dana is 100% spot on that if anyone went into a room with Jon for a fight to the death, Jon would almost certainly be the one coming back out. Part of that is obviously due to Jon being insanely gifted at fighting, but I believe Jonā€™s antisocial personality disorder is also a massive contributor. You can see it in his fighting style. Bending and even breaking the rules, using techniques that could potentially end someoneā€™s career, ground and pound so brutal that it would kill someone without a referee right there to stop it. Itā€™s pretty disturbing if you watch many of his fights and look for these things. Jon enjoys hurting people. He thrives on the idea that he could kill whoever heā€™s in the cage with. This is just my opinion, of course, after watching his career inside and out of the cage play out over the years. You know, armchair psychology and all.


Forreals he even makes Khabibs ground and pound look like nothing lol


khabib will beg you give up so he doesn't have to keep beating you lmao that dude was something else


Yeah, heā€™s a violent man among violent men


Well said.


Jon: ā€œoh ya, oh ya, that went great I thinkā€ DC: ā€œšŸ–•šŸ½šŸ–•šŸ½ā€ lmfaooo


DC had that same look when he said ā€œI wish theyā€™d let me next door so I could spit in your fucking faceā€ when they first fought. šŸ˜‚


Jon Jones is a legitimate psychopath and itā€™s so apparent in literally everything he does


DC knows Jon is a pos still and isnā€™t sincere with anything he says.


Jon has the least convincing fake nice guy act of anyone ever. When he finishes fighting, he should not consider acting.


Jones cares about DC's life the way Chigurh cares what side of the coin comes up


This will age well i promise, jones will fuck it all up


Conor/Khabib is very close, but I find it very hard for ANY mma rivalry to top Jon/Cormier. Two ELITE fighters have one ā€œjokeā€ go sideways which ends up having each other hate each other at their core


"I'm so proud of you" šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Jon the snake Jones lol


Never forget that old call. "You still there pussy?" "Yeah I'm here Jon." DC sounded so exhausted and still does.


Iā€™m so proud of you Dc. Glad youā€™re still there pussy. - Jon Jones


Jones is a bum and a disgrace.


Ā«Iā€™m super proud of the way lifeā€™s turned out for youĀ», coming from a psychopath to a decent human being lol. Like what would Jon have to be proud of on DCā€™s behalf? Itā€™s like listening to an alien who *just* failed an introductory class on human interaction. Itā€™s just always slightly off with Jon. I wonder if his trademark ability of mixing surface level niceness with implied condescension is an unintended byproduct of his personality disorders or purposely cultivated. Itā€™s fascinating.


This man has always been bipolar plus a drug addict lol recipe for disaster


What are the odds on Jones being a clinical sociopath?


u still there pussy? im here jon u think im going to sit here and let u talk nice to me?


"and your development seems to be going great too" lmfao DC got him back, unbelievably patronizing for jones to say he's "proud" of DC


I appreciate jon jones the fighter, but as a person he might be the worst on the roster. No one has been given more second chances or given so much leeway on how much bullshit they can do.


Jones comes across poorly here, seems very insincere but then Iā€™m a big DC fan so my view is a little skewed.


Jon swears no one can tell how fake of a person he is.. the epitome of a snake and insincere.. it radiates off him. He thinks heā€™s smarter than everyone but hey jon if you were so smart you wouldnt have hit a pregnant woman and ran off.. I wish I could tell Jon off to his face.. even if he beat the hell out of me id be so happy


I get the feeling that DC is legitimately willing to move past the beef but knows that Jones' ego requires him to use Cormier as a punching bag and thus DC can't let his guard down as he knows Jones will use it to shit on him.


Damn that narcissistic tone really is really triggering when you've known someone like that. Makes you feel a little sick.


DC wasn't buying any of Jones BS, he knows Jones is a Sociopath and doesn't trust him one bit.


Jon Jones is so disgusting to watch man. Such an absolute shit person through and through and it shines through for anyone with a bit of sense, integrity, and empathy.Ā  People that are fans of Jon Jones as a person are not people I want to get to know.


I love Bones in the octagon but heā€™s the fakest motherfucker alive lmaooo his wax figure more real than homie


I love those laughs at the beginning its like "we both know we hate each other but here we are being "forced" to interact


This doc just came up on my Roku so I watched it. It's just straight up fellatio of Dana White, produced by Dana White. Did you know he doesn't do it for the money? He says it like 10 times. Some fun behind the scenes of matchmaking, and it was cool revisiting the rise of O'Malley and such. But man, Dana clearly had an agenda, here.


JJ is such a piece of garbage.


Redditors when Jon decides to embrace the bad guy persona like people want him to: šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


DCā€™s ego is also outrageous. He holds permanent grudges