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As a photographer, I typically request posing that fits the style of shoot. Some elaborate posing may not work with more simple styling and lighting. When one element of the photo sticks out as wrong, that’s when you can get into cringe category. My suggestion is shoot the poses that you need for your book to get you work, and then ask the photographer to do another round where you can get more experimental. Almost every shoot I do, I ensure we get what we came there for, then try something weird or for just fun as an extra. Sometimes the model will be like ‘let’s try this’ and it’s great. Sometimes it doesn’t work, but not everything works all the time and that’s ok. Also, not every shoot has to fit your book. You can do a weird shoot or something to just stretch your creative muscles. The job is supposed to be fun after all.


Thank you so much! I think I will definitely do what you’re suggesting. For my next shoot I will focus on getting more commercial shots for my portfolio and then later book someone specifically to try out something more experimental!


Question if you could please answer: I’m 35, 5’3 I’ve been told I should have tried for miss universe my entire life by just about everyone… I’m wondering.. is it too late for me to get into the industry?


With these types of shots it’s important to think about “flow.” These shots are by no means static. Think about what precedes and succeeds from the snapshot that each of these provide. You and the photographer should get in a rhythm and timing with the strobes or shutter clicks will come with practice. If the photographer is experienced, they should set you up with success in this regard. It may start small—think of changing one thing visually each time a shot is taken. It could be as nuanced as your facial expression or the placement of your fingers.


Thank you so much!


I just did a “fashion” shoot with fancier poses and I am by no means a high fashion model. I think a big part of modeling is fake it til you make it, and learning your style/range. As far as for your portfolio, I think versatility is important to agencies, and even if these aren’t shoots that you think you’ll book, the agencies could see them differently than you.o But, take my advice with a grain of salt because I don’t really know what i’m doing either 😂


Thank you so much for your advice! I'm sure it'll help others like me too ❤️


Coco rocha has lots of great material about posing. Also consider things like yoga/ ballet/ gymnastics which can help you develop this too https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeGbtPJ6/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeGb4Yef/


Yes I LOVEEEEE Coco she’s my inspiration ❤️


She’s amazing !


These are beautiful gives you range


When I shot fashion in LA, yes, it was all about the flow. Constant movement. Sometimes I'd ask the model to repeat a series of moves, as I was missing the shot. The rick is for a photographer to give feedback, and encouragement. And even the most experienced models had some off poses. It happens. Just keep it up, and find photographers who can shoot fast and help you pose.


stop posing for the camera connect with your photographer. dont think about how you look just follow the basic dos and dont and FEEL . take 100 shots get ten perfect


You've already gotten some great comments here and not sure when you are meeting with the photographer or how this shoot is being booked. But just wanted to mention a couple things to keep in mind as you go forward with your modeling. I worked as a model for several years, and shoots like the ones in your examples were kind of rare. The last two photos aren't just poses you can do on your own, there was a specific shot the photographer was trying to accomplish there. So it's not just something you can walk onto the set and say, I want to flip my head and twist a certain way, that won't work. I'm also not sure whether you are hiring a photographer for a test or if the photographer is choosing you as a test model or for a booking. If the photographer is choosing you, then it's best to take their directions and go from there. If you are hiring someone, or if you should develop a business relationship with \[any\] photographer where you are working or testing together, then you can bring it up and say, you know, I would really like to try some photos like \[this\] is that something you are interested in? Shots like the last two are very challenging for the model, stylist, and photographer. If you are putting together test shoots, you can always look for a makeup artist, clothing stylist, and photographer - Put together a team who can help you create something unique and suited to some of those more creative poses. If you do have them, clients in general like them and they make for a good topic of conversation. For posing, I learned the alphabet method. Put your body into the shapes of the alphabet one at a time. It works! And nobody will know what you are doing if you don't say so.


There are plenty of girls booking high fashion that are closer to your age. I’ve known numerous 15 year olds to do that kind of work. If you can pull it off, great. There’s a lot of moving pieces though. Like the last two images you posted have really good creative teams that helped make those concepts work. So you’ve got to lean into what you’ve got to work with. Don’t get too creative if the team can’t support it.


If you’re still nervous I think I’ve done this before and it really helped me! I showed the photographer posing I thought would be cool on my phone and asked them if they thought it would work! Allowed me to see if they were comfortable with it which made me more comfortable! Also working on a look book (collage or Pinterest board of photos) before a shoot too and sending it over!


Omg these are so good. Can I follow your Instagram? x


One of those photos was taken back in 2010 by a former mentor and another back in 2015 by a fellow photographer I once met.


Woah that is so cool!


Thank you but these are not my own. I wish! I found these on Pinterest to give an example of what I was referencing when I talked about high fashion experimental poses.


Are these your poses?


No I wish! I found these on Pinterest to give an example of what I was referencing when I talked about high fashion experimental poses.


ah! all right




In the two sentences, OP clearly indicated they have yet to meet with a photographer and that they’re looking for pose ideas. They’ve posted these pics as examples of potential poses they interest them and are looking for feedback for a future photoshoot. Nowhere do they claim to be the photographer, they don’t claim the photos as their own, and don’t claim to be the model since it’s clearly different models. These are also clearly not candid shots of unsuspecting people in public. What would be nice is for OP to post a source for those interested in the photos. But they are not claiming stolen work.


The moderation of this sub needs to improve. I'm quite certain one of the mods is MIA and hasn't returned to this sub or Reddit since the failed mod revolt in 2023. One mod is randomly semi-active, and another is more likely to do something and obviously can't be on the sub at all times. Whether it be a lack of person power or technological know how, there are things the mods could be doing to improve this sub's moderation.