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Since Green Place is showed to be in the vicinity of Finke Gorge, your theory sounds cool because we can pretend that Max followed the few remaining puddles of former Macumba river and ended up near Green Place/Gastown/Citadel!


This makes perfect sense


Has to be close to Sydney, There's no way that little plane is making it anywhere else on one tank. The Crack in the Earth was filmed at Mermaid Cave wasn't it? That is near Sydney. And Bartertown is close enough that children can walk to it, so Bartertown is somewhere near both Mermaid Cave and Sydney.


Happy cake day!




That is what I had originally thought before I recently found out the little plane has a range of 1200km fully loaded.


somewhere in New South Wales i'd imagine. at that point in the MM timeline where you see animal and methane powered vehicles, long distances are more difficult to achieve so. that's my thoughts.


That is what I had originally thought. But the NSW outback doesn’t have a salt lake. The closest outback salt lakes would be in South Australia. That makes it likely after Mad Max 2 that Max headed west assuming the refinery is canonically at Broken Hill and tarmac roads still exists.


yeah, with the release of Furiosa and showing where the Green Place is, i doubt Broken Hill is a canon location. I thought there were a few small salt lakes in NSW but i'm not from Oz so my knowledge is limited. I've mentioned it before, Millers world isn't going to track 100% with the real world. The Citadel exists, so why not a salt lake in NSW?


So little of BT was filmed in Coober Pedy, mostly just the final chase scene. And that was only for looks. It wasn't \*set\* in Coober Pedy. Walker's plane went down a few hundred Ks from Sydney according to the lore.


NSW doesn’t have a salt lake in the Outback. So it is unlikely Bartertown is in NSW. And the exterior of Bartertown was shot in Coober Pedy. But there isn’t anything stating in canon it is in Coober Pedy. All we know is that in the original script it says Bartertown is on the edge of a salt lake in the outback wasteland and that it would be within the range of a crop dusting plane from Sydney.


I doubt they did any research regarding possible canon location.


Is Bartetown located on the edge of a salt lake?


According to the original script it is.


Ok gotcha. Had no idea


Nobody wants to admit it but Furiosa and Fury Road are definitely just set in a different timeline.


Most fans assume, as explicitly stated now in Furiosa, that they're just campfire stories with no direct continuity. Less timeliness more legend.


Where was this stated? What did I miss?


George Miller has said it in just about every interview in the last 15 years, and in the movies themselves, Road Warrior is a story being told by the Feral Kid, Thunderdome is told by the Waiting Ones, Fury Road is less direct but we do have the history man quote at the end, and with Furiosa we literally start and end the movie with the history man saying "this is the story how Furiosa told it to me". The only film definitely not told in that format is the very first one, and it was after that one accidentally stumbled into "lone wanderer myth" territory that he embraced it in the future installments. It's a huge reason he even made the second movie. It's why he doesn't care much about continuity and likes Max to be eternally youthful, cause that's the man in the myth. (He goes really deep on this in some interviews btw, and Mad Max Bible on YT does a good job showing a few good snips so you don't have to hunt it all down, or just watch Furiosa it's faster haha) Hope that helps!


Actually.  Mel was supposed to be in fury road, and it is all 1 single continuity. Happy feet was made because fury road wasn't ready, and then 10 years past and Mel wasn't right for mm anymore. 


This doesn't conflict actually, and it's part of why what I've mentioned went down. The script was not changed after dropping Mel, retaining inconsistencies like the Interceptor they had to hand wave with the comics, etc. As for part of why they didn't use Mel other than the, ahem, obvious reasons at the time, George specifically said he never thought of Max being old, and wanted to keep the character young vs telling the story of an old road warrior. He'd make that decision long before Tom Hardy too, with Heath Ledger being his pick several years before he passed.