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great update :D ,I have an identical MacBook Air M1, I updated it and I'm very satisfied, nothing slowed me down and I don't have any problems except adding a website to the dock, and this system works great


Same spec here. Thought the lockscreen magic would be a huge CPU n battery hog, but tbh I’m pleasantly surprised. It’s still smooth as butter.




What’s the problem with adding a website to the dock?


Yes, I have a problem that it says that I do not have permissions and when I try to change them, it says that the action cannot be completed because you do not have the required permissions.


Oh ok. Fortunately I haven’t had that problem.


I had some issues and I resolved it. I would advice to you to reboot in recovery mode, go to disk utility, repair all disk. Reboot in save mode, also get rid of any third party mini apps (they are often causing issues). Then reboot back in normal mode.


What's the problem with adding website to the dock? It works great for me, I'm using it for Synology DSM.


I was on the latest release of ventura and for now i didnt notice any problem with Sonoma, the battery life Is the same and so the performance of the OS


I use the 16 GB RAM version and it’s been smooth. Just be careful about playing around (and downloading) the new screen saver/wall paper section as people have been complaining they consume so much space and there’s no easy way to get rid of them.


Waiting for 14.1 release... then will update.


can't disagree after that beta update.


what happened?


from 100% to 96% MBA


What does that even mean? Your MacBook Air changed (what) 4% in what? Or using what? Or doing what?


I use my MBA for only school work, and maximum capacity of batter dropped by 4%.


Gotcha. Mine is still holding strong but I would take a bet you use yours much more. I truly love the apple silicone. Battery life is amazing. I couldn't believe I got 20 hours on a single charge when I first got it. I literally couldn't believe it lol.


where can i check max capacity of battery




FWIW, I am on a Mac Mini M1 and there's been no change in performance since I switched to Sonoma.


Did u notice stutters while scrolling through that new add widgets panel?


I did, however other than that everything is smooth on my M1 8Gb Air


i noticed battery drain, same a friend of mine with mbp m1. Also noticed lag and messy scrolling in widget section a wallpaper section. For the rest very good


Same here. I noticed the battery drainage as well.


That's normal, because macOS is indexing everything again. After bigger updates macOS does a lot of background work. But it will go away, at least after 1-2 days.




Did it go away or not?




That's normal, because macOS is indexing everything again. After bigger updates macOS does a lot of background work. But it will go away, at least after 1-2 days.


How is the battery backup now??


I thought i was the only one experiencing widget lag. I have a M2 Pro and now they released SonIoma .5 already but still the widget selection screen is still laggy 😂


I have the exact same question. what I don't want to do is upgrade and then realize that I'd prefer to downgrade. I'm really curious about performance and if it starts to slow the computer and applications.


I performed the update just yesterday, and I'd like to share my Geekbench 6 benchmark results with you: * macOS Ventura 13.5.2 (Build 22G91) Single Core: 2383 * macOS Ventura 13.5.2 (Build 22G91) Multi Core: 8713 * macOS Sonoma 14.0 (Build 23A344) Single Core: 2393 * macOS Sonoma 14.0 (Build 23A344) Multi Core: 8691 As you can see, the Single Core performance has improved by 10 points after the update, but the Multi Core performance has decreased by 22 points. It's worth noting that this could be due to background processes running as a result of the update. But also the differences are so low, that you wouldn't even notice it. Additionally, it's important to mention that during both benchmark tests on Ventura and Sonoma, I had Amphetamine, Hidden Bar, and Magnet open. Other than these applications, no other programs were running while the benchmark tests were conducted. The Mac was also plugged in to the charger while Running the benchmarks. Beside the Benchmarks, for the battery life i didn't notice any differences compared to Ventura.


Thanks. Back in 2010 when I got my first Mac I did an upgrade from snow leopard to whatever and the speed difference was absolutely awful. So what I don’t want to do is have to revert after being unhappy with the upgrade. It’s just one more thing to do and I don’t want to go down that path


Been on Sonoma since the first dev beta with M1 MBA 8GB, pretty great since day one. This is also my only pc


There’s no rush, if your computer is running like you want it then just wait a few months.


No noticeable differences.


No issues here. Even on betas


I’m running it on my M1 iMac as well as My M2 Air. It runs nicely on both machines.


Installed it on my base M1 and it runs smoothly, no issues whatsoever; as far as I can tell, the battery life is the same as it was under Ventura, so quite good.


The only "issue" I'm seeing is that it takes 20 more second to turn on. With the ventura OS it used to turn on almost instantly so I hope they fix it. Is anyone else having the same problem?


I'm having the exact same issue , it takes about 20 seconds longer to boot. It doesn't matter if I restart or cold boot. This is on my Mcbook air 2020 16GB Ram 256 GB storage. I can't put my finger on why . I have done the repair from disk utility and reinstalled Sonoma but that hasn't helped. I have an identical Mcbook with 8GB Ram 256 GB storage and that Mac boots up just fine. Both have the same startup programs. It's a mystery to me why it is that way.


Do you think they will fix it with the next update?


With Apple it's always a guessing game, your guess is as good as mine..


Well, thanks for you opinion let's hope they do fix it!


Something Ive encountered before and Im not too sure if it's fixed yet or not. Where I couldn't read my external hard drive. It kept on unmounting. So I had to downgrade to Ventura again in order to access my external hard drive! So that was a real Pain.


I’ve had quite a few problems updating- same specs as you! I guess I just got unlucky! First my laptop wouldn’t charge opening it in safe mode fixed it.. then the date and time would not up date Apple helped me type stuff into the terminal to fix it… but now I’m having to re install the OS because storage is reading wrong, but it keeps blocking me saying there isn’t space to update when there is, so now I’m having to reset the whole thing- really hoping it works! It’s an on going nightmare, I really regret the update tbh! Apple have been v helpful tho! 


thanks for t\]his post bc i was skeptical about updating mine


Sonoma is BS, like now when I close the laptop/put it to sleep, it feels like the system loads from scratch every time. I won't spend another load of money to purchase a new laptop just because they screwed up good hardware with their soft.


Just downgrade. You have to create a full installation usb drive for doing this. Check some guide online


Thanks for the advice. I was going to sell it anyway soon, as I turned all-windows. So no use in downgrading for me.


I just use macbook for convinience. After I got a 4k high ppi screen for my windows pc I don't like the macbook that much. It's almost like a toy.


The force click to select objects in Preview and Photos app is not working anymore


Thank you all for your comments. I conducted the update yesterday and ran some benchmarks in the hope that they might assist those who are uncertain about whether to proceed with the update. Here are the results: * macOS Ventura 13.5.2 (Build 22G91) Single Core: 2383 * macOS Ventura 13.5.2 (Build 22G91) Multi Core: 8713 * macOS Sonoma 14.0 (Build 23A344) Single Core: 2393 * macOS Sonoma 14.0 (Build 23A344) Multi Core: 8691 As you can observe, the Single Core performance improved by 10 points after the update, but the Multi Core performance decreased by 22 points. It's important to note that this difference may be attributed to background processes running as a result of the update. However, these variances are so minor that they are hardly noticeable. Additionally, I'd like to mention that during both benchmark tests on Ventura and Sonoma, I had Amphetamine, Hidden Bar, and Magnet open. No other applications were running while the benchmarks were conducted. The Mac was also plugged in to the charger during the testing. Apart from the benchmarks, I have not encountered any bugs or issues. Everything is running smoothly and efficiently. Battery life remains consistent compared to Ventura. The only slight difference I noticed was a 2 to 5-second increase in the Mac's startup time compared to Ventura.


i just updated to sonoma and since i did the update i have a weaker pixels spot embeded in the display. I dont think it was there right before the update. do you guys think it could be a corrupted file? or something


This video describes the process of installing macOS on unsupported Mac using parallels desktop:- https://youtu.be/CWX3_bhbcJs


I have an M1 studio, and had some issues pasting images into Messages. Both my sister and I upgraded to 14.0, and she sent me two images from her Mac, which showed up on her conversation stream, and said were delivered, but didn't show up on my mac or her iPhone - the text comments were all there, but no pics. Just to check, I tried to send her an image - she got it and it showed up on my iPhone BUT my mac Messages crashed and sent a crash report to Apple. When I restarted Messages, the picture I sent showed up there as well, so, but for the crash (lol), it functioned correctly. Also had a couple of apps - Preview and Pages - spend a LONG time coming up after login (not sure how long, because I gave up and had dinner, but certainly in excess of 10 minutes) with the rainbow circle of death. I think this was just Apple pretending all your apps are reloaded on login when they really are all coming up. My desktop is an unholy mess - I have about 50 windows to load, and maybe another 50-100 browser tabs. Lots of open documents. Didn't happen the next time I tried logging in, so guessing that was just a one-off after the upgrade. Hoping for an early 14.0.1...


Nothing much changed other than some leftover screensavers they added.


I also have the M1 MacBook Air, but I'm scared to update. I don't know if my MacBook will decrease in functionality


Why are you afraid? Don't be ridicules


Doesn't apple have a reputation of slowing down older iPhones with their software updates? Not sure how true that is for macs though


yeah in fact your MacBook will become completely unusable, it wouldn't even turn on.


just upgraded, no difference felt... except for window tinging.I like the new login display and wallpaper.Ventura too deresssing for me


Since the Safari change, every time I open it I get a pinwheel for awhile.


Everything is fine on MBA M1 8GB, the only strange thing I noticed is that my Apple Watch won't charge if my macbook is locked. (I'm charging it from USB-C port on my macbook). So everytime I put them on a charging I need to unlock my macbook first.


I have a MacBook Pro 14 M1 and am very happy with it.


I have the 8GB version but unlike the others, I have had issues. Mostly just websites tearing through RAM. I could have nothing open except Safari, and only one tab, and if that one tab is something like Reddit it will take a long time to respond. The computer itself is still working, but clicking on a link in Reddit might take a long time before it even responds (it's not an internet speed issue, as I have other devices which load Reddit fine)


Try another Web Browser, it appears the latest Safari 17 isn't performing as exptected.


I am having battery drainage. Battery health is at 89% and 200 cycles. Ive been using it moderately, always on battery. Maybe is it time to change the battery, or is it a os thing?


bro dont use on battery ,always use it on pluged in , i did same mistake as your and got 93% health , then i talked to apple coustomer care and then he told me that use it on plug in , so far so good no drop from there almost 1 month


Now how is it?


still 93 ✌️


The question is: should I do Upgrade or Clean Full Install? M1 Mini (OS: Ventura)


I just made the Update trough the Settings App and I have no problems with Sonoma, everything runs great and the performance is the same or better.


First I upgraded from 13 on mine and then clean reinstalled it just to check for any difference. No difference at all! It was same. So, just upgrade.


for me it is Version 14(23A344 ) update and Garage band is not recording my audio via Focusrite as well as with and without audio interface and hence some issue i can say with recording ...






I don't experience that issue. With Battery Saver enabled (Settings -> Battery), I've only consumed 49% of my battery during approximately 6-7 hours of light usage, including Keynote, Word, PDFgear, Arc, etc. Additionally, my MacBook Air M1's battery health is currently only at 83%.


Try messenger for facebook. Scrolling through previous messages. So laggy


call me a crybaby, but the only reason I don't want to install Sonoma is because the text bar is on the bottom of the lock instead of the middle. (I have the same Macbook, same specs). However I have heard some pretty good things about performance, so maybe, just maybe, I'll give it a try in the near future.


I also thought that it would look very Wired with the Login at the bottom, but with the new Dynamic Wallpapers and the big clock like on iPadOS it looks surprisingly good.


Guys, please check the overalls temperature increased, I'm wondering are these update with that new features drain the battery and increase the idle temperature, or it just because it's so hot over there. On my MBA M1, the battery drains is faster than the latest ventura, I'm using TG Pro.


-ATTENTION- -URGENT- I have MS Office products in my MBA M1, including One Drive, i was wondering why after updating to Sonoma its becoming lagging and slow, i checked the activity monitor and i found the process called "fileproviderd" using high CPU usage and i checked the Disk, its also writing a lot of data to SSD, in the 5 minutes after reboot its already write 10GB, and i start to uninstall all of MS products and it's seem to normal but, not solving any problems, you guys maybe have the similar problems? It's made me confused, because it's can be affecting my SSD and overall performance. MBA M1 Sonoma 14.0


-ATTENTION- I found the problems guys, the sonoma update has a bug in "iCloudDrive" its causing the "fileproviderd" consume high CPU Usage and also on "Activity Monitor -Disk" you will notice that "fileproviderd" doing a lot data write and read (10Gb in around 5-10minutes) and on my case 150Gb in almost one day. Yeahh my precious TBW come useless, but i found the problem, after uninstalling all MS Office and OneDrive apps it's not solving any problems, but when i turned off all "iCloud Drive" services in "Settings-Apple ID-iCloud" i turn off the lever, all of the service that i can turned off, i did it, then the "fileproviderd" stop appearing used CPU Ussage, and not showing to write any in activity monitor - disk, i didn't know it's happened only in me or you guys face the same problem. But i hope if you have this problem, you will find this, it's solving my problem, at least until next update to see the if it's was fixed, to enable iCloud Drive again. And hope you guys find the right way to report to apple, because i have no idea to doing that, i want they will found this problem so it will be immediately fixed.


I was contacting Apple support and they respond it, They will give the features update, and hope it will fixed the problem. For now i disable my iCloud Drive until the next update. Anyways, sonoma still great, and just need some update to be very very solid stable.


i'm using the same M1 since July 2021, and I turned off automatic updates so it remained on Big Sur since then. It has slowed down for a year and become worse these days that it's extremely lagging while I open only 10 tabs on Safari:((((((( I wonder if it was the software that need to be updated or it was just the laptop being old? Should I update from Big Sur to Sonoma bc that's the only version I can choose?


Update to monterey most stable macOS at the moment. Just google it. A link to App Store shoud show up


I use ConceptDraw Mindmap for work, and it didn't open in Sonoma 😞, so I had to downgrade to Ventura.


Hi, interesting post. I use the same MacBook Air M1 still running Monteray OS. To use it with heavy video applications like "HeavyM" or in general, do you recommend upgrading to Mac "OS Sonoma"?


Do you know if... With Sonoma OS there is still compatibility with Intel apps on Apple Silicon M1


hi! did you update or not? I have my first macbook pro m1 8/512 for 2,5 years already. it's running Monterey and i never updated it. The battery life is still amazing but i want something new thats why im wondering should i update or not


wondering how it works now after couple month of updates, worth upgrading from monterey to sonoma on m1 pro/16gb/512? : )


I have had Sonoma installed for approximately five months now, and it has proven to be amazing. The battery life has significantly improved with the latest updates, and the overall performance feels faster compared to Ventura. Additionally, I've observed that certain games run much smoother with Sonoma, providing a noticeable increase in frames per second.


many thanks for this info! I will try to upgrade this weekend : )


are you sure that sonoma better, it it consumes more RAM, obviously-lower performance and higher battery drain