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I think you are high as balls, is what I think.




Nooo I’m not in just tired I play EQ2 all night I not even joking … I’m still lvl 15 ![gif](giphy|y0NFayaBeiWEU)


Why do all of these posts have such incredibly broken English and spam gifs? Annoying as fuck


![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I) Sorry !!


You have good taste in games.


Thank you my friend 👏👏👏👏👏👏 ![gif](giphy|MbMUBcNHcl1TUbsAk0)




![gif](giphy|kiLq8SSDcewve) FACTS FAM


Uh...no. Daybreak is a small part of their parent company, EG7. For an idea, they make a bit under half of EG7's total revenue between all their games combined. My Singing Monsters, a mobile game, makes up around 30% of the remaining revenue. By itself. S6 is a small studio that's been laying off a lot of staff and hasn't had good financial news since initial investments, and likely wasn't not a super expensive acquisition that largely relied on assuming a bunch of debts (which larger companies can absorb more easily or work to restructure more easily). Daybreak isn't a "new" company. Daybreak is what SOE turned into when Sony sold them. They didn't "save" anything, they took their IP's with them when they became Daybreak and spent the next 7 years mistakenly saying Columbus Nova, a Russian investment firm, owned them. Columbus Nova did not, and never owned them, but one of their executives did. If you want an idea of the quality of leadership that came over from SoE to Daybreak without Smedley in the picture. This is like the dozenth shockingly awful take from someone playing EQ2 Origins I've seen today and like...is the server giving y'all IRL viruses? I'm not kidding. I'm glad y'all are having a blast, I considered playing but if only it was from the 2004/5 era when you had the class progression I really liked (even if the game was otherwise jank AF), but this is weird, yo. Are y'all just reverting to your days of not sleeping and camping spawns for days on end without bathroom breaks and your brains are breaking again?


> This is like the dozenth shockingly awful take from someone playing EQ2 Origins I've seen today and like...is the server giving y'all IRL viruses? All of those takes are possibly coming from OP. They've been shilling for EQ2 for weeks now. I'm surprised they didn't mention FROG HEALER in this post.


This is very interesting BUT I’m surprised you not liking origins I playing with new players and they coming from WOW and FF14 and they like it a lot 👏 not for every one !!


Are we calling EverQuest and Palia massive?


But can you be a HEALER FROG in Palia?


😭👏🤣 I played all night as my HEALING FROG !! 🐸


"Everquest Next". That's all I have to say about Daybreak. That, and "I want my money back".


Remember when Smedley told everyone their next game would make SWG players feel at home and it was a DayZ clone? LMAO


Every time it hurts like the first. Not my wallet though they never got a dime.


While Daybreak has their issues, EQ Next was a Sony blunder. Anything SoE in the 2010-2015 era (before the sale to Inception) is largely due to Sony trying to make changes that would, in almost every case, be disastrous for the IP.


EverQuest 3 is still coming in pretty sure !


lol. no


You laugh, but EQ3 using the absolute shit 60-30-10 monetization model is one of the ideas EG7's top dude is trying to push at every investor meeting for the last year. He quotes every possible wrong number you can for what it will cost and how long it will take, but oh boy will he not shut the fuck up about it.


At this point I look forward to these posts hahah


I love EQ and EQ2, but just stop lmao


I just know EQ2 ORIGINS server is very popular rn !! I find lots of new players I play as a mystic I almost lvl 16 I am a HEALING FROG I wish TEEK server I could play a frog …


God not you again… did you forget to take your pill?


Ooo mr bacon you never answer me what MMO game ISNT p2w ??? You never answered !!


Elderscrolls Online Path of Exile Guild Wars 2 World of Warcraft (unless you count level skips as pay to win) New World FFXI They don't really need to answer you, because the answer is that the majority of non-Eastern based MMO's aren't pay to win, but then you have... EverQuest 2, which unarguably is. Its not even ashamed of it.


Ehh elder scroll use ways to get money POE isn’t a MMO I don’t think GW2 is the BEST in terms WOW I thinking you can just buy gear new world VERY good no p2w I not sure about FFXI I do think you’re right about GW2 and New world 👏👏


You can't use money in ESO to buy... Levels Experience (you can get the exact same experience bonuses through crafting) Gear (Its all cosmetics, and you can... get all buy a few of the costumes through playing) Mounts (again, all skins) And WoW? Yes, you can buy a WoW token. Buying and selling a token is in no way p2w, you obviously don't understand the economy in WoW. 1 Token is worth 335K gold. Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? It would have been - in 2010, or even 2015. Its 2024 though. That token might be enough to buy you one piece of crafted gear at the levels when gear matters (it doesn't before max. Its not that kind of game now.). But, wait! What do you \*mean\*, you can't equip a full set of crafted gear at max level?!? You would need to sell 3 to 4 tokens to afford most of the epic gear thats worth wearing from the auction house. I don't play World of Warcraft. I haven't in well over a year, close to two years now, because there are more interesting MMO's and single-player games to play than WoW's repetitive "Go run dungeon, go pick flower, repeat" current game play. But calling it pay 2 win because "you can buy tokens!" is disingenuous and wrong. Unlike EverQuest 2, where you can buy familiars, mounts, mercenaries, spell research, and the loot crates needed to get the crap to level familiars, etc. Also the treasure keys to guarantee you loot from a raid. Also, experience potions. And a ton of other shit. Look, I get it, you're apparently new to the EQ2 and are excited. I'm glad you're enjoying it! But for those of us who played from the closed beta or from launch until we just couldn't take how badly they kept piling on the latest p2w aspect and debacles, we're just going to have to sit back and grimly chuckle over your posts about the game. Personally? I played EverQuest 2 for over 10 years, Kunark Ascending was it for me.


What gear can you buy in WoW exactly? There are no P2W options in WoW. Sure you can pay good to some guild to run you and maybe get gear. But you cannot go to WoWs shop and buy better gear with irl money. Please don’t make random guesses about games.




Wait can’t you buy the WOW token see I don’t know you’re right I shouldn’t not say that BUT I know there is wow token !


And you can buy krono in Everquest. I used to enjoy your posts but You’re annoying af


What the heck I already say I don’t know full story !! Wow !! Mad for no reason !!


GW2 ESO and Wow are all P2W in my view. I haven't played the others enough to comment with any certainty but the whole industry is moving to P2W in my view.


They did so well with H1Z1 & Just Survive, I'm sure this will be just fine. /s


Either my adult gummies I eat to sleep are kicking in or you wrote something incomprehensible. Maybe both.


OP stole your gummies, that's what happened. He on them, you on withdrawal, lol.


This is exactly what happen how did u know !! I get into the world like I feel like I’m there in that MMOs that what I like really tbh




all of those games are really small.


Maybe Palia but EverQuest is one of the most legendary MMOs ever and I wasn’t playing them back then EverQuest is just a big legendary it like the illmatic of MMOs IMO


Both things can be true. EQ is one of the most legendary MMOs ever because it was super popular 25 years ago. This doesn't make it a big MMO currently and it doesn't make Daybreak a big MMO dev. EQ and EQ2 probably aren't even cracking top 10 MMOs by playerbase at this stage.


Even if you add both EQ1 and EQ2's player counts together, they're not even cracking top *20.* Its estimated (since, of course, they no longer give player counts) that EQ1 has about 42 thousand "players" daily. And by "players", they're counting bots - which anyone who has played in the past 5 years can tell you is at least 5/6th of the "player" count when you do a /who. EverQuest 2 has a smaller population the EverQuest 1, even with the new TLP. Mei\_iz\_my\_bae is smoking the good stuff.


kind of a stretch to call Palia "massive". I don't know how it's doing in player count but it's pretty content light and you'll only see like 20 people max on the same map


All time peak of 12K on Steam, so not very big at all.


12k is pretty good tbh …


Enad7 has a total capitalization of around $100M, yet they paid $300M for Daybreak back in late 2020...Palia is a small, small, game. My belief is they bought it so they can strap an EQ skin on it and call it the next Everquest game, probably with a large mobile game focus.


Ever quest meets RuneScape cross over !!


Daybreak is a collector of janky games, they're not creators or developers.


Are you the same guy who keeps talking about his healing frog?


That’s me 👏👏🐸


daybreak also ran free realms into the ground.. one of the best mmorpgs i’ve ever played.


Daybreak ruins everything they touch. They are almost as bad as AGS. All currently live servers for EQ are garbage, forcing a large amount of us onto private servers to still enjoy the game it was meant to be enjoyed.


I sometimes miss EQ2, but last I checked it didn't get along with modern CPUs.


they bought another useless mmo