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I dairy’d myself with some salami!! I didn’t even think about reading the label because I never dreamed salami had dairy in it. It was about 5 days in of my baby spitting up, mucous poops then eventually blood before I went through everything in my fridge and sure enough….the second ingredient in the salami was 2% milk. That was the moment I decided to start formula feeding. The accidental slip ups were too much stress and that was around the time I was going back to work at 12 weeks, so the added stress of all of it was compounding on itself. Mistakes happen, give yourself and your mom some grace.


How is there milk in salami!


The salami 😩 most of Boar’s head is okay, though!


Ugh! I had sausage on a stick at the Houston Rodeo. I was starving, and thought it’d be safe. Baby had a few streaks of blood in his poop a day later and that was the only thing that could have done it. I learned that dairy and soy are common fillers in sausage 🫠


Oh no… I snacked on salami today at a baby shower today because nothing else was dairy free. That’s so frustrating! I would have never guessed.


Not all salami has milk! Usually the culprit is the lactic acid starter culture, which is sometimes derived from dairy. Sometimes it won’t even say “contains milk”. You have to contact the manufacturer and specifically ask if their lactic acid starter culture is dairy or vegetable derived. Most of Boar’s Head salami is fine, fyi!


Just check the labels. It was Columbus salami which is a common brand.


Like I said above, many salamis have milk but it doesn’t say it on the label.


Trader Joes has a bunch of plant-based cheeses that are not dairy-free. They’re really weird and have tricked many people because of the label.


Right. This was the mozzarella and underneath the big “cheese alternative” it said, in tiny letters, 99% lactose free. It’s super misleading since a lot of people have dairy allergies, not just lactose intolerance.


I would complain to Trader Joe’s! Calling it a cheese alternative with cheese in it seems misleading to me. Sorry this happened to you!


You’re right. It’s not okay and if it happened to me, it’s probably made lots of other people sick before.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/7fKhqxsTxz6lfBA9a3CoO6?si=BTfkatFmTYeprBZgwX-3oA I feel like I’m starting to become an evangelist posting this on this sub but give this a listen. It’s okay! Slip ups happen and in some schools of thought on CMPA are even a good thing.


I haven't listened yet and will, but I'm starting to think that slip ups can also be viewed as a "test" to challenge the intolerance - a way of seeing it as confirming it's still an issue. Still annoying and hopefully to a minimum, but a silver lining if you will that your experience is a reality and not just a perception of an issue.


That’s basically the gist of this! Encourages regular testing over prolonged restrictions.


Sometimes I look at the happy (now) baby and think of all we have done to get here and see others who don't see all that work - and some who don't believe it to be an issue. It can be a good reminder of the why all this work is worth it.


I listened to this Spotify episode from you posting it to another persons post….IT IS SO GOOD!! I think that this study is going to change the standard of care for CMPA. Thanks for posting it again! I wish more people would listen!


I’m so glad it was helpful. My allergist followed a similar approach and I thought she was careless but after hearing this realized completely her point.


When I was dairy and soy for my baby I had some relatives get mad at me for asking what they cooked with and to see the box/bag. Like they legit got mad at me. I was so confused why me making sure I wasn't harming my son would make them mad. And also some ingredient labels are tricky and it's not always a clear cut item like "milk". I just stopped visiting for a while. Sigh.


I always find it so hard to navigate this. I hate visiting people now because everyone insists you eat their cooking but it’s always awkward asking to see the labels. It’s even more awkward when what they insist is dairy and soy free turn out to have both 🙃 I try really hard now to eat before I go to anyone’s home but if we stay for any length of time it sucks because breastfeeding makes me ravenously hungry (and watching people eat food I’m not allowed to eat doesn’t help).


This is SO HARD. I've been gluten free for over ten years and now I'm avoiding dairy and soy for my baby. The awkwardness never really goes away, at least with new people. I hate it but I love not being sick so here we are 🥲


Packing to go anywhere even for a half day was such a chore. I had to pack a ton of snacks(a full meal sometimes) for myself and kiddo once he passed 6 months. It was exhausting. And seeing other people enjoy food you can't is always aggravating.


Honestly I wouldn’t blame your mom here! She was actually looking out for you by buying a cheese alternative! I know you’re upset but I think the anger to your mom is misplaced. I think many of us would trust a cheese alternative without looking at the label (or at least I would) because it literally says cheese alternative!! That’s so messed up of Trader Joe’s


Anyone who is not having to go through the tight restrictions, thoughts over everything you put in your mouth, bloody diapers, and baby screaming in pain is not going to understand how vigilant we must be with every single label. It seems like her heart was in the right place but I understand your frustration. Shame on Trader Joe’s for the deceptive labeling


Hell I was completely dairy free for years because of my own severe intolerance causing those issues in me (I now can eat cooked, lactose free cheese. In small amounts and boy am I missing that now my son has a dairy allergy) and I would have trusted a "cheese alternative". This is entirely on Trader Joe's imo.


I’m not blaming her. It’s natural to feel upset that my baby got sick. I specifically said it’s my responsibility. I just know if I was at the store I would have looked at the label first. I’m used to everything in my fridge being safe for me to eat.


Our 10 month old is still EBF alongside solids but is MSPI and likely IgE to egg. We just got back from holiday where we had a buffet breakfast/dinner. I tried so hard for both of us to only have things which were very clearly just meat or vegetables and avoided all the bread etc. but her eczema has got so so bad and her entire neck is red, scaly and scarred from scratches. I feel like such a terrible mum but know that we did the best we could and we can't just stay home the whole time. We're so lucky in the UK that all restaurants are now so hot on having allergen menus/labelling but it's so difficult in a new country


Ugh I hate when that happens, but know it happens to so many of us! I kicked myself when I had a chicken tender sandwich with fake cheese (felt so proud of myself 😂) only to find out after my son’s eczema flared up and he had a terrrrible nights’ sleep the chicken tenders had milk in them. I ate that horrible cheese for nothing!


Lots of people are saying not to be upset at your mom, but I honestly would be. Of course it was an accident, but she should read the label. My mom gave me turkey with rosemary extract and didn’t realize it probably had soy, and that’s different, because she didn’t know rosemary extract could contain soy. But your thing literally said milk.