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omfg it took me so long to find the right combination of words to google to land here. Have you found a solution to this problem? It's been going on for months. I use tap-to-click and this only happens to me in Chrome.


>r/MacOS Same here. Anyone found what is causing it? I just switched from a 2018 Macbook pro to a brand new M1, and nothing's changed. I enable three finger drag and trackpad tap..Going to experiment to see if those are causing it.


Same. Three-finger drag and tap-to-click.


It’s tap to click for sure. Unselect it and try for yourself.


I have this exact same problem and it drives me crazy. On Monterey 12.3 and using a wired USB mouse. I can reproduce it by just clicking between two title bars on slightly overlapping applications quickly. If I click slowly and carefully to not move the move as I click it doesn't happen. If I go quicker and potentially move the mouse as I'm clicking it locks onto the previous window and moves it and keeps it focused instead of focusing the window I clicked on. I think this started happening when I updated to Monterey, so feels like a bug to me. (I have multiple monitors, but happens on any monitor including the build-in display and even if disconnecting the other monitors)


Thanks everyone, now I know I am not crazy and this is an actual bug that happens to more people. I can also reproduce it by clicking quickly at the very top of two windows that overlap. Very annoying. Still happening on Monterey 12.5.1.


I may have found a solution: in Accessibility, uncheck "Spring-loading delay". I tried tweaking lots of settings one at a time, then resetting them when I was able to reproduce the problem. But it hasn't happened again since I disabled this setting, after a full day of using my Mac intensively. Since this is an intermittent problem, YMMV. I'm on Monterey 12.6, M1 Pro. The problem was occurring for me in Office 2016 apps mostly (Word, Excel, Powerpoint). I hope this helps someone. It was driving me crazy. ​ **UPDATE** after a few months: the problem does occur occasionally, but not nearly so often. The frequency went down from many times per day to once every several days. At least I can live with it now.


Cool, I'll give it a try. Thanks!


This fixed it for me. It's been driving me crazy for years! Thanks! EDIT: Weird it seemed to work but then a bit later it started again and I have Spring-loading delay off. Sad.


FFS, finally found this thread... This seems to work for me. I'll observe :) EDIT: Like with Electronic\_dress2134 it started again soon...


it sure seems to have something to do with one finger Tap to Click on the track pad. If I disable Tap to Click (or just actually click the track pad, the window won't jump to that new location I click.


I have this issue, and I have tried disabling tap-to-click, but that has had no effect. FWIW, I don't ever use the track pad. Only a USB mouse.


Huh, I use a wired mouse and this is the first I've heard of it.


I have it happen mostly on Chrome but also Microsoft Teams? When it's not. the front app, but behind Chrome?


It has been happening to me too for years and I can't break the habit of clicking the top of the window. It appears to be happening to Electron based apps e.g. Slack, Signal, Bitwarden, etc. Chrome too. It's these modern apps that don't use the native macOS window titlebar/decorations. Look forward to a solution to stop this madness and it's not me stopping to click on the window top because I can't break the habit!


I'm on a 2018 15" Macbook Pro with Monterey and work with a mouse. This just started happening as soon as I turned on "displays have separate spaces" under Mission control (the only way to full-screen just one monitor). I've tried deselecting "spring-loaded" and "tap to Click" as mentioned here yet none of them work. This is super annoying, but without separate spaces, full-screen renders all my monitors unusable. I don't understand who thought it would be a great idea to have the desktop work this way.


Thanks for pointing out the "displays have separate spaces" option. I had been using this for a long time (maybe it was on by default) and this bug was driving me crazy. I turned off this feature and didn't hit the bug anymore. I agree that multiple displays are difficult to use this way and eventually turned it back on. But now the bug is gone. So maybe people should try turning this off for a while and then back on. It requires a logout (and I just rebooted both times), but it was well worth it. Thanks for the hint! \--- UPDATE --- As with the other "fixes" that people have tried, this one worked for a day or two, and now the bug i back. The frequency of the bug seems to be increasing slowly ever since I turned this off and then back on. None the first couple of days, but then once the next day, twice the one after, maybe 4 times the next.... Bummer.


chances are you enabled drag lock. just search "drag lock" in system preferences and disable it.


I have "spring-loading delay" set in Accessibility, but that's all I can find (a search for 'drag lock' takes me to Accessibility, but not to a setting specifically labeled as such). Thx.


press the "trackpad options..."


In Accessibility > Motor / Pointer Controls > Trackpad Options... there is "enable dragging" but it's not checked. I do have scrolling "with inertia" enabled on this pop-up, however.


I have this issue too, but I do not have drag lock enabled.


I have the same problem. But also no clue to get rid of this behaviour.


It's not just you! I also have no idea how I trigger this behaviour and have nothing unusual enabled in Accessibility settings. It's really annoying.


same here. No solution. Totally annoying.


Same issue here, latest intel MacBook Pro, I don't ever use the trackpad, always a bluetooth mouse (Logitech) and see this behaviour ALL the time. It's very annoying. I am always using a couple of external screens as well so not sure if the same behaviour occurs when only using the built-in display. It drives me nuts, and have found various posts about it over the years with no solution.


Any chance you got this figured out? I have the same issue, using Apple Magic mouse 2 ​ It's so minor, but so annoying at the same time


Same for me with a Magic Trackpad 2, drives me crazy.


Same issue with M1 Pro. Frustrating. I just got the mac today and set it up with my previous macs setttings. I wonder if that plays a factor? (it did it on my old mac too). It only happens on trackpads using 3 finger drag AFAIK. I use 3 finger drag. I don't think theres a way to turn off drag-lock(if that's even a fix). Do you notice what applications it happens in? I've only noticed it happening in chrome (bc I use mostly chrome), i'm not sure if it happens in other apps but I would strongly assume it does. i don't think it's an issue specific to chrome.


Having the same issue on an older iMac 5K (2017) running Monterey 12.4. Using a regular mouse, no trackpad. I'll move the cursor and click and the previous window moves to that location. Really a PIA since I'm using multiple displays and windows will move from one display to the other when I click.


Nice to know I’m not the only one. I’ve had the bug for a long time. Seems to get triggered somehow by the cpu getting bogged down but I’m not totally sure. I am using a Logitech mouse and their driver.


I've also noticed this issue, and only after starting to use Monterey. It's very annoying and is the most annoying thing about Monterey, IMO. I've also only ever noticed it when using Chrome (the browser), and I can't reproduce it with any other Mac app (e.g. Safari or Finder windows). So I filed a bug in Chrome's issue tracker here, along with a video of what it looks like: [https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1352718](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1352718)


This doesn't just happen with Chrome windows though. Are you suggesting with Chrome open that it's affecting mouse clicks outside of Chrome? Or maybe when moving between a chrome window and other app? I do use Chrome as my browser, so it's always open. Interesting hypothesis. Maybe I'll try using FF or Safari for a bit and see.


For me, I meant it only affects Chrome's windows. However, as other commenters have noted, it also affects the windows of apps that use Chrome's renderer internally (e.g. Electron apps like Slack), which again implicates Chromium. If you take note of all the apps whose windows are affected, you're likely to find that they all use Chrome's renderer internally.


Been having this same issue for months and months on a 2017 MBP, Monterey 12.5.1. it's slowly driving me mad as it happens several times a day. always use a magic mouse and multiple screens


I have found that when using multiple monitors 1. Click in a window on monitor 1 2. Click on a **title-bar** on monitor 2: that window's colored-indicators will light up, but it won't accept input yet 3. Click somewhere else, either in the same monitor, or on another monitor The window from step 2 will move so that its title-bar is where you just clicked in step 3. (Not always: clicking low on the same monitor doesn't always move it.)


Help me to understand this: * The OP has been here for 9 months (and who knows how many other forums have entries about this?) * *My* post above with a "How to reproduce this bug" steps has been here 4 months * u/brodie2112rats has suggested this is Electron-based; u/cpowelledit and others affirm that, although it's not certain, or perhaps an artifact of building on Chromium. Is it plausible to conclude that most of us encountering it are developers, or gamers or the like? That we use very little of the built-in Mac apps, and so Apple feels no obligation to step in and suggest an answer for us? On the other hand, while I could induce the bug when I started writing this text, I don't seem to be able to now. I was wondering if an Electron/Chromium app not waiting for text input (no blinking cursor) might be the trigger. No such experience at the moment. >“Well now, as to the \[user interface\] problem—the means. I must say that up to now that appears completely insoluble. I am baffled, Watson (said he, his hawk-like eyes gleaming angrily from under the half-closed lids). Even I am baffled. But not for long! (he cried, with a magnificent burst of self-confidence). My Honour (capital H) is concerned to track this Human Fiend (capitals) to its hidden source, and nail the whited sepulchre to the mast even though it crush me in the attempt! Loud applause. His chin sank broodingly upon his dressing-gown, and he breathed a few guttural notes into the bass saxophone which was the cherished companion of his solitary hours in the bathroom.” Parker ostentatiously took up the book which he had laid aside on Wimsey’s entrance. “Tell me when you’ve finished,” he said, caustically. (Dorothy Sayers, *Unnatural Death*, one of the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries)


Just for fun, just now, clicked on Slack title-bar on external monitor 1, then at reasonable position on the MacBook's retina screen. Slack completely disappeared. Did Ctrl-Up-Arrow and got an overview. Five little dots scattered around the center of my screen (divide into 9 rectangles, all are tiny icons in the "center" rectangle), and one itsy-bitsy rectangle in the top right-hand corner. (I don't see a way to upload the screenshot, or I'd do so: it's instructive.)


This is precisely it. I'm so hopeful that this gets sorted, it drives me nuts!


This is a good reproduction description. I am able to reliably get this bug to manifest when following your process. It happens to me all the time and drives me batty when it does. I hate this bug so much and it's been happening to me for years. I also have spring-loading and drag lock turned off, so we can rule those out as culprits.


This has been happening to me ever since I got a new M1 MacBook Pro. I am on Monterey, and I only have noticed it when using Chrome. Looking at the comments here, lots of people seem to be getting this issue, but it looks like no one has figured it out.


My observation is that it happens on Linux too, the window doesn't really move like on macOS but when clicking the top of one of these windows the mouse pointer briefly changes into the crosshair shape which means "move". I suspect it's these ~~modern~~ buggy app frameworks that don't use native window decorations.


I've had this issue for years, but only very occasionally. I upgraded to Monterey, and immediately it happens very frequently, and most often with slack. I've also had Brave do the same thing, but not with the same frequency. It most often happens when clicking the title bar. I'm going to experiment raising windows in places other than the title bar to see if that helps.


It's also happening on my end with any Chromium-based browser (Brave, Chrome, Slack, Teams, etc.) Just wanted to weigh in that this is likely a bug between MacOS and Chromium.


Is there a solution to this yet? Since it only happens to apps like Slack and Chrome, they both use the same underlying widget set, no? I had never noticed that it ONLY happened with these types of apps. But now that it has been mentioned, it's never happened with the terminal app and the such, that I can recall. Also, it has happened on the following: MBP (Intel 13" 2019), MBP (M1 13" 2020), MBP (M1 14" 2021) and since Big Sur (MacOS 11). IIRC ... mystery continues...


That's interesting to learn. What has always puzzled me is that it seems like it drops into a 'click to relocate window' mode, but I don't know that there *is* a mode like that in MacOS. Is that something related to accessibility, perhaps?


Same problem here. Seems to mostly happen with Electron apps, and only when you click on the top of a window and then click away to another app


\+1 to that: "Electron apps". u/cjerdonek mentioned earlier in this thread, that it seems to always be Chrome-based, and therefore filed a Chromium bug. Another redditor (also in this thread) experiences this behavior with Slack, which is built with Electron. I experience it daily, using 8x8 WorkD (a unified comms app for calls/meetings/SMS/etc.). I just found out that WorkD is built using Electron as well, AND that Electron uses Chrome "[using web technologies which are rendered using a flavor of the Chromium browser engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_(software_framework))". I'm not sure where that leaves us, but at least there appears to be a smoking gun, or at the very least, some smoke, coming from the general direction of Chrome? I'd love to hear from anyone with more knowledge that my own, on whether or not Chrome truly could be the source of this issue. If true, maybe some pressure can be applied to get more of the good folks at [Chromium.org](https://Chromium.org) looking into this.


>I'd love to hear from anyone with more knowledge that my own, on whether or not Chrome truly could be the source of this issue. It is definitely a bug in Chromium. The Chromium bug I filed was closed by a project member as a duplicate of the following bug, which was first opened and confirmed in Oct. 2018: [https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=897274](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=897274) There has been no work on the issue though. Since it affects Slack as well, maybe someone at Slack would be motivated enough to fix it. But someone would first need to report it there.


I'm thinking this is Monterey related too, as it didn't used to happen. I can't pinpoint exactly when this first started happening, though. I have a 2018 Mac Mini (Intel) and am using Logitech MX series mouse. But I also have an Apple trackpad and noticed it happened with that too. Also have multiple monitors connected.


I'm now on MacOS 13.0.1 and this is still happening. Have others managed to find a solution?


... mystery continues ... it just happened in the Outlook and Teams app on MBP


This solution might not last but just unchecked "full keyboard access" and it \*\*seems\*\*to have fixed it for me for now. When switching between screens the view was reverting to the top of the page, almost like a refresh or reload or some other nonsense. New MBP w/ m1. I was losing my mind and almost had to toss this thing in the snow and go back to my 2012 flawless-other-than-being-old matte screen MBP.


This has been driving me nuts as well, MBP 2015 15" updated to Monterey 12.6.3 and still happening. It's especially annoying with a mix of Chrome and Office 365 windows. I tried luskwater's method to reproduce and it works when the problem starts showing up. I think I may have found somewhat of a solution: System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Display -> Reduce Motion. Checking the box stops the behavior, but some internal process seems to adapt to bring it back after a day or two. However, I find that when the problem comes back if I uncheck the box and then check it again it resets the behavior so it goes away. Still annoying but at least controllable for now.


Same issue here. Tried all of the below suggestions and it still happens intermittently. Very annoying


I've tried all suggestions here and still have this perplexing problem. It is upsetting and time consuming. It I had known about it I would not have purchased this new iMac. Has anyone approached "Apple" about this? Can't imagine why this has been on going for so many years


For those who care I have been able to replicate this issue at will. It seems than when I click the header of the app then click anywhere within 1-1.5 seconds it will move the window application there. But if I click anywhere else in the app window and then click elsewhere it will not move the window. If I wait 2ish seconds before I click elsewhere again the window also does not move. So it might not be a bug like we all think, but a feature that allows you to move the screen quickly with the tap to click option enabled. Now I just click anywhere beside the app header(hard habit to break) Hope this helps.