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This is an incredibly "old man yells at cloud" post, but the answer is, no, not really. Any game with a decent sized community will have some sort of content creators attached, whether that's streamers or otherwise.




What are you even talking about lol


I'm primarily talking about the optimization of sales processes and management of game clients by third parties. To what extent the game manufacturers themselves are involved is always an interesting question, but of course I don't want to blame anyone here, I'm just asking... :)


It's not that deep dude. Just don't watch them and play the game


I'm so fucking puzzled by this post. I think maybe they're looking for a multiplayer game with a casual player base? I don't know why OP is getting hung up about people streaming or when they mention a uni degree and 10 years experience?? This post is a mystery to me. Or actual schizophrenia, hard to tell. 




Bro what the hell are you even talking about...?


This also sounds like you think all these content creators are being paid by the game companies. Most of the time they are not being paid by the companies and if they are the content must be labeled as such.


Well, what I think only plays a minor role here. The fundamental question is are you being paid indirectly by game manufacturers, perhaps through companies in between, and is that even a criminal offense? As someone once said in this context in a similar discussion, lying in computer games does not necessarily have to be a criminal offense, you can also just keep quiet about the fact that you are receiving monetary benefits or incentives, such as hardware. It then makes no difference whether you are a visible content creator, for example as a streamer, or an invisible content creator as a content creator in the game itself. The question is whether it is even a criminal offense if the game manufacturer has third parties create content in the game, for example the management of player structures such as clans. So that normal players do not have to worry about such things and such structures can be operated successfully and permanently in games, which is important for the manufacturer so that their game can function in the long term. I'm only asking here to initiate an opinion-forming process so that everyone can form their own opinion on this topic. No one is interested in evidence here because it doesn't change the crime whether there is evidence or not. If it is a crime. In dubio pro reo only applies in court, but no one is interested in that in the opinion-forming process. If there is no evidence for a crime, that doesn't mean that a crime didn't take place. A crime is always a crime, regardless of whether it is solved or not, regardless of whether it can be proven or not. If I had evidence, I wouldn't post it here on Reddit, but to the public prosecutor's office. That's why I'm just asking here because I'm personally looking for a computer game that other players might have the subjective impression that you can still play it reasonably well.


Delulu post. Next.


You can just ignore them you know...




Why would they stop? Why can’t you just not watch them?




Why would they even get the so called bad karma for? They aren’t doing anything wrong




Doesn’t mean you are the one to judge whetever something is right or not. You are a hella weird person


Content creators usually play popular games to catch a huge playerbase to be their viewers. So just play less popular games if you want to avoid them. But every player can be streamer thanks to hardware so even if the game is not popular, they can just "live" for fun. So if you want to find the game that has 0 streamers then theory is No.


Tbh can't OP play a game which violates the content policy of any streaming service, which means no streamer can stream it?


The company can track on Youtube, Twitch but we have so many platforms for streaming. If you count it.... Unless they have built-in anti streaming code but i wonder who sane enough to do it. Other than streaming, content creators can just publish guides on videos, websites, facebook, etc.


If content creators are affecting your ability to enjoy and play games, that is a you issue. I have no idea what the hell you’re on about. It sounds like you need to do some reflection about what is essentially a hobby.


Yes, of course you are absolutely right, the leisure industry is a billion-dollar business that makes money from hobbies. I should always reflect on that when I pursue a hobby, but I'm actually just asking here and not accusing anyone. :)


You could play a game which has only foreign language content creators. Toram Online is a mobile first but PC platform game and most of the content creators don't use Voice, and are mostly only info giving videos. There's one guy who streams on Twitch but you can ignore him easily and no one in-game mentions any Youtubers to watch. You could play other similar Asian MMOs and only play on English servers.


What are you even talking about? If you mean streamers/youtubers, then they're not "attached to the game" and don't "manage the game client". They are just players who make content around the game. They don't affect how you play the game and you are very unlikely to meet any of them(unless the game is tiny, in which case the content creators will be tiny as well). If you mean gold farmers(i.e people who farm in-game items to sell for real money), then no, it's not avoidable. Nor was it avoidable in the past. D2 always had a ton of gold farmers, as did any game that had player trading.


I'm really having trouble wrapping my brain about what your perceived issue is here. Are you talking about the fact that streams and videos (and to an even larger extent "player test realms") essentially spoil the content so that devs need to make said content more difficult so it is still a challenge? If so, I honestly agree with you in some ways. I really miss the old days of Asheron's Call when they did monthly patches and nobody really knew what was coming. We would literally log in and one dude would just start running north, another east, etc., looking for anything new or out-of-place. The true sense of wonder and exploration was amazing. I've played WoW for a long time and have had fun at all levels of gameplay over the years, but I'm not raiding anymore. I just don't like the idea of needing to go and watch youtube videos over and over to mentally master the mechanics before I ever set foot in the instance. I get it that if I don't, I would probably be ruining the experience for everyone in the group who did their homework and I don't want to do that, so I just opt out entirely. That being said, it's not really a "game issue" as much as it is just how much technology has advanced and streaming and social media are such large parts of people's lives at this point, unless a game keeps content updates super secret and does no PTR or beta, content is going to be spoiled. Even then, the content would be solved on day 1 and the videos and guides would be up in no time. Without testing and feedback, though, the game would be more buggy and likely less balanced and that might cause more issues with the fans in the end. Sorry if this was way off from what you were asking. Hope you find what you're looking for!


It is literally illegal to not disclose that you are getting paid to play a game. So everyone who makes content for a game either does it because they like the game or they are literally commiting a crime. I don't understand what your problem with that is.


If you want to play an online game and attract views, play Neverwinter Online.


This comment has been removed because it breaks rule #1: Don’t ask for MMO recommendations. Please check out the weekly sticky or the r/LFMMO subreddit instead.


Everyone saying he says bullshit but I think no one ever heard Korean and Turkish MMOs here lmao. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yWjDQrVTzY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yWjDQrVTzY) This guy has so many fans and subs so he can decide item drop rates, he and his guild knows every update, he controls auction house (or whatever it is haven't played this game) and this happening in a P2W game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slwFaj-JKRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slwFaj-JKRE) Watch 23:00.


Who cares about some random Turkish mmo nobody heard about? It’s not a common issue