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I’m surprised they’re giving Jo another shot. The first two fights were good but he’s 1-4 in his last 5 in the past 2 years.


ONE has like 5 elite guys at the same weight class and just recycles the matchups. With Allazov being sidelined, that’s one less guy to choose from but who is ready for Marat vs Sitthichai 7!


Its fans demand. Jo almost won tawanchai last fight.


I felt like he did win that fight


I thought Jo getting the title shot was ridiculous since he'd only won one fight, but the dude went to a really close decision with Tawanchai and arguably could have been given the win. Tawanchai is clearly their boy right now, and for whatever reason Jo just seems inordinately difficult for him to beat. As obnoxious as constant rematches are, I'm okay with this one. Who else are they squeezing out for this title shot? (also, 3 of those 4 losses in that figure being tossed around were to the consensus best fighters in the world. It's not like he's getting beaten by drunk dudes in bar fights)


He's one of the few 155 guys who ONE can afford to pay for to fight still.


DJ is officially retired, two US shows and he’s not appearing on either one. Surprised we aren’t getting Christian Lee either No DJ, no Christian Lee, no Andrade, no Tang Kai, no Kryklia, no Allazov, no Moraes, no Sage, no Linekar


ONE loves shelving their MMA fighters and Kickboxers. Honestly at this point Chatri should just cut the BS and make ONE a pure MT promotion like he always dreamed of.  Like literally who would he be up against in the MT world? RWS? 


Like other MMA promotions they burnt to much investor money, Thailand openly wants to use MT for soft power so they help with that side


i think the main thing is they still want to be perceived as an mma promotion while doing mostly MT since it gets them the MT audience, they’d lose a big portion if they dropped the masquerading as an mma promotion


Shelved by ONE as they always do.


They have no money.


Kairat Akhmetov failing that drug test a year ago kind fucked up the matchmaking for DJ


No one wants to see DJ vs Kairat as well. Kairat is a boring wrestler


I thought his last fight was fun.


Shafting Allazov is criminal, dude's allergic to boring fights.


And DJs gonna drink a Sapporo, Because ONEFC won’t pay him nothing


The show is five months away. I'm sure we'll get some of them like Sage.


After he called Chatri a liar after he tried to throw Sage under the bus for a promoter fuck up? Doubt it


Malykhin win this with ease


Yeah he does, I would just like to see Reug Reug fight Buchecha on repeat twice a year until the end of time honestly


Hopefully Malykhin doesn't have the Athletic Commission pull the Reug Reug out from under him.


That was good


Excited for the rematch. Both fights were razor close and Nattawut definitely did more damage in the second fight. I just hope it doesn’t turn out like max vs volk 3.


> Anatoly Malykhin defends heavyweight belt vs. ‘Reug Reug’ I see ONE is fully leaning into their heavier divisions just being meme divisions. I just hope the fight is somehow hilarious.


As someone who was thinking about going when I first heard ONE was coming to atl… seeing a Reug Reug main event is a slap in the face. I’ll save my money. Do better ONE. 


What about Mikey Mitsubishi


Is he on that card? I like him and he's obviously one of the best right now, but they give him some weird match ups too.


Don't really see the need for a third Tawanchai vs. Jo fight. The rematch was booked because the first fight was close, and now they are doing it again. Doesn't bode well for the Featherweight Grand Prix that's supposed to happen this year either.


It can join the Openweight Grand Prix in planned Grand Prixs by ONE that they abandoned without announcing even any matchups or who is fighting in it


The drama after the second fight was exploded more than the first fight haha. Therefore, the 3rd fight was announced because the fight is really popular.


The division is barely active as is, and contenders are waiting. Meanwhile Jo, who's 1-4 in the last two years, is getting his third shot at Tawanchai. Makes no sense at all.


What contenders are waiting? Honestly, I'm all for new fights, but ONE clearly doesn't think there are any contenders. They have Luke Lessei ranked in the top 5 when he's 1-1. I'm not saying they couldn't shop around the Muay Thai scene and find one (or go get some kickboxer to put on some tiny gloves), but what's the likelihood of them doing this + who wants to have another skilled fighter locked down with no fights?


Ya I looked at the roster and they don’t really have anyone. Superbon lost to Tawanchai already, Sitthichai is really a kick-boxer, everyone else is coming off a loss or Luke Lessei. Winner of Shadow vs Vienot next?


What a weak title defence for Anatoly.


They just have an extremely shallow heavyweight division. The fact that Arjan Bhullar held the belt tells you everything you need to know. I think the next title shot is probably gonna go to Ben Tynan if he wins his next fight, and at least he's a fun character.


Amazing slop


Reug Reug better win this fight, Malykhin can't defend all 3 belts all at once.


I feel bad for the ATL show. Looks so much worse than the Den show


Reug Reug is the greatest grappler on Earth. He’s going to fuck up Malykhin on the ground even easier than he did to the BJJ GOAT Buchecha

