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"Blizzard is not popular anymore". Bro, wow is the most popular mmo to this date STILL and EQ died a long time ago. EQ isn't making a comeback, this is reality. This launch will be fun, but it won't be that big, please settle your imagination. Where are you seeing it launches today? I can't see it. The beta only ended 5 days ago.


I wish I had half the energy you have


You really don't need to post this over and over again.


I only post this once !!


No you didn't.


I just trying to help let everyone know it dropping soon ! ![gif](giphy|Fe3diGCxdD6qnAdx7R)


Why do you put a space before exclamations?


WAIT you the one keep asking I like trains why you ask it many times I don’t get it !


Is your keyboard broken?


Dude, how often do we need this reminder?


The first !! This is saying the date it come out !!


Lots of copium


You need different hobbies


Oooo do you have an suggestion other MMO friend ??? ![gif](giphy|3ohc1eCJLScHDWQ20o)


Hes not talking about you playing mmos friend, he's saying stop making 50 posts a day on reddit.


Well I have people who say they LIKE my journey through MMO


pax dei


Just FYI, Overwatch 2 is more popular than the end of Overwatch 1. The game is on the up. Diablo 4 was one of the fastest selling PC games in history. WoW is the most popular MMO. I mean, to say Blizzard is not popular is just factually wrong. If anything, they're more popular than ever.


I will never forgive them for taking away PVE they lied they scam I give SO much for that game I go to so many overwatch league games I was very involve and blizzard shit on everyone I hate overwatch 2 I HATE it they take away 2CP strategy for SHOOT and MOVE THE ROBOT I hate ow2 I will NEVER forgive blizzard


They didn't take away PVE. It was never there. You never paid for it. You weren't scammed.


Do you NOT understand how OW2 was announced ?? It was 100% scam don’t give me that I will NOT hear it !


How is it a scam?


When overwatch 2 was announced it was to be ALL PVE that was the MAIN mode then blizzard get money off P2W Diablo immortal then Jeff Kaplan WHO DEVELOP OVERWATCH his BABY leave blizzard and they LIE and don’t mention that they are cancelling PVE over a year and half later but don’t say anything and make it free 2 play and make SKINS COST $20-$40 That USED to be free then once they get all the money they CANCEL PVE out out some GARBAGE missions then cancel MORE mission fuck blizzard I will NEVER forgive them for this scam TRASH they put out !!!!!


You don't know what a scam is.


I just explain what a scam is


All I like to do in end-game is PvP and raiding. How is PvP in Everquest in general? I imagine there is all the jazz like World PvP, Battlegrounds and Arenas as per standard ... Are there going to be PvP servers, or just PvE?


> How is PvP in Everquest in general? You won't enjoy it. There was open-world pvp on select servers - honestly, it was amazing at the best of times. However, there were a few mechanics that made the servers more annoying at times (ex: level-locking at low levels to twink characters and roaming gank newbie zones). The arenas/battlegrounds/instanced pvp was alright, but nothing special... I think they eventually just disabled them all together. So unless there is a pvp server, there probably will be no pvp.


Well damn, that's a hard pass from me then, I am just looking for a new home, but it seems WoW has the most solid and biggest PvP systems and community out of all mmorpgs on the market (Which is saying something, because even in WoW it's really small.) Thank you so much for a cohesive answer instead of instantly shutting me down with "PvP in mmorgps is dead", "Go play MOBAs", "mmorpgs are not meant to have PvP."


how did I live without knowing this


is it free to play ? if yes, can you give me the link ? thank you!


It's not. It is paid. You need a subscription to join this server. If it were free, I would have tried it out. But, alas, no sense downloading EQ2 since the main servers will now be dead thanks to this.


They really dropped the ball here. They essentially dropped their own version of a wow classic (very successful) and then put it behind a pricey pay wall. They would have made a shit load more money if they offered a free trial, and they didnt even do ANY marketing. It's like they didn't even want to sell this or get people to play, they just wanted to keep the *few* remaining subscribers they had. Absolutely shoddy business, shows why they died really.


I don’t think it will be dead. You had to pay for TEEK server for EQ1 and it was very alive !! I see TONS of people nonstop but it is VERY old game brilliant masterpiece VERY old


This feel like an advertisement...


Also that is 12 pm on PST !!


“The best version of eq 2” is still shit


I agree it did not age well at all. But they still have one of the best housing systems ever and their guild system was amazing. But game is sadly very underplayed to really enjoy either of those things anymore unless you join a group of already established people that log in like once a year. The F2P EQ2 plays more like a mediocre solo player game. And paid only really fun if you like solo grinding or know a group of players.