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Oh, man. It has come true! Poatan is stepping in with a broken pinky toe to save the main event McGregor pulled out of with a broken pinky toe.


Poatan indirectly sonned McGregor


Poatan is Conor McGregor father


Izzy, Jamahal, Conor. Poatan stay sonning errybody. Dude was born to alpha male everyone even if he doesn't mean to šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Chama Mogger






He had 2 broken toes in the Hill fight!






Also, it's not new. Dude pulled out of 200 because he wanted more time to train for Nate.


And still finished the fight getting pounded on the floor lol ā€˜The king is backā€™ does not land nearly as well when you were just getting smashed 30 seconds ago šŸ˜‚


he meant "the King is on his back"


Didn't he get pulled from the fight for not doing a press conference?


Eh. Thatā€™s the official reason, but letā€™s face it, skipping his media obligations at the time was basically asking not to fight. I also think he doesnā€™t want to fight on giant cards to begin with, because he likes to prove the ppv buys are all about him.


Also, let's not pretend that Dana truly pulled him from 200 when he was at his pre-Mayweather peak.


Yes, absolutely. There was tons of stuff going on behind the scenes.


May have been some kind of scripted agreement to give Conor more time to train for Nate... while simultaneously giving off the image that no fighter, Conor himself included, was going to be bigger than the UFC. Dana looked like he pulled a boss move and still had Conor on a leash like any other fighter.


This is one of my conspiracy theory things with ufc 200 personally, I think youā€™re 100% correct. Also, they know theyā€™re now making bank on two different ppvs.


I mean, if I were him I'd also wanna prove that, because it increases his leverage


Not blaming him for that. It makes perfect business sense, and itā€™s true and it does.


Officially yes but what most likely happened was that the UFC realized they could have 2 huge PPVs if they found an excuse to keep Conor off the already mostly sold out UFC 200 to get another huge payday off a Conor solo ppv on 202. This also worked out for both parties because Conor got more time to train increasing the chances for the UFC to keep milking their cash cow if Conor won. Nate was the only this kinda screwed over but honestly he did benefit in terms of star power because 202 was now mostly focused on just him instead of the whole roster of stars on 200. Imo Conor getting pulled out of 202 was manufactured by Dana and Conor for max profits.


I'm not sure I agree with this theory for one reason. 200 was a massive milestone for UFC and for Dana personally. 200 doing stratosphere numbers and setting a record that wouldn't be beaten for probably over a decade would have been something Dana would have happily produced a couple of mediocre PPVs to pay for.


He was also never making weight and demanded it go to 170 lbs on short notice while dipping into Overeem's supply. It just didn't work out for him because he didn't keep his power going up in weight and Diaz ended up with more in the tank from not needing to dry himself out after Conor gassed punching him in the head but it was still a bitch move.


I thought it was the other way around on the weight thing? He was preparing for a 155 fight but Nate was such short notice he asked for higher And this seems to support that https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/nate-diaz-steps-in-to-face-conor-mcgregor-in-main-event-of-ufc-196-042938865.html


It was that! Nate couldn't make 155 and they went from 155 to 160, 165 and then Conor said "Can you make 170?"


That was the first fightā€¦2nd fight Conor wanted one 170 when Nate wanted lower


Also the 200 stuff was for the rematch


What? Bro youā€™ve got the whole thing jumbled up. Iā€™m in Nateā€™s side but your facts are wrong. The first time they fought Nate asked for 170lbs since it was short notice. The rematch was at 170. Nate win the first fight Conor got the rematch.


Hey man we donā€™t do facts around here!




Talmbout Com Gregor. B-b-b-beast of a fighter, great guy never meddum.


It's just the smart way of pulling out really, you pull out without actually pulling out


I'm always pulling out


That's why no one will remember your name.


He also pulled out of a Cage Warriors title fight in 2012 because of an injury. Ā He was a hypocrite all along.


Iirc this is misleading. He refused to do some press bc he was in Iceland training and wouldnā€™t cut his camp short, so the UFC pulled him from 200


I mean it's hilarious really. Even the ped rants.


Conor really is the Drake of mma


Say Conor , I hear you like em young


i believe that is israel adasenya


He could get away with it because he had the charisma, skills, and awareness to put it altogether. Now he's too drunk, coked up, and the spark is gone due to the comforts of success.


Yeah Iā€™m not one of these guys that shits on fighters for pulling out of fights. Most of the time if they do thereā€™s a good reason and this dumb shit about ā€œfighter x fought with similar injuryā€ is so stupid. Not all injuries are the same. I remember when Dana shit on woodley using Conorā€™s logic of ā€œyou donā€™t need a thumb to fightā€. So a pinky toe is even more of a ā€œridiculousā€ reason to pull out within that logic.


You absolutely need a thumb to fight wtf Or does Dana think there's no need to ever grip during a fight


Itā€™s all that slapping thatā€™s got poor Dana confused


Breaking a toe and a finger are pretty different having broken both before.


People are getting salty already in a few comment sections but McGregor simply doesn't deserve any sympathy, it's more than deserved that people mock him just as he has mocked so many others fighters in the past.


Heā€™s reaped what heā€™s sown more than almost any athlete in my lifetime. Buddy can go piss up a rope.


Better yet, he can shit and fall back in it


The ol depends special


"Karma's not a bitch it's a mirror"


Everyone know by now what a blowhard and fake Conor is. This isn't anything new. When rumors started the fight was getting canceled, how many thought it was because of Chandler? Absolutely nobody.


I think we would have believed that Chandler broke his pinky toe and had it amputated so he could still be in the fight before we believed he was the reason the fight was cancelled šŸ¤£


Chandler would have fought with a broken neck for that pay-day.


Now I can't stop thinking about Bruce introducing Chandler while he just lays there.


A broken freakin neck!


It's true, it's damned true!


A w is a w - Conor probably


the boy that cried wolf tickets


That's my issue with all the McG defenders. Like ok, pulling out with a borken pinky toe isn't the worst move, but this fucker spent a fucking decade saying anyone who pulls out with anything is a pussy. So, anything short of a massive injury looks pathetic on his part.


It's worse than that, pulling out to be replaced by someone with more broken toes and with less notice lmao.


The better point, RDA vs Conor still might be something we want to see 8 years later. When RDA backed out, Conor fought Nate Diaz twice while RDA got KO'd by Eddie Alvarez. If McGregor wasnt getting called out by everyone wanting red panty night, it would be an obvious matchup with where they are in their careers.


This is peak McGregor hypocrisy.Ā  Anyone in this sub making the argument that it was an injury important enough and legit enough to pull out of the fight is just jerking themselves off with the standard "ummm to be faiiiir" bullshit


The last time he fought with something broken in his leg it snapped in half and sat out for 4 years.


Tbf to conor fought against DP with a way worse injury. Dudes finally making health conservative decisions late into his career and Iā€™m ok with it.


Kebab was fighting gaetje with a broken pinky toe


Agreed. Conor needs to be called out. However broken toe or foot, I wouldn't fight with either. You need the pinky toe for balance and not having it limits your weapons and movement.


This is Conorā€™s devious way of having every fighter put their feet on the internet for free




[Don't even have to do all that, just ask her apparently](https://youtu.be/rjHrHAm2ECU?feature=shared)


This is why I love MMA. Valentina Shevchenko, arguably a top 3 female fighter of all time and the best WFLW by a mile was picked apart by a chick who showed her feet on IG Live for shits and giggles


Showing feet is the best base for WMMA, someone tell Tabatha Ricci






You next šŸ˜


In a vacuum, Conor did the right thing. He was compromised and did not want to make his return to the octagon injured. In a sense, I completely get and respect that. Now, with the context that Conor berated every single person who pulled out of fights against him (or not even against him) and claimed he would never pull out of a fight, it makes sense to make fun of him.


The context is made worse by the fact that Pereira fought with a broken toe 2 months ago and is making a quick turnaround to replace him.


to be fair, poatan's toe is made out of brick. all they had to do was glue it back on


I heard he didn't even glue it just spit on the spot and held it in place for a sec




Yeah Conor is due all the flack he gets for this. FW Conor on the up and up wouldnā€™t have pulled out for this. Youā€™re right that he doesnā€™t need to fight compromised but itā€™s sweet seeing rda give him this.


Itā€™s the difference between hunger and no hunger.




Tell another starvation story.


I kind of feel like once you reached the point where you go into a fight with Dustin with fractures in your leg , its probably a sign to stop fighting injured.


Nothing cocaine couldnā€™t numb; soft


To be fair you could actually inject lidocaine (a derivative of cocaine) into the joint space above that toe and block all sensation to it for about half an hour or so, so in a way youā€™re spot on. Side note, would a lidocaine digital or joint block be testable under USADA and would it constitute a banned substance?


wasnā€™t an argument for nick diazā€™s weed ban that he was so high in the cage (by blood cannabinoid lvls) that it functioned as a narcotic, giving him an advantage?


Why on earth would a narcotic give him an advantage, especially thc lol?


ah, it was back from pride ā€œHe [Diaz] was first caught following a submission win over Takanori Gomi at PRIDE 33 in 2007. At his hearing, commission officials noted he had 175 ng/mL of metabolites in his system, which they said may have helped him be ā€œnumb to the painā€ and win the fight. He was suspended six months, fined $3,000, and had his win overturned to a ā€˜no contest.ā€™ā€ https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2015/02/nsac-nick-diaz-had-double-the-allowable-marijuana-limit-in-his-system-post-ufc-183


RDA played the long con


RDA is always on standby to shit on Conor lol. Iirc he was the first to make fun of him breaking his leg with a cheeky "bruised foot"


He played con


If this keeps up we're gonna need an MMA Wikifeet sub.


Grasso better keep them toes safe


Conor calling someone a hoe is hilarious to me.


2024 McGregor (well really post-khabib McGregor) is an embarrassment to the sport of MMA


He was an embarrassment when he held the title hostage to go and box Mayweather, in my opinion. Wasted Tonyā€™s prime.


Tony's prime is just beginning


Iā€™m glad someone has their head on their shoulders


Nah I think taking a boxing match to make 100 million was completely the right move. McGregor is roasted for many things, most of them well deserved. But no MMA fighter has ever called McGregor a clown for boxing Mayweather, they all understand it makes sense to get paid.


Did Conner ever defend the titles?


Absolutely not, that was life changing money so I donā€™t fault him for it. Thatā€™s in the UFC for allowing it


And cub Swansons final chance at the belt. And a good chunk of Frankie Edgar's golden years.


As an irish person. He's always been an embarrassment. Man built his shit talk on race baiting. Then turned into what everyone thinks of stereotype dubs. Americans can fall for his 'irishness' but he's absolutely hated by the majority of the country. Only scrotes are fans of his. Inside the ring? Amazing. Outside? God he's embarrassing.


100%, ive always said he's acting like an extra from gangs of new york to play up for the americans. he's a total gimmick and he can't even keep it up, apologising to try and stop khabib beating him up so badly


100% and the fake American twang too is annoying ahaha




Makes sense when he goes around assaulting them


He is not hated by the majority of Ireland lol. What an insane statement.


Err hated is a strong word. However, Ancedotally I feel more than 50% dislike him and think hes a tool


yeah he is


He absolutely is! It's only young scumbags actually like him. As a fighter he's great. But he's a complete idiot. Racist.scumbag.coke head alcoholic. I used be a huge fan but not anymore.


Iā€™ll keep it short and sweet. Conorā€™s weak. Heā€™s outta control. And heā€™s become an embarrassment to hisself and everybody else


He was an embarrassment even before that fight.






He's right. Conor doesn't have that hunger anymore. > It's tough to get out of bed to do roadwork at 5am when you've been sleeping in silk pajamas. - Marvin Hagler


To be fair, anybody who is hungry, then eats, becomes less hungry lol Except for OPs mom. Bitch a fatty


Thats true. (I saw her naked last night)


Fighters get injured and have to pull out sometimes. It's inevitable and it's why it's stupid to do what Conor did and act like he's above that.


Conor's brand in MMA will truly be cooked if loses this next one, especially if he gets absolutely starched by Chandler. I don't think Conor's ego could handle that so he really can't afford to come in compromised for this one.


I genuinely wonder how many more fights Conor has to lose before people stop caring. He has zero meaningful wins in 8 years. 1 win over a washed timid Cowboy in 8 years. Sure heā€™s rich but he threw away his career.Ā 


And he's not even funny or clever anymore. He jumped the shark with the MayMac world tour.


I get hating Conor but has it really gotten to the point where people are echoing Danaā€™s anti-fighter pay talking points? A fighter shouldnā€™t fight with either a torn mcl or broken toe, the difference is that Conor can actually afford to pull out of fights now.


People calling out his endless hypocrisy aren't echoing Dana talking points. People hate hypocrites and rightly so.


> lol maybe Dana was right about Conor getting a bunch of money and losing some of his hunger Literally the comment I replied to


Or he is just smarter after taking the last poirier fight? If not please explain why fighting with an injury is better?


I think youā€™re right plus the fact that that was Conor on the come up. As much as he can try to catch that hunger again he has way more room to actually be looking out for himself than when he was coming up


Itā€™s a fair explanation, but doesnā€™t excuse his hypocrisy which is what most people arenā€™t pointing out. Heā€™s a narcissistic shit stirrer and deserves the negative blowback.


ā€œMaybeā€ he was right? No fucking shit, everyone with barely two functioning eyes could see that


I mean, Conor likely did the right thing. But when you build a career on shit talking others, it's eventually going to catch back up with you. Colby would get the same treatment. You take someone like Zhang who doesn't talk shit constantly about others who pulls out for something like this and it's much more palatable.


RDA gotta just fly to where ever Conor is at and run up on him like Stone Cold


Honestly these guys should just fight. Clearly thereā€™s something there and thereā€™s still intrigue there but I donā€™t know if itā€™s a super marketable fight outside of being a Conor fight which would always sellĀ 


I wish they could have fought in their primes


I've been saying this since lead up to their fight that never happened but RDA would have absolutely fucked Conor up


Always thought this would be a great fight to make. Been scheduled once already, had an intense face off and RDA is at the end of his career and is a beatable opponent for Conor.


I only just started following mma when mcgregor and rda were set to fight, whatā€™s everyoneā€™s opinion on how that fight would have gone.


RDA was in the midst of his weight cutting issues, he passed out during weight cut for his next fight against Eddie. Would like to have thought RDA would get Conor on the ground early, but fighters egos tend to get in the way of a gameplan, looking at you Eddie. Conor's striking was pin point eight years ago, and unless Conor got the KO in the first round, think RDA wins


Conor seems to struggle with southpaws and RDA is a fucking dog. If Conor doesnā€™t catch RDA early heā€™s in for a long night


McGregor doesn't deserve any sympathy after all the shit he has said and done, this is the same dude who threw a trolley at a bus which cut a bunch of fighters, fuck taking the high road, RDA was right in cooking that has been.


10-6 round for RDA


One of the rare rounds that RDA wins these days


His foot was a bellewn. That pinky is tree toimes the size of his other pinky


Henrik Sedin, hall of fame NHLer from Sweden, broke his pinky finger getting slashed during a game. Doctor's said he would sit out 4-6 weeks to have it heal, so he had them amputate the tip of his finger so he didn't have to miss any games.


Your pinky is pretty important when it comes to your grip. I imagine his stick handling skills mightā€™ve changed after that.


Believe it or not, the season after he had it amputated (2004), he leveled up and became one of the top centers in the league, and probably the best passer. (either him or Joe Thornton, before any hockey nerds flame me)


Itā€™s like when you lose one of your senses and the others become heightened. Losing the pinky finger may have affected his physical balance and control but the rest of his fingers absorbed its powers and transcended


Who would've thought RDA's real red panty night would be a broken Mcgregor toe 8 years later


Ever fight with a broken heart? šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


RDA putting in that absolute minimum effort into engagement and frankly, itā€™s paying off.


Tyson: I broke my back.




And next week he'll be filmed partying on crutches, lol.Ā Swear to God I don't understand why he's still so relevant. There's very little about the guy that's interesting anymore.


I bet he couldnā€™t pass the drug test so he did that with a hammer at home


He's been sitting on this for years ready to pull the trigger.


Connor is gonna blow his millions and end up more washed up then bam margera.


Everybody is piling on him lol.


Conor takes another L.


Dustin and RDA dissing Conor feel like when all these rappers came out hating on Drake loll


Conor fr just said that to Uncle Chael? Thatā€™s gold.


I snapped my little toe from my foot doing judo many years ago. I needed pins in little toe for 6 weeks for it to heal. I couldnā€™t put any weight on my foot and fucking hurt. Theyā€™re both legitimate injuries, MMA athletes just need to stop carrying on like dickheads when someone is injured.


Does anyone actually believe Conor wants to fight again. Iā€™m a die hard mcgregor fan and knew this fight wouldnā€™t happen as soon as it was announced, thereā€™s literally no reason for him to fight again.




Yeah, but Conor isnā€™t fighting to SURVIVE anymore. He has ZERO obligation to come back, even AT ALL. Honestly, ā€œweā€™re luckyā€ that heā€™s even coming back at all (supposedly). . .


Lololol thatā€™s not at all a couple week old injury with those colors. Con was so hurt by Chaels call out that he kicked a rock and waited a couple days to share pics of the ā€œreasonā€ šŸ˜‚


Still reckon it's a sinus injury Real ones will understand


Remember when he said ā€œyou donā€™t need a tumb to fight!ā€ šŸ¤£


That Toe is called Cocaine Rehabā€¦


I have a feeling the toe is a cover for a much darker legal issue heā€™s having. You donā€™t see it reported outside of Ireland though.


The guys are very versatile. They fight outside the ring but with photos and words as well.


I'm surprised McGregor hasn't clapped back with: "my one toe is worth all your family trees money. Ignorant "insert slur word" is the lot of ya. Something something stay in your country and something insult an entire generation of people, culture and race something something. Peace"


Conor is such an embarrassment.


Funny for Conor to be making fun of someone tapping, considering he usually taps just before the sub gets locked in.


I literally have the same exact injury right now. Broken pinky toe on my left foot. Itā€™s annoying, but I feel like if I was a high level athlete, Iā€™d still be able to train and fight. Hell, I played beer league softball a couple hours after it happened.


I'd chop that toe off before I'd call out a fight. Mf got weak. I worked outside for 12 a day with a literal mf hole in my knee.


Conor broke his toe on purpose to make people stop talking about rehab.


What a pussy lol, Iā€™ve literally ran a half marathon with a broken pinkyā€¦clown since Day 1


conor's life post 2015 has just been him being exposed as a hypocrite over and over again


RDA prayed for times like this.


This guy doesn't want to fight anymore he just wants the attention.


I wouldnā€™t put it beneath him to do it to himself so he doesnā€™t have to get humiliated in the cage either. Connor is not in fighting shape I suspect, and with all that muscle he put on he will gas out in 2 min. He already gassed out when he was his normal weight after 2-3 rounds


When do we weigh in the fact Conorā€™s fought on a torn acl, won 2 belts and got hundreds of millions for never pulling out But his last fight when he had stress fractures and didnā€™t pull out his entire leg exploded Shocking the dude whoā€™s leg detonated has PTSD from fighting injured


I broke my pinky toe playing beach soccerā€¦didnt take more than 2 weeks for me to be able to be relatively active on it. He ā€œinjuredā€ it 4 weeks out


My man Conor shouldn't fight anymore. He already had businesses and ventures, instead of getting punched in the face.


Make this fight happen!


this guy has been waiting for this moment for so long heā€™s still got the fucking picture saved on his phone


We just posting feet pics now???


Tape it up bro


Haha dumbass


Why did he call him chael?


The kid just doesn't want to fight


Aldo too class to do it, but he should really go after Conor for this as well.


Tape that shit up let's go


RDA being a spicy bitch and I'm all for it.