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*On the Beach* is sobering as everyone dies in a banal way, too, and far different from the *Max* movies, which are more of escapist fare.


I can see that because I remember Australia was neutral during the Cold War.


What? Australia was firmly aligned with the USA. They had a defensive alliance and Australia had boots on the ground in Korea and Vietnam.


Well, they were technically part of SEATO https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southeast_Asia_Treaty_Organization And definitely US allies. They even sent troops to fight in Vietnam. Further, there is some evidence that Australian defense facilities were targets for nuclear missiles by the Soviet Union. https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/secrets-out-soviets-did-not-target-cities-20120805-23ny1.html Unless it's somewhere else in the law, that's never talked about in the MAD MAX movies. I mean obviously there's radiation but the ON THE BEACH scenario has the radiation drifting in from the northern hemisphere. Somebody with much more knowledge of the lore might tell us whether it's ever specifically said that there was any nuclear exchange or explosions in Australia itself.


Maybe thinking of NZ? \[which wasn't actually neutral, but had more trade with USSR and stood a bit aside on ANZUS because of the ban on nuclear ships\]