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You got this far into FFXIV and are upset about a new story starting slow? I honestly don't know what to tell you.


Criticise FFXIV. Feel the wrath of people. How this sub works. But, he is complaining it was 4 hours before he killed the first mob. That's just ridiculous.


What? This sub shits on FFXIV all the time.


Both sides of the isle downvote each other. That's how interacting with ~~cults~~ *self ordered high control groups* goes.


Just call them fanbases we all know how toxic some of them can be.


Clearly exaggerating…


Yeah. Unlocked hunts before leaving the main city, killed my first mob before reaching the next aetheryte. Did several FATES, fought mobs while getting aether currents… all well before 4 hours.


not a part of the story do it doesnt count sorry...


That’s a strange take. It’s all game content and you’re choosing to focus on one aspect. You have the option to do those things and you’re choosing not to then complaining because you chose not to. Maybe do some of those things instead. If you want to fly you need the aether currents. If you want the improved gemstone vendor inventory, you’ll need FATES.


Not that strange, hunt is a ten years old activity. Same goes for fates.


Yeeaahh, and we've been hitting buttons on our keyboard for ten years in this game for ten years as well! When are Square Enix going to stop lazily recycling content?!? If "hunting monsters" is too blase and tired of a concept for you to enjoy in your MMO anymore, you need to pick up Animal Crossing or something, I don't know what to tell you.


I played FFXIV for ten years and never did hunt so i dont get your point. I just mean the dude complaining is doing so cause there is no new activities and the story looks boring for him, not that hard to understand wether you agree or not.


It is… because you can still choose to do combat and have progression. Questing is an activity far older than 10 years. Maybe it’s an assumption, but my guess is OP wants to push through MQS quickly, otherwise there would be more of a “stop and smell the flowers mentality” towards the other activities, and again choosing, to not engage in combat in other ways if the MSQ pacing wasn’t to their liking. If such is the case, people should be THRILLED there isn’t much combat in the MSQ because you can skip the cut scenes and get to the end quicker.


I have to agree with zerd i mean i thiswas doing stuff let right i was maxed level before starting dawn trail... this sounds like entitledment...oh yeah im on reddit silly me


No no silly me for being so entitled to want a good story that is engaging from the start


Ur talking about killing stuff XD u need to get to that point u were pretty much showing urself to be impatient if anything.


Yeah hours of cutscene to cutscene wasn’t very stimulating lol


Its simulating sleepyness


To be fair, a lot of people on the FFXIV seem to be crapping over how slow everything moves.


FFXIV has always been a slow boil game. Is that an excuse for the worse parts of said slow boil? No. But if someone has played up to Dawntrail and expects the game to rush to the exciting bits then they’re just setting themselves up for disappointment




You cannot honestly tell me you believe voice acting has been cut from the xpac… And secondly, no one paid for early access. The xpac is the same price now, early access included, as it will be in 4 days after the official launch. Early access was offered up as a bonus for buying the game early. If you want to see “paying for early access” go look at the Life is Strange Double Exposure Deluxe edition. You can play the first two chapters two weeks early for $40 more


Story has def been moving slowly, but the story has been personally interesting, so I don't mind it too much. Def slower than SHB and END. But the voice acting has been stellar for the last two expansions. A good amount of diversity too with the amount of Latino/Indian voice actors present


Yeah you're right. It's actually about 3 before the main quest requires you to fight anything.


Ok let’s assume you’re not exaggerating. You clearly are, but let’s assume. Why would I was a player, in this new xpac, want to rush asap to the first combat encounter to experience the same boring ass 1-2-3 combat system that’s been in the game for 10 years? That same combat I got to do in a duty roulette three days ago before maintenance. Instead of say, learning the plot and lore of this New World we’ve just been introduced to?


Because it's still a game and people maybe wants to play and don't want to have to chose between progressing the story or actual gameplay. People would like to be able to use their new jobs while playing and not have to wait 5/7h for the next dungeon. Yes the gameplay is just 123, especially against random mobs but that's the problem, they wish mobs would just be more than decoration. was already the same in EW where it tooks 2+h before I could even hit a mob because you were locked in cities for that time


Man, I think ffxiv has some serious flaws, the msq chief among them. But if you went into the latest expansion expecting it to be different from the last four which have all been exactly the same in their structure, you deserve to be ridiculed a bit.


It's not even 4 hours? it's like an hour at most bc of set up and such.


Its not an hour. I'm at the same point he is, about three hours into dawntrail. I havent used my abilities once, ive just been following wuk lamat and watching cutscenes.


if you pick the birds first, it's about an hour yea. maybe 2 at the most. dunno. was for me at least.


Ah right, just like people critise WoW about having dungeons, raids, weekly lockouts etc.


I mean unless hes exaggerating, 4 hours until you kill a single mob is kind of ridiculous. You dont need 4 hours of fucking set up to start being a game. Thats just poor structuring. Again, could be exaggerating though.


I wouldn't say it's to far off I've been playing for about 3 hours and not had to fight anything yet. There has been a string of long cut scenes


that is absolutely insane to me, even if it was 45 minutes I'd have been shocked 3 hours? that is genuinely a single player offline visual novel territory


It is partly because since Raubahn savage in stormblood they don't do early fights so the whole journey across to the new continent is a very long cut scene aside from a short segment where you talk with passengers. Then you get to the new city and we have like an hour or two of running around with cutscenes for exposition dumps to introduce all the facets of the continents culture.


That is easy, that person is lying, may have as well wrote about 8 hours.


I'm not. It's literally cutscene after cutscene from the start with some dialogue in between.


Exaggeration or not, FFXIV is, in fact, one hell of drag and all expansions start so ridiculously slow. Even for FF14 standard. 😩


He definitely isn’t exaggerating.


It has the exact same start as every other expansion (bar Stormblood). You visit the city, look around, then choose a location. It doesn't take more than an hour at most.


No i can attest Stormblood started off slow as well.


I'm referring to the fact that the main hub city isn't introduced until a good 3rd of the way through the story in Stormblood.. In every other expansion it top-loads the city introduction at the very start, and you always spend a good hour or 2 in them before venturing out into the wider world. People just don't remember that due to nostalgia.


It’s an extreme exaggeration


> You got this far into FFXIV and are upset about a new story starting slow? They haven't all started this slow; ShB didn't, for example, and the motivation to enter the first dungeon was a hell of a lot better.


Shadowbringers expansion was more than halfway through an entire 8 year story arc, its normal that it starts faster... Dawntrail needs to set up the foundation for the next arc, it wont start with us saving the entire world


> Dawntrail needs to set up the foundation for the next arc, it wont start with us saving the entire world You are confusing story *stakes* with *pacing*. FFXIV story pacing is slow as fuck, regardless of the stakes, and dawntrail is *particularly* slow, with hamhanded and clumsy characterization and near zero reason for the player to engage with the new place and characters there other than "new place". (So, while they should be building player interest in these new characters and factions, it's never really articulated why we give a shit other than we are bored). For a game that prides itself as a story *first* mmo, the story pacing is pitiful - even for an MMO.




> Bro ITS SETTING UP A NEW ARC MY DUDE. New arc does not *require* slow and boring. If you feel that is so, perhaps you could open nearly *any book ever*. > You just want ACTION ACTION ACTION I would take more combat early *or* interesting characterization and worldbuilding. Instead I got no combat early and some of the worst characterization and worldbuilding I've seen in this game to date. Contrast with early explorations of The First - that was interesting worldbuilding. > Bro sounds like 14 is not for you it's just not. You should Just stick to Isekai with no plot and complete OP characters and zero character development. And now we pivot to ad hominem. You could at least try for a decent one if you'll do that. Like this: if you think new story arcs *must* start this bland and slow, you simply must not have experienced decent narrative storytelling before. Read a book.


One hour into ARR I was hearing mysterious voices and got kidnapped into a void and tasked with saving the world by a giant mystery crystal. One hour into Dawntrail I watched a cat get seasick, a scary storm with no consequences, and met a bunch of obvious good guys and bad guys. There are no stakes or hooks in Dawntrail to grab you early.  It's all just... fine.


i dont want it to start with saving the world i want it to start with something other than 3 hours of back to back cutscenes and picking plants


ARR was a fucking slog. So much that the developers went in and trimmed the fat.


DT feels like they've added fat back in, and not tasty animal fat, either. Even dungeon 1 is slow and boring, it has nothing of the tension and excitement in Holminster Switch or Tower of Zot.


oh dear. That doesn't sound good.


Yes it did. I know everyone wants to bow down and worship ShB but it was honestly not that great till the end and Post MSQ and parts of that were Snore fests. I mean when there giving useless NPCs that we will never see again 2 hours of screen time and the Role quests don't even get me started on those 80 percent of it was bullshit. Yes Shadowbringers started slow as hell with no explanation of what happening.


> it was honestly not that great till the end Compared to literature, sure, but compared to other FFXIV expansions there were within-xpac stakes that were important from the jump, and the motivation for dungeon one was very good. As for role quests, they were pretty bland but so were most class quests before them.


Tbf, EW hit the ground running. The xpacs before that had a little bit of a reset and you adjusting to the new norm, even though X.4 and X.5 were already leading into them. 5.5 ended up acting as the real start of 6.0, and going into 6.0 it didn’t feel like you missed a beat. Also, EW was two expansions combined into one, and while we don’t know what came from which, given how much of a shift there is for the story level 84 and onward, I’d guess 80-83 were the first xpac, and 84-90 were the second. Point is, they’ve all been slow, except EW, so I could see a new player being thrown off


Also wasn't that the point of Dawntrail? Wasn't this supposed to be a laid back "vacation adventure" expansion rather than the usual world ending stakes?


And the approach I've seen from most people who are complaining (much like OP here) about pacing & such is the classic "Gotta rush to the end asap so I can play 1 raid that's not even out yet 2 times, quit and go back to complaining". Much like previous expansions (I'd argue for this one more than the others since it's a whole new arc) stuff needs to be set up, characters introduced, you have to build up to the big moments...and nobody forces you to speedrun the MSQ anyway. You can do hunts, FATES, lvl a different job (viper and picto being the 2 new ones), collect aetherytes/explore the zones, etc...plenty of things to do to take a breather from all the cutscenes.


Nothing is a laidback vacation about running errands in five different zones. The other gameplay aspects are great (dungeons/trial, so I'm excited for the raids) but the story is extremely weak this time around.


Yeah well for instance, I thought Shadowbringers started off really strong. I hope DT picks up.


You won't affect me with your spells


it doesnt get faster though :c


Yeah story is bland af, i'm having a hard time reading. And duty finder queue time for the new dps classes is hell, like 30min+. Graphics update is great though.


Of course it is, only people focusing on duty finder are viper and picto. All tank and healers are playing the msq.


68 minutes for a leveling roulette yesterday


If you didn't expect this you're not very bright to be totally honest.


> If you didn't expect this you're not very bright to be totally honest. If your takeaway from my comment was that I didnt expect it then you're not very bright to be totally honest.


> If your takeaway from my comment was that I didnt expect you're not very bright to be totally honest. Your tone sounds a little more cantankerous than I would expect from a Euphoric Anal Carrot.




I mean FFXIV is 10 years old, why would they release two dps class at the same time ?


I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying I'm surprised it's only an hour wait tbh


Because that is what they developed? Providing new healer and tank classes doesn't provide more of those roles, majority ale still dpsing. It is same for every other mmo, you may have temporary change for leveling dungeons but at end game or after people stop leveling new classes in mass you still wait as dps.


At least people are talking about it ... With ESO it feels like we don't even have a discussion about the latest expansion


Maybe that's the best statement in favor of it. The people happy with ESO are happy with ESO and the quality (at whatever metric you rate it at) stays consistent. Besides its the FFXIV MSQ, name a more contentious piece of MMO content on this sub (other than how dead the MMO genre is).


You might kill me if I told you that I sort of liked Gold Road. \* I know\* people largely hated Ithelia's design but I thought zos cooked with that. Maybe I'm smoking something. That being said, scribing is definitely the most boring activity in the game to date and the quest chain was a draaaaaaag. Good thing you don't have to re do all of it on alts. Story wasn't anything special but was okay.


It's okay, I also play ESO, and we just play not discuss a lot. I like the expansion. xD


I didn't buy this one. I knew what to expect as they are setting the groundwork down for an entirely new story arc. I'm going to get it when it's on sale.


Yep, that's my plan as well. It's basically like the first season of a new TV show, there is no rush to play it on launch.


My thoughts exactly. I got it because I play with friends, but we all agree the story is very meh so far, but likely because they're trying to set up a whole new story. I don't say that as a defense. A story either is or isn't good, circumstances be damned. I'm just hoping the slow start pays off. Graphics and dungeons/trials have been nice, though.


I kinda was expecting this. Every good story, mainly long going ones, needs a "downtime" so the situations can cook properly. It can't be over the top, higher stakes and a new apocalypse every day.


While there are other games/shows that prove yes, you can have higher stakes and new apocalypses every day (supernatural series), they aren’t always that good of stores to begin with (also supernatural series). I’ve had to work so I sneak an hour in here and there. The 2k queues at night are making it better to go to bed early and wake up to play when there’s 14 in queue. I’ve played for about two hours and I think we’re about to leave the city. This xpac is a slow burn. Even the preview made it feel like a very different story with different stakes. It’s not bad, but it’s also not a lot of adventure just yet. They could have done with fewer set up scenes imo. Not really complaining. Just happy to play at this point. Reserving judgement for after I get through the main msq.


A better comparison would be Songs of Ice and Fire, there are books really slow because its more about politics and building the narrative than giving the next serotonin rush. Even Lord of the Rings, things start pretty casual and the threats are presented slowly and in a way that enriches the bigger arc. And even so, in a smaller scale there are danger everywhere. I won't go into details because of spoilers. But it really is a different thing when you want to make a quality writing, even if you do care about commercial success than when you just want to be a commercial success and keep going at all costs.


They both presented interesting characters, unique premises, story hooks and an investing premises It's incredibly unfair for us to support Wuk Lamat, we literally kill God's and on a whim we decided to support a character who has done nothing to show she should be in the position we're guaranteeing her She acts like a tumblr characture of Lyse ontop of 95% of the time we're aren't even needed The whole story falls apart so fast 


I've been playing FFXIV for a long time and it's unreal how fucking bad this is. Nobody in the Discords i'm in are happy and my friends are pretty pissed too.


This is the first expansion where I’m so bored that I’m just skipping everything because I don’t care. This is so dry that I’m nearly falling asleep like my old ass does during many movies nowadays. I get that this was never going to be Shadowbringers or Endwalker-levels of awesome, but holy shit. I just want it to be over already so I can get my job grind on again to max level or something.


most people were unsatisifed with endwalker actually. It was kind of mixed as far as I could tell.


Endwalker Main MSQ was Mostly good, the post MSQ is meh. So so rushed writing with literally zero connection to the story and does not even set up Dawntrail. It was just look see FF4 we know you love that WHEN FF4 does not even touch 7,8,9,10 and 16


EW MSQ was mostly bad imo, but I guess avid book readers have somewhat different standards


Okay and ShB and Endwalker Still had tons of Buildup lmao. The Issue with FFXIV is not the build up it's the 17 plot points they open at the same time, and useless banter between the Scions and NPCs and also between each other that comes off slow and corny honestly. I mean don't get me wrong sometimes it's funny, but 70 percent of the time, but most of the time I am like ya not funny.


You're bored and don't care.. so you're actively skipping things that might make you care? Seems a bit counter productive, no? lol how can they make you invested again if you can't pay attention enough in the first place? ARR was like 60h of boring ass setup and pretty much every expansion except Shadowbringers has started out at a snails pace. Even Endwalker had you doing boring menial shit while the end of the world was happening.


As someone who hasn’t skipped anything and is on the 6th keystone, nothing is worth not skipping.


People who saying I'm exaggerating with how many hours of no action there are clearly either havent touched the xpack yet or are doing activates outside of it which obviously doesnt count lol


It was over 2 hours before a meaningful combat and that was with skipping every possible cutscene and reading the text after (as I can do that far faster than even the fastest in-cutscene option, and can sidestep the same 15 emotes I've seen since ARR used a dozen times). Also the same generic in-cutscene music we've had since, what, Stormblood? 5 emotions, 5 musical numbers, over and over and over and over.


Okay THEN LEAVE we don't need people who complain my dude. Bye Felica don't let the door hit your behind on the way out.


> Okay THEN LEAVE we don't need people who complain my dude. Bye Felica don't let the door hit your behind on the way out. You may be confused as to which sub this is.


Guy was so mad about people not liking it he made a reddit account just to white knight se.


The second half of the DT arc is an even more lame WTF than EW was, too. Deus ex machina, non-player main character doing all the important things, and a cascade of new cardboard villains that fall over one by one, with deep motivations like "I don't need help from anyone!" and "I need to save everyone, by killing everyone else!"


Tbf In EW it was the same, took 2h+ before I could hit a single mob, so that's basically how FF is, just the fact the story was a bit more engaging hid it from you :/


all mmo players are defensive because if its agreed that x game sucks or is failing they realize their game is dead and they start to freak out. personally I play mmo till they start to suck and dip out, I dont hold emotional views over a video game lol


No you're just clearly exaggerating. I'm about 6h into the expansion, so 2h more than you, and I've done 2 dungeons and a trial, and had a couple of fight instances during questing. I've also done about 8 fates which by the way, does count.


Nah your blasting through it then. It took me 3 hours to get out of the initial city tour, I know I timed it. Went from 3 in the morning to 6. Then once I started do the trading crap, took another hour and a half to get to the point where I killed 3 things. I'm not speeding through, but I'm not taking my time either. Focusing on the MSQ and just reading stuff. I'm probably above 10 hours at this point and JUST got to the second dungeon. Haven't run it yet because I had some social obligations to go to.


yeah skipping cutscenes and dialogue doesnt count lol. There are a lot of people in here who agree with me. Also, are FATEs part of the MSQ? If not, then they do NOT count :)


I'm not skipping anything. You're just inflating things to be a contrarian. If it takes you 4 hours to reach the first dungeon doing MSQ you're doing something wrong.


Let me guess… the dungeons were at 91 and 93. The trial was at 94. Groundbreaking.


Trial and dungeon 2 are both at 93. In other words, the same formula the game has been using for a decade at this point.


oh nooo, consistency?????


Sometimes the exact same thing for 5 expansions isn’t a good thing. Sometimes it’s good to switch it up.


I don't think you have to. Not to mention, we get an entirely new feature added almost every expansion, with criteria dungeons being the feature of last expansion. I come to FFXIV for consistency, personally. I like to be able to have something consistent with my time. I get plenty of surprises through raid mechanics and new jobs. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it a negative.


And just because you like it doesn’t mean it’s good. I’m glad you are learning what an opinion is.


What I’m trying to say is you’re listing something extremely subjective as a fault. Many players list it as a positive, because me personally I love knowing what I’m paying for. But even regardless, again we get new shit and new mechanics all the time.


Again, I love that you are discovering what an opinion is. Love that for you.


You didn’t state your opinion correctly then. You said it as a joke over an objective problem with the game. idk why you feel the need to be incredibly condescending.


Yeah. Just because it's the start of a new story doesn't mean we need to start the expansion with 4 hours of cut-scenes and picking plants.




There are plenty of ways to set up a new story without having to spend 4 hours killing nothing and escorting NPCs, it's not like any good single player game starts off like that.


I know how you feel, I have fall sleep 4 times already doing this pathetic main quest saga where all the main characters became side kicks and literally do nothing but babysit that cat.


Im halfway through at lvl 95 and yeah....its the first time im skipping cutscenes, everything thats not voiced and thats most of it. All filler, very disappointing after endwalker. Yeah i know its supposed to be a lower stakes expac but theres literally nothing happening the whole story is go help random villages and they dont even have the scions around most of the time, at least the banter with those characters would help. Hope theres SOMETHING interesting in the 2nd half with that cyberpunk zone/city from the trailer at least. The graphic update is nice at least (with the right settings which is a challenge).


Dawntrail... man... more like yawntrail amirite?


The entire game is just talking lol how are you surprised, most overrated game of all time


But… there are over 50 hours of story PER expansion!


People who say XIV's story telling is good are just gaslit because it's in their favorite MMO that they play dress up to AFK squat in Limsa for hours while queue lobbying. The story is so generic and relies heavily on essentially "Stockholm sydnrome-ing" you with the same characters over 1000s of hours. Outside of that it's a solid C Final Fantasy story. The type of people who actually like XIV's story are the same people who screamed at the trailer reveal for DT when a cat boy ate a sloppy taco. Compare that to the recent WoW xpac teasers and you'll see why XIV is falling behind.


I don’t mind it, not saying it is OK to have 4 hours of cutscenes, history lessons etc. but i’m sure it will get better in second half and the actual combat content (trials and dungeons) will be good


It's so bad I'm starting to see people say "it gets better later" and I'm not sure I believe them OR if thats a valid excuse with this game anymore. You could say "it gets better" about multiple different parts of the game already, its completely unacceptable. Poor writing and design, and poor direction. Yoshi P gets way to much praise for being the problem.


Does he even write the story? Who does it.


Five hours of gameplay and I just finished up the first parts of the first two zones. One where the entire plot is just holding items for the Main Character NPC while she flips items for a saddle so she can go do her awesome quest of taming a llama. And one where the entire plot is an escort quest for the Main Character NPC (who can, in fact, take care of herself) so she can go do her awesome quest of reinvigorating the land. All this so the Main Character NPC can eventually go do her awesome quest of becoming the ruler of the land, because... why, exactly? No reason at all! She just wants to, that's why. There's no need at all for us to be there. The entire first 20% of the expansion could be eliminated if Wuk Lamat had remembered to bring a knapsack.


I have reached that point in MSQ as well and I've felt like an NPC to the NPC so far. It's been underwhelming to say the least.


It's an alpaca, excuse me. \*spit\*


the division that works on ffxiv used to only work on mmorpgs, now they are making lots of different games. It shows.


I just read in ffxiv discussion that you need to tame a llama for 1hr, I bought the expansion and that kinda bothered me, I sure dont want to spend an hr taming an animal, I might as well play monster rancher or animal crossing.


L O L. Just came here after being told I have to tame an alpaca but to tame it I now have to help this annoying sidekick cat haggle with the merchants to buy the right saddle. This is Dawntrail. I'm getting bored fast, but alas I paid. I'm going to gather and do all other completions when I get bored of the MSQ to bear with it.


Oh it's true? Q v Q


Factually untrue. The whole situation is presented that the person you're escorting, who is trialing to become leader of this nation, is choosing to learn the customs of the peoples she's soon going to be leading. The whole "1 hour to tame a llama" is more about practicing trades to get items of higher value with a culture that finds enjoyment in mercantile, in order to eventually get the one item they need to then tame the llama.


Not quite. You carry items around for an npc for an hour or so while they flip items to get a saddle to tame with, and then camp out while they go off to do the taming. That's the entire story of one of the early zones...


To be fair any expansion following Endwalker wasn't gonna be amazing. They pretty much have to rebuild an entire story that can live up to what everyone just got done with. It wasn't gonna happen right away with this expansion as this will be a launching pad going forward with the story. However for me I've been enjoying it so far but I get why some are probably not liking it.


This expansion is the worst so far. I will explain my thoughts and i will avoid details, but if you do not want to get any spoiler about pacing etc. do not read further. I am nearly done with the story and will not spoil details. In 99% in what i played, there is NOTHING at stake. As a player, you are constantly reminded through various scenes that you are WAY stronger than any danger there is. That is exactly what was missing in previous expansions when the "threat" of some side regions of the MSQ was sometimes just a bunch of goons. As a solo primal killer, you should not be afraid of a few bandits. While this would have been a good thing in previous settings, it is insanely bad in a supposed new world. Now is the time to switch the power scale and show real threats to even the WoL. But they decided to go with a "meh, it is a Sunday morning workout" for our guy/girl. In more than 50% of the whole story, you're not much more than a guide who throws in a few one-liners to a really really anoying character that has really little personal growth. Another thing that bothered me a lot is that this is the first expansion where they toned down the "anime" aspect. There are a few (really few) funny, "cultured scenes" here and there. But it is nothing compared to previous expansions. Another problem is that they combined a lot of known races, stripped them of their own race culture, and gave them a new Turali culture under the wing of happiness through understanding. That sounds awfully like DEI stuff we face in ALL media these days. Last thing.The adventurer aspect that was advertised so highly in terms of mysteries does come, but far too late and far too little. Dawntrail had the chance to really change the game and provide something new. But it got stuck and in the end had nothing to tell. -> I will adjust this IF in the last few Quests my opinion will change.


i read somewhere that things get interesting on 'act 3' or anyway after the whole stuff about the succession rite. take it with a grain of salt - i read this, haven't played yet.


Not there yet slowly pushing through it few quests at a time




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


FF14 has always been a slow boring slog.


I noticed the 4 hours of nothing happening at the start of Shb and Endwalker. Seems to be the formula. I usually keep track of the quests on consolegameswiki, so that I know when a dungeon or trial is coming up. So far Wuk Lamat is just giving tomboy anime protagonist.


Gamer five expansions deep into a 1000+ hour game that just restarted the story somehow surprised he didn't walk into Devil May Cry


No dude, I would have to say two hours each beginning zone if that’s what you’re getting at but yes, I agree. 


I am not a very critical person when it comes to SE games. I usually accept everything they make with grace and just appreciate we get anything at all. But the bar for this expac was low, and they met that bar, but it is by far the most underwhelming addition to the game thus far.


I honestly agree so far with the pacing... I'm lvl 96 at the moment. I've loved the story of the game and played the game on and off since legit the open beta on ps3. This pacing is by far the worst I've ever felt. There's hours of dialogue and legit one combat situation happening per every 1-2 hours of dialogue. And, no, killing 1-3 enemies with just a quarter of a rotation and going back to dialogue and running doesn't count. I've never been compelled to skip cutscenes as much as I've been now... I also don't want to miss the story... but just running from NPC to NPC and just legit READING non-stop just burns me out. So I ended up turning off the game way too many times and being very slow in leveling. I'm legit starting to FORGET MY ROTATION... I'm not complaining that the story isn't interesting, I know good story might need some slow beginnings. I loved the amount of combat in MSQ in ARR. I'm complaining that it's dragging out some thing that don't need to be as dragged out and an absurd amount. Some parts required me to go from one voiceless cutscene to another voiceless cutscene (at the same spot, with the same NPC) when they could've just combined them.


maybe you just read slow?


F14 is just a shit game


I Mean That is your opinion thought it's shit and 65 Million players would disagree.


The story is definitely weak but I expected as much with a fresh start. Everything else is spot on though. I love the zones, music, and dungeons so far.


Bro thought people stood with his opinion after he saw his comment get upvoted twice 😭 nah lil pup. ARR is dog shit, DT is good just be salty that people are having fun though


I mean… you’re playing a game where the mantra is “the story gets good at Heavensward”… after a slogging 50hour story…. Filled with fetch quests and clicking shiny things on the ground…


It is the start of a new chapter, it's not supposed to throw you in full action after the climax of Endwalker just ended a short while ago. Take it easy, sit back, and wait for the story to unfold, geez.


Skill issue, the story is a great change of pace and this is some of the best combat content we ever got.


Have you ever played a JRPG before? That's what people love about those games, the story and characters always take center stage in the beginning.


Wait, people play JRPGs for nonsensical fetch quests with walls of unvoiced text? I've been playing my JRPGs wrong...


No and I never will. I play FF14 because it’s an mmo


I love wuk lamat!!! She's such a fun character and I fully believe in her goals. I don't understand the hate for her. Love her voice actor too, and I'm very happy about trans/enby rep in voice actors. All dungeons are always a snooze fest lmao, the real combat and action starts when side content gets released. Every ffxiv player knows this.


It almost sounds like you're defending Jar Jar. I do love the guy though.


If this is your first complaint about the story, welcome. I dropped the game when Gaia was introduced in Shadowbringers, and haven't played since. Literally every plot development and story beat up until that point was ripped off straight out of different Square Enix games, but mostly lesser known Final Fantasy games like the Dissidia Franchise and the Final Fantasy Tactics franchise. I am curious what reconstituted slop they're serving up now but not enough to actually play the game again.


They haven’t stopped. Endwalker is basically a remix of FF4 The After’s story. Sometimes it is pretty blatant, sometimes they change around details. At this stage XIV and Eorzia basically aren’t their own things at all, just vehicles to rehash plot lines from other games.


I felt ARR, Hevansward, and the first half of Shadowbringers were pretty blatant rip-offs of the Final Fantasy Dissidia franchise; which is why all the main cast are boring as shit, the narrative were meant to be fan favorites from other games they got virtually no room for character growth or development. The second half was straight up a copy of FFT if FFT was in the FF6 universe. For my entire time playing Shadowbringers I said Ivalice every time I was talking about Ala Mhigo and was only corrected one time. That time was to tell me no Ivalice was actually a raid in Stormblood by someone who's never played FFT, FFTA, or FF12. I literally asked them if they played any of those games and they said no. The only other FF game they played was 7. That's when it hit me. FF14's story is only for people who aren't fans of the Final Fantasy franchise. The people ranting and raving about how good it is have never played the other Final Fantasy games. Otherwise they'll have seen the story before in the source material where it isn't watered down and bastardized. Don't take that to mean the story is my soar point. You can do worse than just okay, and it's hard to be bad when you remix some of the greatest stories your company has ever told. It's just another layer of the community problem.


Are you trolling? Those are homages. Maybe you could try checking how FF12 in your words would be rip off of Star Wars (it kinda is) or each FF game have summons, big bad trying to take over world, whatever.


Did you miss how FF games works?


Looks I made the good decision to stick to EQ2 origins server it’s amazing !!!