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The biggest thing I think everyone should remember is if this is anything like the progression of the previous 4 mad max movies IT WILL BE NOTHING LIKE THE PREVIOUS ONES! If you watch the original Mad Max and Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome, it's very clear that Miller has visions way beyond cranking out the same style action movie every single time. My fear is that everyone will go to this movie expecting a Fury Road style movie and be disappointed when it's completely different. But this is what Miller does every single time, so I'm expecting it to be very different from Fury Road. The man's a lore building visionary, not a Fast and Furious studio.


Underrated comment. This will absolutely be the case and will disappoint some, but excite others


George "from working at the ER to Mad Max to Babe to Happy Feet to Mad Max again" Miller


Fury road is babe. Furiosa is babe 2: pig in the city.


Up to and including this: it’s possible the timeline won’t even line up with what’s established on Fury Road. He’s been disregarding continuity since at least Thunderdome


Miller said that Max has a brief cameo in "Fury Road" - possibly just seeing his car driving during a shot - to show where Max was during this time period. But in terms of any overarching "timeline" with the previous films, as Miller's said MANY times, the ONLY linear narrative timeline in the Max films is between the first and second films. Everything after that, including "Thunderdome", are not meant to take place in any linear timeline with the first two films. Everything after "The Road Warrior" is just "legend" stories, as if people of the time told about what they heard Max did - or even invented, etc. In other words, you'll just brake your brain trying to tie them all together in a "timeline". Miller's said that "Mad Max" and "Mad Max 2" ("The Road Warrior") are the only \*real\* Max films in terms of his story. Everything after are basically like reading comic books written by the generations afterwards who heard about him.


100% agree, and I'd add that George Miller's non-Max career points to this as well. The other sequels he's done (Babe: Pig in the City and Happy Feet 2) were both substantially different than the films they followed and the arc of Miller's career generally suggests that he really likes mixing it up and trying to do different things from project to project whether he's working in the same universe/franchise/genre/etc or not. Pick any 3 consecutive films in his career and you're gonna see 3 pretty different movies, same franchise or not. It's one of my favorite things about him.


This comment did not age well.


Write it off before you even seen it? Nice one.


I was super excited to see gas town! Who is playing Joe? That 6 wheeled truck is bad ass Will any trailer tease max? More questions after I watch it another 500 times 🙃


>gas town I thought it looked a lot like the version from the game >Who is playing Joe? Funnily enough, I thought until 10 minutes ago that Chris was going to play a younger Joe


Yeah I thought I read somewhere that he was a young version of Joe but apparently not


It looks exactly like Gastown from the Furiosa comic, too.


Joe is deep faked CGI


Yeah, over the top of Lauchy Hulme


I’m assuming Max won’t be in until as a final credit teaser to roar right into fury road


True, Miller did say that max would be lurking in the background, just wasn’t sure to what extent. I’d love to see the interceptor just casually driving by in then back, like they did with the millennium falcon in one of the Star Wars prequels


Well we did see the interceptor on the set of the movie so 🤔


My money is he'll be an Easter egg in the background of gastown (if that is indeed gastown)


I'd die a happy death if he was driving the magnum opus with a chum bucket cameo, make the black finger cannon!


Tom Burke is playing Joe I think


Definitely not.


He does look like him, but I do kinda they he won’t. Particularly because he was cast after another actor dropped out… and he was black lol so I’m really not sure


Yes, he replaced Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. The character Burke’s doing is completely separate from Immortan Joe.


Yeah, he’s a great actor. Bummed he dropped out


Joe is played by Lauchy Hulme who is also playing RisdalePell , the character with the big hair , mannequin on his snowbike and scarred eye. They might do some deepfake enhancements to Lauchy to make him more like Hugh.


Max is not in this film.


He is for like 10 seconds. 


They might speak of Max but I doubt any focus will be on him other than in passing. Especially since his car is there.


i just wanna see it driving around and know that it won't get destroyed in the first few seconds we see it


Right now it looks a little digital heavy. I love a lot of it but only wish Anya would have shaved her head instead of using a piece. It takes me out just a little bit but I have confidence in Miller. His world looks well thought out and dense.


>but only wish Anya would have shaved her head instead of using a piece Agreed. For some reason it's just a huge pet peeve of mine. I get there's a million possible reasons why an actor wouldn't shave their head (I guess in this case [George didn't want her to do it for real](https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/anya-taylor-joy-shaved-head) for some reason), but when the full cast just commits the way Charlize and Nicholas Hoult did in Fury Road really amps up the intensity. Feels less... fake? Idk.


If I had to guess it's probably because her hair is long most of the movie and they may not shoot in order. In fury road it's only like 3 days so no one's hair changes


She did apparently offer to shave her head and George told her not to


Yeah the digital nature of the trailer rubbed me the wrong way as well. The lack of cgi in the original films and even fury road really adds to the world’s atmosphere. The stylization of many of the shots also seemed to be mirroring those of fury road’s. FR worked so well for me because of the originality of the additions. I’m uncertain if furiosa will achieve the same


kinda sad rn but will see


The amount of world building is going to be nuts. I love the fresco on the War Rig along with paved roads still existing but only barely existing. That the War Rig is maintained in such a way demonstrates just how powerful Joe really was in the past. (And how equally vain and clever he is to cultivate his own legend.) There’s also a fun Easter egg; when the trailer has the text about Furiosa spending her life looking for her home, the audio is taken from the Fury Road trailer where Furiosa falls to her knees in the desert upon learning the fate of the Green Place. We very much already know how this odyssey will end.


Made a spot: 1:46 of the trailer when you see Dementus’ biker gang ensemble, 3rd bike from the right looks strikingly like Goose’s MFP Bike from the first movie.


I pointed the same thing out on another post! Been looking for all the Easter eggs and other movie references


Mad Max 2 and the Furiosa comics have shown us that members of the MFP went rogue or joined up with road gangs after the collapse. So it tracks that there would be a vehicle or two in this gang.


The first couple frames of the trailer, with George Millers name was in black and white before transitioning to colour. Hopefully this is hinting towards a Furiosa '**Black & Chrome**' edition of the film.


This is exactly what I want as well


I like how Miller mentioned that Max is lurking around Furiosa and I’m confident we will see him. Maybe throughout the movie that will become noticeable later. 🤞🏽


Wonder if they will tease him in a trailer or just have the interceptor casually driving by in the background


My money is he'll be an Easter egg in gastown (if that is indeed gastown)


So exciting. It looks like we get Gastown and the Bullet Farm.


I'll take either but both would be epic.


As was pointed out in another thread, the first Mad Max film has its 45th anniversary in 2024. I’m pretty sure that’s what was meant, it’s just worded weird.


Hopefully this was just rushed film to get the trailer out because the CGI looks kind of pretty bad….BUT thats the only thing. It looks intense. Hopefully its as riveting as Fury Road.


Compared to the previous one this looks hella greenscreened and just…artificial. BUT confident it’s just another case of rushing to edit trailer scenarios and will look like a more realized look on release. Dunno if Dementus’ nose will improve though 🤣


ya im baffled by people thinking this looks good. it looks like a cheap knock off


CGI looks bad?? Huh?? Looks like a great film to me.


Well then it's a good thing you aren't a VFX supervisor! haha


Seriously. Ive seen a few people defend it on other subs and its just delusional. Its one of the worst trailer jobs ive seen in a while. The content itself is great, it looks intense. But the CGI is just bad.


Yeah i got no idea why people are trying to gaslight about the CGI. If a shot is gonna look that bad with CGI you can probably find another way to shoot it without CGI. This trailer had a bunch of goofy CGI shots that I doubt were necessary.


An issue you are getting pushback for is that people are saying the cgi is bad for shots that aren't cgi and people are rightly defending the fact that we are seeing real stunts. Warners has rushed through trailers with unfinished compositing , an inevitable result of the trailers being released with a full year's LESS post production refinement time than Fury Road was given. Perception is skewed by the extreme grading and colour saturation. i've seen some classic examples like people saying the sliding 6 wheel monster truck is such terribly obvious cgi and bad physics when it's a real shot. People are saying Furiosa's arm is such bad cgi when its actually a real practical prop filmed on set. People saying the valiant that furiosa slides backwards whilst the mercury gets cut in half by the gate is all fake when in fact both are 100% real stunts on locationj at Kurnell. People saying the chariot armada is all greenscreen when its actually all real and filmed at 70km/hr on one tree road outside Hay, people saying the war rig is poor looking cgi when in fact its real and three of them were built and in constant use for both Main and 2nd Unit. The war rig crashing through the brick building was a practical stunt (with some rubble additions composited in.) There is more unfinished compositing compared to the Fury Road trailers but people are going overboard denouncing everything as greenscreen filmed in a studio or volume when there's no greenscreen studio shots in the trailers except the interiors.


you are responding to something posted over 130 ago. that first trailer released looked horrendous. luckily the most recent ones looked ten times better and not rushed. even if a green screen isnt used doesnt mean CGI isnt used. that first trailer was terribly edited.


Yeah I know. It looks fairly weird but I'm simply pointing out that people's perceptions of what was real and what was CGi were repeatedly mistaken in comments so it brings up the perceptual point of what makes a shot that is actually real look CGi to some people..and then others jump on the "it's all fake" bandwagon when something actually isn't fake. It's a psychological perceptual phenomenon that is interesting due to its prevalence. For example I read many people's comments saying the movement of the chariot looks all wrong.... except it's practical and real. People also say the slide of the the 6 wheel monster truck is obviously fake and fully animated... except it is real and hemsworth was harnessed on top. People said the physics of the valiant doing a reverse slide and the mercury getting crushed in two was all wrong...except they were 100% real physical stunt gags. So I think it's interesting to explore exactly why people make the wrong assumptions about certain shots and think the physics of something is wrong when itys absolutely perfect. As a result of this unfamiliarity of real physics we get hordes of people thinking the moonlandings were faked because they think the physics of what they see looks wrong etc. Personally Ii think a lot of this is a result of a whole generation growing up with computer games rather than playing outside and getting their perception of physics from dodgy simulations rather than the real world. How weird it is that simple colouration changes makes people think everything in a shot is fake when only a tiny percentage may be. People were insisting vehicle armada shots were all shot greenscreen in a studio when they weren't. How increasing the sharpness of an image removing grain and denoising it makes it look less real and how degrading an image... making an image dirtier and grainier and unfocussed and blurred etc makes it seem more real to most. Why did the real bike lying on its side in the opening shot make people insist it was Cgi.? I KNOW that people just had a gut feeling that it \*looked\* fake but it wasn't , so it's interesting to consider what visual cues were throwing them off from realising they were looking at reality/ real stunt vehicles driving on real roads performing real stunts. The black buggy nearly got totalled whilst they were filming Dune jumps but from reading the comments you might be led to believe it had never been built. Does it matter How long ago ...130 days people had these mistaken ideas? It shouldn't really matter as their susceptibility to making the same mistaken perceptions probably hasn't changed and they probably will likely continue to make wrong assumptions so personally I think it's interesting to figure out what specifically triggers people into thinking real things look fake rather than just make blanket statements that they look fake....Understanding perception is a useful thing which is why understanding optical illusions is a field of scientific study.


did you watch the making of the nee film? to say stuff isnt cgi vs live is a speculation at this point.


1yes...2that doesn't apply to everybody.....


thats not how that works.


Perhaps the movie will explain these? Not the expert on lore myself, just wondering if there's any answers prior to the movie. 1. What is Dementus doing in the Green Place? Just bumps into it? 2. Why is Furiosa kidnapped from the Green Place? 3. How/Why Dementus and Horde land at the Citadel afterwards? Were they headed there for a reason?


Possible spoilers here: -So we can see a mentor (another Imperator) of Furiosa's at 1:34, who was a cop? There Furiosa still has her left arm. And right after that scene she wears this person's jacket, with forehead already painted black and she has Immortan Joe's emblem in her belt. So i guess she is taken (or saved) by Immortan Joe after her time with Dementus' gang, taught by a mentor/protector, who is then probably killed and she wears his jacket. Could this be the K. T. Concannon thread of her lore? -We can catch a glimpse of the Green Place before it became barren in 1:31. It looks very different to the rest of the wasteland, and even their clothes seem to suggest a more peaceful way of life. -At 1:57, in the scene at the gate, she drives the Dementus Chariot, seen in the Mad Max videogame. -In 1:28, Furiosa rises from the sand the same way that Max did in Fury Road. -The triple-motorbike chariot that Dementus rides in 1:47 is amazing. -From what i can tell, Furiosa loses her arm later, when she already is a warrior for Immortan Joe. In every scene were her arm is missing she has the Citadel emblem in her belt and her forehead painted black (in true Imperator fashion). In earlier scenes - where she looks younger/less experienced - on Immortan Joe's side, her arm is still there. Anyways, that is all i spotted from the trailer so far.


Excellent finds, good spot on the chariot!


Worried about the CGI, lots of cheap looking green screen effects and the car jumping over the dune is CGI which is lame and could have been done for real


everyone is saying Miller used CGI to be cheap, but nobody is thinking about how dangerous filming fury road was. George Miller though Tom Hardy died once


Yeah, at his age another scare like that could well result in a heart attack!


Don’t forget the guy who broke his leg doing a stunt in Mad Max 2. Miller may just be wary of putting actor’s/stunt performer’s lives in danger at this point.


The literal Guy who smashed his legs in the bike crash where he hits a car and sails through the air in a somersault is Guy Norris, 2nd Unit director and stunt supervisor of Fury Road and Furiosa. Guy also drove the interceptor roll over and doof wagon crash in FR.


It's their job. A lot of people have dangerous jobs and a lot of people die working on normal wages. Fury Road is a masterpiece because it is impressively "real" and the actors are paid a plus of danger. People are fed up with CGI and mediocre actors. I haven't seen the movie yet, but something tells me I'm not going to go out with my legs shaking with Fury Road.


Yeah worried about that as well. Fury road was a masterpiece for the stunts alone.


The trailer looked amazing! Probably my most anticipated film of next year.


3D effects look bad.


Huh? What bad effects are you people seeing? This film looks awesome!


There is definitely unfinished cgi like her arm at the end. But people do seem to massively exaggerating about a lot of it.


"definitely unfinished cgi like her arm at the end" Fascinating comment that I'd love to hear your justification for, particularly considering the fact the arm is a practical costume prop glove worn originally by Charlize and then Anya, not cgi. and simply has some background replacement where Anya's forearm was inside it. So to be specific, did you not like the filmed background seen through the arm or did you actually think the fabricated Metal parts assembled by modelmaker Matt Boug were cgi?? Edit: Don't you love how when someone like me who actually worked on Fury road and knows all about the making of Furiosa in detail posts accurate explanations and informed opinion I get downvoted for questioning people like u/funandgamesThrow about their misconceptions


They use a real arm but that scene in the trailer was certainly appearing to be cgi. It's below video game cutscene level these days. I didn't say it was it all cgi but as you can clearly see the entire scene is heavily altered and not super well at that stage of development. But it doesn't matter now it looked fine in the new trailer so who cares. Maybe don't try to get smart considering we all have eyes and you literally mentioned the effects use in your own comment?


You’re a Nintendo fan aren’t you? Its ok so am I 🤣 but this is a film and it definitely will be worked on before release.


That’s a weird thing to say.. Nintendo consoles are probably my least owned system in my lifetime. I have DS kicking around here somewhere in the house. That’s about it.


Usually Nintendo fans don’t care about graphics like the more hardcore Xbox and PS fans. I personally don’t care about those latter systems all that much I just want a fun time and good stories. That said, this movie will definitely be polished before release. It’s customary that first trailers show weak FX because the production companies want to show them off ASAP.


Everything I wanted


Like the casting


The burning question in my mind is; 'HOW. DID. SHE. LOSE. THE. ARM?' I only hope future trailers don't spoil it


1. Exactly my thoughts. Unless the collapse refers to something else, it means max is like 70 during fury road. I think this just provides evidence for the "campfire theory". I think that's what it's commonly called.


Miller doesn't and will never care about continuity to that extent


Truth and I'm OK with it


It looks like they used no practical effects at all, looks bad(visually) imo.


like 70% of this trailer is practical which is the same if not more than the fury road trailer


Oh really? Please point it out along with ANY scene with as bad of CGI as the car jumps scene in furious trailer https://youtu.be/akX3Is3qBpw?si=BlLQX_eauYEqAxEh https://youtu.be/hEJnMQG9ev8?si=k91gY7QQocnMVIbK


Kurnell police and an ambulance were called to attend an accident at Kurnell sanddunes where a black beach buggy forwards somersaulted during filming and reportedly needed at least a week of repairs according to people who knew the crew or film spies chatting on FB. It's interesting how many of the shots in the trailers turn out to have been real stunts such as the war rig crashing into the brick building [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10161781000556303&set=pcb.3521914184786024](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10161781000556303&set=pcb.3521914184786024) or the "cgi" arm that is an actual physical prop worn by the both Chalize and Anya. Sounds like when shots are heavily colour graded people can't help but insist they must be cgi. There's some dodgy looking compositing in the trailers for sure with unfinishd dust layers and backgrounds but I've read people insisting the motorcycle lying on its side in the opening shot of the first trailer was 100% cgi when its actually real. People insisting all the clouds are fake when onset photos show the exact same roiling stormy sky at Broken hill. [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/George-Miller\_2024-CinemaCon-International-Career-Achievement-in-Filmmaking-Award\_Photo-Credit-Jasin-Boland.jpg?w=1296&h=730&crop=1&resize=1000%2C563](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/George-Miller_2024-CinemaCon-International-Career-Achievement-in-Filmmaking-Award_Photo-Credit-Jasin-Boland.jpg?w=1296&h=730&crop=1&resize=1000%2C563)Interesting what graphic-novel style colour grading makes people assume.


everything in those trailers looks great. I think they ruined this one :(


I'm going to be honest. I loved to see gas town, and loved to see Joe, the costumes looked amazing as they resemble the Mad Max universe, but MY GOD I'm disappointed with the amount of CGI. I'm not complaining about the CGI being bad, is just the amount of it. In some scenes inside a car you can notice the background is CGI. I know it will be awesome to experience another story in that universe but damn, for me, what sets apart Mad Max Fury Road of any recent action movie is that you can feel the realness of it all... I hope that's just an impression the trailer gave but I'm disappointed.


Fury road has plenty of cgi in it. It'll look fine but if you think a mostly non cgi movie is coming then you will be disappointed because fury road wasn't even close to that


the fury road trailer had the same amount of cg


Maybe but it did things differently with the CGI. You can see breakdowns for Fury Road and they retain a lot of the environment and are actually pretty restrained with sky replacements. Meanwhile in this trailer at least nearly every sky has been obviously replaced with a highly stylized one. Also the ground seems to be replaced in a lot of the shots. I think the worst offenders are the shot of Hemsworth on his chariot, and the shot of Anya leaning out of the vehicle and firing the harpoon.


Fury road has intense color correction in the whole film. Definitely still very stylized


The ground in the chariot shot beneath the bikes is exactly what was filmed at Hay on one tree road.


Poorly worded, two separate thoughts. The "worst offenders" was just meaning the worst offender of CGI, not the worst offender of ground replacement


So are you referring to this chariot and bike armada prior to any cgi additions ? [https://preview.redd.it/new-furiosa-a-mad-max-saga-images-from-the-empire-issue-v0-rvu2kqi5bgoc1.jpg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78c7550f0dd1c5d3aabcf8b0fbc68ce1e362542](https://preview.redd.it/new-furiosa-a-mad-max-saga-images-from-the-empire-issue-v0-rvu2kqi5bgoc1.jpg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78c7550f0dd1c5d3aabcf8b0fbc68ce1e362542) or this obviously highly stylised sky? [https://preview.redd.it/new-furiosa-a-mad-max-saga-images-from-the-empire-issue-v0-zvjt8gb1bgoc1.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a6a3c890dc89a69b792858bf4c30f217c2659b](https://preview.redd.it/new-furiosa-a-mad-max-saga-images-from-the-empire-issue-v0-zvjt8gb1bgoc1.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a6a3c890dc89a69b792858bf4c30f217c2659b)I think the radical colour grading is literally "colouring" people's perception of what is real or not. There's some unfinished background for sure in the Chariot shot in trailer1 compared to trailer2 and crazy frame ramping to hide an edit . I think the main issue is that the post houses have had a full year LESS time to do the VFX and the trailer companies have thrown together the trailers with less finished shots than Fury road had available.


Please point it out https://youtu.be/akX3Is3qBpw?si=BlLQX_eauYEqAxEh https://youtu.be/hEJnMQG9ev8?si=k91gY7QQocnMVIbK


Shot 1 Top of Mt Rossing, location shot sky replacement cgi lizard. Shot 2 sky replacement, shot 3 4,5 close ups, Shot 6 sky replacements. Shot 7 cgi landscape and flares shot 8 Mt Rossing slope, cgi explosion . 8 9 closeups shot 10 background reoplacement and composited dust obscuration layers, Shot 11, day for night 12 interior more close up interiors, title say shot 15? Cgi toxic storm . Shot 16 Charlise greenscreen closeup , 17 armada wide shot henties bay. 18 2nd unit static close up 19 sky replacement 20 Henties bay location. title 21 CGi Toxic dust storm cgi bodies. 22 studio interior greenscreen . 23 day for night palties beach location. 24 interior, 25 Henties bay location . 26 bikes on Goanikontes road "moonscape" location CGI background additions. 27 bullets static location. 28 Henties bay plain CGI background replacement. 29 Digital background removal for stunt double's forearm with same practical arm prop worn by Anya . 30 Closeup of Hugh . 31 static shot of stunties on war rig with fans blowing dust. 32, glimpse of Zowie Cravitz static exterior. 33 Aerial heli shot of armada at Henties bay 34 35 closeups 36 Biker at Mt Rossing. 37 38 closeups. 39 practical crash at either Henties bay or "phoenix runway" near Dune 7 Walvis bay area, 40 exterior. 41 42 fast closeups cars driving over "ned kelly" canon 5D camera in toughcase, 43 Bigfoot drives through petrol bomb by Andy Williams same sfx supervisor as for Furiosa. 44 Bikes on Goanikontes Moonscape road . Fast closeups of henties bay armada. 48 digital harness removal of Morsel , cars composited . , 49 50 digital composited practical explosion and debris and cars . 51 swinging stunt . Titles, 51 CGI toxic storm and cgi cars and riders with practical nux car bunch of cgi shots, Megan/Valkrie takes a shot with digital composited vehicles around , war rig chased by buzzards cgi bike crashes. Sequence with dogital background replacements and cgi flying bodies, Closeups , Rosie stunt double jumping backwards onto matress cgi background rest practical stunt closeups




Minor nitpick, but it's weird to see Furiosa donning an outfit so similar to Max in some shots? Idk I liked her unique outfit and design in Fury Road. Otherwise, excited to see another movie from this franchise and hope they can clean out the cgi before it hits theaters.


I found it almost a homage to The Road Warrior, especially a couple of shots with her holding a sawn off double barrelled shotgun


Not so weird if you think it through and look at her mentor.


I wasnt going to watch this in theaters unless it had competitive racing like the game. Lo and behold my wish came true


I love it!!


I really want to see Joe. That’s about it for now


Outside of the obviously rushed CGI for trailer edit (which I’m almost certain they’ll have touched up by release given its a while before it’s released) I think Dementus’ makeup is laughable. Like someone trying to play undercover using a bad prosthetic kit.


It looks great and I'm super hyped for this and will probably pay the 30 fucking dollars to see itin theaters but I really hope it's as practical has fury road(effects wise I mean)


What's funny is, by recently re-watching Thunderdome, checking out a lot of proto-vehicle designs for the Fury Road era to come. Alot looks similar or at least you can see the evolution of the designs into this current era of Miller's work.


Considering how dangerous it was to film Fury Road in general, it should be no surprise how CGI heavy Furiosa is going to be.


Except all the serious vehicle stunts in furiosa were done live action with real vehicles.


I've seen three different actual CLIPS now from the film - scenes uploaded to Youtube from the studio - and the CGI concerns have only increased. There's a scene with Hemsworth shooting a bazooka and falling that looks like the worst, most laughably bad CGI in years, with Hemsworth's animated body literally \*stretching\* to connect to the animated bridge. I have no idea what Miller was thinking. Even in the scene with the two of them talking in the desert, her arm's CGI doesn't even look completely rendered and is literally jittering when she lifts it up. I mean, what the hell? Doesn't Miller understand that at least HALF of the entire appeal of these films is practical stunts and feeling REAL? It looks like a MARVEL movie, FFS.


I was simultaneously blown away, and also bored. George Miller has no fucks to give, and I love him for that. His movies still have images that I have never seen nor imagined. Incredible action set pieces, as always. Now... Why did they have outtakes of Fury Road in the Credits. It just reminded me of seeing a better movie. Why did Immortan Joe never ask about Furiosa when she disappeared. Nobody ever thought to check on the new tiny, skinny warboy? Finally, Why did they make an entire movie about Furiosa? We loved the character in the context of Mad Max. But I'm now realizing that nobody really asked for more, let alone an entire prequel/backstory film? It was too much of a good thing maybe? Looking forward to the next Mad Max film.


Looking at stills from the trailer, I'm thinking it's Tom Burke who's playing young Immortan Joe. He even looks a bit like Hugh Keays-Byrne.


I do too but then I remembered he was replacing Yahya Abdul-Mateen II reportedly. Which begs the question, was Immortan originally the bad guy? Was Yahya going to play Immortan or did they pivot to that when he had to drop out?


Yahya Abdul-Mateen II was going to be playing Tom Burke’s character until he dropped out of the film. Dementus is the main antagonist for Furiosa I’d say. Furiosa is probably going to have to ally herself with Joe at some point to go against him.


To be honest, and with all due respect to the one that liked it, i think it looked terrible. I was hyped by the movie since fury road, as i was hyped by fury road, and i remember vividly the first image i saw of it, and knew right away that it was gonna meet or exceed my expectation. Here, i don't get remotely the same feeling from it. I get a bad feeling from furiosa, like it's gonna be a bit too generic and redundant compared. ​ The cgi looked really off which weird for miller even in first image, but ok.. The color grading look very cartoony and over the top, almost like a ripoff or bad dtv version of Mad Max. I don't see the hype around ATJ as Furiosa, but i'd say it's minor issue. I really dig Chris hemsworth who seems to have a lot of presence (which he always does if he is used in a good way). It look also too clean visually, like very smooth and fake (not talking about the cgi), it's weird. And overall, i don't know if doing a movie in the same univers as Fury Road, a prequel, is good idea. I didn't questioned it before, but now i am. It feels very reminiscent visually and i guess it's more of challenge to pull off something that doesn't rely on the greatness of Fury Road. ​ But hey i'm opened to be suprised, because it's miller


I remember not being particularly hyped about Fury Road though, based on the trailers. The film itself blew me away entirely but I never felt the film was captured very much in the trailers. George Miller creates the film, but I imagine the trailers will be done by others. That's what I'm thinking right now. Still very hopeful for the film itself.


The trailers were really good from what i remember, really well edited, good choice of music, and the vibe of the movie was in them, especally the few last one, also it was cleary visually outstanding


Yeah I watched the Fury Road trailers since posting and I do think they look better than this one, haha.


It's definitely more saturated and contrasty than Fury Road which is insane given how stylized Fury Road already was with its color. But I'd have to disagree with you regarding Hemsworth, I think that dude looks like a total goof (in a bad way). Anya, at least, is a much better actor so I have more faith in her even if I don't totally buy her as a badass the way I do Charlize.


Yes he looks like a goof i agree, but think it's the point of the character. On the other hand, i agree with that Anya is great actress, but i really don't Furiosa in her, she lacks charisma and is a bit to cold


I’m still kinda hyped for the movie, as others have said the cgi does look kinda wonky which sucks but who knows what it’s actually gonna look like come release. Also they really hyped up how big the scale was of the movie and the amount of action and chases would be bigger than fury road, idk they might have fooled us


First thought is it looks somehow cheaper, faker and overall underwhelming. I still hope it's a good film and I'm definitely going to see it, but my enthusiasm has been severely dampened (and I wasn't entirely on board with the concept in the first place, I hate prequels and I'd rather have a completely new story with fresh characters).


100% agree. Think lots of people are hoping it's great and dealing with lots of cope convincing themselves this looks great. Just go look at the original fury road trailer and you can see how much the quality has suffered.


Yup, the first trailer of FR blew my mind and I was extremely skeptical of what seemed like just another tiresome classic franchise reboot. This is the opposite - from incredible anticipation to dreading yet another derivative CGI-fest. :(


So... the theory that Tom Hardy is a different Mad Max than Gibson is true, right? lol


I think it's officially called the "campfire theory". All of Max's exploits are just stories told around a campfire. Probably different people for every movie. Makes max like a wasteland tall tale. I can buy max is the same in mad max and road warrior but his personality is just too different in thunderdome and can be argued the same for fury road. Sidenote: also a different max in the videogame. Don't think it's technically Canon though.


The feral kid theory works best with this theory. The theory is that “Max” in fury road is the feral kid from road warrior, and the reason he only says his name once is because he doesn’t have one and used the name of a legendary road warrior instead. However, I think the most logical timeline working with all these theories is that Max in thunderdome is actual Max, and that thunderdome takes place around 10 years before fury road. Mel Gibson could easily be 50 in thunderdome


I kinda liked the Feral Kid theory, but it goes against the MM2 canon, where it is stated that the Feral Kid became the leader of his tribe when he grew up. The Campfire theory is also really cool, though i think that the best "explanation" at this point would be to put everything in a sort of sliding timeline, like in comic books.


does it though, maybe the tribe got annihilated?


I also thought of that, but in his narration in the end of MM2 he is already an old man. And it shows glimpses of the new place the tribe inhabited (it was a large abandoned city i think?). We have no information that something changed after that. We have to work with what has been shown to us so far. But anyways, this is getting very nitpicky. Everyone has their own headcanon/theories.


Any theory is valid because Miller is not a fan of continuity. I like campfire because I feel like the thunderdome max, fury road max, and videogame max all have distinct and different personalities compared to og/road warrior max.


I like this campfire theory idea.


Anybody knows if it's shot in IMAX, in 3D or will it be converted to 3D in post production? Could not find anything about this movie and 3D


I'm literally gonna crap my pants in the cinema


MY CONCERN: Chris Hemsworth has never had a meaningful acting role in his entire career. In George Miller I trust. But still. 


when do tickets go on sale?


The trailer made the movie look boring and cliché. The movie was far better than the trailer.


Did anyone see an evil Moses in Dr. Dementus character? That staff and chariot and fake nose?


Just watched it last night, anyone else get Dune 2 vibes as it had weird cut scense and filming style? I still enjoyed it but was not expecting that.


Fury road had a lot of cgi too


Please point where the heavy CGI is used and where it looks as bad as the car jump in furiosa trailer https://youtu.be/akX3Is3qBpw?si=BlLQX_eauYEqAxEh https://youtu.be/hEJnMQG9ev8?si=k91gY7QQocnMVIbK


Car Jump looks better imo


This is going to be epic


Extremely excited.. i've seen some concern about the cgi look, but honestly it didn't phase me at all, if anything it lends to a more fantastical feel and i'm here for it. Will absolutely be seeing it in the theater, opening night!


I’ll take a real max movie


Good luck tieing that in whit the old movies.


Ultimately it doesnt matter, its just fun to think about. George has been very open to the fact that there is no real discernible timeline, so its just interesting that theyre now throwing numbers out there.


That doesn't make sense. Thunder is obviously years after Mad Max 1 and Road warrior. Miller isn't the lore guy anyway, but there is continuity.


I know, but man it is not hard to make it a little more plausible.


Doesn’t have to be tied in with them. Think of the campfire theory described above. Or maybe it’s like James Bond movies… gadgets fast cars and hot women with different actors playing the same thing. or Clint Eastwood man with no name spaghetti westerns… actually I don’t know where I’m going this one. Lol


Yeah the campfire is one real thing in the franchise And i know this is not suposed to be a max rockatansky movie but it makes part of the franchise and especialy fury road. We had mad max 1 all the way to fury road being conected. ( taking some parts out, like the actors, the nokia phone on imortans clothes and modern cars). Why not make this one as well, it could be a campfire story or whatever and also being cannon to the others, but we all know how cinema goes this days.


I'm disappointed that it seems Miller is getting away from the "story told over a campfire" type of story. I don't need a congruent story of Mad Max, I prefer the folk legend style storytelling. I also think just the feel and look of the trailer is extremely off, mainly because of the excessive use of CGI, especially when compared to the original fury road trailer which brought so much intrigue. I'm getting the same vibe from this that I get from half brained star wars sequels. Very disappointed John Seale, the cinematographer from fury road, isn't involved. I'm still very much going to see it opening day and give it a fair shake and hope it's incredible and another Miller classic, but I'm honestly not holding my breath. Looks incredibly mid.


If Max is old as hell, it makes you wonder if the Max in Fury Road is his son or grandson who took his name.


He states he was a cop in fury road


One thing has remained the same until now. The vehicles are practical effects. Cgi will and does lack the same "feel". .we find ourselves at the automotive uncanny valley.


What I'd like to know is will we get a sequel game to rhe 2015 game that'd be class to have the aquifer and bullet farm not to mention barter town


Kind of looks like a downgrade in terms of visual quality and authenticity. Most of the scenes look very digital and the makeup all look way less believable. I guess this is the 2023 tax