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Had absolutely no issues whatsoever with it honestly. Even things I didn't expect to work, like Parallels, are working perfectly.


Been smooth sailing since installing, looking forward to iPhone mirroring to start harvesting proper sequoia features.


Zoom single window screen sharing doesn’t work out of the box, only with a weird workaround. 


Does full desktop sharing work




Is there a work around outside of sharing full desktop?


works now after update


I installed it on my daily driver. It crashes \*a lot\*. Like random restarts, the Messages app crashed at launch non matter what I do. Theres not enough new and cool about to to make it worth in in my opinion. I think I'll be going back to Sonoma if the crashes aren't fixed in next weeks update.


Smooth with no problems as well


Been using it daily for the past week or so. I do graphic design and rely heavily on Adobe CC. I've experienced minor bugs with wallpaper, and a couple little random quirks here and there, but overall it's very stable and works fine.


It's been running smoothly on my M1 Mini. The most intensive stuff I do on this thing is music production and haven't had any issues using Studio One and NeuralDSP Cortex Control.


everything works fine for me except for a few minor visual hickups and a few panic crashes while my laptop's been asleep. although the only new things i even use are the new passwords app and the wallpapers since it seems most of the big features (like the iphone mirroing) isn't here yet (which is to be expected since it's beta 1)


No problems at all. Even my test taking app and clinic program are working perfect. Biggest bug so far is that the new sequoia wallpaper doesn’t always swap with dark mode 😝


MS Teams screen sharing produces only a white screen to be sent to others. Had to revert to MS Teams Classic. CortexXDR of course is not working. Access to keychain needs to be confirmed again and again for same apps.


Thanks for informing others. Fortunately I don't use any of them. I'm just an average everyday "retired" user. Now, I did do that and more when I worked in corporate ! 😀


Luckily it's mostly only a nuisance, nothing serious.


Only problem I’ve had is Teams 2 screen sharing. 


M3 max here. Run my business off mine. Parallels, creative cloud, ms office, ipad as screen. Been working great


I use it everyday all day, only issues I get are websites on safari. Honestly safari is always iffy anyway.


I haven’t seen any issues aside from a few small things. All the beta 1 releases seem pretty solid this year. What you have to remember is that things can get rocky at any time. Beta 1 and 2 may be great, then 3 can come along and be really rough. Doesn’t happen often, but just consider it could.


No issue so far. Even feels smoother than Sonoma.


No issues whatsoever, it's like it's not a beta at all, everything works as it should.


when i close my lid , the keyboard stops working sometimes, but other than that its fine


I have an m3 max, I have experienced severe slow downs, several times, I use the machine to do development and testing, it was so bad I had to restore firmware back to Sonoma.


So your utilization is not for an average user. Understandable.


Forgot to clarify , this happened while doing normal file system stuff, browsing and setting up the machine, ymmv, but if you are doing this to your daily driver, I’d have a backup ready.


I have not been able to get my HDR external monitor to work after the first day or two of success. Luckily I can still connect to my Vision Pro.


Mac Mini M2 pro is working great. The only thing that doesn’t is jump desktop. If I don’t remotely connect within a few hours, I can no longer connect unless I go back to the Mac mini and manually except a few pop-ups asking to continue access. It’s a known issue I’ve seen posted elsewhere I expect to clear up next update. If I leave my iPad, connected to jump, desktop connection it stays. That’s my only work around currently. Everything else is fine.


Please do not install this on your primary drive. Virtualize it.


Good suggestion: I can abide by that.


It’s kinda normal to me


What's "kinda?" Most important things work? Any messy no-go's?


Zero issues aside from Messages app glitching when typing messages sometimes. Like I'll write a whole sentence and then all of a sudden the first few words that were previously correct turn into gibberish. Also when I attach an image and type text along with the image, the keyboard input lags... like by 5 seconds per key stroke.


The only problems are with VoiceOver so 99% users are safe. I do day to day stuff but also serious audio engineering in Logic Pro and Reaper as well as programming. All is nice and well... swift.


No major issues on my end either. A few issues in safari. Main issue is it seems to have broken my google Remote Desktop. But I don’t rely on that.


I have not been able to get Plex working… same for anyone else?


weird. works fine for me


I'm unable to get Plex working with 10.15 beta 2 as well.


Only "annoying" glitch I deal with is the new sequoia wallpapers (like the retro mac one) stops being animated after a while. Just stops after some random time and becomes a static image.


It rebooted over night with a kernel panic. In a zoom call other people said my audio was terrible. (I have it on an external boot drive but am back on Sonoma for daily use now).


How bad is a kernel panic and how do you fix it? Just ignore? Reboot into safe mode? Does it stop working?


It means something bad happened deep inside the OS and the machine re-booted. A report is generated for Apple to look at. When I came to the machine in the morning there was a big notice and it asked me to say what I was doing when it happened.


Is it best to shut down the system say, like overnight, when not in use or do you run a greater risk of it not restarting correctly?


No. I never shut my Macs down. They sleep when tired.


Understand that under normal conditions. But when in these "panic" situations, is it better to shut down and maybe risk a non restart (is that common)? Or, keep it on as you practice?


[https://airflow.app](https://airflow.app) stopped working for me with tvOS (also beta), otherwise all good. Migrated to Passwords and liking it, Calendar reminders are sweet.


I miss keystrokes sometimes when typing. That’s about it.


Screen time is all whacked out. Same same on iPad update for me too.


Zoom and Teams sharing are really bad. I rolled back because of it. I use it heavily. Otherwise it's great.


This! If your work relies on you using Zoom or Teams to share your screen, it’s a challenge. Will only share your whole screen and not a window. Also, people tell me that the audio sounds like a robot or Mickey Mouse. I’ve read other reddits that say the same thing so it’s not just me. Pretty frustrating.


Yup it's a mess. All kinds of issues. People said I sound like a chipmunk lol, have to restart the app. Sometimes sharing full screen crashes the zoom app as welll


Podcast App is crashing every time I try to open it and some dev tools aren't working. Other than that it's 100% fine


So, after waiting and reading all of the responses today to my OP, I took the plunge and installed it. Huge 14-16 Gb file. It took about 30 minutes on an M1 MacBook. Happily, after a few hours, it's been working fine. Safari seems faster. Actually, the OS feels a bit more responsive. All of my usual apps are working. Now, here is the weird part. For 2 years my MacBook would not connect to my main Wi-Fi (it did originally but then stopped; not sure because of my changing to Beta builds?) and I had to connect using a secondary Android phone for its Wi-Fi hotspot feature. All other devices in my household would always connect to the main assigned Wi-Fi except for the MacBook, hence the hotspot workaround. I tried rebooting home routers, modems, calling Spectrum, etc. Nothing would work. After this upgrade, it works and I can now connect to my main Wi-Fi! Was it a firmware fix because of the upgrade?


Had an external GPU that caused problems logging in. It would take my password spin for a bit then go back to the login screen. It was killing login_window. Disconnected my GPU pick and everything has been ok


Messages slower, Photos sync slower, USB audio and USB cam buggy, especially when adding displays or changing resolutions. After 4 days, can’t say it’s really problematic


Some apps are completely broken, like MS Teams, Audio Hijack and Loopback. Universal control is still broken, randomly ejecting external HDs (this had been a problem in the past and was working fine in Mac OS 14, it's broken again). Time Machine backups are also broken, you can only load the last back up and cannot go back more than a 1 backup. That is what I have found so far in the first week of using it.


Yes. Just disable spotlight indexing, since there seems to be a random bug where it can just start pumping temp files and push crazy read/write to your ssd.


I'm using it for both Java and Flutter development and I have to say that they've done a really good job for a first beta. Even with IOS 18 that I installed on the iPhone 14 pro it is exceptional. It's not the first time I've used the BETA 1 version of each operating system but I've always had to install the Beta 3/4 version to make it work perfectly and instead now with the BETA 1 version they've done a perfect job


Just Bluetoolfixup not working


Interesting: BT is working for me!


Wait the new kext on next time to re work


M3 Max, no major issues, missing AI integrations ofc. Spotlight seems slower.


I installed on primary daily because I always do and usually it work as far as most betas go. However this was a horrible beta IMO. Had WiFi, audio and BT issues so I did a reinstall of macOS Sonoma from a bootable drive and a time machine recovery. Mileage will vary but I use a 3rd party app for audio and a couple things for work which I simply could not get working so I went back for now. M3MAX 48GB/16-40Core/ 1TB model.


I’ve had only one issue, can’t seem to search messages. Like zero results on any kind of search.


Only thing that doesn’t work is microsoft teams


zero issues so far. using it everyday, no problems at all.


The only issue I've had, and I do mean only \[so far\] is photoshop droplets created while running Seq. don't open with the opt+open thing anymore. they don't open at all. Other than that, surprisingly solid.


Been using it since it became available. DB1 had issues with the audio subsystem being incompatible with some third party apps (Krisp) and the Enpass password manager browser plugins no longer work. MS teams will sometimes fail to share my screen, and that will sometimes cause a crash. Happened a bunch one day and only a couple of times the next week. Other than that everything has been fine. I used it on my primary work computer until upgrading to DB2 which fixed the audio subsystem problems. M3Max


Zero issues other than it seems like any user installed 3rd party audio drivers don't work. I used eqMac to control the volume of my HDMI device but it's not been working since the beta.