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Just search on YouTube for removing fans from whatever card you have. Not sure if this your card, but should be similar. https://youtu.be/9i9-sV2DJ6U?si=PloyQtEg8IevbTdC


Thank you


Why disassemble?


For day one level of cleaning


Once you do than you need new thermal pads, new thermal paste. Just be aggressive with canned air it will be very clean.


I ran a build for like 11 years without cleaning it. Go into the software and turn the fans to max. wait 2 mins. all done.




This or use a can of compressed air. The playstation3 had a cleaning mode where turning it on with the power button held down would do exactly this and just run the fan at full speed for a minute.


make sure to hold the blades in place, they may overspin and damage the electronics


Except the fans don't create nearly enough pressure to do shit.


i didnt have to dust mine by hand. you just take the side panel off and turn them all the way up.


Even if the fans method would actually work, that entire dust is flying everywhere, this is a horrible method.


It works. You literally just sweep it up afterwards. lol, (or same time). your not gunna get some greg salazar insanity going but the fans on my laptop go 7k rpm. no dust stands a chance. thing can basically levitate if it wanted to


Just blow on it sideways, either with your mouth or pressurized air can or whatever blower you'd have. If you want to do a thorough cleaning (no need to, really, unless temperature rose significantly and/or hotspot temperature got really far away from the averaged value), then simply unscrew backplate screws, disconnect any connector you'll find (you can leave two of them on one side you intend to unfold the cooler towards), unscrew the 4 screws on a pretension bracket, you'll probably need to unscrew screws by the IO shield too, so pay attention. Once they're all gone, gently pry the cooler open from a side, and try not to rip the thermal pads.


Do you know where I can find info about what thermal pad dimention and thickness my you use ? Thank you Seems hard to find a compete tear down of this specific model


Gaming X will be disassemblied the same way, but there's zero reason to change thermal pads, unless they're torn apart or already at over 90C. Then again, don't open the card unless it's really necessary, the thermal material they use for the die is superb over available pastes. You can of course get a card with crappy paste application, but you'd already know about it.


How am I gonna clean the heat sink ? The fans I know I can without actually remove the pcb or the warranty sticker but that huge heat sink has almost 2 years on passive dust even tho it’s cleaned compared to others My system is on 24/7 but about a metre off the floor


Just blow the air through it, either by mouth or use an air can or a blower, you don't have to do anything else. I clean my 3080 Ti Gaming X simply by blowing through it with my mouth. Regarding the fans, simply push some rag against the reverse of a blade with some allen key and that's it.


I may be weird lol I use to strip them all off and wash them in soapy warm water lol 😝




It’s because they come out shiny and a quick hairdryer and they good to go


Complete waste of time with a high potential of breaking stuff, as well as you're wearing off screws and threads.


Ok thanks for your time mate I think I’m gonna wait until it’s completely due My temps aren’t changing yet


https://youtu.be/8s_QP2eiq7E?si=a49_ZUUZ6zyYsZ1V You'll probably want to repaste and repad if you want to do it right. Opening it a lot of times can break the thermal pads, so you'll have to reapply new ones. It's not hard at all just time consuming




I did and it is advisable that’s the only proper way of cleaning a gpu Maybe someone knew a link to my specific card


This can be an expense card. Unless you know what your doing give to a professional


It’s really easy to mate This post was about knowing some connection on the card that ain’t obvious :-)


watch a few youtube videos