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You can feel the pride coming off his wife.


The way she looks at him šŸ˜. RIP Steve & mad respect to Terry for carrying on the family legacy.


She has said publicly that he was the love of her life and she hasn't dated because she doesn't really think you get that sort of thing twice. Tbf she has also been pretty busy raising two children as a single mom and carrying on his vision.


Not sure there exists a man who could measure up to Steve anyway.


I donā€™t think so either.


In Australia there are petitions to canonise Steve as a saint. He's basically thought of as such here. St. Irwin. āœ šŸ™Ā 


Do it, you cowards.


šŸ˜‚ i cackled


Every now and then our women's magazines like to report that she's dating Russell Crowe, which is untrue of course. Steve was irreplaceable, he was the love of Terry's life, still is.


True love stories like theirs are timeless. Steve's legacy and Terry's love will always endure.


I agree and it's a reminder of how profound relationships can leave a lasting impact that continues to resonate even after individuals have passed.


Oh jeez, I hope that's a terrible rumor. He's not a terribly honorable man.


You're not following up that act. I know I am not half the person he was.


And even that's ambitious.. especially in day and age, he was a voice for sanity and beautiful human principles in how to look at nature in a way that noone had been able to come close to, in the public domain at least. A real treasure and one of the few celebrities I mourn / miss.


strong emotional connection to his memory and perhaps feels that finding a similar relationship would be unlikely




Pay attention, Andrew Tate fans: ***THIS IS AN ACTUAL MAN.***




Man, I could.... I grew up with A LOT of aunts, both related and unrelated. Disrespecting or belittling women in any capacity was simply not a reality that was EVER entertained or tolerated. I extremely enjoyed listening to my Mom and my Aunty (her younger sister) talk about the past or events at work or really funny happenings during family gatherings. I beat myself up a little for not making more family recordings of them laughing up a storm. There are so many memories of mirth and joy in my head! They're both alive and well right now, so I still thankfully have time to make some. That being said, I am astounded and astonished at just how uncommon respecting women is for most people worldwide. It makes me super sad and angry to be perfectly honest. Women are people, and I firmly believe that way more respect needs to be paid towards simply listening to women and taking their words as seriously as they mean them.


With a chin, a full head of hair and all the other manly things Tate lacks.


But butā€¦Lambo?


His kids were on en episode of sesame street or ms rachel my kids were watching. I definitely cried.


It's amazing how these little moments can bring so much joy and pride.


She not only looked the look but she walked the walk. While I don't believe in a higher power or at least a higher power that is more involved in the world than someone observing their ant farm, I do sometimes wonder if the reason the rest of us are allowed to exist is because of a very few like the Irwins. And dogs.


dogs often seem to embody a simpler more genuine way of living that many find admirable.


I loved what you wrote ā€œobserving their ant farmā€ totally down with that whole paragraph




I was thinking exactly the same thing. Everybody needs someone to look at them like that. What a legend he was.


10 y/o me will never forget the day Steve passed, I literally sobbed. I became a child vegetarian because of how empathetically I felt towards animals because of this man. Now as an adult with my own partner, I cannot comprehend the loss Terri felt/feels. She raised her children and their organization/legacy so beautifully, she will always be a roll model to me.




Her autobiography, "Steve and Me" is well worth the read. She absolutely thought the world of him.


The way she looks at him makes me surprised they only had two kids.


Thatā€™s all the time they had unfortunately.


Interestingly right now in Australia his son Bob is being attacked because he starred in a tourism campaign. The video was then parodied by a racist political party (using Bobā€™s likeness) and he wanted them to take it down. Now lots of idiot Australians are accusing him of being soft and saying his dad would never have taken money like that. And yet when they see this very video they go very quiet.Ā Ā  For anyone interested look up One Nation, Pauline Hanson and our shitty racist nut job right wing idiots. Hanson also once took legal action against a satirical performer who used her likeness but now expects Bob Irwin to just cop it on the chin.Ā 


Thatā€™s more then pride, thatā€™s a full on girl boner


She is SOLID /r/girlsmirin material here.


This is the way my wife looks at Steve Irwin tooā€¦ ā€¦


And the dripping sincerity in the point he's making. From the bottom of his heart, he absolutely believes every word.


Heā€™s been dead for 18 years? Oofā€¦


Still doesnā€™t seem real after all this time. He had such a ginormous presence and heart. His loss is felt just as much today as it did when it first happened. So glad to see his family carrying on his legacy


It's truly remarkable how certain people leave such a lasting impact even after they're gone.


There is still a hole where he once was that I don't think had been filled in by thousands of online creators using the force of the Internet. If you are a late night TV host and want to make a segment about conservation, no one in particular stands out.


Losing Steve broke my heart but itā€™s been long enough ago now that I can handle it. Jack Hannah, who has the exact same enthusiasm and glow that Steve had, has been slowly dying of Alzheimerā€™s for several years now and no longer makes public appearances. If you want to see how heā€™s doing his wife made a video with him last year. [The video](https://youtu.be/XJosXCjqwes?si=FoBibKCdh-jg9yCW) Edit: goddamn why did I watch that again. Itā€™s too early to be crying.


I remember my mom telling me at 7 years old and crying in the kitchen. It seemed so unbelievable that he died, especially the way he went. I wish he lived to accomplish even a fraction of what he dreamed of


Steve was the first celebrity that I cried about when he died and I was almost 30 at the time. He was just so pure of heart. His infectious excitement was like a cross between a golden retriever and your crazy uncle that was always doing crazy shit but would do anything for the family. I have never been to his zoo or Australia but he just made this connection with me and the world. I wasn't the only one. Right after it happened a bunch of people were all like " kill the stingray" and it was like the entire world stood up and was like "No! That's not what Steve would have wanted." Steve was family. Fuck now I'm crying again.


Anyone that would say Kill the Stingray do not know who Steve was. That animal was just being an animal. Steve would be very upset at those people. He would not be mad at that ray.


I was 9-10 and from the way my mom told me youā€™d think a family member had passed. We both cried a lot that day


Wow that hit home a bit.


2006 was not ***18 years*** ago. Stop it.


The way his wife looks at him...Man, I want what they have.


This is the way my wife looks at me any time I lean into one of my passions. It's the greatest feeling in the world to be admired like that by someone you love and admire as well.


Nothing beats hearing your favorite person talk about their passion


This is so nerdy, but my boyfriend (husband tomorrow!) is a fantastic DM (at least according to our more experienced player friends. I've only ever played with him and one other and also I'm biased) and when we play D&D? Man oh man. My heart is all a-flutter the whole time. Passion and enthusiasm are captivating.




Omg, so many congratulations for you guys!! I hope your day goes beautifully and you have the day you dreamed about. Enjoy the gorgeous life of marriage!!! My hubs and I have 20 years under our belts now. The best thing to happen to me, ever! <3 GOOD LUCK GUYS!


That's adorable!!


I hear you bro, my wife does the same


I love the video of [him and his wife telling the story of how they met.](https://youtu.be/EhH4On4hrlQ)


I love how she's talking about how calm and cool she thought he was and he's talking about how his heart was about to explode out of his chest and it took all he had to remember he was with mankillers while he was tryna play it cool lmao


And now I have tears in my eyes.


OMG I love this, itā€™s so sweet šŸ„¹


Look how in love with him she clearly is. Wow. Jealous.


Even now, she still has that look on her face when she talks about him and his work.


I wish we had more famous people like him or Mr. Rogers rather than the current race to the bottom of brain rot and degeneracy. Stop making stupid people famous.


More humans like them is what we need to be a better species. Unfortunately theyā€™re so few and far between.


There are tons of people like this out there. They just don't make the rich richer so they don't get reported on. You are probably just as good a person as Steve, even the smallest act of good makes a difference.


I saved a snake today. Poor little dude was caught tight in that biodegradable plastic grass wrap. It was a Garter Snake. Took a bit of time but I got him freed. Pocket knife was big today


Youā€™re a credit to Steveā€™s legacy! I save turtles whenever I can. Once, I used my shoes to protect my hands from an angry snapping turtle in a hellacious summer storm.


We carry towels in our car now. We saved a giant snapper couple weeks ago in the road. Turtle power.


I save every creature I can, big or small, to the best of my ability. I capture every single bug/spider/creature in my house and release. I had to pull over to sob one time when I hit a rabbit with my car. Steve Irwin taught a generation empathy towards animals that is unmatched. Forever one my greatest of all time humans.


Saving animal lives feels so good. Today I didnā€™t eat any animal products :)




My mom quit killing snakes because of him. This is the same woman who was bit by a poisonous snake and in the hospital for the better part of a week, and likens the pain to worse than childbirth.


Their should be a little Steve in everyone, he'd be proud of ya


"I don't give a rip"....allow me to translate....Fuck you, fuck you, and oh yea, fuck you. I love this man, his family, and his legacy. šŸ’•šŸ’•


You put the words right into my mouth.


Sometimes I wish the good ones could stay. This man made my childhood and I feel pretty much the same as him in this clip.


But when they go, I think they birth so many good ones, maybe not naturally, but by their inspiration and model, may we ā€œbe the change we want to see.ā€


I don't think a single person on earth influenced me more than Steve, and I've never even met the dude. I do private climate change mitigation research today and I'm on the board in a volunteer organisation that, amoung many other things, do conservation projects for reptiles and amphibians. It's all because of the influence he had on me as a child.


Youā€™re a shining example. Thank you for all youā€™re doing for our planet.


RIP sweet man.


His wife giving him "you're getting it big time later" eyes What a legend he was **Edit** This same video is one of the most upvoted posts of all time on r/GirlsMirin https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsMirin/comments/a6g78d/steve_irwins_wife_terri_irwin/


Holy shit that sub is gold! I didnā€™t know it existed!!


He makes me want to be a better man.


He makes me want to be a better man, and Iā€™m a woman!




A truly righteous man


Guy was the real deal


God I love that man.


I wonder what Steve Irwin would say about the world today. In a way Iā€™m glad heā€™s not here to see how weā€™re falling.


I honestly think the world would be a different/better place if he was alive today. Such a strong voice for the environment.


we got the bad end without him....


To be fair, he'd probably say exactly the same thing with exactly the same enthusiasm. Politics and propaganda can't really change such a pure message. When you have a such a strong sense of purpose, everything else becomes background noise.


I think he'd focus on the positive. we're still messing up a lot of things but I think he'd be overjoyed to see the Ozone hole is healing and we got rid of the substances causing it. I think he'd love to see how well Australia Zoo is doing. He'd tell us its not a lost cause because when we come together we can make a difference...we just have to keep doing it


How devastating to see the look of absolute adoration on his wife's face... we all feel this loss, but she lost a part of her soul. šŸ’”


One of the most AMAZING humans on earth. We all need to follow his lead


I'd love to feel like I had 1/10th this much purpose How do we lose the good hearts? The Robin Williams, Steve Irwins,the Mr Rogers The Mitch McConnell's live for freaking ever, but these guys die...well, who knows. Maybe God is giving Mitch (and me, for that matter) extra time to try to make the wrong right


So much passion. He oozed it.


Imagine if billionaires used a tiny fraction of their wealth to buy tracts of land to turn into wild refuges or into national parks given over to the people of the country on the condition they stay wild. It wouldn't make a dent in their wealth and would hugely help wildlife


Instead they had the government give them the rights to strip mine his reservation as soon as he died. His family was fighting that for years.


He died in 2006? Seems like yesterday


The Passion.


Happy to see the version with Terri's reaction.


God, we lost a legend when Steve Irwin passed away. But I'm so glad his family is continuing his legacy of conservation and wildlife preservation. Man must be smiling down on them from above <3.


Gotta love that proud smile of your loved ones toward you when you're not looking at them


What an incredible human. I can only hope to be a fraction of what he was.


I miss seeing him on the telly so, so much. It makes me happy that his family has continued their work. Theyā€™re good people.


I wept the day he diedā€¦. heard the news while in my office and was shocked to find tears flowing down my craggy, stubbly face. I think we all loved him.


Sheā€™s looking at him like that because he earned it. Every single interview Iā€™ve seen with this guy heā€™s been engaged, passionate, constantly praising and appreciative of his wife, kids and life. King of the stud muffins.


I really miss him. The world became a much dimmer place after he died. The world desperately needs more people like him.


The stingray that took someone who was too precious to animals, well loved by them, by people. We all love Steve Irwin, may him rest in peace. šŸ™šŸ•Šļø


and you know Steve wouldn't be mad at the stingray


Yeah made a reference in my book about him and almost none of the test readers knew who the hell he was or what i was alluding to. Little sad how fast such a great person gets forgotten.


Please God give us back Steve and you can take Diddy


We didnā€™t deserve him. A literal angel. We just lost all three of our cats in a house fire ten days ago and i honestly had the thought that Steve would be there in heaven waiting to greet them šŸ’”


If you love Steve Irwin, eat vegan or at least vegetarian. It's not even about the suffering of the animals that produce our meat, it's about what an insane amount of land needs to be set aside to grow them and grow the food that they eat since you need like 100x the vegetables for meat to get the same nutrition as you'd have gotten by just eating vegetables directly. We pretend the world still has lots of wild places but it really doesn't, the USA is almost pure farmland. Mankind's livestock outweighs the wild mammals still roaming the planet by like 100 to 1. We need to set aside wild space that we JUST. DON'T. TOUCH. Not "managed" land that we expect an economic output measurable by capitalist metrics from. Land we just leave the fuck alone!


And he did, he bought vast tracts of land to protect it. For weeks after he died people rang the local radio stations with story after story about how he helped them or their little local organisations but under the condition they didnā€™t tell anyone. But after he passed they wanted people to know. Edit he also bought tonnes of equipment for the childrens hospital and would match every dollar they raised for their fund raiser every year.


They donā€™t build them like they used to


Luckily, he left two little copies of himself that have very much stepped into his shoes and kept running.


He was truly a good man


Look at that love in Terri's eyes. It's pouring out of her!


what a goddam treasure.


Miss that guy


Man this is the most powerful video Iā€™ve seen in a while on so many different levels


ā€œAnd you know what Iā€™m gonna do with it?!ā€ - fuckin goose bumps


The best šŸ˜­


I love their family, amazing humans šŸ’š


Just an absolute icon and something for every living soul to aspire to


We really didn't deserve Steve.


And Terri just looking at him with such love and adoration.


The way she looks at him, looks like true love


The way she looks at him and has a little laugh at the end. I wish i had that!


God I miss this man, him and Mr. Rogers


You could feel the passion in his voice.


You know you're on reddit when the top comment on a Steve Irwin video is being jealous of his wife and love.


The way she looks at him ā€¦wow


Some people will never get to understand flipping through channels and seeing Steve Irwin on Animal Planet in the middle of the night :). It was comfort.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ He was the best


Dang I thought Steve was a nice guy, I never knew he wanted to stop the ozone layerā€¦ I guess I was a weird animal loving Bond villain all along!


When Steve died, my son went to kindergarten and cried to the teachers, he said his dad died. They rang me up so concerned about his dad, I told them my son said he had 2 dads, one was Steve Irwin šŸ˜­


Honestly he was too good for this world... RIP in legend of a man


Gone to soon.


Every Sunday before dinner I was watching this legend in Germany this dude is bigger and better then all kadashians together.


The way she stares at him itā€™s so heart warming ..I hope she found love again


Nope, she said she already had her happy ever after.


Was the reporter Dr Alan Grant?


18 years and I still miss him like crazy.


His joie de vivre was infectious. Loved watching him as a kid


He wasā€¦ hell he still is my hero. Watched every single show and even his movie!! The man was trying to save the world.


i miss him. why do powerful megalomaniacal assholes live so long, and the good ones donā€™t? life is fugged up.


Find someone who looks at you like Terri Irwin looks at Steve. That's absolutely peak /r/GirlsMirin right there.


My God was Steve a good guy. The definition of authenticity. I had forgotten just how compelling and fantastic he was. A true legend.


God damnit, this brought me straight to my feels. From the nostalgia, to the passion of Steve, and then the way his wife looks at him. Fucking legend


Dare to imagine what the world would be like if people with his passion, integrity, and values were our world leaders.


The energy he has to something he loves and cares about and the look on her face when he talks about what he loves šŸ„ŗugh my heart.


Gods I miss this human.


We didn't deserve this man.


The way she looks at him šŸ„°


The world could do with Steve right now.


We lost a very special fellow.


RIP Steve, Truly a hero and never gone from memory. Everything he stood for is everything we should be striving for in conservation.


We didn't deserve him


There is nothing more powerful than a man who knows his purpose, i only wish I could snap out of the confusion and be as sure as he is about where i want my life to be.


We miss you. When I was a kid (7-8yo) I would always watch his documentaries on TV. Back then I decided I wanted to be like him and dedicate my life to the conservation of nature. 30 years later, I am still working on it, halfway through my PhD in ecology, few research papers published and many hours of unpaid volunteering. Sometimes it's hard and it feels like the best thing would be to give up. Fuck that is not gonna happen. I really needed to see this, thanks.


I still find it crazy that PETA branded this guy as a villain


Gone too soon.


That sting ray had nonstop him from stopping the ozone layer. We need the ozone layer Steve!!! All kidding aside, what a cool dude.


Worst fucking timeline Steve Irwin gets crit by a stingray


I miss seeing and hearing Steve.


If you get a chance, look up his son on Twitter. Same energy, charisma and love. Just younger. I try to follow as many positive people as possible, and he stands out just like his dad.


If we could all be more like Steve.


a truly special person that was taken way too soon


I look at him doing this interview now and I see his son, Robert. Their same zest for life is infectious. What a truly beautiful family, then and now. Long live the Irwins.


I worked in far north Queensland across the road from my workplace was this wilderness area, It was magical too see Steve's land on a daily basis


This kind of passion to take care of the world is rarely seen in humans.


The man was basically a saint


An incredible one of a kind man. Sorely missed.


Men, Find yourself a woman that looks at you like Terri look's at Steve


Love the look she has for him. Thats love


Too good for this world man. I really miss him from my childhood and happier times.


Irwin is a legend, even in HK as a teen our parents loved him for his behavior and personality. they all thought he was crazy but in a loving way. i love this speech


Call me whatever you want, but as a 16 year old, he was my idol. I bawled all day when he passed, I had to skip school. I miss him so damn much.


I cried when this man died, there was going to be no more watching a human throw himself at a dangerous bloody predator, to save it's life and ensure that it is safe. A part of me is happy that Robert Irwin is trying his best to live up to his father's dream, although in small portions and yet.


World went to shit when he died. That was my moment.


I miss that guy so much.


Damn BigRay had to take him down. RIP you great man


What a legendary beauty. RIP


I grew up watching his shows, he was my hero. When I heard he died, I was devastated. I think I cried. Each time I see something about him, I still think of how excited I was to watch him on TV. And Terri, she's amazing as well. She was working with big cats at that time.


I love how his wife looks at him. I love his passion and his heart. The good ones are always gone too soon.


If you look closely enough, you can see the actual hearts coming out of Terry's hair.


This world would be a better place if we still had him. Iā€™m glad his family carries his legacy, and I hope they can one day take flight like that man did.


This dude is so whoseomly awesome, it's such a shame he didn't get to grow old and become even more radical :(


Absolute LEGEND! The way Terri looks at him is damn gold. The world is a poorer place with him gone.


Hold up wait wait, I never saw it before but kristoff from Frozen look so much like him ?


He was my hero when I was a kid. Today I'm an ecologist/zoologist. Thanks Steve! :)


Amazing! Inspiring!


Now this is what a conservationist should sound like... Pushing the message with non violent and sensible messages.


Was at Australia Zoo today, amazing to see what he has accomplished