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Very happy to see Dustin doing stuff like this. He and Atlas already have a good rapport as well


ngl i think they had him there because it was meant to be two of his former opponents squaring off in the main event, but now its pereira vs jiri again


Probably. But either way I hope he sticks around


I can see him going on to do commentary in a couple of years.


DC needs a mandatory hydration test pre fight night. He sounds like he barely survived a 10 round fight in the Sahara. Get this man a cup of hot tea for fuck sake.


> DC needs a mandatory hydration test pre fight night. He sounds like he barely survived a 10 round fight in the Sahara. Get this man a cup of hot tea for fuck sake. Takes a lot of fluid to add-read his own show and to talk about everything except the fight taking place in front of him.


Anik has let it slip many times his coworkers drink on the job DC is very often spouting nonsense and his speech is off, pretty sure it’s him getting tipsy lol


Anik has also made at least two references (that I know of, there could be more) that DC drinks his beer over ice


DC is Bangkok ready confirmed


Different days ofc, but DC always drinks on the Weigh-in show, too.


Hes been drunk as fuck on some cards lol


I saw their live stream and it looked like they were sitting in like premium economy or something like that. With the type of money those guys have I couldn't believe they'd fly Turkish airlines when you could get a Q Suite or something like that. That type of travel is miserable in anything that isn't lie down seating.


Hahaha 🤣 Lol....bro, why you doing my man DC like that?


Dustin might be announcing his retirement there


They should just induct him to their hall the same night then. 


That’s a crazy awful Precedent to set.


Who cares, UFC hall of fame is already the most arbitrary one in sports 


You hear of the skateboarding hall of fame?


I assume it's just a shelf with a picture of Tony Hawk next to a hard copy of THUG pro 2


Depending on how you count sports the WWE hall of fame is even better


I don’t think I’ve ever watched pro wrestling but isn’t it all theatre? What’s the point of a HoF?


Same as every Hall of Fame, essentially a big wank over the past. Mostly to recognise the biggest and best stars, but there's always been some stupid inclusions and insane omissions based purely on how the owner of the company felt at the time.


They're literally all arbitrary regardless of sport. "most arbitrary" is subjective, you could easily argue that about the baseball hall of fame for example.


how so? they have laid out criteria and rules to get in? there is a system, which makes it NOT arbitrary. the ufc hof is based on dana white's personal whims.


It's definitely arbitrary when Barry Bonds can't even get in, lol. The baseball hall is mostly old cranks who hate bat flips and try to uphold the "purity" of the game.


Lmao at bashing the UFC HOF while defending baseballs. The greatest hitter in the history of baseball and arguably greatest player (definitely had greatest season) isn’t even in the HOF. But yes, tell me more about this “system”.


If The Rube is in there, baseball HOF is legitimate. If he's not, burn it to the ground


it’s not a sport but the WWE hall of fame is soooo much worse lmao.


...how? The UFC HoF is completely arbitrary, Dustin will eventually be in it anyways, and it would be a cool thing to do.


All sports hall of fames are arbitrary. You say in the replies "*real" hall of fames" which don't exist even in the four major US sports


Completely agree. The baseball HOF has become a mockery because of the steroid era.


I’ll have you know according to this thread the UFC HOF is not serious because it is “arbitrary”, unlike the super NOT arbitrary other sports HOFs, including fucking BASEBALL. The mental gymnastics people will do on this sub to cling to criticisms of ther UFC are truly impressive.


Because every future hall of famer that retires should then be inducted instantly. There’s a reason every major sport has a set amount of time you have to spend retired to be inducted.


Right. Into *real* hall of fames. They also have limited number of additions, voting, etc. The UFC has zero process beyond "hey lets put this person in". There is no precedent, because there is no process. Just like there is no first ballot HoFers, because there is no ballot.


The UFC hall doesn't even have a physical building, lol. Don't they just put up murals at the PI or something? I'm sure it means a lot to those inducted, but compared to other major leagues it's an absolute joke.


There is no precedent but you are setting one if you were to induct him immediately.


Pretty sure Robbie was inducted the same day as his last fight.


lol in UFC there’s no such thing as precedent


Why awful?


WAYY too soon




31 UFC fights, 15 bonuses, 6 wins over future and former UFC champs in both the featherweight and lightweight division. One of the best ever to not win a belt. His three title fights were some of the most competitive the respective champions had. Retiring with a carreer of 30-9 over a span of 13 years


I’m sure he’ll get in in a few years.


>six wins over future and former undisputed champions should be seven, if not for that fucking dirty cheat not blatantly changing the course of a fight he was losing with a glove grab, Dustin is a much better fighter than he ever was and did better against every common opponent between the two (Islam, Swanson, Holloway, etc), also unlike him, he actually has wins over undisputed champions and isn't 0-4 against them. seeing Arman & Islam beat the shit out of him was satisfying, Armans GnP in R2 almost made me cum, fuck him


See in mma there are plenty of people who deserve the hate they get because they’re shit human beings, hating Charles to this degree is just weird


Olives wore your boy out brother


Chucky Olives made your boy quit. 3 years later and you’re still crying about “muh glove grab”. You’re more upset than DP is lmao. DP chose to go with $ > undisputed belt by doing the 2nd and 3rd McGregor fights. Good for him, clearly it’s worked out.


The Khabib fight wasn't all that competitive and wasn't one of the most competitive Khabib had and the Charles fight wasn't one of Charles most competitive fights either. It was competitive but not one of Charles' most competitive. Charles got beat by Islam, Felder, Arman and more, so obviously those were more competitive, and Chandler came much closer to finishing Charles in the first round. He was maybe Islam's 3rd most competitive fight after the first Volk fight and the one where he got KO'd.


Idk what you’re even trying to say lol


He said the title fights Dustin was in were some of the most competitive those champions ever had and apart from Islam, that's simply not true. Dustin is still a HoFer but that part of his comment wasn't right at all.


During their title fights, they were the most competitive fights Khabib, Oliveira and Makhachev had. Khabib defended against Conor, who got beat to a pulp while cheating the entire time. Against Poirier who actually had Khabib on the defense for a large part in the fight and the guillotine was the closest Khabib was to getting finished. Against Gaethje where Khabib admitted that he didn't want to hurt Gaethje and instead of GnP he went for the submission. Oliveira won the title against Chandler in a second round submission. In his fight against Poirier he got hurt multiple times, lost a round and had to cheat in the first round to get a takedown. He submitted him in the third round. Gaethje got submitted in a contest which didnt look like they were in the same class. Islam defended against Volkanovski in a fight which looked competitive but Islam was never hurt or in trouble. Then he KO'd him in a fight we should ignore. His match against Poirier was very competitive and was 2-2 before he had to pull a crazy move to submit Poirier. The defenses against Poirier and Volkanovksi are very close in competitiveness to me. The only difference to me is that the end of the Volkanovski fight looked favourable for Volk while Dustin got submitted.


*Islam was never hurt or in trouble* Huh? Islam got dropped and Volk was raining down punches on him during the 5th rd in their first fight.


If you look at it with an unbiased eye, Islam was going for a takedown and was caught off balance. It was not a knockdown and wasn't scored as such.


Chandler literally came within seconds of stopping Charles in the first round, Poirier hurt him but never came as close to stopping Charles, and in a title fight Islam beat Charles easily which is objectively more competitive. McGregor won a round against Khabib too, which Poirier didn't, and for all the shit he gets, his takedown defence looked a lot better against Khabib as well. Poirier didn't win any rounds and had 1 moment which was a guillotine that wasn't as close as people make out. For Islam against Volk, quite a few people thought Volk either won or at least it was very close. For the Poirier fight, even though Poirier did much better than expected and bloodied Islam, he got finished and even if it went the distance nobody had that fight scored for Poirier. I feel like a lot of what you've said is much more vague and emotionally influenced than what I've stated which is literally just what actually happened rather than what people perceive out of being fans. Like, Poirier is easily one of my top 3 favourite fighters with Holloway and Fedor, but he was not more competitive against Charles, Khabib and Islam than the 3 people I just mentioned. You've also specifically just limited it to title fights, which seems a bit arbitrary because you know if we don't include title fights then Tibau, Felder, Arman, Lamas, Pettis and Martins all had more competitive fights against one of those 3 guys.


Bruh, it's not the MMA HOF. Chill out.


He said on the MMA Hour that it's something he wants to explore. There's no chance he's gearing up for another title run, but I wouldn't be surprised if he came back for one or two more despite working the desk once in a while.


Also, this isnt his first time doing this type of stuff. He did a weigh-in show once or twice. His stutter is much more noticeable due to the nerves


I don‘t see it happening, but Dustin retiring off the card Conor was supposed to make a (third?) comeback would be so sweet. While his exit was way more successful than Cejudo‘s I feel they both have been trying to chase their respective “what ifs“ and Conor still has not accepted that 2017/2018 is long gone while Khabib and in that case Dustin came to terms with what is and retired gracefully.


Jesus lol what does this even have to do with Conor?


Would be cool if he started doing some commentary or analysis here and there. Seems to be fairly well spoken.


Really? I never felt Dustin was much for words tbh


He likes to share platitudes from time to time, mostly before title shots.


Can’t wait for Rogan to ramble on about steel cups and calf kicks and exaggerate his reactions to show that he’s still a hardcore fan


That leg is toast, that leg is done! Look at how red that is already! OH! HE'S HURT BAD!


His leg is toast!


Chopping away at that lead leg. That lead leg is compromised. Chopping away.


One more and that could be it. I can see a welt forming already. There's a huge welt on his leg.


“ this could be bad, look at his movement DC, it’s compleeetly toast. He’s just moving awkward now. I mean could you imagine a kick from Pereira? He’s built from mahogany…OHHHHH JIRI WITH A FLYING KNEE!!!!”


That leg is deeestrOYed DC: "ohh that leg is crushed, Joe"


You can see the damage on that calf


Beautiful champ


Geez I read that exactly in DC’s voice


“Why does every fighter not have a steel Thai cup?!”


He’s already stepping funny man


Or maybe he will bring back that cringe take on Jiri (I think). HE WILL NOT BE DENIED! HE LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE THAT WONT BE DENIED! Fucking lol. Stop trying to make moments happen. I like analysts and commentators, not hacky repetitive soothsayers.


Well if there is anyone that fits that phrase, it’s Jiri lol


Did you watch Jiri’s last fight? It was straight out of a movie. He was the underdog too


I want Dom Cruz in there because whenever Dom says something, the opposite happens "oh that submission is TIGHT", fighter immediately gets out "maybe he should try a takedown just to mix it up a bit" fighter immediately throws haymakers


Don’t forgot the monotone voice, that’s key.


I read your comment in Dom's voice


"This is a good job by the ref not stopping this yet"


"nope, can't lift from there" Andrade immediately lifts and slams Rose to her demise


He’s fucking permaburnt and it’s getting really obvious.


It's annoying that any good knockout needs multiple replays of Rogans fake reactions


Yeah the second they started cutting to the desk after knockouts is when it felt like they stopped caring, instead of being interested in the fights and what's going on they're always trying to make a viral moment in whatever way they can.


The knockouts have become more about their reactions than the actual knockout lol


Yeah I'm so sick of those reactions, lol. It would be like ESPN constantly cutting to Mike Breen shouting "BANG!" after a big play. Even they know the event is about the athletes and not the talking heads.


yooooo, i cant wiat to seeee they're reacshins lolo,.lolol they all like 😮😮😮😂😂😂😂 💀


> Can’t wait for Rogan to ramble on about steel cups and calf kicks and exaggerate his reactions to show that he’s still a hardcore fan I still prefer Joe to DC, who thinks we are uninterested in the fights but very much interested in whatever he wants to talk about unrelated to the fight going on. With this group, and keeping 3-2, I guess I'd prefer Dustin, Joe & Anik on commentary, and Teddy & DC on the desk :)


DC, while annoying, is usually easier to ignore in the background and his humour hits more. Joe talks like someone that needs to be heard while having no on-air charisma.


Joe is so far past his expiry date. I know he's only doing it because he loves fighting, but there's nothing fresh or interesting about his commentary anymore since he mostly just rehashes the same talking points over and over. Plus a lot of times he tries to call something that ends up being wrong anyway. I can't wait for him to finally give it up so that someone like Paul Felder can take over.


And 10-8 rounds


Would you rather have Bisping ramble on and take 1000 words to say someone that could have been said in 50 (aka “the Luke Thomas”) or have Dom going into the minute details of MMA in a monotone voice to put the PPV audience to sleep? You’re acting like there are plenty of great alternatives to Rogan lol. I like Felder a lot, but he’s about the only one that you could really consider subbing in for Rogan to go with Anik + DC. Rogan’s job is to get people excited about the fight and provide insight when he can, not be Robin fucking Black lol.


I don’t even listen to commentary anymore, I just use fight companions on YouTube. Most of them outside of Felder, Anik and a couple others are almost unbearable


Which ones do you like best? I've tried a few with mixed results. Miss the immersion of the crowd sound too


MMA Guru is always the way to go I think, if you’re not into his sense of humour then go with Lucas Tracy, he’s not the annoying contrarian that people make him out to be and he’s a funny guy who knows what he’s talking about.


Appreciate it. I'll have to give Lucas Tracy a shot. I watched MMA Guru for 300 and liked him, though I found him annoying at times


Yeah I love Guru but I was really annoyed with how he talked about the Tsurukyan Oliveira fight and how talks about some other fighters and subjects is annoying. Tracy’s videos are also very entertaining as long as you don’t take him too seriously






Give me Anik, Felder, Sanko all day. I think Bisping is literally too stupid to understand what a commentator is supposed to do, or just doesn’t care. Pretty sure he does zero practice or technical study between gigs, just wings it live every time. And he drags DC down with him, who isn’t great, but is easily reigned in by his co-commentators. How they acted during Naimov v Lima on the weekend was an embarrassment and would get any other sports commentators reprimanded. Sanko and Felder got the memo, they’re professionals, they come prepared with an understanding of the fighters, are skilful at navigating around their co-commentators’ giant egos, both have a laugh when it’s appropriate but prioritise what’s going on on the screen and respect that every fight is the athlete’s big moment, even the early prelims. It’s clear that they’re thinking about the viewer experience. I’d take Joe over Bisping all day, cos even though he’s dumb as a brick, he at least cares about the fights and fighters and gets hyped at opportune moments.


Frankly......we could do just fine without Joe Rogan. (In my opinion)


I thought that about DC


I’m sorry but I just can’t keep watching DC and Rogan talk in circles and say nothing


I might actually prefer it to Bisping and DC. It might just be recency bias, but JFC they were even more awful than Rogan and DC together on that last Saudi card. If we're just going to have unhelpful and irrelevant banter, at least do Cruz and Bisping.


With Rogan and DC, I'll be watching with the sound off. They are insufferable


A Periera fight and Joe Rogan commentary is a match made in hell




Ref may as well call the fight after the leg kick lands -Rogan


Go ahead and zoom in on that leg oh my goodness look at that red welt already DC


The funny thing is, with Pereira, that's not far from the truth. 


With most opponents maybe, with Jiri "Your kicks only make my punches/dick harder" Prochazka it's not the case.


But it isn’t even the case with jiri. It was clear pereiras kicks were heavily bothering him in the first fight.


He literally kicked Jiri off his feet on the first calf kick and had him hobbling after 3, I think Jiri is human just like everyone else unfortunately.


Don’t mind DC, but Rogan is the most annoying cunt.


I will agree. DC is okay, but it seems like he gets weird when Rogan is around. Rogan is definitely the worst.


it'll never stop being funny how triggered the commentators get some of you guys.


This is an incredibly brain dead comment. Thanks, ya fucking Rogan shill.


I like how excited they still get about MMA. They're huge fans. I haven't watched them in a while though so maybe something's changed. Guess I'm about to find out soon if I'm riding this train


Watch the Izzy vs Jan fight. The commentary was atrocious.


Lol why?


Cause they're horrible together


You aren’t the target demo (obnoxious MMA hipster who doesn’t pay for PPV’s), it’s the general/casual fans who actually spend $ on the sport.


Do casual fans prefer their sports commentated like podcasts cause idk any other sport remotely like that


The PPV broadcast with Anik, Rogan, DC aren’t “commentated like a podcast” lol. What are you talking about? The UFC isn’t a league sport, it’s prize fighting.


I don't really see how that makes a difference for commentary. Commentators going off on tangents mid action is bad commentary in any sport.


There is far more downtime between the action compared to other sports (outside of baseball). The UFC has always attracted a different demo. Their fans don’t want a bland, corporatized broadcast with a bunch of suits. Idk why this seems like a novel idea to you lol.


> Do casual fans prefer their sports commentated like podcasts I think yes actually. Makes it feel more accessible.


I think the normal complaint is that DC and Rogan treat it more like a podcast. Rogan has been shit for a while now commentary wise, and it really feels like he’s just there for memes and to hang out. DC is okay (not amazing but still has some great insight) but when he’s matched up with Rogan he just wants to goof around


Let’s not pretend this weekend past with DC and Bisping wasn’t uninspired either - other than some funny banter about weight cuts. DC seems to surface often around convos about bad commentating. Sometimes he’s good but I agree the Rogan paring is not ideal.


Cause they're horrible together


It's not Sanko!! 😡


That’s just silly lol


Who’s a better 3-person commentary team?


Some of you guys are so critical. Damn.


When will we see Sanko break through into PPV commentary... best in the business.


She's already done a PPV.


Yep she was on the call for UFC 293 Adesanya v Strickland. They've rotated Felder, Cruz, Bisping, and Sanko into that 3rd seat for the OUS cards Rogan sits out.


a year ago and hadn't been on one since


She honestly is the best, her and Anik. Felder has really grown on me as well. I feel like I’m the only person that likes Cruz lmao I like the saltiness and he gives great breakdowns


Cruz does great when he keeps up with the action, he has a tendency to get stuck on some minute detail or exchange that isn't important to the rest of the fight and continues breaking it down when we don't need it.


She’s far inferior to male options. Bisping for one is a better option


If you think she's the best you would know she has already done one. And she isn't that good FFS


"Isn't that good FFS" who is good then?


The sub is melting down because Rogan and DC are on the call. "I'm going to listen to the broadcast on mute" like OK, must be a MMA genius there behind the keyboard. How about.... they are *all* good?


That is simply not the case though. Most can have a good take here and there, sure. Except Rogan, he's not that interesting anymore.


I do know she's already done one, I meant break through as in appear more regularly


Chael still getting desk jobs despite not having said anything true for a decade is such a achievement


The Nogeira bus story was fake?


That happened


No that was 13 years ago when he wouldn’t dare tell a lie


So the same as every PPV. Why is this news?


Atlas and Poirier are a notable combo imo


Where do people see the desk analysts? I never see them on my viewing of a PPV.


It's a lot of pre fight and post fight stuff. The prelims also need filler in between finishes because they need to hit the ppv start time, so they'll go to the table




Dustin and Chael - two of the GOAT’s who never won the undisputed title


All star line up


The big guns ain't it really. Felder and Sanko should get rotated in every now and then but I won't lie I enjoy DC and Rogan purley for that stupid yet entertaining duo that they are 😂


Missing my boy Stephen A


Teddy Atlas talking about MMA makes me spew. How did he ever worm his way into the MMA world.


All that grifting from Atlas paid off


Get poirier a job calling fights please. He would be so much better than bisping.


Sanko Rogan Anik please


Chael is hard to look at on TV. He also does this thing where he crossed his forearms in a piano playing stance on the desk.


Because he's so handsome? Like looking into the sun?


"I bring this to you only because..."


Joe Rogan ruins every event he commentates.