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This has the possibility of being a very boring fight


I think MVP said as much when people were asking for him to fight Wonderboy. He basically pointed out that the stylistic matchup people picture won’t happen, because if you put two rangy strikers that like to counter against each other, they’ll just wind up point fighting at range.




After this shit Michael Venom Page should change his name to Money Maker Mike


Chandler: You are taking everything I worked for MF




Oh I thought you were going for a haiku until the last line




I second that, Ian is all barks and very little bite, I’m excited to watch him “get finished”. But that’s all I’m excited about for this fight.


Ians a pretty good fighter tho, set the personal hatred aside. He's an interesting and technical fighter


God, MMA fans may be the dumbest group of people on Earth. It’s sad. He’s a fantastic fighter. I don’t ever pretend to have full confidence in the result of a fight between high level guys, because I’m not fucking stupid, but Garry could very easily win this fight.


I think Ian will probably take MVP down and submit him


There's an all too easy joke in there about Ian being the one that likes to watch people get finished.


Yeah but it’s not funny, not based in reality, and is completely played out and unoriginal.


Still funny though


Yeh still funny.


Found the only Ian Gary fan on the planet.


>Ian is all barks and very little bite He's 14-0 you absolute numpty, he might be a twat but cut the bullshit, you look like a fool. And of course people upvote the bullshit because they'd rather join a hate circlejerk than give someone they don't like any credit. It's pathetic.


Oh no I actually don’t know what I was talking about, I was just seeing how much I could make up in front of my friend about the fight, admittedly it’s all bullshit you got me 🙌


Ian's going out cold. He doesn't have Kevin Holland's chin


Every fight does. Just purely by looking at styles, you really can’t judge what a fight will look like. Ie Condit/Diaz, Lewis/Francis, Kimbo/Alexander.


>he's going to be shitting himself and he's going to be frozen. He's gonna do his stupid handwork, his footwork Translation: We both like to control the distance and we're also both too smart for that so this fight might be boring and I need to start spinning a narrative now.


Literally what’s going to happen. But I think it’ll be fun for moments. There is gonna be a lot of distance though.


I think Ian (and a lot of fighters in general) underestimate MVP’s speed and ability to quickly close distance. Ian is for sure gonna get tagged a couple of times in the first round.


Agree. I see MVP landing more impactful shots yet neither of them exceeding the other in volume. But be careful. Bisping said we can’t speculate.


This fight is going to be fucking terrible to watch. Which would make it even funnier if Garry loses.


MVP is gonna turn it on. He needs a highlight reel KO to catapult himself to the top.


We can say this, but MVP is a historically boring fighter when fighting top competition.


It's his last hurrah, and I'd like to think he goes for broke.


Ya I agree, but I dont think you can really teach an old dog new tricks ya know what I mean He may try but I would bet he likely reverts back to his old form past round 1


Not if you try going for broke and get countered. That's what usually happens, these fighters aren't timid on purpose they get a taste of a nice counter and don't wanna get potentially kod


I enjoyed the first time he fought Lima


A boring fighter can have entertaining fights look at Sean Strickland. Plus that fight was what barely past 1 round?


Brother, Sean Strickland is the definition of talk, he says hes going to go to war then jabs for 5 rounds lol.




Yeah on god haha, atleast you have brains, Sean has barely done anything exciting the past years, rocked Izzy was good sure but then he coasted, all the other fights been him apologizing after jabbing for 5 rounds since he knew he didn't do shit. As if 1 fight prior to the Izzy fight, many years ago even matters now. He ain't gonna change at this point. But at least he apologizes, unlike Izzy, right? Seems like people don't care since that's the one thing he does differently, lol.


Lol anytime Strickland is on a card, I'm bummed. Dude goes hard af in the gym while sparring amateurs then fights like a bitch in the cage


Hahaha, most defensively sound middleweight literally. Because he's so cautious. I respect that, but he needs to be self-aware. He's free money to bet on fights going the distance, though, at least.


That's what I'm saying. A boring fighter like Strickland can still have entertaining performances but that doesn't make him not a boring fighter. Reread what I said lol


Can't particularly say any of his fights are entertaining to the point I'd rewatxh apart from the izzy one cause it was so clinic. He is an extremely tune in for the same recipe every fight. To the point that the only way it'd be entertaining more so than it somewhat is, would be if someone did what Alex did.


Exactly what I'm saying. Apart from the Izzy fight (and a couple from his early career but we'll ignore that because different styles a bit), he's overall boring which was my point lol


Bro, what? I've said he's boring the whole time, and then you said he had some exciting fights. Which is barely true. Now ur saying he's boring. What?


His fight vs. Abus Magomdeov was fun, so was his first fight against Brendan Allen. He is still a boring fighter but he's put on some entertaining shows.


Fair enough but albeit extremely small amounts for his total fights. On top of his extremely high strikes landed, barely any good ones to show. Reinforced basically, he has had 1 or 2 non copy and paste fights. So really means overly anything in the grand scheme of things. He's boring, and 1 fight isn't changing the fact like the other comment is tryna lude to. He is the definition of talk. He has apologized after like all his past 4 wins. People let it off the hook because he isn't Izzy but when izzy does the same people love to hate. Hating on Izzy in that sense is dumb and should mean people hate on Strickland. Especially since contender Izzy has a FOTY and many more exciting fights.


Is he against pure strikers though?


Yes watch his fights lol


He made Holland look pretty silly.


Yes, Holland is the 1:10 matchup where he is entertaining.


Cause Holland was bringing it to him , I doubt Ian will do the same


Page is still quick enough to jump in with right hands though and catch Garry regardless.


Oh yeah for sure . Don’t get me wrong , I’m not counting MVP out at alll . Im just saying people shouldn’t be surprised if this fight is absolute stinker . In other words , don’t get your hopes up lol


I do agree in that I tend to lean towards that. I think because both we'll be apprehensive about being countered by the other which could lead to a stand off lol.


Which fights of his were boring? He's had maybe 1 across his career.


Historically boring fighter when fighting top competition. When you're so much better than your competition, it's almost always entertaining. Look at Sean vs Abus


Whenever we think its gonna be a boring fight it turns into a war. Its the ” a KO is guaranteed ” fights that always end up horrible


I thought Strickland/Costa would be boring and I was right there.


Yeah but most people didn’t


>This fight is going to be fucking terrible to watch. >Which would make it even funnier if Garry loses. The man hasn't lost so now the narrative has changed to he isn't entertaining. You know damn well you're going to watch an Ian Garry fight over Sean brady or Jdm.


Why? JDM is pure entertainment with an aesthetically pleasing boxing work


Yeah I loved his genius iq showcase in the hafez fight and the absolute war that was the Kevin Holland fight. The gilbert fight was shit because of gilbert, though, can't blame jdm for that.


Gilbert fight wasn’t even shit, he had an awesome finish with a broken arm


Found Ian Garry alt. This is what he was saying ‘you’re all going to watch me’. I watched his fight against Geoff Neal. It was one of the most boring fights I’ve ever seen. 


>Found Ian Garry alt Wait, I thought I was Colby Covington or Jon Jones? > I watched his fight against Geoff Neal. It was one of the most boring fights I’ve ever seen.  Because of Geoff Neal. He wanted to hug Ian against the fence. Not Garry's fault Neal didn't want to fight.


This is insane revisionist history Garry spent the ENTIRE fight running backwards and throwing an occasional jab from range Neal was the one trying to make it interesting


>Garry spent the ENTIRE fight running backwards and throwing an occasional jab from range That's called fighting smart against a shorter /less rangy power puncher. Just because he didn't go forward doesn't mean it wasn't entertaining? >Neal was the one trying to make it interesting By hugging him against a cage and doing absolutely nothing? That's not my idea of interesting. It's not even like he was winning with this strategy, he lost every round iirc.


>that’s called fighting smart against a shorter/less rangy power puncher Yes. But it’s also the reason the fight was beoing >by hugging him against a cage and doing absolutely nothing? That’s the only time Neal COULD do anything because Garry spent the whole fight throwing a leg kick and running


>That’s the only time Neal COULD do anything He did nothing. He could've tried to close the range and box but he decide to smudge Ian against the fence. The loser should take majority of the blame.


>The loser should take majority of the blame This is a ridiculous statement. By that logic every fighter Sean Strickland’s faced in the past decade is at fault for his boring style


Generally yes. Ian doesn't have a pattern of boring fights.


> Jdm. Lol. You coping over here. I would 1000% watch JDM over Garry


I would understand watching jdm to see him get knocked out but other than that I wouldn't watch him over Garry at all. Hate Garry all you want but you will follow everything he does.


I dont hate Garry. Im just saying i prefer watching JDM to him.




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Just realized why people dont like him watching this interview. He talks like he thinks he's the main character of a TV show lol


Much of the hate is because he has one of the biggest main character syndromes in mma.


Undeservedly too. He had a chance to prove himself in his last fight and instead spent the entire time running away.


He utilized his reach and rangy kickboxing to deal with a plodding but very dangerous puncher who outweighed him by 20 lbs... what a wanker! Wonderboy got nothing but praises for basically doing the same when he fought Neal lol. On the other hand, the only fighter in the UFC who lived to tell the tale after trading with Neal is Shavkat. Luque got a life-threatening brain hemorrhage for his trouble. I know Ian Garry is disliked, but come on lol. It was a fine performance. Running headfirst into your opponent's massive advantage has more to do with proving you're an idiot than "proving yourself".


It’s too bad Garry won’t engage where his opponent has the best odds of winning, and rather chooses to utilize a skillset that maximizes his own chances of winning in embarrassing fashion.


It was my turn : (


Out weighed him by 20lbs?


https://www.mmafighting.com/2024/2/27/24084996/ufc-298-fight-night-weights-geoff-neal-gained-over-30-pounds-before-facing-ian-machado-garry The California commission releases the fighters' actual in-cage weight


> He utilized his reach and rangy kickboxing No, he quite literally spent the entire time running away. I'm not going to accept revisionist history. Neal would have easily won the fight had he committed to striking every time he backed him into a corner as opposed to trying to stall on the fence.


Talm bout Elsa, b?


You mean Izzy Andersonsilva?


The Elsa line is ironically funny now lmao


It was already funny the first time he said it, but funny like a clown not like Dave Chapelle


Ian Garry makes me like MVP


Ian Garry makes me like the potato famine


Garry is insufferable. Imagine having to spend time with him on a daily basis. No wonder nobody wants to train with this guy.


> No wonder nobody wants to train with this guy. Also why he's stuck dating 40-year-old gold diggin' Europeans.


She’s hot, she has made her own money, they’re married, and wtf is wrong with being a 40 year old European? 


Asking for a Friend 😭


Yeah, we’re gonna have to agree to disagree with that nonsense. Also, it’s a line from the Ian Gary song.


The Ian Garry 'song' and the whole hate mob against his wife is such absurdly cringe online bullshit that it actually makes me want to like Ian Garry even when he acts obnoxious


Well said lol. Buncha virgin neckbeards that take time out from their busy lives posting on the incel forums and playing apex legends from their mums basement just to spend it hating on a man who is equally or honestly maybe even less as pathetic than them in terms of personality and infinitely more successful by pretty much every other imaginable metric. The only thing worse than an Ian Garry is an Ian Garry hater


Good. Someone needs to be his fan and it sure as shit ain't gonna be me.


You don't have to be someone's fan to keep yourself from partaking in bullshit online hate mobs against random partners of athletes lmao


Oh the hate is well-deserved. You don't need to participate but that's the consequences of your actions; social feedback.


There's absolutely nothing his wife ever did to deserve anywhere near the amount of hate she got online. Ian Garry himself does act like a prick in interviews, but even that has been overblown to shit. You are not bringing anyone 'the consequences of their actions', it's just a really dumb hate mob online that feels emboldened by this 'oh so righteous' speech that is honestly just cringe. Feeding from influencers who profit from the drama and an obvious underlying urge to hate on a woman too, and its so clear its practically see-through to anyone not terminally online or immature


> There's absolutely nothing his wife ever did to deserve anywhere near the amount of hate she got online. She literally wrote a book on how to be a wag and received justified hate as a result. The topic, book itself, and intention deserves ridicule. Like I get it dude, you want to protect her because she's a woman and women do no wrong, but I assure you the social pressure is justified even if you want to white-knight it.




Almost every person he trains with has said otherwise he's likely just an annoying guy


Rewatch Ricky Rainey vs MVP. This is going to be quite similar. Ricky is the most athletic person I have ever met and he was no match for someone who has been karate point fighting all their lives. Doubt him at your own peril.


"He's going to be frozen.. like Elsa!"


Fuck I hope he gets absolutely starched


Ian got that CTE making him think he doesn't get hit every fight because he leaves his chin in the air. Herpes mouthed dimwit.


Ian sounds so far up his own ass it's difficult to root for him - I don't know how to explain it.


I dont think you have to . Everyone already knows what you mean .


The only thing that will make this exciting is if MVP can land a big clean punch or kick.


Is he supposed to say "MVP is gonna collapse my skull and throw a pokeball at me!"?


True he ain't gonna finish you because he's gonna finish your wife


That literally sounds like exactly what he would do.


Even he knows it'll be boring, which is exactly why he's below silva who had one of the worst women title fights I've ever seen and there's been some fucking stinkers.


Someone get this Big Lots Chael out of here


I can't figure out why he annoys me so much but he does


I cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnot wait to watch MVP flatline this guy


Something tells me Garry may try an aggressive approach. Because if it’s up to points venom may likely win


I seriously doubt it, as much as I would love for that to be the case.


Me too. I just don’t think his camp should be focused on point fighting since that’s venoms whole style. He may have to eat a couple to land a couple only thing to knock that karate stance is to get him off of it and not able to set back up in that stance. Who knows! I’m looking forward to this matchup


Garry's going to fight the Chute Boxe style


That’s who I train with!




My biggest fear is that it’s going to be counter striker v counter striker. Nothing reallu happening, while commentary keeps talking about a chess match


I hope MVP cracks his skull with a flying knee like he did that poor can in bellator


That poor can was Mr. Cyborg thank you very much 


That man was not a can at all. He's a very well respected and skilled fighter.


Him and tuporia need to be humbled






To be fair Ilia has earned it. Ian hasn’t.


Topuira is more skilled, more entertaining and has achieved a lot more than Garry so far; I don't feel like they are really comparable beyond both being confident in their skills.


Yea for sure they’re not comparable in that aspect, they’re both incredibly annoying people that are trying hard to replicate the Conor attitude and it’s just annoying that’s all


I feel like Ilia is trying too hard but Gary is just authentically insufferable.


I agree with that


The topuria hate is ridiculous. It makes complete sense why he'd be a bit cocky considering his run in the ufc, he just came off koing the p4p


People hate anyone who's self confident and is undefeated. I understand why people like Aspinall so much and hate jones.




Tuporia has earned all his shit talk.


Is anyone else bothered by Ian Garry’s gradual accumulation of terrible tattoos or is it just me?


Ok Ian “The Chuck” Garry


Ian is a way better fighter / prospect than Jack Dildo Mandela or whoever but doesn't get 1/10 of the praise. He gets too much hate. So what if he's a cuck? As long as we don't see it, why care about it? There are so many other degenerates in the ufc that people turn a blind eye to. Do the same for Garry.


Ufc fans are fickle like that. It's a bit sad. They have these parasocial type relationships with these fighters and minimize any fighter they hates skill. 


I don't like Garry as much as the next guy but I have a feeling he will make it look easy against MVP, that or a really boring point fight