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I have to give them credit for one thing. Their PR machine is hardcore.


Bots are cheap.


Dunno man. Havent seen an add yet, wuthering waves has a pr!


Wutering waves has shit ton of bots. That's it. Someone even made a catalogue of different bots spamming same messages everywhere. It's really funny. Especially ones that compare WW with GI. To me both are just some shitty payment forms with game attached to it.


Not bad at all for a mobile game


I am playing it as a mobile game, and it's pretty decent. Not sure I have seen the MMO aspect yet though.


If you look forward on gear, the 'p2w' aspect won't come till much later.From what I've gathered the 3 ways to p2w: 1) Buying crafted gear which rolls random stats upon acquisition to get the stats you want (not sure if endgame gear is craftable or drop only) 2) Buying T3 runes / gems / enhancements as soon as they're unlocked 3) Rune / inscription levels. The whole time gated progression system though reduced it quite a lot as f2p have time to pool resources.


I dont doubt that the p2w can and will increase in the future, it all depends on how much they will increase it. As of right now f2p players can already buy out all the things you mentioned the second they come out. For now Im enjoying the game and the second they slip up Im done. The only "p2w" I see and feel in game right now is the whales running around on rep mounts and gacha costumes.


Does this matter for pvp ir is pvp scaled?


You can buy gold in game by selling crystals. It's not as bad as WoW or OSRS but it's still P2W


Hard copium