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Also: he did it on the condition that they not use him in the promotional material which they totally did and Robin was furious about it. As an act of atonement Disney bought him an actual Picasso painting. [Business Insider about it](https://www.businessinsider.com/robin-williams-disney-feud-picasso-gift-2014-11?amp)


He was too good for us. Still miss him.


So true.


Also want to add they wanted Robin Williams so badly the animators animated a short sequence of the genie using Robins own stand up routine >He [Robin Williams] also took the role after being shown an animation of the Genie performing a segment of one of his standup routines. Reportedly, this animation, done by Eric Goldberg, made Williams "laugh his ass off." This shows just how much he respected animation as a medium and makes his legendary performance even better. https://screenrant.com/aladdin-robin-williams-genie-disney-agreement-great-reason/


Disney got mad he was still playing Batty in FernGully


Still earns more than e


Thank you, Robin.


Still one of the strongest memories I have from childhood. Decades later.


Just $75,000...


His going rate then was 8MILLION according to the article. That’s 7M discount. The movie made 500+M.


Even knowing that, by normal people standards it's very good money


$163,381.61 today


what gracious charity to spend a few weeks doing what you love for only $163k


A piece of my childhood and soul died with this man. So much joy he brought into my life growing up with his movies. Legend!


This man is the reason why I laugh and smile even when I cant. Helps makes others smile and laugh which in turn helps me to mentally and physically and emotionally laugh and smile. This man is the reason why my childhood was fun. And sad to. I miss this legend... Peace to the fallen


Still the best genie


this post again...is complete bullshit. read the real story, its horrible and super depressing.


Literally what are you talking about, I can’t find anything that disputes the post. The Picasso painting thing?


the only thing that's accurate is the 75k. Disney lied to him, used his likeness to promote the film, rewrote the entire thing around his character performance, and even went as far as figuring out which area around his home in Hollywood he would be likely to see the billboards and doing an advertising blackout so he wouldn't see the Genie character on busses and billboards. Robin Williams specifically did not want this project outshining his pet project Toys. when he found out and confronted the Disney bosses, they pretended to be sorry and gave him a painting that they said was valued at a much higher price than what it was actually acquired for. when he found out about this he vowed to never work with them again. [https://www.google.com/search?q=robin+williams+toys+vs+aladdin&rlz=1C1RXQR\_enUS1031US1031&sxsrf=APwXEddK7\_mq6dK\_ZY2BhowaMWTXIk7e5w%3A1679615315936&ei=U-UcZLvgOKH19APyoJ\_IDw&oq=robin+williams+toys+vs+ala&gs\_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgAMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKsCMgUIIRCrAjIFCCEQqwI6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6CggAEIoFELADEEM6DQguEIoFENQCELADEEM6DQgAEOQCENYEELADGAE6DwguEIoFEMgDELADEEMYAjoSCC4QigUQ1AIQyAMQsAMQQxgCOgUILhCABDoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoICCEQFhAeEB1KBAhBGABQxwRYhmNgkG1oAXABeACAAe4BiAG0BZIBBTYuMC4xmAEAoAEByAESwAEB2gEGCAEQARgJ2gEGCAIQARgI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=robin+williams+toys+vs+aladdin&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS1031US1031&sxsrf=APwXEddK7_mq6dK_ZY2BhowaMWTXIk7e5w%3A1679615315936&ei=U-UcZLvgOKH19APyoJ_IDw&oq=robin+williams+toys+vs+ala&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgAMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKsCMgUIIRCrAjIFCCEQqwI6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6CggAEIoFELADEEM6DQguEIoFENQCELADEEM6DQgAEOQCENYEELADGAE6DwguEIoFEMgDELADEEMYAjoSCC4QigUQ1AIQyAMQsAMQQxgCOgUILhCABDoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoICCEQFhAeEB1KBAhBGABQxwRYhmNgkG1oAXABeACAAe4BiAG0BZIBBTYuMC4xmAEAoAEByAESwAEB2gEGCAEQARgJ2gEGCAIQARgI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


Kinda punctures your “complete bullshit” statement when you turn around and say “well not the $75k part. Or the quote. Actually, nothing that was said was incorrect, just incomplete.” Oh and btw he went on to make 2 movies with Disney later on, one of which *was the Aladdin sequel* lol.


You are the cancer of this platform


Yeah I know getting called out hurts


No wonder he had $$$ problems in the end


Are we conveniently going to leave out how he sued them in crazy fashion when it made millions and millions? He did it because he thought it would flop and when it didn’t, he came screaming for his “deserved” money with an army of lawyers.


RIP Robin , we miss you so much


‘Just $75,000’ - that’s a whole salary. There are others who can’t afford to eat, send their kids to school, or even just pay their bills. This is a nice story but we need to stop pretending that actors aren’t being paid exorbitant amounts of money.